Poll: Rate the Worst Scandal

Which scandal involved the greatest Presidential culpability?

  • Watergate (Nixon)

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • Iran-Contra (Reagan)

    Votes: 18 32.7%
  • Lewinski-Lying (Clinton)

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • Benghazi (Obama)

    Votes: 22 40.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Which of the following scandals involved the greatest Presidential culpability?
Which of the following scandals involved the greatest Presidential culpability?

How far back we going? Grant had a big one. Then there was Teapot Dome, Watergate, Iran-contra. Funny how they were all Republican scandals. The best they could get on the Dems were Kennedy's and Clinton's extra-curricular activities. Hardly on a par with the way the Reps carried on! :cool:
Answered before you even had the list up! I'm going with Iran-contra. Reagan sold arms to hostage takers and gave the proceeds to terrorists. What gets scummier than that?
In terms of sheer crapulence and general loss of life, the Iran-Contra affair was the worst thing in my lifetime.
I could care less how much toukie Kennedy or Clinton got...

Clinton is damaged because he lied under oath abut it during a deposition...
That used to be taken seriously.... I think it's called perjury.

The Libs seem to have selective memory about that.
Just as they do the Iraq war when the Democrat party gave Bush the all clear to invade Iraq...
So far, I voted for Lewinski-Lying (to a Grand Jury) because that directly involved Clinton. Nixon wasn't involved in the Watergate break in and Reagan wasn't involved at all (lol). Benghazi could top Lewinski because of the deaths involved, but it is still up in the air at this point.
Getting your dick sucked is such a scandal.

The two Republican scandals mentioned really are scandals.

The last one is just more Republican fail. Hoping something sticks to this president. What else do those idiots have?
Watergate was bad..but IMHO Iran Contra was much worse. Both had an impact on just how far the President can go..but Iran Contra had no consequences.

The other two "scandals" are trite at best.
I could care less how much toukie Kennedy or Clinton got...

Clinton is damaged because he lied under oath abut it during a deposition...
That used to be taken seriously.... I think it's called perjury.

The Libs seem to have selective memory about that.
Just as they do the Iraq war when the Democrat party gave Bush the all clear to invade Iraq...

Oh bullshit.
I'm going with Benghazi because people died and the WH seemed to have
done things to downplay the whole event.
Answered before you even had the list up! I'm going with Iran-contra. Reagan sold arms to hostage takers and gave the proceeds to terrorists. What gets scummier than that?

By "terrorists," do you mean the anti-communist guerillas in Nicaragua whom the U.S. had previously been supporting?
I could care less how much toukie Kennedy or Clinton got...

Clinton is damaged because he lied under oath abut it during a deposition...
That used to be taken seriously.... I think it's called perjury.

The Libs seem to have selective memory about that.
Just as they do the Iraq war when the Democrat party gave Bush the all clear to invade Iraq...

What man hasn't lied to his wife about getting his dick sucked by someone not his wife? And the judge blocked Clinton's statement. It was never used in court. Only in Congress. What a bunch of fuckers those Republicans are. And Newt was in the middle of his own affair. McCain married the richest woman in Arizona a month after the divorce from his wife who had been disfigured in a car accident, but he swore he never cheated on his wife.

Then there was Larry Flyint who offered a million dollars to anyone who had dirt on Republicans who are trying to bring Clinton down over a blow job and most ran for the hills. With good reason, I'm sure.
I think the Democrat party has a problem with hero worship.
If and when their "God" stumbles and becomes human again
it just eats at them they are now fair game to criticism.

That's why they scream racism whenever Obama is criticized.
I'm going with Benghazi because people died and the WH seemed to have
done things to downplay the whole event.

WH "seemed" to

No, you've been listening to Fox again. You were warned. Stop before the damage becomes permanent.
I think the Democrat party has a problem with hero worship.
If and when their "God" stumbles and becomes human again
it just eats at them they are now fair game to criticism.

That's why they scream racism whenever Obama is criticized.

The free pass Reagan and company got for the Iran-Contra affair beats anything the democrats have done.
Iran/Contra along with Reagan creating the Taliban that later attacked us on 9/11


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