Poll On Gun Violence: America Wants Action

I'm all for health care ... just as long as it isn't "free" -- I.e. paid for by someone else.
I'm the last person who wants socialized medicine of any kind, but far too many people don't get treatment who would otherwise be very productive members of society. So I consider it an investment that pays for itself AND lowers the potential for mass shootings.

But I'm willing to listen to you convince me about how your profession is incapable bettering society, and therefore not a worthy state interest.

The same people who want to ban guns, are the same people using them to threaten Justice Kavanaugh and his family.

Hypocrite much, lefTARD?
Mentally ill suicidal people want to ban guns?
but far too many people don't get treatment who would otherwise be very productive members of society

A significant part of that public health system treatment is what is preventing them from being productive members of society.

No involuntary committal means that the revolving door mental system puts violent offenders out on the street instead of under supervised care where they need to be.
A significant part of that public health system treatment is what is preventing them from being productive members of society.

No involuntary committal means that the revolving door mental system puts violent offenders out on the street instead of under supervised care where they need to be.
I agree.

And that would all but end homelessness.
No...don't take that dangerous shit. That is the #1 cause of mass shootings and Big Pharma is bending over backwards to keep selling it. See vax-gate.
They'll never even consider looking into ssris.....it's what over 80% of mass shooters are on

They used to advertise years ago ...."if you have suicidal thoughts or thoughts about hurting others "

They now just say "if you have suicidal thoughts "

The thoughts about hurting others has been erased for long time now
That was a stupid comment.

What exactly are you taking issue with?
The last thing people are worried about is some school shooting or abortion or anything else the dummycraps think is important.
What everyone is worried about is that sick bastard in the White House making us all homeless.....causing us to have to turn off our electricity to buy food. Shit like that.
Listen to these cynical bastards

They blame "mental health" . Of course NONE of them want to actually do anything about mental health. In fact most if not all don't even want "red flag laws" to keep guns out of the hands of the people they claim are the problem

And oh look.

44% of Republicans think we should just shrug and accept it

Why haven't Dems taken action?? Biden could ask all Dems to voluntarily turn in all their guns tomorrow and post gun free home signs on their front lawns. You don't need a gun control law for that so go ahead Dems lead by example maybe you Dems will inspire the country. What are Dems waiting for my God people are being killed. Why do Dems hesitate. Why do Dems not care about kids.

The same people who want to ban guns, are the same people using them to threaten Justice Kavanaugh and his family.

Hypocrite much, lefTARD?

Imagine that . . . democratic party activists using guns to fight the government. My oh my oh my.
Yes your far left narrative was defeated, glad you can see that in some form.
What "far left narrative" was defeated?

Are you saying that people with mental issues SHOULD have guns?

You're confirming the thread concept
What "far left narrative" was defeated?

Are you saying that people with mental issues SHOULD have guns?

You're confirming the thread concept
No, we're saying that people with mental health issues should get treatment.

One person's ental health should not bar other people from getting weapons.

That's the fucking problem and you know it.
No, we're saying that people with mental health issues should get treatment.

One person's ental health should not bar other people from getting weapons.

That's the fucking problem and you know it.

The OP wants you to admit your love of firearms and the common conservative belief everyone should have the right to own them. What the OP isn't smart enough to cope with is the concept of free will. Which kind of pigeonholes him into a terminally small mental space himself.
The OP wants you to admit your love of firearms and the common conservative belief everyone should have the right to own them. What the OP isn't smart enough to cope with is the concept of free will. Which kind of pigeonholes him into a terminally small mental space himself.
So free will trumps kids lives huh?

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