Poll: Rush Limbaugh--Hannity--Savage--Levin. A question to their audiences?

For future Ratings & Profit--which President would work best for Rush Limbaugh?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • Republican Nominee

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't know if any of you are watching MSNBC prior 3rd debate. The GOP Latino's got on their and basically stated they won't vote for Republicans if they kept getting insulted

These are REPUBLICAN Latino's. I want to Thank all you TRUMP supporters for putting Hillary Clinton in the OVAL office--you freaking idiots.

Well that's about what one should expect from the Progs.
Rush doesn't endorse anyone,
Actually he does, but without actually saying he endorses them so when they lose, and they always lose, his waning influence is not obvious to his gullible DittoTards.
By "like and don't like" your MessiahRushie means "endorse and don't endorse."

January 4, 2008
RUSH: People need leadership. It's one of my mantras. They want leadership. And to a lot of these people, I am their leader. And they think that I am AWOL on leadership because I don't come out and endorse a candidate, and because I don't come out and go through the candidates' particulars and suggest this is good, this is bad. I have actually been doing that; if anybody listens regularly, they shouldn't really be having a tough time figuring out who I like and who I don't like.

CALLER: Totally.

RUSH: But nevertheless, maybe that kind of subtlety is not powerful enough to get through.

I have been on political boards for 15 years. The ones I notice that so are so totally ill-informed on issues are right wing radio listeners. They never read anything. Certainly never do their own homework on the candidates they support.

They carry around the Rush Limbaugh bible with them and that's it.

Here is a great article on the mentality of a Trump supporter.

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I notice that liberal idiots like you are always making totally unfounded a wrong claims about Rush's audience. Studies have show that his audience is one of the most educated of any media outlet.
Yeah, just as sure as he has a CERTIFIED "accuracy" rating of 99.8% :cuckoo:

The same Latinos who voted for Romney are going to vote for Trump, and the sames ones who voted for Obama are going to vote for Hillary.
Liberal talk-radio station Air America files for bankruptcy, will go off the air

Air America, the liberal talk-radio network that helped boost the careers of Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, said Thursday that it was declaring bankruptcy and going off the air.

The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Poor things...........couldn't get sponsors and hardly anyone was listening to them.............

Oh wait a minute...............Right wing Radio gets good ratings and sponsors.................oops................And will continue to do so if the Hildabeast loses.
That's what brainwashed ignoramuses do- stick with the few people that do their message, for dupes only.

Which stations make money and which ones don't................Thus ends the lessen..........
Why are liberals at war with information? Rush Limbaugh is single handedly responsible for the modern concept of talk radio. There was a time that lefties pronounced his show DOA because a democrat was elected president or a republican was elected president. It's an absurd thought but liberals are motivated by emotions rather than logic. Liberals hoped Rush was DOA so they were amazed when it didn't turn out that way. There might be a couple of left wing shows on talk radio but they don't seem to last long unless they are privately financed by shadow lefties. It doesn't matter who is elected, Hannity, Rush, Savage and Levin are .....gasp.....capitalists who rely on the confiscatory costs of ads on their program. Do lefties have a better idea?

Liberals also believe people really want to listen to an uninterrupted diet of the their sanctimony and bullshit. That's why their attempts to counter conservative talk radio and FOX have consistently failed.

LOL! We had a Leftist set on our local talk radio station on Saturday's some years back. Talk about a BUFFOON!

I OWNED that low-rent piece of shit. He opened a website with a forum ... and after only a few months he had to SHUT IT DOWN because of the beating I laid on the idiots that fawned over that sot, spewing the same rancid drivel that our in-house whack-jobs spew on this site.

I called his program using every conceivable voice imaginable and without fail I'd hand him his ass. The topic was usually the War on Terror and he was TERRIBLE if you left him with his aid de camp... to ramble on by themselves. But when you added an American to the mix, the whole house of cards came apart almost INSTANTLY.

I did the same thing for Ed Shultz as well, until they simply stopped taking calls from my area code ENTIRELY!
Talk about insane hater dupes lol...
the libturd tack record of choosing winning Republican candidates is somewhat less than stellar. They pushed both McCain and Romney as the candidates with the best chance to win. Republicans would have to be complete fools to take campaign advice from the likes of you.

The liberal media deliberately chooses Republican candidates they think are beatable, then go easy on them while bashing the ones they fear the most. They know that Hillary couldn't win up against some of them, so they will do their usual trick of getting rid of the best ones and try to ensure a pushover gets the nod. That is why they treated McCain with so much respect. They knew he would take all the abuse and not fight back. They knocked Romney out quick in 2008 and the reason was because he didn't pass the religion litmus test since he is a Moorman. Religion matters a lot to the left when it's the "wrong" one.

They went after Herman Cain with both barrels, with accusations that later proved to be false. They knew that Obama needed to continue playing the race card, something he couldn't very well do while running against a black candidate.

Watch who the liberal media is calling a good candidate and translate that to a candidate they think Hillary can beat. They will save their meanest tricks to use after the primaries. The right always seems to fall for this shit.

Nominate the strongest one that will call Hillary out on her bullshit and not the wishy washy one that is afraid to criticize her.

It's funny how some might think Rush won't survive without an inept Dem in office. He picks on Republicans, too, and is often harder on them. Rush and some others are picking up the slack for the media who no longer does serious, investigative reporting. When was the last time you saw CNN or MSNBC hold any Dem's feet to the fire and demand answers? They all sound like fucking stenographers for the Obama administration. Every damn one of them repeats whatever the WH spokesperson tells them verbatim. Really pathetic.

I listen to Rush once in a while and do appreciate the humor that seems to fly high over the heads of the PC crowd. They take things so literally and it's sad.
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Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.
Rush doesn't endorse anyone,
Actually he does, but without actually saying he endorses them so when they lose, and they always lose, his waning influence is not obvious to his gullible DittoTards.
By "like and don't like" your MessiahRushie means "endorse and don't endorse."

January 4, 2008
RUSH: People need leadership. It's one of my mantras. They want leadership. And to a lot of these people, I am their leader. And they think that I am AWOL on leadership because I don't come out and endorse a candidate, and because I don't come out and go through the candidates' particulars and suggest this is good, this is bad. I have actually been doing that; if anybody listens regularly, they shouldn't really be having a tough time figuring out who I like and who I don't like.

CALLER: Totally.

RUSH: But nevertheless, maybe that kind of subtlety is not powerful enough to get through.

I have been on political boards for 15 years. The ones I notice that so are so totally ill-informed on issues are right wing radio listeners. They never read anything. Certainly never do their own homework on the candidates they support.

They carry around the Rush Limbaugh bible with them and that's it.

Here is a great article on the mentality of a Trump supporter.

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I notice that liberal idiots like you are always making totally unfounded a wrong claims about Rush's audience. Studies have show that his audience is one of the most educated of any media outlet.
Yeah, just as sure as he has a CERTIFIED "accuracy" rating of 99.8% :cuckoo:

The same Latinos who voted for Romney are going to vote for Trump, and the sames ones who voted for Obama are going to vote for Hillary.

Nope, Romney was a MNC Asian Economy foil.
Liberal talk-radio station Air America files for bankruptcy, will go off the air

Air America, the liberal talk-radio network that helped boost the careers of Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, said Thursday that it was declaring bankruptcy and going off the air.

The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Poor things...........couldn't get sponsors and hardly anyone was listening to them.............

Oh wait a minute...............Right wing Radio gets good ratings and sponsors.................oops................And will continue to do so if the Hildabeast loses.
That's what brainwashed ignoramuses do- stick with the few people that do their message, for dupes only.

Which stations make money and which ones don't................Thus ends the lessen..........
Um, our fact based media are doing just fine, stupid- Papers from all countries, CBS, ABC, Reuters, BBC, PBS etc etc etc. You have your hate, bigotry, BS media, all paid for by greedy idiot billionaires and the dupes...a disgrace.
Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.


Challenge...Within the NEXT 3 minutes post a message providing some details of what Rush said today.
Without looking on his web site or YouTube.
Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.

I suppose you have recordings of these events?
Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.


I just realized you either didn't listen, or pay attention, to Rush between 9/2001 and 1/2008.
Thanks for letting me know.
The liberal media deliberately chooses Republican candidates they think are beatable, then go easy on them while bashing the ones they fear the most. ...

No question. I read an article a month or so back that laid out the number of times and the amount of time that the MSM has mentioned and reported on the respective GOP candidates.

Nightly Trump averaged 37 minutes. Doc Carson was second with something like 3 minutes. Ted Cruz was dead last with just a few mentions and just as many seconds.
Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.

I suppose you have recordings of these events?

I will listen after I get the posting.
I don't know ONE Conservative (and I know at least 100 of them in my 2 Temples) who actually LISTENS to what fat ass has to say.
Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.


I just realized you either didn't listen, or pay attention, to Rush between 9/2001 and 1/2008.
Thanks for letting me know.
Insane hater dupes can't remember that far. On to the next bs outrage.
The liberal media deliberately chooses Republican candidates they think are beatable, then go easy on them while bashing the ones they fear the most. ...

No question. I read an article a month or so back that laid out the number of times and the amount of time that the MSM has mentioned and reported on the respective GOP candidates.

Nightly Trump averaged 37 minutes. Doc Carson was second with something like 3 minutes. Ted Cruz was dead last with just a few mentions and just as many seconds.
Just like all the RW media. Oh right, you just have one disgrace cable joke outfit.
Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.


Challenge...Within the NEXT 3 minutes post a message providing some details of what Rush said today.
Without looking on his web site or YouTube.

Ha! No takers! Rush = Conservative Audio masturbation.
Of course there are always Rinos to be poached

When GW was in Office, Rush declared he was a Republican 1st, a Conservative 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
When Obama was in Office, Rush declared he was a Conservative 1st, a Republican 2nd and an Entertainer 3rd.
In other words, Rush plays his stupid audience like a fiddle.


I just realized you either didn't listen, or pay attention, to Rush between 9/2001 and 1/2008.
Thanks for letting me know.

ROFL! That's right it's me. I've only been a daily listener to Rush since the first day he came on the air in my home town in 1989. There's nothing about Rush that I do not understand instinctively... .

Rush has never been anything but a Conservative, OKA: An advocate of Conserving American Principle. PERIOD! And that's not even a debatable point.

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