POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Will Mueller Have An 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Before Midterms?

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No he won't, there is a "rule" that does not allow him to bring charges against the Trump Campaign during the election period.... but against other Americans involved with the Russians or additional Russians, perhaps.

Though knowing Mueller, who is a rule follower, and mum is always the word out of his staff, I'd say it is highly highly highly UNLIKELY.

He will not break the rules, or interfere like Director Comey did with Hillary Clinton..... no way Jose! He has worked very hard in keeping this Russian Influence Investigation by the book, he ain't gonna change his stripes now...and give people reasons to scream bloody murder and delegitimize or undermine his entire investigation.
His fucking job is a prime example of rule breaking.

#1...... You must have a crime to investigate before you can form a Special Counsel in the first place. Not to mention the fact that a special counsel wasn't needed because the FBI was already conducting an investigation and found no evidence of collusion.
The Left and The DemTards are pretty desperate right now, so Herr Mueller is the DemNazi Party's only hope.
Herr Mueller? You mean the Republican prosector appointed by a Republican administration who is running an investigation overseen by a Republican FBI and DOJ??

Ok buddy... haha
He is about as Republican as Hillary Clinton's Cankles.
No he won't, there is a "rule" that does not allow him to bring charges against the Trump Campaign during the election period.... but against other Americans involved with the Russians or additional Russians, perhaps.

Though knowing Mueller, who is a rule follower, and mum is always the word out of his staff, I'd say it is highly highly highly UNLIKELY.

He will not break the rules, or interfere like Director Comey did with Hillary Clinton..... no way Jose! He has worked very hard in keeping this Russian Influence Investigation by the book, he ain't gonna change his stripes now...and give people reasons to scream bloody murder and delegitimize or undermine his entire investigation.
His fucking job is a prime example of rule breaking.

#1...... You must have a crime to investigate before you can form a Special Counsel in the first place. Not to mention the fact that a special counsel wasn't needed because the FBI was already conducting an investigation and found no evidence of collusion.
To this day, no one can cite any rule or regulation or criminal statute that validates the appointing of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel.
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?
You mean like the attempted sabstoge of Clinton by Comey right before the election...like that?
Sabatoge? WTF, he was trying to rescue her campaign once news got out about her secret server and her sharing classified intel with Sid Vicious Blumenthal in an Insider Trading Scheme.

This was public knowledge, and Comey was ordered to sweep it all under the rug by Obama through his proxy Loretta Lynch.

He was forced to publicly come out and exonerate her. Privately he did so months before even investigating her and interviewing her.
Indictments? Doubtful

Some "new" ridiculous line of investigation announcement? Probably

If he did have inditements just days before the midterms his true motive would be exposed for all to see. Years of investigations and indictments days before midterms?
I can see how important transparency and honesty is to you. Haha :cuckoo:
Now there's an ironic statement.
Wow, great point :clap2:
Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
And how, exactly, does my statement show I care more about politics than honesty?
Do I really need to explain it? I’ll just use your own words...

“Republicans should make a prediction that they will try this, then if they do, Trump can say "I told you they would try this". It would cast a big shadow of doubt over their claims and render them ineffective. If they don't try it, no blowback for Trump.”
I can see how important transparency and honesty is to you. Haha :cuckoo:
Now there's an ironic statement.
Wow, great point :clap2:
Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
Anyone that cared about honesty would have demanded that Clinton, The DNC, Obama and Putin's work with and the financing of The Dirty Dossier should have been front and center of any investigation of Russian Involvement with the 2016 Election.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of it, or Clinton and Obama's purchasing it. He will pretend like THAT never happened.

This makes his entire Investigation Null and Void.
Oh you mean we should pay more attention to the distraction than the focus?! Ok, haha.

What exactly do you want to investigate? Clinton paid for oppo research that wasn’t even used during the election, except for its leak as an unverified political report? You sound desperate and incapable of staying on point without pointing in another direction.
Now there's an ironic statement.
Wow, great point :clap2:
Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
Anyone that cared about honesty would have demanded that Clinton, The DNC, Obama and Putin's work with and the financing of The Dirty Dossier should have been front and center of any investigation of Russian Involvement with the 2016 Election.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of it, or Clinton and Obama's purchasing it. He will pretend like THAT never happened.

This makes his entire Investigation Null and Void.
Oh you mean we should pay more attention to the distraction than the focus?! Ok, haha.

What exactly do you want to investigate? Clinton paid for oppo research that wasn’t even used during the election, except for its leak as an unverified political report? You sound desperate and incapable of staying on point without pointing in another direction.

Blahh Wasn't even used? Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe used Clinton and Obama's Purchased Putin Propaganda to File False Affidavits in an Unconstitutional Secret Court (FISA) for Surveillance Warrants on a Presidential Candidate and his family and supporters, and volunteers.

I wouldn't be so uncivil as to call you a LIAR, but I will state that your are a Prolific Prevaricator.
Wow, great point :clap2:
Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
Anyone that cared about honesty would have demanded that Clinton, The DNC, Obama and Putin's work with and the financing of The Dirty Dossier should have been front and center of any investigation of Russian Involvement with the 2016 Election.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of it, or Clinton and Obama's purchasing it. He will pretend like THAT never happened.

This makes his entire Investigation Null and Void.
Oh you mean we should pay more attention to the distraction than the focus?! Ok, haha.

What exactly do you want to investigate? Clinton paid for oppo research that wasn’t even used during the election, except for its leak as an unverified political report? You sound desperate and incapable of staying on point without pointing in another direction.

Blahh Wasn't even used? Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe used Clinton and Obama's Purchased Putin Propaganda to File False Affidavits in an Unconstitutional Secret Court (FISA) for Surveillance Warrants on a Presidential Candidate and his family and supporters, and volunteers.

I wouldn't be so uncivil as to call you a LIAR, but I will state that your are a Prolific Prevaricator.
Oh really? And you know this from what? Looking at extremely redacted fisa warrants? Fact is you don’t know what was presented to get those warrants. Also none of the fisa stuff was used during the election for anything. Even right wing poster boy Trey Gowdy who was Read in on the FISA warrants said that they were justified. Your argument is a joke.
Now there's an ironic statement.
Wow, great point :clap2:
Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
And how, exactly, does my statement show I care more about politics than honesty?
Do I really need to explain it? I’ll just use your own words...

“Republicans should make a prediction that they will try this, then if they do, Trump can say "I told you they would try this". It would cast a big shadow of doubt over their claims and render them ineffective. If they don't try it, no blowback for Trump.”
And how is that dishonest? This is funny. A lib hack like you talking about honesty. :lol:
Wow, great point :clap2:
Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
And how, exactly, does my statement show I care more about politics than honesty?
Do I really need to explain it? I’ll just use your own words...

“Republicans should make a prediction that they will try this, then if they do, Trump can say "I told you they would try this". It would cast a big shadow of doubt over their claims and render them ineffective. If they don't try it, no blowback for Trump.”
And how is that dishonest? This is funny. A lib hack like you talking about honesty. :lol:
Sure, when have I been dishonest? Point something out, I always call it as I see it.

You on the other hand just suggested that the Republican Party play a tactic to discredit any potential release of information that could be damaging to them for an election. You say this without knowing anything about the information, you just want to discredit it. So you have no interest in finding facts or being honest you want to play petty political games. How do you not understand how that is dishonest?!
Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
Anyone that cared about honesty would have demanded that Clinton, The DNC, Obama and Putin's work with and the financing of The Dirty Dossier should have been front and center of any investigation of Russian Involvement with the 2016 Election.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of it, or Clinton and Obama's purchasing it. He will pretend like THAT never happened.

This makes his entire Investigation Null and Void.
Oh you mean we should pay more attention to the distraction than the focus?! Ok, haha.

What exactly do you want to investigate? Clinton paid for oppo research that wasn’t even used during the election, except for its leak as an unverified political report? You sound desperate and incapable of staying on point without pointing in another direction.

Blahh Wasn't even used? Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe used Clinton and Obama's Purchased Putin Propaganda to File False Affidavits in an Unconstitutional Secret Court (FISA) for Surveillance Warrants on a Presidential Candidate and his family and supporters, and volunteers.

I wouldn't be so uncivil as to call you a LIAR, but I will state that your are a Prolific Prevaricator.
Oh really? And you know this from what? Looking at extremely redacted fisa warrants? Fact is you don’t know what was presented to get those warrants. Also none of the fisa stuff was used during the election for anything. Even right wing poster boy Trey Gowdy who was Read in on the FISA warrants said that they were justified. Your argument is a joke.

Justified? Again, another WTF moment for you. At the time, they thought they were "justified" because the Dirty Dossier was thought to be legit, and the fact that Fusion GPS sent their skank Ukranian-Russian Lawyer to Trump tower for "appearances" and to create an "air of suspicion add that to the fact, Clinton had Pakistani Hackers working for her, and also had a woman named L. Jean Camp who worked for her who was a Cyber Security expert and Clinton Donor and Supporter who she and her group MIRACULOUSLY discovered a SUSPICIOUS PING on a Trump Tower Server and Reported it to THE FBI, and the fact that later it was discovered that this was a FAKE PLANTED Beacon Ping that showed up on a Hacked Trump Tower Server and a Hacked Russian Alpha Bank Server, "planted to draw attention to itself" and nothing else. For the first time in history a Russian Bank asked The FBI to look at its servers. The FBI found nothing illicit except for the existence of Mysterious The Beacon Ping. There is more and it all adds up only Lefties don't do math.

Don't even get me started on The Podesta Group and Manafort's direct ties to Obama and Obama Cabinet Officials.

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along

The entire Russian Narrative was created by Obama and Clinton, financed by them and The DNC and represented a series of failed attempts to frame President Trump and blame Russia during The Election and afterwards when the Sore Losers decided they might be able to pull of a COUP.
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Better than the one you were trying to make. :lol:
I pointed out that your statement shows you care more about politics than honesty. You responded with a whataboutism. So no it was an empty throw away retort.
And how, exactly, does my statement show I care more about politics than honesty?
Do I really need to explain it? I’ll just use your own words...

“Republicans should make a prediction that they will try this, then if they do, Trump can say "I told you they would try this". It would cast a big shadow of doubt over their claims and render them ineffective. If they don't try it, no blowback for Trump.”
And how is that dishonest? This is funny. A lib hack like you talking about honesty. :lol:
Sure, when have I been dishonest? Point something out, I always call it as I see it.

You on the other hand just suggested that the Republican Party play a tactic to discredit any potential release of information that could be damaging to them for an election. You say this without knowing anything about the information, you just want to discredit it. So you have no interest in finding facts or being honest you want to play petty political games. How do you not understand how that is dishonest?!

Call us when you can produce the "Russian Dirt On Clinton" Donald Trump apparently sold his soul to get and never received.

We know for a fact there is a piece of Putin Propaganda on Trump paid for by Clinton and Obama called The Dirty Dossier.

Show me Putin's Clinton Dossier Trump Paid For. Show me that or STFU

There isn't one.

We even have a money trail with Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and The DNC through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS and to British and Russian Spies, Skirpal and Steele.

We even have an attempt on Skirpal's life and another Russian Agent involved in The Dirty Dossier. We have a Uranium One Official Central to the bribery scheme dead under suspicious circumstances.

Show us The Trump Body Count? There isn't one.

The whole fucking thing is disgraceful with a corrupt group of FBI and DOJ Clinton and Obama Sycophants and Conspirators who picked sides and thought they were above the law.

But you are like a chimp with your ears closed, eyes closed and mouth closed.

Just like the Obama DOJ and FBI.

When it came to Clinton or Obama the idea was "If You SEE SOMETHING, SAY NOTHING"! That was their motto. Same with the Dirty Dossier, and The Uranium One Bribery Scandal which both Mueller, Comey, Holder, Clinton, McCain and Obama all played a part in.


The Clintons and Obamas are like Leprosy. Everything they touch becomes corrupted.

The State Department, IRS, Veterans Administration, FBI, DOJ, even the NSA and CIA, all were populated with corrupt top level Bureaucrats, who broke and bent the law for political purposes.
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Nobody knows nothing.

How many THOUSAND articles have been published over the past 18 months declaring what the Mueller team is doing, is going to do, is not going to do, and so on.


Why bother listening to the reports and speculation? Nobody knows. When it happens, then everybody will know - assuming that Mueller's findings are made public. But IT IS ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that if his findings contain anything that casts the President in a bad light, those findings will be leaked. And nobody will know where the leak came from.

Haven't we see this all before?
so what if Trump colluded? it was smart of him, actually. you have to do whatever it takes to win. the other side colludes with illegals to win votes!
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?

And by 'Deep State', you mean your imagination?

Mueller should release his findings when he's done with his investigation.

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