Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
All decent Americans can hope that Republican leadership shows some respect for the police that protected them and endured the savage attack of Trump goons.

Michael Fanone, a Metropolitan Police officer who suffered a mild heart attack and a brain injury during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, challenged House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in a meeting on Friday to publicly condemn Republicans who have downplayed the insurrection and voted against honoring the law enforcement who protected them during the siege.
Fanone told reporters after the meeting that he had asked McCarthy to denounce the 21 House Republicans who voted against giving police officers a congressional medal of honor for defending the Capitol, as well as...
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GOP Congressman Andrew Clyde, who had compared the riot to a
"normal tourist visit."

"I found those remarks to be disgusting," Fanone said.
He added that he wanted McCarthy to "denounce the baseless theory that the FBI was behind the January 6 insurrection," a false claim that has recently been promoted by right-wing media outlets and even members of Congress.


Your pretense of caring about violence or the police, makes no sense, if you prioritize this one relatively small riot while downplaying the far more numerous and violent riots from the Left over the last 5 years.
All decent Americans can hope that Republican leadership shows some respect for the police that protected them and endured the savage attack of Trump goons.

Michael Fanone, a Metropolitan Police officer who suffered a mild heart attack and a brain injury during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, challenged House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in a meeting on Friday to publicly condemn Republicans who have downplayed the insurrection and voted against honoring the law enforcement who protected them during the siege.
Fanone told reporters after the meeting that he had asked McCarthy to denounce the 21 House Republicans who voted against giving police officers a congressional medal of honor for defending the Capitol, as well as...
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GOP Congressman Andrew Clyde, who had compared the riot to a
"normal tourist visit."

"I found those remarks to be disgusting," Fanone said.
He added that he wanted McCarthy to "denounce the baseless theory that the FBI was behind the January 6 insurrection," a false claim that has recently been promoted by right-wing media outlets and even members of Congress.


No such thing occurred
Despite Senators Sasses's seemingly obvious observation, it's clear that for some, politics is the weird worship of one dude.

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I voted for Trump both times and do not believe he tried to overthrow the Government but the actions of the rioters on the 6th is plain to see, some were violent and some destroyed property. I do NOT support the actions of the FBI to catch them nor the action after they are caught.
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.
I'll let you know after the Maricopa report comes in, sooner than later. That is crucial to my answer.

I'll Abstain
Because 99.99 percent of anyone captured is released. You know this and are clearly a fool in denial. 900 people watched CNN yesterday, were you one of the fools?
If Biden wanted to stop deportations he could do this by building Trumps wall

Yet, the hundreds of angry lefty mobs, that have been rampaging though our cities for years, are.... ok?
Desperate attempt at diversion noted.

The Trump goon attack on Congress is indefensible.
The pathetic attempt to blame others for it is unsustainable.
Confront it honestly? No way!


"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about somebody doin' somethin'
bad somewheres else, huh?"
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
Armed means with guns
So, prevent I'm coming at you with a baseball bat.

Am I unarmed?
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Unarmed people according to kyzr.
The 1/6 protesters were unarmed, i.e. no guns.
Ashli Babbitt was unarmed when she was shot in the neck by a black guy wearing a mask.
They were armed. Bear spray, flag poles, knives and other hand held weapons. They also took tasers from the police and used them.

Stop lying.
Compare those "weapons" to guns. You are lying saying that they were armed.
As soon as the SWAT teams showed up with ARs the party was over. No contest. No insurrection.

What did I lie about?

Sure, the insurrectionists had only been ripping up and shitting (literally) in the Capital for hours and yeah, their courage came in crowd form and when finally challenged by a deadly force they left.

Why are you defending them?
I'm not defending the rioters. I'm defending the insurrection charge.
It was NOT an insurrection, which by definition requires the insurrectionists to be armed.
The lie I'm saying you made is saying that the rioters were "armed".
They did not all have guns. as would be needed to have a real insurrection.
They trespassed, they damaged US property, they got arrested, they were NOT charged with insurrection, QED.
History will record it as a failed insurrection. You must be able to see that writing on the wall.
What I saw were rioters, no one was charged with "insurrection".
So the dems continual whining about an insurrection are bullshit.
Yes...I understand that is how you feel. I'm stating facts. This will be recorded in history as a failed insurrection.
Deductive reasoning.
Not at all. Police opened the door to peaceful protestors and herded them into corded off area which they respected.
Do you not watch television, listen to the radio, or read news anywhere? Seriously, what kind of bubble do you live in where you believe that to be true? There are videos.
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
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You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
OMG, look at the fucking poll. 80% of Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot at the capital.
Do democrats condemn the 2020 riots? Fuck no.
Care to compare the two? Which is worse? So we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
I can see why you don't want to debate policies, the democrats can't defend theirs.
You know what's really going to get you crying in your beer? The protests listed on the left side will go down in history (correctly) as a time of civil unrest in the advancement of civil rights. (And just an FYI, the violence and rioting were roundly and soundly condemned by Democrats. Joe Biden certainly never told rioters that he "loved" them as Trump did) The list on the right side will go down in history as a failed insurrection.
1. Was anyone charged with insurrection? Ans: NO (so the DC protest wasn't an insurrection, duh)
2. Look at the democrats urging the rioters to burn businesses down, the violence wasn't condemned by democrats, it was supported, Kamala even bailed out rioters to continue rioting. History will call them lawless thugs, not peaceful protesters.
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1. When has anyone ever been charged with insurrection? Whether or not anyone gets charged with insurrection, seditious conspiracy or just plain trespassing, January 6th will go down in history as a failed insurrection. This is fact.
2. Supporting the protests isn't the same as supporting the violence and rioting. Democrats have roundly and soundly condemned the violence and rioting at the protests.


Yet, the hundreds of angry lefty mobs, that have been rampaging though our cities for years, are.... ok?
Desperate attempt at diversion noted.

The Trump goon attack on Congress is indefensible.
The pathetic attempt to blame others for it is unsustainable.
Confront it honestly? No way!

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"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about somebody doin' somethin'
bad somewheres else, huh?"

When you get hysterical about one riot, while ignoring hundreds of other riots, it is not "diversion" to ask about that.

You seem to be only outraged by riots, when they give you an excuse to use the power of the state to crush your enemies.

That is not Justice. That is not Freedom.

You are the one being dishonest, not me.

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