POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Will Mueller Have An 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Before Midterms?

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Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?

No Robert Mueller, very much unlike James Comey--will follow DOJ protocol of not releasing information on an investigation within 60 days before an election. That's why you haven't heard anything about the Russian investigation in a couple of weeks.

BUT--expect all holy hell to break loose right after the midterm election. 5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges didn't go away during this time. The investigation has continued during this time and never stopped.

Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.--will be a topic of conversation.

The above video is referencing an article that was confirmed under sworn testimony, by James Clapper, National intelligence director over a year ago. Trump surrorgates were being picked up in routine spying operations in conversation with Russian intelligence assets by several different foreign countries. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony--scroll down this page until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


Really a great book that will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony is this.


Very well written & hard to put down.

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Or he will just sit there with that retarded look on his face while one of his lackeys reports that they found nothing.

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POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?

Mm, don’t think so. His orifice is leaky as hell. If it happens it will likely be in a week or so. Right around when early voting starts. All I know is it better be good because anything short of Putin’s face tattooed on Trumps ass will ugly up mewlers legacy more then it already is.

It's not Mueller's office that is leaking. Redirect to another post on this thread for an explanation. Just click here.
Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")

A clue for you--:auiqs.jpg:


Yaaaaaaaawnnnnn. Yup, yup any day now for the last two years.
Lakhota said "experts" in regards to Swamp Rats and their anti-American associates like Blinky Maddow. :p

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POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Yeah, there is a question mark so it’s asks if that’s when it will happen. So if it’s going to happen, it will be very soon right before early voting. Whenever it comes out Mewler will put his spin on it and sit there with that stupid look on his face while his lackeys leak like crazy.
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?

Mm, don’t think so. His orifice is leaky as hell. If it happens it will likely be in a week or so. Right around when early voting starts. All I know is it better be good because anything short of Putin’s face tattooed on Trumps ass will ugly up mewlers legacy more then it already is.

It's not Mueller's office that is leaking. Redirect to another post on this thread for an explanation. Just click here.
Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")

A clue for you--:auiqs.jpg:


Yaaaaaaaawnnnnn. Yup, yup any day now for the last two years.

Mueller has really moved at the speed of light in comparison to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign. He's waiting for a Democrat congress to turn over his investigation to them, because House Republicans have done everything they can to obstruct, deflect, and manufacture conspiracy theories around Mueller's investigation.

Here is a great example of what FOX NEWS has been up too. And frankly, watching FOX, or listening to your right wing talk show hosts & reading your favorite right wing news sites, equates to sitting up in the last row of the nose bleed section regarding what has gone on over the last 1-1/2 years of this investigation.

So when Democrats take over the House of Representatives in 2018--you can color Trump Gone. At that point no one is going to be able to play rodeo clown for Donald Trump, not even Sean Hannity.

5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges are certain to produce more, and it's going to nail a lot of people. And each one gets closer to Trump.

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POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?
Last edited:
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?

Mm, don’t think so. His orifice is leaky as hell. If it happens it will likely be in a week or so. Right around when early voting starts. All I know is it better be good because anything short of Putin’s face tattooed on Trumps ass will ugly up mewlers legacy more then it already is.

It's not Mueller's office that is leaking. Redirect to another post on this thread for an explanation. Just click here.
Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")

A clue for you--:auiqs.jpg:


Yaaaaaaaawnnnnn. Yup, yup any day now for the last two years.

Mueller has really moved at the speed of light in comparison to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign. He's waiting for a Democrat congress to turn over his investigation to them, because House Republicans have done everything they can to obstruct, deflect, and manufacture conspiracy theories around Mueller's investigation.

Here is a great example of what FOX NEWS has been up too. And frankly, watching FOX, or listening or reading your favorite right wing news sites, equates to sitting up in the last row of the nose bleed section regarding what has gone on over the last 1-1/2 years of this investigation.

So when Democrats take over the House of Representatives in 2018--you can color Trump Gone. At that point no one is going to be able to play rodeo clown for Donald Trump, not even Sean Hannity.

5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges are certain to produce more, and it's going to nail a lot of people. And each one gets closer to Trump.

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POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Not really. More stuff in Watergate and it went right at the presidant. Those investigators had stuff. These investigators don’t. It’s time to come to grips with the fact that Mewler gots nuttin.
Lakhota said "experts" in regards to Swamp Rats and their anti-American associates like Blinky Maddow. :p

I think you really need to spend more than 2 seconds on this post. Try again. Just click here.
POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Yeah, there is a question mark so it’s asks if that’s when it will happen. So if it’s going to happen, it will be very soon right before early voting. Whenever it comes out Mewler will put his spin on it and sit there with that stupid look on his face while his lackeys leak like crazy.

It's not Mueller's office that is LEAKING. Redirect to this post by clicking this link & you'll find out who it is.
Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?

Mm, don’t think so. His orifice is leaky as hell. If it happens it will likely be in a week or so. Right around when early voting starts. All I know is it better be good because anything short of Putin’s face tattooed on Trumps ass will ugly up mewlers legacy more then it already is.

It's not Mueller's office that is leaking. Redirect to another post on this thread for an explanation. Just click here.
Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")

A clue for you--:auiqs.jpg:


Yaaaaaaaawnnnnn. Yup, yup any day now for the last two years.

Mueller has really moved at the speed of light in comparison to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign. He's waiting for a Democrat congress to turn over his investigation to them, because House Republicans have done everything they can to obstruct, deflect, and manufacture conspiracy theories around Mueller's investigation.

Here is a great example of what FOX NEWS has been up too. And frankly, watching FOX, or listening or reading your favorite right wing news sites, equates to sitting up in the last row of the nose bleed section regarding what has gone on over the last 1-1/2 years of this investigation.

So when Democrats take over the House of Representatives in 2018--you can color Trump Gone. At that point no one is going to be able to play rodeo clown for Donald Trump, not even Sean Hannity.

5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictiments and 100's of criminal charges are certain to produce more, and it's going to nail a lot of people. And each one gets closer to Trump.

You might want to spend more than 2 seconds on this post. Redirect by clicking here.
POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Not really. More stuff in Watergate and it went right at the presidant. Those investigators had stuff. These investigators don’t. It’s time to come to grips with the fact that Mewler gots nuttin.

There is no comparison whatsoever with the hard evidence that Mueller has compared to Watergate.

Did you know that reading has never killed anyone? That is a FACT. Right now you're just making a fool out of yourself,. I am going to give you one more chance to get through it before I start insulting the shit out of you.

Redirect to these posts--watch a video then read the articles.
POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?
Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")

Don't come back on here for at least 30 minutes because that's how long it's going to take you to get through it.
If Mueller has evidence that Trump committed treason and is working with a foreign government to undermine the United States, how many elections and supreme court nominations need to happen before this information is brought to light? The answer is clear. Mueller doesn't have any such information. Mueller doesn't want to clear Trump right before the mid terms because that would almost certainly mean the Dems blue wave is dead on arrival. In fact, GOP might pick up seats in both houses. Mueller would be blamed, as Comey was in 2016. That seems a lot more logical to me than saying the President committed treason, but we didn't want to say anything because it would effect the mid terms.
See your problem is you clump me in with the extremist version of a left wingnut that you can think of and then use that as your basis in which you argue.
Post something positive you've said about Trump.
I never dragged Kavanaughs name through the mud... I said he sounded qualified and like a good dude and then when the accusations came out I wanted an investigation to find out the facts. Quote me saying anything different, I dare you.
I'm not gonna search through all your posts. You claimed you weren't a left winger, YOU dig up some posts where you defended Kavanaugh. And calling for a 7th FBI investigation doesn't qualify you as "fair". If you were "fair" you would have demanded the left show some evidence, THEN if they DID, call for a 7th investigation. Nice try, asshole.
I’ve also stayed my dislike for Ellison and said that I’d love to see him booted from public office.
I don't see the quote. Post it, then we'll talk about it.
See your problem is you clump me in with the extremist version of a left wingnut that you can think of and then use that as your basis in which you argue.
Post something positive you've said about Trump.
I never dragged Kavanaughs name through the mud... I said he sounded qualified and like a good dude and then when the accusations came out I wanted an investigation to find out the facts. Quote me saying anything different, I dare you.
I'm not gonna search through all your posts. You claimed you weren't a left winger, YOU dig up some posts where you defended Kavanaugh. And calling for a 7th FBI investigation doesn't qualify you as "fair". If you were "fair" you would have demanded the left show some evidence, THEN if they DID, call for a 7th investigation. Nice try, asshole.
I’ve also stayed my dislike for Ellison and said that I’d love to see him booted from public office.
I don't see the quote. Post it, then we'll talk about it.
I don’t need to dog for an Ellison quote because I just said it. I’d like to see him out of public office.

I’ve also said plenty of positive things about Trump but that has nothing to do with what we were talking about. You spit out lies and then try and divert when you’re called on them. That’s what Little bitches do
I don’t need to dog for an Ellison quote because I just said it. I’d like to see him out of public office.
Better look at some of your recent posts. You've been defending him in this thread, idiot. What, you think nobody can see them? And saying something now is a copout. Post it now or admit you're a liar.
I’ve also said plenty of positive things about Trump but that has nothing to do with what we were talking about.
Yeah it does. You're claiming you're some kind of independent and call 'em like you see 'em guy. It has everything to do with what we're talking about. Stop ducking and post a quote of you giving Trump credit for something. We're waiting.
You spit out lies and then try and divert when you’re called on them. That’s what Little bitches do
What lies? Back it up with some quotes. All you seem to be able to do is make accusations, then claim victory. You've yet to back anything up.
I don’t need to dig for an Ellison quote because I just said it. I’d like to see him out of public office.
Better look at some of your recent posts. You've been defending him in this thread, idiot. What, you think nobody can see them? And saying something now is a copout. Post it now or admit you're a liar.
I’ve also said plenty of positive things about Trump but that has nothing to do with what we were talking about.
Yeah it does. You're claiming you're some kind of independent and call 'em like you see 'em guy. It has everything to do with what we're talking about. Stop ducking and post a quote of you giving Trump credit for something. We're waiting.
You spit out lies and then try and divert when you’re called on them. That’s what Little bitches do
What lies? Back it up with some quotes. All you seem to be able to do is make accusations, then claim victory. You've yet to back anything up.
You just lied about me dragging Kavanaughs name through the dirt with your petty and transparent attempt to divert from when I called out your bullshit statement Wanting to play politics instead of hearing facts in search for the truth.
I don’t need to dig for an Ellison quote because I just said it. I’d like to see him out of public office.
Better look at some of your recent posts. You've been defending him in this thread, idiot. What, you think nobody can see them? And saying something now is a copout. Post it now or admit you're a liar.
I’ve also said plenty of positive things about Trump but that has nothing to do with what we were talking about.
Yeah it does. You're claiming you're some kind of independent and call 'em like you see 'em guy. It has everything to do with what we're talking about. Stop ducking and post a quote of you giving Trump credit for something. We're waiting.
You spit out lies and then try and divert when you’re called on them. That’s what Little bitches do
What lies? Back it up with some quotes. All you seem to be able to do is make accusations, then claim victory. You've yet to back anything up.
You just lied about me dragging Kavanaughs name through the dirt with your petty and transparent attempt to divert from when I called out your bullshit statement Wanting to play politics instead of hearing facts in search for the truth.
Well, we're never gonna hear about those "facts" if we wait for the msm because they don't wanna talk about Ellison. BTW, don't think I'm letting you off the hook. I'm still waiting for you to back up your BS statement about saying "plenty of positive things about Trump". Post something or admit you're a damn liar.
Anyone that cared about honesty would have demanded that Clinton, The DNC, Obama and Putin's work with and the financing of The Dirty Dossier should have been front and center of any investigation of Russian Involvement with the 2016 Election.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of it, or Clinton and Obama's purchasing it. He will pretend like THAT never happened.

This makes his entire Investigation Null and Void.
Oh you mean we should pay more attention to the distraction than the focus?! Ok, haha.

What exactly do you want to investigate? Clinton paid for oppo research that wasn’t even used during the election, except for its leak as an unverified political report? You sound desperate and incapable of staying on point without pointing in another direction.

Blahh Wasn't even used? Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe used Clinton and Obama's Purchased Putin Propaganda to File False Affidavits in an Unconstitutional Secret Court (FISA) for Surveillance Warrants on a Presidential Candidate and his family and supporters, and volunteers.

I wouldn't be so uncivil as to call you a LIAR, but I will state that your are a Prolific Prevaricator.
Oh really? And you know this from what? Looking at extremely redacted fisa warrants? Fact is you don’t know what was presented to get those warrants. Also none of the fisa stuff was used during the election for anything. Even right wing poster boy Trey Gowdy who was Read in on the FISA warrants said that they were justified. Your argument is a joke.

Justified? Again, another WTF moment for you. At the time, they thought they were "justified" because the Dirty Dossier was thought to be legit, and the fact that Fusion GPS sent their skank Ukranian-Russian Lawyer to Trump tower for "appearances" and to create an "air of suspicion add that to the fact, Clinton had Pakistani Hackers working for her, and also had a woman named L. Jean Camp who worked for her who was a Cyber Security expert and Clinton Donor and Supporter who she and her group MIRACULOUSLY discovered a SUSPICIOUS PING on a Trump Tower Server and Reported it to THE FBI, and the fact that later it was discovered that this was a FAKE PLANTED Beacon Ping that showed up on a Hacked Trump Tower Server and a Hacked Russian Alpha Bank Server, "planted to draw attention to itself" and nothing else. For the first time in history a Russian Bank asked The FBI to look at its servers. The FBI found nothing illicit except for the existence of Mysterious The Beacon Ping. There is more and it all adds up only Lefties don't do math.

Don't even get me started on The Podesta Group and Manafort's direct ties to Obama and Obama Cabinet Officials.

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along

The entire Russian Narrative was created by Obama and Clinton, financed by them and The DNC and represented a series of failed attempts to frame President Trump and blame Russia during The Election and afterwards when the Sore Losers decided they might be able to pull of a COUP.
You need to go do your homework. Gowdy read the interacted FISA during the House investigation and said it was legit. And you don’t know which elements of the dossier were used in the FISA and which elements were corroborated by the FBI through their sources. I thought Trump was going to release them so where are they? You’ve been spoon fed a distraction narrative and have apparently taken it hook line and sinker.

Where is the Dirty Clinton Dossier created by Putin and The KGB that Trump sold his soul for?

Show me that or STFU. All you got is Clinton and Obama sucking Putin's Dick and begging for help to defeat the mean old Donald Trump and 8 corrupt FBI and DOJ officials fired and under investigation for using Russian Propaganda, and their own BIAS as an Insurance Policy to "Impeach 45".

Rigged Primary
Attempted Rigged Election
Rigged Investigation

STFU if you cannot produce A Clinton Dirty Dossier.

You have something on your chin.
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?
There is no sabatoge.

Mueller has been scrulpuously careful not to interfear in any political matter he can avoid.

The "deep state" is a conservative fantasy with no basis in reality.
Any part of Mueller's Report that does not address Clinton stealing Debate Questions, The DNC Registering Illegals To Vote. DNC Operatives throwing away GOP voter Registrations, Voter Fraud that occurred in every Democrat controlled districts across the US, Clinton having Pakistani Hackers with criminal records on her staff, Clinton Destroying 17 electronic devices and multiple hard drives and 30,000 government documents, and Clinton paying $13 Million out of her broke ass pockets to Russia for Russian Propaganda that was given to her friends James Comey, Strozk, McCabe, and Rosenstein to for the FIRST TIME IN US HISTORY Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family 24-7 using a secret warrant from a secret court in completely unconstitutional violation of Donald J. Trump's Civil Rights is a FRAUD.


If you want to talk about Collusion and Election interference, there are no finer examples of that than with Hillary Clinton and her Criminal Gang of Political Operatives. They make The KGB look like cuddly kittens.

Mueller can address the corruption and collusion on Clinton's Side or he can just STFU and jump off a cliff.
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?

I would bet he does it before the midterms because the whole point of this fake investigation is to hurt Trump and the Republicans....releasing the empty results after the election serves no purpose....vague allegations of fake collusion right before the midterms will hurt the Republican effort...

Yeah, Mueller's corrupt. I can see him pulling an 'October Surprise.'
He's gonna wait till after the election, so he has squat.

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