POLL on who is more “believable”….Trump or Comey….???

Here’s some so-called “fake news” for Trump acolytes……

Forty-five percent of respondents say they are more likely to believe Comey's version of events from his June 8 testimony to the U.S. Senate, versus 22 percent who are more likely to believe what Trump has said. (WOW, I'm amazed: 2% of democrats actually believe Trump?)

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A deeper dive into the poll has even worse news for Trump. For instance, when broken down by party affiliation, only fifty percent of Republicans said they believe Trump. Also, his overall disapproval shot up eight points since last month.

More Americans believe Comey over Trump according to a new NBC/WSJ poll
Comey is part of the deep state/swamp, fortunately hes fired.
I will agree if you listed an actual l;ie that was intentional, but I can't think of one.

Here, Jackson.....I'll list my FAVORITE Trump lie (just my own favorite)

Trump stated (in 2011 or 2012) that were he to run for office he would release his tax returns IF Obama released his Birth Certificate,,,,

After Obama DID release his BC, Trump stalled and said he would only release them if he DID run for office.

When he DID run for office, he stated that he would release his tax returns IF Clinton released her emails.....

After he won the presidency, Trump basically told us that his tax returns are none of our fucking business.....

Notice a trend there, Jackson???
More than 10 months of regressive media beating the guilt drum on Trump and you really think a poll like this has any relation to reality.

NO, NO....this polls is far from reality.........The WSJ is known for being a liberal rag, correct?........and, NO, Trump is still beloved by all the idiots who worship the color orange....Feel better?

The average person tends to believe what they hear on TV, they don't look at the subtext, the fact that no evidence of wrong doing has been produced and Trump was not being investigated. The media has been on a character assassination campaign for almost 2 years and you think these kinds of polls are credible, that's just insane. But the insanity of people like you are the reason Trump was elected in the first place, feel free to keep it up.

the fact that no evidence of wrong doing has been produced and Trump was not being investigated

Ahem........no indictable evidence has been revealed SO FAR........AND, in your mind, is Trump under investigation AFTER firing Comey? Yes or No? (careful with that quick response.)

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