Poll On Gun Violence: America Wants Action

What "far left narrative" was defeated?

Are you saying that people with mental issues SHOULD have guns?

You're confirming the thread concept

This is the far left narrative you posted: Poll On Gun Violence: America Wants Action.

No you are proving you are a far left hack following your cult!

You also posted " In fact most if not all don't even want "red flag laws" to keep guns out of the hands of the people they claim are the problem"

And I showed you they exist.

So far you have failed on every far left narrative you posted.
So free will trumps kids lives huh?

Free will is the basis for all American individual freedom. You could suddenly decide to ram your car into the lobby of a densely packed building and that would be an act of free will and representative of the risks we all take to be free people. Should we all surrender our cars or accept strict limitations on driving them because one or a few fellow Americans used their own vehicles to murder people? I suspect you cannot understand this question without some rewiring of your brain. We'll see . . .
This is the far left narrative you posted: Poll On Gun Violence: America Wants Action.

No you are proving you are a far left hack following your cult!

You also posted " In fact most if not all don't even want "red flag laws" to keep guns out of the hands of the people they claim are the problem"

And I showed you they exist.

So far you have failed on every far left narrative you posted.
Clearly reading that poll America DOES want action. On almost every aspect...EXCEPT the hard core Republicans...44% of them

And oh look.

44% of Republicans think we should just shrug and accept it

Blame republicans? Look at the freaking results. It isn't about gun violence, it's about leadership or the lack of it and the Brandon administration.

And oh look.

44% of Republicans think we should just shrug and accept it

Yeah, get back to me when hunter biden is arraigned for falsifying ATF Form 4473. If a well known crack whore can get by a background check, that's where the FIRST fix should happen. We've got about 1999 other gun laws on the books, let's see those enforced as well. Once we have consistent enforcement of existing laws for about 3-5 years, then we can see if anything new might need to be added.

Clearly reading that poll America DOES want action. On almost every aspect...EXCEPT the hard core Republicans...44% of them

Clearly that poll proves that most Americans are fucking clueless at to what laws there are on the books and how little they are actually enforced. They just buy into the propaganda spewed by the LSM. That's what's reflected in the poll.

Clearly that poll proves that most Americans are fucking clueless at to what laws there are on the books and how little they are actually enforced. They just buy into the propaganda spewed by the LSM. That's what's reflected in the poll.

But YOU know better huh...
What people want is action that will actually make a difference not some useless piece of feel good lesiglation passed so politicans can check addressed gun violence off their reelection to do list.
What people want is action that will actually make a difference not some useless piece of feel good lesiglation passed so politicans can check addressed gun violence off their reelection to do list.
And what happens?

GOP reps drag their feet while claiming they are negotiating. What we end up with are watered down pieces of legislation that let them claim they "did something" .

Of course they'll turn around and claim these laws do nothing when the next mass shooting happens
And what happens?

GOP reps drag their feet while claiming they are negotiating. What we end up with are watered down pieces of legislation that let them claim they "did something" .

Of course they'll turn around and claim these laws do nothing when the next mass shooting happens
That response from you is the perfect example of why nothing gets done. Like with so many things the partisan politicians on both sides and there equally partisan supporters care more about having the issue for political purposes than they do dealing with the problem.
But you want no part in keeping them from having guns OR getting them that help
The only thing you want do is take guns away from the rest of us.

Don't bother trying to convince me otherwise. You're fucking liars.

You want a complete ban and confiscation from all people.

No. We're not doing that. We're not giving you a goddamn thing.

End of discussion.
Listen to these cynical bastards

They blame "mental health" . Of course NONE of them want to actually do anything about mental health. In fact most if not all don't even want "red flag laws" to keep guns out of the hands of the people they claim are the problem

Stop spreading hate, bigot.
The only thing you want do is take guns away from the rest of us.

Don't bother trying to convince me otherwise. You're fucking liars.

You want a complete ban and confiscation from all people.

No. We're not doing that. We're not giving you a goddamn thing.

End of discussion.
Everything these people stand for and say is a lie. The Alphabet Groomer party disgusts me.

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