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POLL: Open the economy up and go back to work - Stay home and shutdown

Do you support reopening many US businesses 4/13/20, or prefer keeping the US shutdown longer

  • Yes, Re-open the US economy such as small businesses to keep them from going bankrupt

    Votes: 92 69.2%
  • No, do not open up small or big US businesses, COVID-19 is too dangerous to rush opening

    Votes: 41 30.8%

  • Total voters
What are we going to do in 6 months when the next flu season starts, shut down again? We have swung from one extreme to the other. Those at high risk should isolate, the rest of the country should get back to work. That's my opinion.
We have flu vaccines.

Get one.
Yet despite those vaccines we still lose thousands every year and don't lose our shit over it.
The vaccines are no guarantee either as they are developed each year with the expected strains which are not always in line with actual strains that may spread in any particular year.
A clue.
Get one.

1. This is not the FLU.
Death rate is calculated by deaths divided by infections. Flu at best has a .1% death rate. Coronavirus death rates depending on state or country are anywhere between 3% and 10%. So 30 to 100 times WORSE than flu.

2. With seasonal Flu there is a vaccine. Its people who don't get the vaccine that account for the large percentage of deaths. There is currently no vaccine for Coronavirus. Coronavirus is anywhere from 30 to 100 times more deadly than seasonal flu.

3. I challenge you to name a country that is not locking itself down and taking this seriously!

That is absolutely, patently untrue. I am in one the highest COVID states and our death rate is about 1.5%, not anywhere CLOSE to 3% and not even close to 10%. Stop lying.

Washington State rate now has a 5% death rate. They have done more testing than any other state per capita. The country of Italy is at 10% right now. These are the basic facts. You can look them up here for yourself:

Click on the USA to see figures for the individual states. No lies at all!

That's skewed for the US and you know it because the virus swept through a nursing home and killed almost everyone. That's not the stats in most states in the US.

I do not like dishonesty and I do not like when people incite panic over dishonest stats. BE. HONEST.

Its not the stat in most U.S. states TODAY. What about Tomorrow or 5 weeks from now? When you do policy planning for a pandemic, its not about TODAY, its about what could be the situation in 5 weeks!

Those are basic facts and no lies. You need to go back and look up the definition of dishonesty.

Don't assume that because your state or county is fine today, that it will be tomorrow or in FIVE WEEKS! As Governor Cuomo just said, how we are today you will be in FIVE WEEKS! Our job is to prove him wrong by going into total lock down! The idiots who want to reopen things are going to prove Governor Cuomo right!
Governor Tim Walz (D) Mn. Has so far declined a complete shutdown beyond sports, and restaurants despite testing positive himself and the Lt. Governor losing a brother. He has watched the numbers and relied on the many leading experts from the UofM and Mayo clinic. He stated the restaurants may be closed for months, but knows that a full shutdown will ruin far more financially when the numbers just don't add up to take such an extreme measure.

You don't listen to a Governor on how to fight a pandemic, you listen to an epidemiologist.

The opening of non-essential business's is not worth killing people. No ones stock options or Savings is worth killing people, continuing the spread of the virus and destroying the healthcare system. This is a WAR where everyone has to do their part in DEFEATING THE PATHOGEN. For millions of people, that means you stay in your HOUSE! Don't allow your self to become a VECTOR to spread the virus!

Here's how we're being taken hostage, America.

Imagine a mom who lost her baby in a car accident. She sits you down on your couch and screeches DON"T GET IN A CAR IT'S A DEATH TRAP YOU COULD GET SOMEONE KILLED CHOOSE LIFE

But you say, "Well I have to get to work, you know, I have to feed my family. Plus, I'm a safe driver. You know I don't text and drive, I don't drink and drive...."


This is how they're arguing, and this is where the arguments are going. We have never argued like this, and we can't. For obvious reasons. But their hair is on fire here.
What are we going to do in 6 months when the next flu season starts, shut down again? We have swung from one extreme to the other. Those at high risk should isolate, the rest of the country should get back to work. That's my opinion.
We have flu vaccines.

Get one.
Yet despite those vaccines we still lose thousands every year and don't lose our shit over it.
The vaccines are no guarantee either as they are developed each year with the expected strains which are not always in line with actual strains that may spread in any particular year.
A clue.
Get one.

1. This is not the FLU.
Death rate is calculated by deaths divided by infections. Flu at best has a .1% death rate. Coronavirus death rates depending on state or country are anywhere between 3% and 10%. So 30 to 100 times WORSE than flu.

2. With seasonal Flu there is a vaccine. Its people who don't get the vaccine that account for the large percentage of deaths. There is currently no vaccine for Coronavirus. Coronavirus is anywhere from 30 to 100 times more deadly than seasonal flu.

3. I challenge you to name a country that is not locking itself down and taking this seriously!

That is absolutely, patently untrue. I am in one the highest COVID states and our death rate is about 1.5%, not anywhere CLOSE to 3% and not even close to 10%. Stop lying.

Washington State rate now has a 5% death rate. They have done more testing than any other state per capita. The country of Italy is at 10% right now. These are the basic facts. You can look them up here for yourself:

Click on the USA to see figures for the individual states. No lies at all!

That's skewed for the US and you know it because the virus swept through a nursing home and killed almost everyone. That's not the stats in most states in the US.

I do not like dishonesty and I do not like when people incite panic over dishonest stats. BE. HONEST.

Its not the stat in most U.S. states TODAY. What about Tomorrow or 5 weeks from now? When you do policy planning for a pandemic, its not about TODAY, its about what could be the situation in 5 weeks!

Those are basic facts and no lies. You need to go back and look up the definition of dishonesty.

Don't assume that because your state or county is fine today, that it will be tomorrow or in FIVE WEEKS! As Governor Cuomo just said, how we are today you will be in FIVE WEEKS! Our job is to prove him wrong by going into total lock down! The idiots who want to reopen things are going to prove Governor Cuomo right!

Stop hyperventilating, you unhinged fool.
Okay right now, in the US average, the death rate is LESS than 1.5%. Not 3%. Certainly not anywhere CLOSE to 10%


For some areas right now. But as ITALY has shown, 10% is possible. Its not about NOW, its about 5 weeks from now, and whether the healthcare system in YOUR COUNTY will be able to handle surge in cases!

Do you know how many ventilators your county and state has on hand right now? Will that be enough in five weeks, or will doctors have to start selecting who gets a ventilator and who does not, essentially picking which people get to die because of lack of supplies?

If anyone is being dishonest its you or perhaps it is more likely ignorance of what a pandemic does and how it spreads. You think your local hospital will rescue you if you have any problems? You might be in shock about what your local hospital will or won't be able to do for you in five weeks time.
Governor Tim Walz (D) Mn. Has so far declined a complete shutdown beyond sports, and restaurants despite testing positive himself and the Lt. Governor losing a brother. He has watched the numbers and relied on the many leading experts from the UofM and Mayo clinic. He stated the restaurants may be closed for months, but knows that a full shutdown will ruin far more financially when the numbers just don't add up to take such an extreme measure.

You don't listen to a Governor on how to fight a pandemic, you listen to an epidemiologist.

The opening of non-essential business's is not worth killing people. No ones stock options or Savings is worth killing people, continuing the spread of the virus and destroying the healthcare system. This is a WAR where everyone has to do their part in DEFEATING THE PATHOGEN. For millions of people, that means you stay in your HOUSE! Don't allow your self to become a VECTOR to spread the virus!

Here's how we're being taken hostage, America.

Imagine a mom who lost her baby in a car accident. She sits you down on your couch and screeches DON"T GET IN A CAR IT'S A DEATH TRAP YOU COULD GET SOMEONE KILLED CHOOSE LIFE

But you say, "Well I have to get to work, you know, I have to feed my family. Plus, I'm a safe driver. You know I don't text and drive, I don't drink and drive...."


This is how they're arguing, and this is where the arguments are going. We have never argued like this, and we can't. For obvious reasons. But their hair is on fire here.

Yep, real scientific there. Name one epidemiologist that advocates opening up non-essential business during this pandemic! Name one!

Name one country in the world that is NOT locking itself down to defend against this pandemic! Name One!
Okay right now, in the US average, the death rate is LESS than 1.5%. Not 3%. Certainly not anywhere CLOSE to 10%


For some areas right now. But as ITALY has shown, 10% is possible. Its not about NOW, its about 5 weeks from now, and whether the healthcare system in YOUR COUNTY will be able to handle surge in cases!

Do you know how many ventilators your county and state has on hand right now? Will that be enough in five weeks, or will doctors have to start selecting who gets a ventilator and who does not, essentially picking which people get to die because of lack of supplies?

If anyone is being dishonest its you or perhaps it is more likely ignorance of what a pandemic does and how it spreads. You think your local hospital will rescue you if you have any problems? You might be in shock about what your local hospital will or won't be able to do for you in five weeks time.

What nation do you live in? Not the US. Where are you? Why don't you worry about your nation?
Okay right now, in the US average, the death rate is LESS than 1.5%. Not 3%. Certainly not anywhere CLOSE to 10%


For some areas right now. But as ITALY has shown, 10% is possible. Its not about NOW, its about 5 weeks from now, and whether the healthcare system in YOUR COUNTY will be able to handle surge in cases!

Do you know how many ventilators your county and state has on hand right now? Will that be enough in five weeks, or will doctors have to start selecting who gets a ventilator and who does not, essentially picking which people get to die because of lack of supplies?

If anyone is being dishonest its you or perhaps it is more likely ignorance of what a pandemic does and how it spreads. You think your local hospital will rescue you if you have any problems? You might be in shock about what your local hospital will or won't be able to do for you in five weeks time.

What nation do you live in? Not the US. Where are you? Why don't you worry about your nation?

I live in the United States.
Okay right now, in the US average, the death rate is LESS than 1.5%. Not 3%. Certainly not anywhere CLOSE to 10%


For some areas right now. But as ITALY has shown, 10% is possible. Its not about NOW, its about 5 weeks from now, and whether the healthcare system in YOUR COUNTY will be able to handle surge in cases!

Do you know how many ventilators your county and state has on hand right now? Will that be enough in five weeks, or will doctors have to start selecting who gets a ventilator and who does not, essentially picking which people get to die because of lack of supplies?

If anyone is being dishonest its you or perhaps it is more likely ignorance of what a pandemic does and how it spreads. You think your local hospital will rescue you if you have any problems? You might be in shock about what your local hospital will or won't be able to do for you in five weeks time.

What nation do you live in? Not the US. Where are you? Why don't you worry about your nation?

I live in the United States.

Color me SUPER skeptical about that for sure.
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.

All of the lock down measures that I've seen, have not been effective, as near as I can tell.
The clear example of this, would be Italy, which is again as near as I can tell, has the most strict and harsh lock down measure of any country.

Yet virus infections are still rising.

So.... given there doesn't seem to be much value in lock down, then we are left with a pointless policy that damages the entire economy. Corona, no matter which way you look at it, will be short term. Damage to the economy will be long term.

Now I do understand the logic, of trying to flatten the curve, and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. Again... not seeing that this is working.

I didn't know that Italy shutdown the entire country. Last I heard it was just the northern part.

The US needs to do as many other mitigation measures as possible to minimize the spread. Whether its no public transportation, or mandatory testing and temperature testing at work, or taking medications such as in this CDC link:

I'm not sure about schools or colleges. Still think they need to do their work online.

IMHO it shouldn't be any worse than normal flu, but it could be.
Still we can't stop working or the economy collapses.

Opening non-essential business is just recipe to kill people and overwhelm and destroy the healthcare system. Its not about the economy, its about defeating the enemy. In this case the enemy is a Pathogen that is killing people. There is only one way to kill the Pathogen.
These "nonessential" businesses ARE essential you socialist dimwit. This nonsense cant be allowed to go on an an endlessly. And it wont.

In World War II thousands of business's shut down or converted to the production of military equipment. It was actually GOOD for the economy. 11 million men were drafted out their lives for military service and 5 million more volunteered for military service. The Civilian population was forced to ration certain goods. We did it then, we can do it again!

To my knowledge, the virus hasn't attacked Pearl Harbor.
Okay right now, in the US average, the death rate is LESS than 1.5%. Not 3%. Certainly not anywhere CLOSE to 10%


For some areas right now. But as ITALY has shown, 10% is possible. Its not about NOW, its about 5 weeks from now, and whether the healthcare system in YOUR COUNTY will be able to handle surge in cases!

Do you know how many ventilators your county and state has on hand right now? Will that be enough in five weeks, or will doctors have to start selecting who gets a ventilator and who does not, essentially picking which people get to die because of lack of supplies?

If anyone is being dishonest its you or perhaps it is more likely ignorance of what a pandemic does and how it spreads. You think your local hospital will rescue you if you have any problems? You might be in shock about what your local hospital will or won't be able to do for you in five weeks time.

What nation do you live in? Not the US. Where are you? Why don't you worry about your nation?

I live in the United States.

Color me SUPER skeptical about that for sure.

Okay right now, in the US average, the death rate is LESS than 1.5%. Not 3%. Certainly not anywhere CLOSE to 10%


For some areas right now. But as ITALY has shown, 10% is possible. Its not about NOW, its about 5 weeks from now, and whether the healthcare system in YOUR COUNTY will be able to handle surge in cases!

Do you know how many ventilators your county and state has on hand right now? Will that be enough in five weeks, or will doctors have to start selecting who gets a ventilator and who does not, essentially picking which people get to die because of lack of supplies?

If anyone is being dishonest its you or perhaps it is more likely ignorance of what a pandemic does and how it spreads. You think your local hospital will rescue you if you have any problems? You might be in shock about what your local hospital will or won't be able to do for you in five weeks time.

What nation do you live in? Not the US. Where are you? Why don't you worry about your nation?

I live in the United States.

Color me SUPER skeptical about that for sure.

Because I have dealt with many, many, many, many masquerading Europeans over the years and can usually spot them pretty accurately.

Also you said "I LIVE in the United States". Not "I am an American"
Okay right now, in the US average, the death rate is LESS than 1.5%. Not 3%. Certainly not anywhere CLOSE to 10%


For some areas right now. But as ITALY has shown, 10% is possible. Its not about NOW, its about 5 weeks from now, and whether the healthcare system in YOUR COUNTY will be able to handle surge in cases!

Do you know how many ventilators your county and state has on hand right now? Will that be enough in five weeks, or will doctors have to start selecting who gets a ventilator and who does not, essentially picking which people get to die because of lack of supplies?

If anyone is being dishonest its you or perhaps it is more likely ignorance of what a pandemic does and how it spreads. You think your local hospital will rescue you if you have any problems? You might be in shock about what your local hospital will or won't be able to do for you in five weeks time.

What nation do you live in? Not the US. Where are you? Why don't you worry about your nation?

I live in the United States.

Color me SUPER skeptical about that for sure.

Because I have dealt with many, many, many, many masquerading Europeans over the years and can usually spot them pretty accurately.

Also you said "I LIVE in the United States". Not "I am an American"

That's kind of cool actually! I take that as a complement If you think I'm not American. Makes me feel more worldly experienced I guess. I was born on the military base FORT BLISS which borders the city of El Paso Texas.
I was facing a 98 % rebuttal the first time I made any comment on this 3-4 weeks ago when I said I though it was too speculative about this being something that warranted shutting the nation down.
A brief stop may have been wise to see if anything extremely revealing came forth quickly and demanded immediate attention and isolation.
Well we’re almost 10 days into ruining America and no monsters have jumped out.
We’ve been told any day now the infections will soar but they merely match percentage of population sampled.
Easy stats are unavailable. Time to end this overreaction
Thing is it is far more widespread and long past isolation. It will run its course. If we knew how high that number of those testing positive really was, those death rates drop exponentially.
If 100 test positive and 1 dies that is a 1% death rate. If it is actually 1000 infected with that one death that rate drops to .1%.
Without the ability to test 345 million folks, the numbers thrown around are to this point useless speculation. We never have enough testing of anything as each year we can't foresee every pathogen that might run through.
We will eventually have a vaccine, but the world isn't going to shutter for a year waiting. Nor should it.

Have the CDC and Military go person to person and test everyone and let get a real damn count so we can shut those in Hysteria up for once and for all!
There will never be enough tests.
Getting the test doesn't mean you are "all good". It just means you haven't got it yet. It doesn't prevent you getting infected two days later.
All testing does is verify for treatment and provide data. Tests are only recommended for those with severe respiratory distress and those calling doctor for tests with simple symptoms are told to shelter in place and only come in if experiencing severe distress.
In other words, just get over it.

I am willing to bet when this Pandemic is over the number of deaths will be around 0.5% or lower of the World Population and the left will blame Trump for the crashing of the economy and overreaction...

Agreed. That is a real possibility. This whole thing could fizzle out, and the death rate, though higher than a normal flu season, could end up very low relative to the scare level....

and I guarantee you... not even a question... if that happens, they'll be attacking Trump for overreacting and scaring everyone.

We know this for a fact. We saw this with Bush. All the Democrats, all of them, had the exact same information Bush had, and they all supported the invasion of Iraq, and then they all flipped right around, and said he lied and people died.

Democrats by their very nature, have zero moral standards, zero ethics, zero code of conduct. For them, whatever they have to do to win, is all they care about.
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.

If regular folks dont go back to work they're gonna be screaming bloody murder and they will take it out on the dems at the national and local levels ....theyre pissed out there ...I was in two stores today I had a nice little conversation with a mom at the checkout .....laughing at the gas station with the beer truck guy ....I'm not shy I'll talk to anyone :p

Every fresh fruit or veggie you could want at kroger ...a lot of it all on sale

Meat was still scarce ..especially the variety to choose from ....the left utopin socialst aoc future they wanna foister on yawill be 100 x worse I guarantee it ...
They had some steaks, chicken thighs and legs and thin chops

Macaronis can goods dry beans frozen foods pet food most aisles shelves were half empty ...

Fresh eggs n milk n butter a plenty ...but choice limited
The had a big ol stack of regular ol large eggs and that was it ...
Tp they had no paper towels

Oh deli was full ....make a sammich!
They had everything in deli

The people in NYC don't get that the rest of us in "fly-over" country don't have their problems. Maybe because we don't go on cruises or fly often? We just want to go to work and get back to normal ASAP. We also have well stocked shelves, with more gone than usual but still plenty to pick from. Stay safe!
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.

All of the lock down measures that I've seen, have not been effective, as near as I can tell.
The clear example of this, would be Italy, which is again as near as I can tell, has the most strict and harsh lock down measure of any country.

Yet virus infections are still rising.

So.... given there doesn't seem to be much value in lock down, then we are left with a pointless policy that damages the entire economy. Corona, no matter which way you look at it, will be short term. Damage to the economy will be long term.

Now I do understand the logic, of trying to flatten the curve, and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. Again... not seeing that this is working.

I didn't know that Italy shutdown the entire country. Last I heard it was just the northern part.

The US needs to do as many other mitigation measures as possible to minimize the spread. Whether its no public transportation, or mandatory testing and temperature testing at work, or taking medications such as in this CDC link:

I'm not sure about schools or colleges. Still think they need to do their work online.

IMHO it shouldn't be any worse than normal flu, but it could be.
Still we can't stop working or the economy collapses.

Opening non-essential business is just recipe to kill people and overwhelm and destroy the healthcare system. Its not about the economy, its about defeating the enemy. In this case the enemy is a Pathogen that is killing people. There is only one way to kill the Pathogen.
Nonsense. The virus is an environmental condition to be adjusted for. The enemy is the Democrat fear machine and it’s bots.
I was facing a 98 % rebuttal the first time I made any comment on this 3-4 weeks ago when I said I though it was too speculative about this being something that warranted shutting the nation down.
A brief stop may have been wise to see if anything extremely revealing came forth quickly and demanded immediate attention and isolation.
Well we’re almost 10 days into ruining America and no monsters have jumped out.
We’ve been told any day now the infections will soar but they merely match percentage of population sampled.
Easy stats are unavailable. Time to end this overreaction
Thing is it is far more widespread and long past isolation. It will run its course. If we knew how high that number of those testing positive really was, those death rates drop exponentially.
If 100 test positive and 1 dies that is a 1% death rate. If it is actually 1000 infected with that one death that rate drops to .1%.
Without the ability to test 345 million folks, the numbers thrown around are to this point useless speculation. We never have enough testing of anything as each year we can't foresee every pathogen that might run through.
We will eventually have a vaccine, but the world isn't going to shutter for a year waiting. Nor should it.

Have the CDC and Military go person to person and test everyone and let get a real damn count so we can shut those in Hysteria up for once and for all!
There will never be enough tests.
Getting the test doesn't mean you are "all good". It just means you haven't got it yet. It doesn't prevent you getting infected two days later.
All testing does is verify for treatment and provide data. Tests are only recommended for those with severe respiratory distress and those calling doctor for tests with simple symptoms are told to shelter in place and only come in if experiencing severe distress.
In other words, just get over it.

I am willing to bet when this Pandemic is over the number of deaths will be around 0.5% or lower of the World Population and the left will blame Trump for the crashing of the economy and overreaction...

Agreed. That is a real possibility. This whole thing could fizzle out, and the death rate, though higher than a normal flu season, could end up very low relative to the scare level....

and I guarantee you... not even a question... if that happens, they'll be attacking Trump for overreacting and scaring everyone.

We know this for a fact. We saw this with Bush. All the Democrats, all of them, had the exact same information Bush had, and they all supported the invasion of Iraq, and then they all flipped right around, and said he lied and people died.

Democrats by their very nature, have zero moral standards, zero ethics, zero code of conduct. For them, whatever they have to do to win, is all they care about.
The democrats have only one singular position; “opposition”.
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.

All of the lock down measures that I've seen, have not been effective, as near as I can tell.
The clear example of this, would be Italy, which is again as near as I can tell, has the most strict and harsh lock down measure of any country.

Yet virus infections are still rising.

So.... given there doesn't seem to be much value in lock down, then we are left with a pointless policy that damages the entire economy. Corona, no matter which way you look at it, will be short term. Damage to the economy will be long term.

Now I do understand the logic, of trying to flatten the curve, and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. Again... not seeing that this is working.

I didn't know that Italy shutdown the entire country. Last I heard it was just the northern part.

The US needs to do as many other mitigation measures as possible to minimize the spread. Whether its no public transportation, or mandatory testing and temperature testing at work, or taking medications such as in this CDC link:

I'm not sure about schools or colleges. Still think they need to do their work online.

IMHO it shouldn't be any worse than normal flu, but it could be.
Still we can't stop working or the economy collapses.

Opening non-essential business is just recipe to kill people and overwhelm and destroy the healthcare system. Its not about the economy, its about defeating the enemy. In this case the enemy is a Pathogen that is killing people. There is only one way to kill the Pathogen.
and yet many nonessential businesses are still open.

Take out pizza and liquor stores are not essential businesses neither are many others that the idiots in government ate exempting like landscaping
You don't listen to a Governor on how to fight a pandemic, you listen to an epidemiologist.
That is exactly what he has done. We can only reduce the spike in cases, which the partial closure already accomplishes. We can't stop the inevitable.
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.
3rd option. Prep for a month. Then open everything back up. Still have elderly self quarantine. Go for herd immunity. With how fast this spreads it won’t be hard, and a lot quicker than a vaccine

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