Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Americans


Nov 13, 2012
by John Nolte
11 Feb 2013

Pew released a poll today that puts into stark contrast the widening gap between the elite media and the American people. When asked what their priorities were for Obama's second term, the American people overwhelmingly chose as their top three issues: strengthening the economy, job creation, and deficit reduction.

Way down at the bottom -- #17, #18, and #21 (out of 21) -- we find the media's priorities: guns, illegal immigration, and global warming.

And what a wild coincidence that the exact same divisive issues the media's focusing on to drive its coverage are the exact same divisive issues Obama's been using to distract from his jobless, shrinking economy.

There are too many untold stories to count about the state of the American economy today; an economy dragged down by the threat of ObamaCare, hyper-regulation, the uncertainty that comes from the president constantly demanding tax increases (as he did again last week), and the kind of chronic joblessness we haven't seen since WWII.


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Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Average Americans
by John Nolte
11 Feb 2013

Pew released a poll today that puts into stark contrast the widening gap between the elite media and the American people. When asked what their priorities were for Obama's second term, the American people overwhelmingly chose as their top three issues: strengthening the economy, job creation, and deficit reduction.

Way down at the bottom -- #17, #18, and #21 (out of 21) -- we find the media's priorities: guns, illegal immigration, and global warming.

And what a wild coincidence that the exact same divisive issues the media's focusing on to drive its coverage are the exact same divisive issues Obama's been using to distract from his jobless, shrinking economy.

There are too many untold stories to count about the state of the American economy today; an economy dragged down by the threat of ObamaCare, hyper-regulation, the uncertainty that comes from the president constantly demanding tax increases (as he did again last week), and the kind of chronic joblessness we haven't seen since WWII.


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Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Average Americans



The Pew poll does not say what the media's priorities are. The Pew site makes no mention of the media whatsoever.

That is something the guy pouring your piss at Brietbart made up!
Of course they are, like politicians they sit in their ivory towers as if they are better and the more knowledgeable than others, you know those little people they Represent and report to...the thing with the media today, they have dropped all pretense of being, non biased.
Before at least they would try and hide a little more
we have our own Pravda in country
by John Nolte
11 Feb 2013

Pew released a poll today that puts into stark contrast the widening gap between the elite media and the American people. When asked what their priorities were for Obama's second term, the American people overwhelmingly chose as their top three issues: strengthening the economy, job creation, and deficit reduction.

Way down at the bottom -- #17, #18, and #21 (out of 21) -- we find the media's priorities: guns, illegal immigration, and global warming.

And what a wild coincidence that the exact same divisive issues the media's focusing on to drive its coverage are the exact same divisive issues Obama's been using to distract from his jobless, shrinking economy.

There are too many untold stories to count about the state of the American economy today; an economy dragged down by the threat of ObamaCare, hyper-regulation, the uncertainty that comes from the president constantly demanding tax increases (as he did again last week), and the kind of chronic joblessness we haven't seen since WWII.


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Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Average Americans



The Pew poll does not say what the media's priorities are. The Pew site makes no mention of the media whatsoever.

That is something the guy pouring your piss at Brietbart made up!

I hate to pour piss on your Obama flakes, but anybody who pays even passing attention to what the agendas are in the vast majority of the news media outlets, should be keenly aware that these agendas are GUN CONTROL, ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY, and GLOBAL WARMING.

Apparently, some of you Obama-retards need it spelled out for you with Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoons and maybe crayons and coloring books?
I hate to pour piss on your Obama flakes, but anybody who pays even passing attention to what the agendas are in the vast majority of the news media outlets, should be keenly aware that these agendas are GUN CONTROL, ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY, and GLOBAL WARMING.

Apparently, some of you Obama-retards need it spelled out for you with Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoons and maybe crayons and coloring books?

Ugh... So I assume you're above the media and know better than all of us?
Since when did the media stop talking about the economy, jobs and federal debt/deficit?

Don't introduce the sense God gave a horse into this conversation! Everyone knows the media has been banging on global warming non-stop and not breathing a word about the economy, jobs, and the debt.
I hate to pour piss on your Obama flakes, but anybody who pays even passing attention to what the agendas are in the vast majority of the news media outlets, should be keenly aware that these agendas are GUN CONTROL, ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY, and GLOBAL WARMING.

Apparently, some of you Obama-retards need it spelled out for you with Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoons and maybe crayons and coloring books?

First, I will address the new strawman you made. I am not a supporter of Obama. Far from it.

I do support truth, honesty, and critical thinking, though. This is probably the source of your obvious confusion, and makes your moniker somewhat ironic.

Second, "ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY" is not on the poll. But I have noticed the people who bring that up the most are Republicans, not the media.

Some Republicans get all sweaty thinking about Hispanics.
Really the main stream reports on, the war on women, the war on gays, the war on old people getting social security, the war on minority's, the war on starving babys, the war on welfare. Also the rich aren't paying enough, we got to ban guns, that's the left's agenda. Creating jobs isn't as important than creating a welfare state, making healthcare affordable isn't as important as adding free birth control. Liberals and the liberal media care more about social issues than the real issues that really affect americans.
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Really the main stream reports on, the war on women, the war on gays, the war on old peple getting social security, the war on minority's, the war on starving babys, the war on welfare. Also the rich aren't paying enough, we got to ban guns, that's the left's agenda. Creating jobs isn't as important than creating a welfare state, making healthcare affordable isn't as important as adding free birth control. Liberals and the liberal media care more about social issues than the real issues that really affect americans.

Did Hannity tell you that?
I hate to pour piss on your Obama flakes, but anybody who pays even passing attention to what the agendas are in the vast majority of the news media outlets, should be keenly aware that these agendas are GUN CONTROL, ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY, and GLOBAL WARMING.

Apparently, some of you Obama-retards need it spelled out for you with Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoons and maybe crayons and coloring books?

First, I will address the new strawman you made. I am not a supporter of Obama. Far from it.

I do support truth, honesty, and critical thinking, though. This is probably the source of your obvious confusion, and makes your moniker somewhat ironic.

Second, "ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY" is not on the poll. But I have noticed the people who bring that up the most are Republicans, not the media.

Some Republicans get all sweaty thinking about Hispanics.

Reading comprehension problems?

I don't care what's on the poll. The media are constantly defending illegal aliens, and are always campaigning to grant some form of amnesty for these lawbreakers.

If you believe that the illegal alien problem in this country is due to some sort of "anti-Hispanic" agenda, then I have a bridge I need to sell you.

I don't give a shit what nationality or religious affiliation or race an illegal alien is. This problem is a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE. Why the hell do you think we have BORDERS to begin with?

For you to break this down into a simple-minded "political" thing, is childish.
by John Nolte
11 Feb 2013

Pew released a poll today that puts into stark contrast the widening gap between the elite media and the American people. When asked what their priorities were for Obama's second term, the American people overwhelmingly chose as their top three issues: strengthening the economy, job creation, and deficit reduction.

Way down at the bottom -- #17, #18, and #21 (out of 21) -- we find the media's priorities: guns, illegal immigration, and global warming.

And what a wild coincidence that the exact same divisive issues the media's focusing on to drive its coverage are the exact same divisive issues Obama's been using to distract from his jobless, shrinking economy.

There are too many untold stories to count about the state of the American economy today; an economy dragged down by the threat of ObamaCare, hyper-regulation, the uncertainty that comes from the president constantly demanding tax increases (as he did again last week), and the kind of chronic joblessness we haven't seen since WWII.


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Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Average Americans



The Pew poll does not say what the media's priorities are. The Pew site makes no mention of the media whatsoever.

That is something the guy pouring your piss at Brietbart made up!

Hmm, it's not hard to see what the media spends way more time focusing on. Right now they go out of their way to find stories that support Obama's gun control and they talk a lot about immigration.

Seems the economy barely gets a mention, other than to report the latest stats. And they don't spend much time on that since the news is usually grim.
Really the main stream reports on, the war on women, the war on gays, the war on old peple getting social security, the war on minority's, the war on starving babys, the war on welfare. Also the rich aren't paying enough, we got to ban guns, that's the left's agenda. Creating jobs isn't as important than creating a welfare state, making healthcare affordable isn't as important as adding free birth control. Liberals and the liberal media care more about social issues than the real issues that really affect americans.

Did Hannity tell you that?

No- obama actually stated it.
I'd say this thread shows us how-of-touch the far right is with reality and Main Street America. I guess that explains the election results, the GOP's dismal approval-disapproval in opinion polls and why the GOP is scrambling heavy and hard to change it's image.
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I hate to pour piss on your Obama flakes, but anybody who pays even passing attention to what the agendas are in the vast majority of the news media outlets, should be keenly aware that these agendas are GUN CONTROL, ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY, and GLOBAL WARMING.

Apparently, some of you Obama-retards need it spelled out for you with Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoons and maybe crayons and coloring books?

Ugh... So I assume you're above the media and know better than all of us?

I only deal in facts and here are the FACTS about the MSM!

1,160 employees (85%) of the three major broadcast television networks, GAVE The Democratic total of $1,020,816 with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 (15%) of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.

The editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas thinks said
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But when it comes to Obama the same "objective" journalist Editor Thomas said...

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

In Obama/Romney campaign.. According to Pew,
“42% of the character narrative” about Obama was positive on mainstream networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS while 58% was negative.
BUT when it came to ROMNEY???
On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.

I know I'll have to explain that in simpler terms for you... THE MSM broadcast 71% negative stories about Romney versus less then 42% about Obama!
So idiots like you really believed the myths, the lies, the total fabrications the MSM put out about Romney and the MSM ignored to tell you that Obama who
proudly piously talks about being his brother's keeper.. the MSM CHOOSES not to tell us about his brother that lives in a $12 a year hut!

These are typical stories the MSM won't run!

CASE in point FACTS..
in 8 years of running stories about Obama why are there only About 30,800 Google results for "Obama's brother lives in a hut"
Yet in less then 6 months 6 MONTHS About 4,500,000 results for "Romney 47 percent"

YOU telling me the MSM is NOT biased??? 14,610% MORE results against Romney in less then 6 months then "Obama in 8 years!
I hate to pour piss on your Obama flakes, but anybody who pays even passing attention to what the agendas are in the vast majority of the news media outlets, should be keenly aware that these agendas are GUN CONTROL, ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY, and GLOBAL WARMING.

Apparently, some of you Obama-retards need it spelled out for you with Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoons and maybe crayons and coloring books?

Ugh... So I assume you're above the media and know better than all of us?

I only deal in facts and here are the FACTS about the MSM!

1,160 employees (85%) of the three major broadcast television networks, GAVE The Democratic total of $1,020,816 with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 (15%) of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.

The editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas thinks said
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But when it comes to Obama the same "objective" journalist Editor Thomas said...

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

In Obama/Romney campaign.. According to Pew,
“42% of the character narrative” about Obama was positive on mainstream networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS while 58% was negative.
BUT when it came to ROMNEY???
On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.

I know I'll have to explain that in simpler terms for you... THE MSM broadcast 71% negative stories about Romney versus less then 42% about Obama!
So idiots like you really believed the myths, the lies, the total fabrications the MSM put out about Romney and the MSM ignored to tell you that Obama who
proudly piously talks about being his brother's keeper.. the MSM CHOOSES not to tell us about his brother that lives in a $12 a year hut!

These are typical stories the MSM won't run!

CASE in point FACTS..
in 8 years of running stories about Obama why are there only About 30,800 Google results for "Obama's brother lives in a hut"
Yet in less then 6 months 6 MONTHS About 4,500,000 results for "Romney 47 percent"

YOU telling me the MSM is NOT biased??? 14,610% MORE results against Romney in less then 6 months then "Obama in 8 years!

Maybe more Republicans should go into broadcasting.

Also, tell me why more people should care about where Obama's brother lives. Tell me why people shouldn't care about Romney's 47% comments.
Ugh... So I assume you're above the media and know better than all of us?

I only deal in facts and here are the FACTS about the MSM!

1,160 employees (85%) of the three major broadcast television networks, GAVE The Democratic total of $1,020,816 with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 (15%) of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.

The editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas thinks said
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But when it comes to Obama the same "objective" journalist Editor Thomas said...

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

In Obama/Romney campaign.. According to Pew,
“42% of the character narrative” about Obama was positive on mainstream networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS while 58% was negative.
BUT when it came to ROMNEY???
On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.

I know I'll have to explain that in simpler terms for you... THE MSM broadcast 71% negative stories about Romney versus less then 42% about Obama!
So idiots like you really believed the myths, the lies, the total fabrications the MSM put out about Romney and the MSM ignored to tell you that Obama who
proudly piously talks about being his brother's keeper.. the MSM CHOOSES not to tell us about his brother that lives in a $12 a year hut!

These are typical stories the MSM won't run!

CASE in point FACTS..
in 8 years of running stories about Obama why are there only About 30,800 Google results for "Obama's brother lives in a hut"
Yet in less then 6 months 6 MONTHS About 4,500,000 results for "Romney 47 percent"

YOU telling me the MSM is NOT biased??? 14,610% MORE results against Romney in less then 6 months then "Obama in 8 years!

Maybe more Republicans should go into broadcasting.

Also, tell me why more people should care about where Obama's brother lives. Tell me why people shouldn't care about Romney's 47% comments.

Well if you don't understand Obama 's LIED about his pious "brother's keeper" while keeping his brother in a $12 hut... I can understand because people like you are totally without compassion feelings etc. you are a Obamatron!

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