Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....

The reason for the deportations dropping is the "stay in Mexico policy". The number of apprehensions is not a fair representation of a higher number of those successfully crossing illegally.

That being said, we've always had persons crossing our border since we've had a border.

The "crisis" was never a big deal to anyone until your blob arrived on the scene and said that Mexicans are rapists. Ever since you've heard your dog whistle, you guys have been on a tear about it. Your blob changed very little.
1. Xiden stopped the stay in Mexico policy.

2. Apprehensions plus "get-aways" is the total number of illegals entering the US illegally. Its a big number.

3. The scary number is the number of hard core criminals entering the US, and Xiden is helping them. Trump had the lowest number. Its not a dog whistle. Its human trafficking, its drugs, its gangs like MS-13, its taking services paid for by taxpayers.
View attachment 505776
You can look at this board and see there were very few threads about immigrations and the "scary" things you see now before the blob got here.
Trump is a "law and order" president, just ask the police, DEA, and border patrol.
Democrats favor the criminals (defund the police, no prosecutions, no bail, etc.)
Crime rates are exploding. Enjoy your senile president and his band of criminal enablers.
No he isn't a law and order guy. He is a man of lawlessness.
Trump is the best President since Lincoln, more people will attend Trumps Ohio rally tonight than went to every Biden and Kimbalina rally.

Yawn and their is nothing that you can say that will change this. Are you saving for your kids college yet or does your girlfriend not want kids
rally size means nothing.

he is the worst, most unethical, divisive, swamp creature, undemocratic, lawless president, we've ever had in our history. You'll never change my mind on it, because truth supports my views! :)
Is that so? Four years of lying about alledged Russia collisions Gainst an innocent President Trump that were debunked by each and every false narrative your Democrat Party invented. And I'm supposed to start worshipping the old liar's club?
Ain't gonna happen.
Just like the calls of treason on republicans that voted to question the certification in certain states while no such calls were made in 2017 when dems did the same thing are just different so is this.
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....

The reason for the deportations dropping is the "stay in Mexico policy". The number of apprehensions is not a fair representation of a higher number of those successfully crossing illegally.

That being said, we've always had persons crossing our border since we've had a border.

The "crisis" was never a big deal to anyone until your blob arrived on the scene and said that Mexicans are rapists. Ever since you've heard your dog whistle, you guys have been on a tear about it. Your blob changed very little.
1. Xiden stopped the stay in Mexico policy.

2. Apprehensions plus "get-aways" is the total number of illegals entering the US illegally. Its a big number.

3. The scary number is the number of hard core criminals entering the US, and Xiden is helping them. Trump had the lowest number. Its not a dog whistle. Its human trafficking, its drugs, its gangs like MS-13, its taking services paid for by taxpayers.
View attachment 505776
You can look at this board and see there were very few threads about immigrations and the "scary" things you see now before the blob got here.
Trump is a "law and order" president, just ask the police, DEA, and border patrol.
Democrats favor the criminals (defund the police, no prosecutions, no bail, etc.)
Crime rates are exploding. Enjoy your senile president and his band of criminal enablers.
No he isn't a law and order guy. He is a man of lawlessness.
Trump is the best President since Lincoln, more people will attend Trumps Ohio rally tonight than went to every Biden and Kimbalina rally.

Yawn and their is nothing that you can say that will change this. Are you saving for your kids college yet or does your girlfriend not want kids
rally size means nothing.

he is the worst, most unethical, divisive, swamp creature, undemocratic, lawless president, we've ever had in our history. You'll never change my mind on it, because truth supports my views! :)

Trump is the worst, nope, not even close:

most unethical, Nope, that would be Xiden, selling out the US to Russia and China, while Hunter cashes in

divisive, nope, that would be BO and Xiden again, playing the race card all day

swamp creature, nope, that would be Fauci, first he pays China to develop "gain of function" bat viruses with US taxpayer cash, then after Covid-19 escapes, he wrecks the US economy for a year with fake science, not to mention the 600,000 Americans he killed.

undemocratic, that would be the democrats and HR-1, a power grab to Federalize elections against the US Constitution.

So you show me where Trump is as bad as you say he is, with links please.
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
What about the other 40,000,000. Seriously you are mentally defective
Jan 6th was Xi and Nancy's Reichstag Fire. To our uneducated Progressive brothers and sistas, the Reichstag Fire was a false flag that brought Hitler to power same way the Stolen election put Xi's puppets in the American White House

"Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany only four weeks previously, on 30 January 1933, when he was invited by President von Hindenburg to lead a coalition government. Hitler's government had urged von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and to call elections for 5 March."

On the evening of 27 February 1933—six days before the parliamentary election—fire broke out in the Reichstag chambers.
Reichstag Fire Decree - Wikipedia

"The Reichstag Fire Decree (German: Reichstagsbrandverordnung) is the common name of the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State (German: Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat) issued by German President Paul von Hindenburg on the advice of Chancellor Adolf Hitler on 28 February 1933 in immediate response to the Reichstag fire. The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. With Nazis in powerful positions in the German government, the decree was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis, and to suppress publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause. The decree is considered by historians as one of the key steps in the establishment of a one-party Nazi state in Germany."

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to support democrats

See...your fellow blob supporters think it wasn't Trump supporters who stormed the capitol.

So your poll is useless unless you change it to condemning their fellow Trump supporters....which they never, ever will. When you're weak minded...you have to have a herd mentality because you're too dumb to exist on your own for long.
1. How do you know that the posters being referenced aren't just messing with you? T
There is no way of knowing if they really believe what they post. Trump is the most prolific liar to ever enter the public space. That his supporters would also lie their ass off is a very small jump in logic. Feel free to man up and call them out if you want. We all know you don't have the stones to do it.
2. My poll proves that at least 80% of GOP voters condemn the violence at the capital caused by Trump supporters. Until it can be proven that any other groups were involved. The rioters were herded to the capital by people with bullhorns.
Either you're being willfully aloof or you're just retarded. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
3. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 how Republicans and Trump supporters do. Buckle-up buttercup.
I know what the Trump supporters will do; they will vote for anyone with an R next to their name on the ballot.

Your poll is still useless.
1. Xiden is quite the liar too, as you well know. Just sayin'

2. We don't know what we don't know about who all was involved in the 1/6 riot.

3. Dodge/non-response/willful ignorance. The poll results are clear assuming honest responses. Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot.

4. You are totally free to have any opinion you want about the poll results. This thread was to settle a disagreement "HappyJoy" and I were having on another thread. He seems okay with the poll results. The poll questions were as agreed to, not just mine.
RT is Russia Today, a propaganda tool of Putin/Russians....
OK, I googled it and that's what came up. Funny how google puts up RT and censors RWs. WTF?
OK, here's another link to Tucker.
Dumbfuck, Carlson is just another wackadoo like you. Want proof? His source is revolver.news. Revolver.news is a fake news website. It was just started last year and it conceals who started the site...

Real news agencies don't hide who they are.
There are MANY sites that are covering the potential FBI involvement, not just revolver.
Don't forget that the MSM covers up for the deep state. I'm not saying FBI involvement is proven, just being investigated.

They're ALL sourcing fake news revolver.news, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

All you're doing is posting fake news and pretending like it's real news because other non-news outlets are echoing that one fake news site.

You never answered my question... do you even know you’re psychotic?
You can't prove that 100% of revolver is fake news, anymore than you can prove that the MSM's fake news and propaganda is real.
Name-calling means you lose the debate. Thanks for playing.
Of course I can. Here's a real news website...

You can see who owns the site, they don't hide it. You can see it's well established, being around for 23 years...

You can click on any abcnews.go article and it shows who the authors are, with links which show they're journalists.

That's what real news looks like. It doesn't hide from the public. It doesn't conceal who's behind the articles. That's what fake news does. That's what the source you're leaning on does. They've only been around 1 year and they hide who's behind it. They conceal who's site it is...

In the article you fall for, they don't disclose who wrote it...

And you can't find that nonsense on real news.

Of course, I'm explaining this to a moron who actually claimed he's pro-choice after saying he's not pro-choice, so there's that. :eusa_doh:
1. OK, now we're getting somewhere, actual facts to debate. You like ABC news. Fine, I'm glad you didn't put up CNN or MSDNC as real news outlets. The only point I'm bringing up about ABC News is that they do have a bias as documented by the following Harvard Study:
View attachment 505133

2. From the above chart you can see that FXN is the most "fair and balanced" news outlet. NBC is just below CNN in bias.

3. FXN generally has both parties represented in debates. CNN, MSDNC, and most MSM programs don't have Republican views presented. If I don't hear both sides presented fairly, I'm not watching their propaganda.

4. As I already explained ad nauseum, abortion is legal, therefore it is NOT murder, duh. Yet, as a Catholic, I am morally opposed to abortion. My position isn't really to complicated unless you're a low-IQ democrat.

5. Summarizing, we don't have any set of facts or any set of alternate facts that we can agree on, correct?
"The only point I'm bringing up about ABC News is that they do have a bias as documented by the following Harvard Study"

I can't believe I actually have to point this out to you ... but apparently, I do ...... ABC isn't in that study. Do you ever post anything based in reality??

"As I already explained ad nauseum, abortion is legal, therefore it is NOT murder"

You just can't stop lying, can ya? YOU called it murder before you said it's not murder...
Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

You're literally talking out of both sides of your mouth. When it's convenient for you for abortion to be murder, you call it murder. When that becomes inconvenient for you, you deny it's murder.

"Summarizing, we don't have any set of facts or any set of alternate facts that we can agree on, correct?"

Not if you're going to eschew reality and stick with fake news. I prefer to live in reality. You don't have to, mind you, it's your choice.
1. OK, ABC wasn't in the Harvard study, not sure why it was missed, but I'm sure that they are closer to NBC on bias than FXN.
2. You must have reading comprehension issues, and you just love to quote things out of context. I have no clue if that blue quote is real or not. Even if it is it means in the "moral context" and not in the "legal context". So stop mis-applying my prior quotes. The "both sides of my mouth are the "legal and moral" sides. They are very different sides.
3. LOL, keep drinking the state propaganda. I prefer to hear both sides of arguments, fake news only presents one side.
Earlier you said I was the only one who thought it was other than Trump supporters doing the rioting. Since then, I have pointed out about a dozen folks who have said it was someone other than blob supporters. You even pointed it out yourself.

Your criticizing others' comprehension at this point is laughable.
OMG, give it up already. Of the ~500 rioters how many were Trump supporters, and how many were non-Trump supporters?
All Trump supporters.
My point being that the vast majority of the 500 were Trump supporters, and the poll questions are reasonable, which is what we were debating. You wanted Republicans listed, I said the vast majority of the rioters were obviously Trump supporters.
No. What I said was your poll question didn't specify blob supporters as those who committed the acts of violence.

Blob supporters have come to occupy a fantasy land where Trump was a conservative, he never lied, he won the election, and someone else committed the acts of violence at the capitol. You, yourself, after insisting nobody had that view other than me cited Fox News as having that view....after I gave you about 20 instances of people spouting that nonsense on this very forum.

Had your poll question cited the violence by blob supporters, you wouldn't have gotten any buy-in from blob supporters on the poll. Such is the life inside the cult.
If the FBI, or antifa, or BLM, or other anarchists were in attendance, doesn't matter as far as the poll is concerned.
View attachment 505291
Correct. They were not in attendance.
I'm sorry, but your TDS is really serious.
Its obvious that the rioters were Trump supporters.
Agreed that there are many partisan/rabid Trump supporters spouting nonsense, just like you people with TDS spouting nonsense.
The poll question is just fine as it is, and as "HappyJoy" forwarded to me.
Its obvious to rational observers who the rioters were.
Your TDS--you're a Trump Dick Sucker--is more serious.
Okay....then why did you say I was the only one who had that view that other groups were responsible for the violence when clearly you knew otherwise?
That’s rather pathetic
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
Please detail how NY deports illegals back to their country of origin which might be Guatemala or Honduras. Answer it has never happened once, in fact the only place this happens is inside your deluded brain
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
What about the other 40,000,000. Seriously you are mentally defective
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
nope, the average death counts didn't increase from previous years. explain that?
Explain what? Put up a link or two so I know WTF you're posting about, because your post makes no sense.
the virus was a hoax, the average death rate declined in 2020. So it can't be that 600,000 people died from it.

other than the CDC saying probable, do you have any evidence a virus existed?

Remember the nazi's got millions of jews in boxcars without even a virus. Look what they did to the globe on a hoax. holy fk, some evil fks out there.
1. The virus was NOT a hoax. Trust me. Its DNA is well documented.
2. The virus was engineered in the Wuhan Lab, paid for in-part by US taxpayer dollars to Chinese researchers, who took bat viruses and were paid to develop "gain of function" viruses, meaning more deadly viruses, which years ago we would have called "germ warfare" research. Why would the US pay China for germ warfare???????
3. The deaths from Covid are well documented. An average US flu season would have about 40,000 deaths.
4. The deaths from Covid-19 are over 600,000
View attachment 505544

5. The above data is from the Johns Hopkins Covid dashboard:

6. So the evidence for Covid-19 is its DNA. The scary part is that there are even more deadly viruses in the Wuhan Lab that did NOT escape yet. You should be calling your reps saying that we don not want any gain-of-function research for viruses, period.

You keep claiming it was engineered with gain-of-function research but you keep posting links that don't say that.

I can't help that you are obviously illiterate.
If covid wasn't engineered in the Wuhan lab, where did it come from? Prove that before calling me a liar.
It came from a bat. A bat so intelligent it released itself with three different variants! Anyone, anyone can’t figure that one element out, well, has no function of brain
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
What about the other 40,000,000. Seriously you are mentally defective
Well according to careforall there are no illegals

Yes 40 million if not 60 million

Last edited:
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
What about the other 40,000,000. Seriously you are mentally defective
Waiting for a response as to how NY deports illegals back to their home country.

Anytime kiddypoo

Will wait while you finish fisting
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
What about the other 40,000,000. Seriously you are mentally defective
Well according to careforall there are no illegals

Yes 40 million if not 60 million

Funny how no one knows how illegals are deported back to their home country. Seems this is just more BS from careforall

Nevermind fist on girls
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
What about the other 40,000,000. Seriously you are mentally defective
You can laugh, but an intelligent answer is just not in your ability. Now how does NY transport illegals back home.

Will wait while you ask AOC if she wants to fist your ass
Said a man that still maintains that Trump said ws were very fine people, when he clearly said "not".

YOu people are complete lying whores.

Watch as I prove you're lying about what I said. You claim I said Trump said white supremacists are very fine people yet here's a post of mine, to you, saying Trump condemned white supremacists...

I assumed nothing, dumbfuck. It's what he said. There was a racist rally of various rightwing racist groups. Trump said some of them were "very fine people." So which ones did he mean? Not white supremacists, KKK or neo-Nazis as he condemned them. That leaves the Proud Boys and the neo-Confederates.

[emphasis mine to highlight your lie]

You should apologize for lying about me like that.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Your silly semantics is noted and dismissed.

Stop trying to derail the thread. The point was made, nothing you people said, can be taken seriously.

ANy internal LOGIC, your argument might have, that is still relevant. But any claims outside of that, should be dismissed.
You lied about what I said and got caught. Sadly, you lack even the minimal character needed to apologize for that.

Now you're lying about me derailing this thread when in fact, you're the one who started talking about Charlottesville.

I noted your sematic bullshit for you. What more do you want?

I did not try to derail the thread. But we must always remember to dismiss any claims from yours side. YOu don't get to do that anymore.

You got caught lying about what I said AND you derailed the thread to lie about what I said. Now you prove you're not man enough to own up to your lies you get caught telling.

Regardless, this thread is about 1/6. What do you have to say about Trump supporters storming the Capitol?

You people are the liars, not me, not us.

My point regarding the 1/6 riot is the same as it has always been. It was violent riot, but those who broke the law still have a right to equal protection of the law, which means that being singled out for extra aggressive investigation and prosecution is a violation of their rights.

Any of them that end up in jail, will thus be political prisoners.

YOu people are scum of the earth.
Said a man that still maintains that Trump said ws were very fine people, when he clearly said "not".

YOu people are complete lying whores.

Watch as I prove you're lying about what I said. You claim I said Trump said white supremacists are very fine people yet here's a post of mine, to you, saying Trump condemned white supremacists...

I assumed nothing, dumbfuck. It's what he said. There was a racist rally of various rightwing racist groups. Trump said some of them were "very fine people." So which ones did he mean? Not white supremacists, KKK or neo-Nazis as he condemned them. That leaves the Proud Boys and the neo-Confederates.

[emphasis mine to highlight your lie]

You should apologize for lying about me like that.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Your silly semantics is noted and dismissed.

Stop trying to derail the thread. The point was made, nothing you people said, can be taken seriously.

ANy internal LOGIC, your argument might have, that is still relevant. But any claims outside of that, should be dismissed.
You lied about what I said and got caught. Sadly, you lack even the minimal character needed to apologize for that.

Now you're lying about me derailing this thread when in fact, you're the one who started talking about Charlottesville.

I noted your sematic bullshit for you. What more do you want?

I did not try to derail the thread. But we must always remember to dismiss any claims from yours side. YOu don't get to do that anymore.

You got caught lying about what I said AND you derailed the thread to lie about what I said. Now you prove you're not man enough to own up to your lies you get caught telling.

Regardless, this thread is about 1/6. What do you have to say about Trump supporters storming the Capitol?

I think that they are being denied their right to equality before the law. They are being targeted with vastly more energy and zeal than the other rioters of the last 5 years.
Many are charged with obstructing Congress, which we have video evidence of them doing. what's unequal about that?

Because they are being targeted far more aggressively than any of the other rioters of the last 5 years.
Said a man that still maintains that Trump said ws were very fine people, when he clearly said "not".

Have done so hundreds of times on this very site.

Then it should be easy to provide a link.

You won't because YOU are a liar

No, I won't because you are just stonewalling.
Surrender accepted

My point regarding you liberals being filthy liars who deserve no presumption of credibility, backed up by the "very fine people" lie, stands.

That you pretend that it has not already been repeatedly proved beyond any shadow of a doubt, is just you being filthy whore liar.

They are being pursued with vastly more energy than lefty rioters of the last 5 years.

That is a violation of their rights.
False. The attack on the Capitol to prevent Congress from discharging its Constitutional responsibility is unprecedented, but whether the goons were antifa, BLM. or the FBI as has been claimed by some, or if it was just a typical touristy day at the Capitol as others have alleged, the truth must be exposed.

Don't fear the truth.

Mmm, I don't see how anything you said there, in any way addressed anything I said.

Thus, my point stands.

They are being pursued with vastly more energy than lefty rioters of the last 5 years.

That is a violation of their rights.
Coming up with a single instance of a miscounted voting error is not the same as the sixteen-ways-to--leave-your-principles method of diverting millions of votes to change from who the American people wanted to be President to who the Alinsky advocates decide they can manipulate expediently is as unAmerican as American haters of the Revolutionary War. This election of 2020 was as antiamerican as the Redcoats were. The election votes were manipulated in the millions. It was a disgrace.
All decent Americans can hope that Republican leadership shows some respect for the police that protected them and endured the savage attack of Trump goons.

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"Politics isn’t about the weird worship of one dude."

Senator Ben Sasse (R)

Michael Fanone, a Metropolitan Police officer who suffered a mild heart attack and a brain injury during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, challenged House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in a meeting on Friday to publicly condemn Republicans who have downplayed the insurrection and voted against honoring the law enforcement who protected them during the siege.
Fanone told reporters after the meeting that he had asked McCarthy to denounce the 21 House Republicans who voted against giving police officers a congressional medal of honor for defending the Capitol, as well as...
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GOP Congressman Andrew Clyde, who had compared the riot to a
"normal tourist visit."

"I found those remarks to be disgusting," Fanone said.
He added that he wanted McCarthy to "denounce the baseless theory that the FBI was behind the January 6 insurrection," a false claim that has recently been promoted by right-wing media outlets and even members of Congress.

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