POLL: The GOP and "Socialism"

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

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Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?
You're an example of what happens when you stand in the middle of the road trying to please evil.

It doesn't matter how many accept socialism. Stealing your neighbors paycheck is evil. And it never works. It has failed everywhere it has been tried.
Poll Pot...when it is never too late to say you are sorry...

You leave out the part where the US and North Vietnam destabilized Cambodia/Kampuchea/the Khmer Republic to the point where Pol Pot could take over to start with. Funny how you guys leave that part out.

“Returning to Cambodia in 1953, he joined the Marxist–Leninist Khmer Việt Minhorganisation in its guerrilla war against King Norodom Sihanouk's newly independent government. ”

Pol Pot finally took power in 1963. And you blame America somehow? What we had a time machine?
And notice...

“Pol Pot was educated at some of Cambodia's elite schools. In the 1940s, Pol Pot moved to Paris, France, where he joined the French Communist Party and adopted Marxism–Leninism, particularly as it was presented in the writings of Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.”

Typical combination of elite schools, privilege and imbibing the trendiest philosophies a liberal milieu has to offer. Like the socialists in the US and rest of the West. It’s always an affection of the elites.
It's funny that whenever socialism is brought up, social security is also brought up as a glorious example.

Yet, this program is over 20 trillions in debt, because of the Ponzi scheme financing.

Well, no, it's 20 Trillion in future obligations because the rich aren't paying their fair share and old people are living longer. Oh, that and we aren't bringing in enough new workers to replace the ones that retire or fairly distributing the wealth to the ones we did have.

But do go on about how the most successful poverty alleviation plan in history is a "failure'.

Instead of replacing Americans so that your stupid program can stay afloat - here is a better idea.

Replace the fcking sorry ass failure of a program. And then replace yourself to Venezuela.
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?
The socioeconomic philosophy doesn't have a good track record of course when you point this out the supporters always state "that's not true socialism" Then they will inevitably bring up the Scandinavian countries as an example, except its not the socialist utopia that nutbags like Bernie Sanders claims it to be. Those countries had high life expectances and income levels long before the move to big government welfare. Now these countries are starting to move away from the inevitable failure that is socialism. Hopefully its not to late for them.

Debunking the Myth of Socialist “Success” in Scandinavia
How long before the left realizes it should?

Maybe when Capitalism stops being such a shit sandwich for 80% of us. That's when it will be scary.

In Sweden they don't have a military that polices the world not to mention that their population is quite a smaller than the US

Okay, so why do we need a military that polices the world, then? Why are we policing the world again? Take out the wars fought for the interests of the Zionists and Oil Companies, we haven't had a real threat to us in 30 years.
It makes it so much easier to distinguish between the two major political parties when the crazy democrat left finally quits the smoke and mirrors and comes out of the socialist political closet. Live with it and embrace it while you can lefties because the democrat party ain't likely to be around much longer at this rate.

If you think the Democrats are socialist you're fucking nuts. The Democrats would be right wing in most European countries.
This ain't Europe bunny, and Social Security, just like ALL socialist ideas will implode just a matter of time. I am 70 my children may not see SS, and my grandchildren certainly will not.
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

"Not in this lifetime, pal."

If there is a more unifying rallying call for conservatives against the American Left, politically speaking not culturally, I challenge you to find it. Once again, so-called elite American liberal intellectualism gets the American Left into water so hot it boils, socially and academically. I will never understand the postmodernist American Left's failed philosophical political strategy of attempting to "think away" the bad or downright evil from a downright evil social proposition. You cannot rewrite history, just as you cannot lie to and successfully fool tens of millions of Americans with on demand access to online historical information.

Those intellectual Leftists who lie to the American people about what socialism really is might can get away with announcing publicly American popular support for it, but you all wannabe Marxist piggy banks will break most shatteringly at the polls. Thing is, you keep trying, historically, to wrap the same gift of utter shit in a different, more attractive wrapping replete with a more attractive ribbon. Shame.

Mister Mystery Guest Marxist,

If you want to find something every last patriotic American will pick up the sword to put back in its historical place, join the neo-push for American socialism. The sound of the movement pop-splattering under mechanized treads will be heard nationwide. Proceed. Please.
Would you say the constant use of the term is mostly to fire up the base?

I admit - I don't really understand partisan politics and this is one point that I often miss. If the point is to fire up the base without caring much about what the rest think, I suppose I can see that. That's pretty much what Trump's presidency is about, anyway.

This is pretty much what ALL politic are anymore.

Fire up the base.

As for the overuse of Socialism, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, consider it is nothing more than the debasing of the public debate brought on by the Democrats in general, and the progressives in particular.

One has only to read the over used "Redneck, misogynist, racist" lies told by the left to see how this all came about.
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?
You're an example of what happens when you stand in the middle of the road trying to please evil.

It doesn't matter how many accept socialism. Stealing your neighbors paycheck is evil. And it never works. It has failed everywhere it has been tried.
What are you going to do to convince people of this, when the word no longer scares people?
Please. This is pretty much what ALL politic are anymore. Fire up the base.
Well, that's not a good thing. Not only does it completely ignore the will of the majority of the country, it ensures that we'll continue to see wild swings in elections

The system needs to be changed, or the crazies will continue to milk it.
Well, that's not a good thing. Not only does it completely ignore the will of the majority of the country, it ensures that we'll continue to see wild swings in elections

The system needs to be changed, or the crazies will continue to milk it.

Yeah, when you organize your moderate army of 6%, let us know, Stormy Mac.

Fact is, 45% will vote Republican, no matter what kind of loser mutant they put on the ticket, and 48% will vote for the Democrat, no matter what kind of loser they put on the ticket.

This has been explained to you a bunch of times, Stormy, and you still don't get it.

The only thing that keeps the GOP alive right now is the Electoral Anachronism....
It makes it so much easier to distinguish between the two major political parties when the crazy democrat left finally quits the smoke and mirrors and comes out of the socialist political closet. Live with it and embrace it while you can lefties because the democrat party ain't likely to be around much longer at this rate.

^^^^^thinks socialism a form of government^^^^
Please. This is pretty much what ALL politic are anymore. Fire up the base.
Well, that's not a good thing. Not only does it completely ignore the will of the majority of the country, it ensures that we'll continue to see wild swings in elections

The system needs to be changed, or the crazies will continue to milk it.
Too late.
Please. This is pretty much what ALL politic are anymore. Fire up the base.
Well, that's not a good thing. Not only does it completely ignore the will of the majority of the country, it ensures that we'll continue to see wild swings in elections

The system needs to be changed, or the crazies will continue to milk it.

What system are you speaking of?
Please. This is pretty much what ALL politic are anymore. Fire up the base.
Well, that's not a good thing. Not only does it completely ignore the will of the majority of the country, it ensures that we'll continue to see wild swings in elections. The system needs to be changed, or the crazies will continue to milk it.
What system are you speaking of?
Um, the American national electoral system.
It makes it so much easier to distinguish between the two major political parties when the crazy democrat left finally quits the smoke and mirrors and comes out of the socialist political closet. Live with it and embrace it while you can lefties because the democrat party ain't likely to be around much longer at this rate.

If you think the Democrats are socialist you're fucking nuts. The Democrats would be right wing in most European countries.
This ain't Europe bunny, and Social Security, just like ALL socialist ideas will implode just a matter of time. I am 70 my children may not see SS, and my grandchildren certainly will not.

It was a terrible idea in the first place.
Please. This is pretty much what ALL politic are anymore. Fire up the base.
Well, that's not a good thing. Not only does it completely ignore the will of the majority of the country, it ensures that we'll continue to see wild swings in elections. The system needs to be changed, or the crazies will continue to milk it.
What system are you speaking of?
Um, the American national electoral system.

So voting needs to go away?

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