Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
Since the capital is the peoples building to begin with, there was no trespass.
It just dawned on me that the DC riot at the capital building should NOT be trespassing because under the Xiden admin we have open borders. There are no property rights. How would the Dems like it if "we the people" ignored all the laws and rules and we all just wandered around the Capital 24/7/365 looking over their shoulders giving instantaneous feedback when ever anyone spoke?
How is there open borders if the illegals and asylum seekers are captured by border patrol?

Seems like the term open borders would mean what it says.... Borders are open for anyone to go in and out, without any arrests at all?
Migrants are not arrested, they are detained. No one gets deported. They are all assumed to be asylum seekers and released.
Under Trump they waited in Mexico for their court hearings.

If they were arrested, where are they being held, a million person jail is needed. It doesn't exist.
No one gets deported?

Yeah, you're just spouting non-factual nonsense at this point.
Deportations are very low.

..as the number of illegal entries is soaring
View attachment 505768

Xiden's open borders policy, coming to a neighborhood near you very soon....
Deportations in 2021

StateTotal Deportations2021 Pop.
New York103,08919,299,981
New Jersey28,6338,874,520
New Mexico10,6782,105,005
North Carolina2,67510,701,022
North Dakota1,005770,026
Rhode Island1941,061,509
South Carolina1775,277,830
New Hampshire51,372,203
West Virginia1,767,859
South Dakota896,581

They may have gone down but there are still plenty of them....

Obama had the most deportations of any President, more than Trump, and you called him an OPEN BORDERS president as well..... So it is much like the little boy who called wolf.

Biden's plan is to increase immigration court judges, up to the heavens, so that those who don't qualify via the court hearing to be refugees, are deported right away, instead of months later....where they can disappear before court hearing.
What about the other 40,000,000. Seriously you are mentally defective
Waiting for a response as to how NY deports illegals back to their home country.

Anytime kiddypoo

Will wait while you finish fisting
Illegals are deported via Airplane in most cases, back to their own country with arrangements made with their home country by homeland security.
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.

1. You get charged with insurrection when there is a case for insurrection. Democrat talking points are soon forgotten, like right after the 2022 and 2024 elections. History can't call it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection, by definition, look at the charges, not talking points.
2. Bailing out rioters to keep up the violence is NOT condemning the violence. Democrats
3. Clyburn and a few other democrats spoke up against the violence, but there were many others supporting the violence, like Kamala.
Coming up with a single instance of a miscounted voting error is not the same as the sixteen-ways-to--leave-your-principles method of diverting millions of votes to change from who the American people wanted to be President to who the Alinsky advocates decide they can manipulate expediently is as unAmerican as American haters of the Revolutionary War. This election of 2020 was as antiamerican as the Redcoats were. The election votes were manipulated in the millions. It was a disgrace.
That's simply an unfactual, regurgitated ad nauseam, made up lie, with no legitimate proof or evidence of any kind, to support it.

The TRUTH will set you free!

When you get hysterical about one riot, while ignoring hundreds of other riots, it is not "diversion" to ask about that.

You seem to be only outraged by riots, when they give you an excuse to use the power of the state to crush your enemies.

Your pathetic attempt at diversion fails miserably.

The topic of this tread concerns "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 4.39.31 PM.png

There is no reason for you getting hysterical about the topic being addressed.

If the topic were World War II, and your agenda necessitated its not being discussed, you might try a "Let's talk about other wars instead!!" ploy, but that would be equally devious.

The Trump goon attack on Congress to prevent the results of a democratic election, certified by all 50 states, from being officially registered ended the proud tradition of the nation's peaceful transfers of power since 1797. It was unprecedented.

If you'd prefer to discuss some other violent incident in the nation's history, you can initiate a thread concerning it.

When you get hysterical about one riot, while ignoring hundreds of other riots, it is not "diversion" to ask about that.

You seem to be only outraged by riots, when they give you an excuse to use the power of the state to crush your enemies.

Your pathetic attempt at diversion fails miserably.

The topic of this tread concerns "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

There is no reason for you getting hysterical about the topic being addressed.

If the topic were World War II, and your agenda necessitated its not being discussed, you might try a "Let's talk about other wars instead!!" ploy, but that would be equally devious.

The Trump goon attack on Congress to prevent the results of a democratic election, certified by all 50 states, from being officially registered ended the proud tradition of the nation's peaceful transfers of power since 1797. It was unprecedented.

If you'd prefer to discuss some other violent incident in the nation's history, you can initiate a thread concerning it.

IMO, the Civil War was a good example of refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power, after the election of Lincoln.

Are you going to admit that that is addressing your point, or are you just going to talk some more shit?
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.

1. You get charged with insurrection when there is a case for insurrection. Democrat talking points are soon forgotten, like right after the 2022 and 2024 elections. History can't call it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection, by definition, look at the charges, not talking points.
2. Bailing out rioters to keep up the violence is NOT condemning the violence. Democrats
3. Clyburn and a few other democrats spoke up against the violence, but there were many others supporting the violence, like Kamala.
1. You did not answer the question. When has anyone been charged with insurrection? Insurrection is what it is being called now and what it will be called in the future. I know you don't like the fact, but that does not change it being a fact.

2. Small piece of advice...do a quick Google search before making statements.


IMO, the Civil War was a good example of refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power, after the election of Lincoln.
You should initiate a thread concerning it if that is your concern.

This thread is about Trump's goons attacking Congress.
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.

1. You get charged with insurrection when there is a case for insurrection. Democrat talking points are soon forgotten, like right after the 2022 and 2024 elections. History can't call it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection, by definition, look at the charges, not talking points.
2. Bailing out rioters to keep up the violence is NOT condemning the violence. Democrats
3. Clyburn and a few other democrats spoke up against the violence, but there were many others supporting the violence, like Kamala.
1. You did not answer the question. When has anyone been charged with insurrection? Insurrection is what it is being called now and what it will be called in the future. I know you don't like the fact, but that does not change it being a fact.

2. Small piece of advice...do a quick Google search before making statements.
1. I don't care if/when anyone has ever been charged with insurrection, its totally irrelevant.
What matters is what the 1/6 protesters are charged with, and its NOT insurrection, that's the only fact.

2. LOL! So democrats talk out both sides of their mouths. That is NOT news. Kamala also said she was already at the southern border, a lie. So Kamala condemns violence, but bails out rioters to do more burning and violence, typical hypocrite pol.
Illegals are deported via Airplane in most cases, back to their own country with arrangements made with their home country by homeland security.
We're treating them too nicely. We should just give them a parachute and push them out the door.
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.

1. You get charged with insurrection when there is a case for insurrection. Democrat talking points are soon forgotten, like right after the 2022 and 2024 elections. History can't call it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection, by definition, look at the charges, not talking points.
2. Bailing out rioters to keep up the violence is NOT condemning the violence. Democrats
3. Clyburn and a few other democrats spoke up against the violence, but there were many others supporting the violence, like Kamala.
1. You did not answer the question. When has anyone been charged with insurrection? Insurrection is what it is being called now and what it will be called in the future. I know you don't like the fact, but that does not change it being a fact.

2. Small piece of advice...do a quick Google search before making statements.
1. I don't care if/when anyone has ever been charged with insurrection, its totally irrelevant.
What matters is what the 1/6 protesters are charged with, and its NOT insurrection, that's the only fact.

2. LOL! So democrats talk out both sides of their mouths. That is NOT news. Kamala also said she was already at the southern border, a lie. So Kamala condemns violence, but bails out rioters to do more burning and violence, typical hypocrite pol.
In sum, while Harris indeed expressed public support for MFF following Floyd’s death, it was false to claim she donated money to the organization, or that it helped protesters “get out of jail and do more damage,” like Cotton alleged. Rather, no evidence existed to show the handful of people who received direct bail assistance for arrests related to the demonstrations committed more crimes after their initial detainment. For those reasons, we rate this claim “Mostly false


OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.

1. You get charged with insurrection when there is a case for insurrection. Democrat talking points are soon forgotten, like right after the 2022 and 2024 elections. History can't call it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection, by definition, look at the charges, not talking points.
2. Bailing out rioters to keep up the violence is NOT condemning the violence. Democrats
3. Clyburn and a few other democrats spoke up against the violence, but there were many others supporting the violence, like Kamala.
1. You did not answer the question. When has anyone been charged with insurrection? Insurrection is what it is being called now and what it will be called in the future. I know you don't like the fact, but that does not change it being a fact.

2. Small piece of advice...do a quick Google search before making statements.
1. I don't care if/when anyone has ever been charged with insurrection, its totally irrelevant.
What matters is what the 1/6 protesters are charged with, and its NOT insurrection, that's the only fact.

2. LOL! So democrats talk out both sides of their mouths. That is NOT news. Kamala also said she was already at the southern border, a lie. So Kamala condemns violence, but bails out rioters to do more burning and violence, typical hypocrite pol.
1. The fact that none have been charged and may not be charged with insurrection does not in any way, shape or form, change the fact that history will record it as a failed insurrection.

2. She condemned the violence. Neither she nor Biden went out and told the violent rioters that they "loved" them. Your attempt at whataboutism is a fail.

You called for antifa, BLM and leftist looters, rioters causing violence and starting fires to be arrested. Sure you did, liar
Looters, rioters, causing violence and starting fires are arrested, as they should be. Who is advocating otherwise?
No one. It's a fake argument used by magaturds to shame their opposition. They call it 'virtue signalling'.

When you get hysterical about one riot, while ignoring hundreds of other riots, it is not "diversion" to ask about that.

You seem to be only outraged by riots, when they give you an excuse to use the power of the state to crush your enemies.

Your pathetic attempt at diversion fails miserably.

The topic of this tread concerns "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

There is no reason for you getting hysterical about the topic being addressed.

If the topic were World War II, and your agenda necessitated its not being discussed, you might try a "Let's talk about other wars instead!!" ploy, but that would be equally devious.

The Trump goon attack on Congress to prevent the results of a democratic election, certified by all 50 states, from being officially registered ended the proud tradition of the nation's peaceful transfers of power since 1797. It was unprecedented.

If you'd prefer to discuss some other violent incident in the nation's history, you can initiate a thread concerning it.

IMO, the Civil War was a good example of refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power, after the election of Lincoln.

Are you going to admit that that is addressing your point, or are you just going to talk some more shit?
Except the losing candidates didn't contest the outcome. Southern Democrat John Breckinridge remained vice president of the United States until Lincoln took the oath of office then resumed his seat as U.S. Senator from Kentucky. Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas pledged his loyalty to Lincoln. No one tried to prevent Lincoln from assuming the presidency.
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.

1. You get charged with insurrection when there is a case for insurrection. Democrat talking points are soon forgotten, like right after the 2022 and 2024 elections. History can't call it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection, by definition, look at the charges, not talking points.
2. Bailing out rioters to keep up the violence is NOT condemning the violence. Democrats
3. Clyburn and a few other democrats spoke up against the violence, but there were many others supporting the violence, like Kamala.
1. You did not answer the question. When has anyone been charged with insurrection? Insurrection is what it is being called now and what it will be called in the future. I know you don't like the fact, but that does not change it being a fact.

2. Small piece of advice...do a quick Google search before making statements.
1. I don't care if/when anyone has ever been charged with insurrection, its totally irrelevant.
What matters is what the 1/6 protesters are charged with, and its NOT insurrection, that's the only fact.

2. LOL! So democrats talk out both sides of their mouths. That is NOT news. Kamala also said she was already at the southern border, a lie. So Kamala condemns violence, but bails out rioters to do more burning and violence, typical hypocrite pol.
In sum, while Harris indeed expressed public support for MFF following Floyd’s death, it was false to claim she donated money to the organization, or that it helped protesters “get out of jail and do more damage,” like Cotton alleged. Rather, no evidence existed to show the handful of people who received direct bail assistance for arrests related to the demonstrations committed more crimes after their initial detainment. For those reasons, we rate this claim “Mostly false
OK, although Harris supported and donated to the MFF prior to the violent riots, she did not donate during the riots.
This post claims that a guy was bailed out and did more violence, so is your link "mostly false"?

OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.

1. You get charged with insurrection when there is a case for insurrection. Democrat talking points are soon forgotten, like right after the 2022 and 2024 elections. History can't call it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection, by definition, look at the charges, not talking points.
2. Bailing out rioters to keep up the violence is NOT condemning the violence. Democrats
3. Clyburn and a few other democrats spoke up against the violence, but there were many others supporting the violence, like Kamala.
1. You did not answer the question. When has anyone been charged with insurrection? Insurrection is what it is being called now and what it will be called in the future. I know you don't like the fact, but that does not change it being a fact.

2. Small piece of advice...do a quick Google search before making statements.
1. I don't care if/when anyone has ever been charged with insurrection, its totally irrelevant.
What matters is what the 1/6 protesters are charged with, and its NOT insurrection, that's the only fact.

2. LOL! So democrats talk out both sides of their mouths. That is NOT news. Kamala also said she was already at the southern border, a lie. So Kamala condemns violence, but bails out rioters to do more burning and violence, typical hypocrite pol.
1. The fact that none have been charged and may not be charged with insurrection does not in any way, shape or form, change the fact that history will record it as a failed insurrection.

2. She condemned the violence. Neither she nor Biden went out and told the violent rioters that they "loved" them. Your attempt at whataboutism is a fail.
1. LOL!! Do you actually read what you post? If no one is charged with insurrection, how can it be called an insurrection? Its like calling a drunk a heroin addict, the shoe just doesn't fit. If its called an insurrection in history books its fake history, like the 1619 Project.

2. Ok, we can agree that some democrats condemned the BLM riots. The full Trump quote is below,
After hours of violence and chaos, Trump told his supporters to "go home" but did not condemn them. Later in the day, went even further in a follow up tweet to depict the siege as inevitable.
He also continued to falsely claim the presidential election was stolen.
"This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people," Trump said in the video. "We have to have peace. So go home. We love you; you're very special."
Except the losing candidates didn't contest the outcome. Southern Democrat John Breckinridge remained vice president of the United States until Lincoln took the oath of office then resumed his seat as U.S. Senator from Kentucky. Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas pledged his loyalty to Lincoln. No one tried to prevent Lincoln from assuming the presidency.
It is clear that the butt barnacles will grasp at any pretexts for a diversion, however feeble.

The dogma that they have been programmed to spout is founded upon one essential commodity:

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 12.43.15 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 12.44.33 PM.png

IMO, the Civil War was a good example of refusing to respect the peaceful transfer of power, after the election of Lincoln.
You should initiate a thread concerning it if that is your concern.

This thread is about Trump's goons attacking Congress.

You made the point that , supposedly the 1/6 riot was an "unprecedented" refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

Do you not understand how pointing out a previous refusal to respect the transfer of power is relevant to your claim?

Or, is this all just shit you are spewing across the screen and you were not prepared to actually discuss any of the shit you said, seriously?

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