Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
To stop making excuses for it. There is another thread started where the wingnuts are praising it.
Please provide the names, actual quotes, and links to them of anyone actually 'praising' what happened on 1/6. Back up your accusations.

Regarding the 'Lafayette Park Insurrection' Democrats, Fake News Media, and Snowflakes are remaining silent on, in the immortal words of Democrats, "SILENCE IS VIOLENCE."
To stop making excuses for it. There is another thread started where the wingnuts are praising it.
Please provide the names, actual quotes, and links to them of anyone actually 'praising' what happened on 1/6. Back up your accusations.

Regarding the 'Lafayette Park Insurrection' Democrats, Fake News Media, and Snowflakes are remaining silent on, in the immortal words of Democrats, "SILENCE IS VIOLENCE."

There is an entire thread on the topic.

And no, I'm not going to chase down quotes from wingnuts who blame the insurrection on antifa, BLM the FBI and Nancy Pelosi.

To be clear I said making excuses.

There is an entire thread on the topic.

Thank you.

1. The thread originator is an idiot.
2. His post does not speak for anyone except himself...thus he 'I damn am proud...' Don't make sweeping generalizations based on the comments of 1 or several individuals.

And no, I'm not going to chase down quotes from wingnuts who blame the insurrection on antifa, BLM the FBI and Nancy Pelosi.
The bipartisan committee that investigated 1/6 laid the lion's share of the blame on the capitol Police and the Sergeants-at-Arms for the house and Senate, and we have learned the FBI was busy hiring 'Infiltrators' instead of working to prevent the violence or protect people from the violence. If you haven't read the report you should - it's very in depth.

There is an entire thread on the topic.

Thank you.

1. The thread originator is an idiot.
2. His post does not speak for anyone except himself...thus he 'I damn am proud...' Don't make sweeping generalizations based on the comments of 1 or several individuals.

Sorry if the wingnut is an idiot, he like many other idiots is still a wingnut.

Now, maybe go back, read my post and actually not make a strawman out of it this time. I said you guys make excuses for the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Now, maybe go back, read my post and actually not make a strawman out of it this time. I said you guys make excuses for the Jan. 6 insurrection.

1/6 was NOT an 'insurrection'

UNARMED citizens entering the Capitol through doors held open by Capitol Police for them, Capitol Police who led them through the Capitol...Unarmed citizens wandering around taking selfies and stealing souvenirs...

A known, violent BLM activist (known for declaring the US govt must be 'burnt down') and others were at the 1/6 event - Sullivan was in the Capitol with a video camera and arrested for trespassing. (While others have been tracked down and arrested for just being AT the capitol, not even inside the Capitol, while some conservatives arrested are STILL in custody, Sullivan was released.)

Nancy Pelosi is on record as describing the event as 'rioters trying to prevent the certification of the election'. Pelosi and the Democrats did not use the 'I' word until they got together later and collaborated on crafting the fake narrative.

Finally, Trump has held hundreds of rallies attended by hundreds of thousands of supporters / conservatives and has NEVER had 1 incident of violence committed by his supporters / conservatives. the only violence ever committed at his rallies was when Hillary Clinton's team hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies in 2016...so now all of a sudden snowflakes want people to believe Trump supporters initiated a 'violent insurrection' on 1/6?


EVERY event Antifa & BLM held involved violence - they were at the capitol on 1/6. It is much more realistic and easier to believe based on past historical evidence that the violence on 1/6 was initiated by them.

We now know the FBI was actively involved in attempting to recruit 'Infiltrators' to infiltrate certain conservative groups instead of taking action to prevent the violence on 1/6 from ever happening. Based on this exposed factual information - and their rogue criminal past & hatred for Trump - it is easier to believe the FBI had a part in initiating the violence in order to discredit Trump and his followers.

Videos from the Capitol on 1/6 show Trump Supporters / Conservatives asking Capitol Police why they aren't trying to stop people from breaking windows, and the Capitol police do not answer and do not attempt to intervene /. stop the violence.

And again, the bipartisan committee's report, very in-depth, lays most of the blame for 1/6 on the Capitol Police.

So the attempt to call 1/6 an 'Insurrection' is propaganda / BULLSHIT....especially when compared to the armed domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM violence across the US that caused BILLIONS of dollars in damaged ...or especially when compared to the violent, armed domestic terrorist Lafayette Park 'Insurrection' that required agents from multiple government agencies, the Capitol and Local Police to confront and push back the terrorists while the Presidential family was rushed to the WH bunker for their safety....14 Secret Service members injured. AGAIN - HERE was your 'insurrection'.

Again, the Lafayette Park Insurrection - armed BLM / Antifa terrorists
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.

Do you think that "unarmed petite woman" was practicing her rights as an American while she was trespassing?
The answer to trespassing is a no trespass warning (less than arrest), not the death penalty.
Apparently not, she dead. Stopped everyone else in their tracks, they got the warning they needed.
Murder is an effective warning mechanism. It’s just that people who do it are not supposed to be hidden from responsibility and not law enforcement.
The murderer was likely disguised as security and was a plant to kill someone to send the message “No protesting about results of election”

Hey dumbfuck, all the protesting was to be had outside. Not a single person had a gun pointed at them...outside.

A plant? You're a plant.
Hey, this thread was very successful, 2,000 posts and climbing. Poll worked well.

I'm not happy that only 80% of Republicans condemn the capital riot. But that's a solid majority.
I didn't see a lot of condemnation from the right, I saw excuses.
76% of Republicans voted to condemn the 1/6 riot.
I'm disappointed, I thought it would be higher.
True, the 24% who don't condemn have their "excuses".
That's still a better result than the democrats inciting the 2020 BLM/antifa riots.
Who do you think instigated it? The right or the left?
The right instigated 1/6, not sure who all to blame, the "proud boys" look to be in deep shit.
The left instigated the BLM/antifa riots
View attachment 510006
The BLM riots have nothing to do with it.
The BLM riots are proof of the left's double-standard. The 1/6 rioters are being hunted down by the FBI and prosecuted. The BLM/antifa rioters are being ignored, and even bailed out of jail by leftists. Is all rioting wrong, or are some rioters "more equal" than others?
It's not a double standard since the events have nothing to do with each other. That's like saying why are you hunting down someone for hit and run but not for speeding?
Ya billions in damage 2 dozen murders 2000 cops hurt , wait remind me how much was done on jan 6th again?
Dumbfuck, money is not the issue. The attack against our Constitution and country is. You hate America so I don't expect you to understand.
a riot is suddenly an attack on democracy cause some republicans were involved while dozens of riots by democrats against federal authority are not,
a riot is suddenly an attack on democracy cause some republicans were involved while dozens of riots by democrats against federal authority are not,
There were no “ riots by Democrats against federal authority”, dope.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.

Do you think that "unarmed petite woman" was practicing her rights as an American while she was trespassing?
The answer to trespassing is a no trespass warning (less than arrest), not the death penalty.
Apparently not, she dead. Stopped everyone else in their tracks, they got the warning they needed.
Murder is an effective warning mechanism. It’s just that people who do it are not supposed to be hidden from responsibility and not law enforcement.
The murderer was likely disguised as security and was a plant to kill someone to send the message “No protesting about results of election”

Hey dumbfuck, all the protesting was to be had outside. Not a single person had a gun pointed at them...outside.

A plant? You're a plant.
Hey, this thread was very successful, 2,000 posts and climbing. Poll worked well.

I'm not happy that only 80% of Republicans condemn the capital riot. But that's a solid majority.
I didn't see a lot of condemnation from the right, I saw excuses.
76% of Republicans voted to condemn the 1/6 riot.
I'm disappointed, I thought it would be higher.
True, the 24% who don't condemn have their "excuses".
That's still a better result than the democrats inciting the 2020 BLM/antifa riots.
Who do you think instigated it? The right or the left?
The right instigated 1/6, not sure who all to blame, the "proud boys" look to be in deep shit.
The left instigated the BLM/antifa riots
View attachment 510006
The BLM riots have nothing to do with it.
The BLM riots are proof of the left's double-standard. The 1/6 rioters are being hunted down by the FBI and prosecuted. The BLM/antifa rioters are being ignored, and even bailed out of jail by leftists. Is all rioting wrong, or are some rioters "more equal" than others?
It's not a double standard since the events have nothing to do with each other. That's like saying why are you hunting down someone for hit and run but not for speeding?
Ya billions in damage 2 dozen murders 2000 cops hurt , wait remind me how much was done on jan 6th again?
Dumbfuck, money is not the issue. The attack against our Constitution and country is. You hate America so I don't expect you to understand.
a riot is suddenly an attack on democracy cause some republicans were involved while dozens of riots by democrats against federal authority are not,
a riot is suddenly an attack on democracy cause some republicans were involved while dozens of riots by democrats against federal authority are not,
There were no “ riots by Democrats against federal authority”, dope.
Ya no riots attempted to burn down federal buildings right retard?
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.

Do you think that "unarmed petite woman" was practicing her rights as an American while she was trespassing?
The answer to trespassing is a no trespass warning (less than arrest), not the death penalty.
Apparently not, she dead. Stopped everyone else in their tracks, they got the warning they needed.
Murder is an effective warning mechanism. It’s just that people who do it are not supposed to be hidden from responsibility and not law enforcement.
The murderer was likely disguised as security and was a plant to kill someone to send the message “No protesting about results of election”

Hey dumbfuck, all the protesting was to be had outside. Not a single person had a gun pointed at them...outside.

A plant? You're a plant.
Hey, this thread was very successful, 2,000 posts and climbing. Poll worked well.

I'm not happy that only 80% of Republicans condemn the capital riot. But that's a solid majority.
I didn't see a lot of condemnation from the right, I saw excuses.
76% of Republicans voted to condemn the 1/6 riot.
I'm disappointed, I thought it would be higher.
True, the 24% who don't condemn have their "excuses".
That's still a better result than the democrats inciting the 2020 BLM/antifa riots.
Who do you think instigated it? The right or the left?
The right instigated 1/6, not sure who all to blame, the "proud boys" look to be in deep shit.
The left instigated the BLM/antifa riots
View attachment 510006
The BLM riots have nothing to do with it.
The BLM riots are proof of the left's double-standard. The 1/6 rioters are being hunted down by the FBI and prosecuted. The BLM/antifa rioters are being ignored, and even bailed out of jail by leftists. Is all rioting wrong, or are some rioters "more equal" than others?
It's not a double standard since the events have nothing to do with each other. That's like saying why are you hunting down someone for hit and run but not for speeding?
Ya billions in damage 2 dozen murders 2000 cops hurt , wait remind me how much was done on jan 6th again?
Dumbfuck, money is not the issue. The attack against our Constitution and country is. You hate America so I don't expect you to understand.
a riot is suddenly an attack on democracy cause some republicans were involved while dozens of riots by democrats against federal authority are not,
a riot is suddenly an attack on democracy cause some republicans were involved while dozens of riots by democrats against federal authority are not,
There were no “ riots by Democrats against federal authority”, dope.
Ya no riots attempted to burn down federal buildings right retard?
Ya no riots attempted to burn down federal buildings right retard?
No matter how hard you try to twist and distort reality to make a point, there will never be an equivalent to 1/6 on the left. Your desperation to do so only suggests that you know just how wrong 1/6 was and how damaging it is and will continue to be for Republicans. Your attempted “whadabout” mitigation efforts fall far short. Not to mention they’re just dumb.
Crimes were committed on 1/6.
There was no 'Insurrection'.
The ide of an 'Insurrection' is a political false narrative.
Crimes were committed on 1/6.
There was no 'Insurrection'.
The ide of an 'Insurrection' is a political false narrative.
Sure, when you're attempting to down play it.

Truth be told the insurrectionists were violently trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
Crimes were committed on 1/6.
There was no 'Insurrection'.
The ide of an 'Insurrection' is a political false narrative.
Sure, when you're attempting to down play it.

Truth be told the insurrectionists were violently trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
Again, you are trying to claim unarmed citizens who walked through Capitol doors being held open by Capitol Police, who wandered around, took selfies, and some who stole souvenirs 'Insurrectionists'.

Insurrection (Cambridge):
"An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control"

Despite the FBI warning the capitol police and Pelosi of pending violence, the bipartisan committee's report stated the violence began spontaneously, that people who entered the Capitol were not part of a pre-coordinated group that had planned to storm the Capitol.

The individuals were unarmed, took selfies, and stole souvenirs - hardly the actions of people who wanted to 'defeat their government'. Even Pelosi called them rioters who wanted to derail the certification of the election, not 'insurrectionists who wanted to defeat their govt'.

Democrats who forged the political false narrative of an 'Insurrection' and the snowflakes who parrot it are desperate to manufacture 1/6 into a 'weapon' with which to attack Conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

The narrative itself is something an immature drama queen might come up with, as only snowflakes would believe Trump supporters would attempt to 'overthow the govt' through an unarmed raid on the capitol in which they take selfies and steal souvenirs.


In order to forge this false narrative Democrats and snowflakes are forced to bastardize / remake the meaning of the word 'insurrection' in the same way they have attempted to change the meaning of the word 'infrastructure'.

I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.

Do you think that "unarmed petite woman" was practicing her rights as an American while she was trespassing?
The answer to trespassing is a no trespass warning (less than arrest), not the death penalty.
Apparently not, she dead. Stopped everyone else in their tracks, they got the warning they needed.
Murder is an effective warning mechanism. It’s just that people who do it are not supposed to be hidden from responsibility and not law enforcement.
The murderer was likely disguised as security and was a plant to kill someone to send the message “No protesting about results of election”

Hey dumbfuck, all the protesting was to be had outside. Not a single person had a gun pointed at them...outside.

A plant? You're a plant.
Hey, this thread was very successful, 2,000 posts and climbing. Poll worked well.

I'm not happy that only 80% of Republicans condemn the capital riot. But that's a solid majority.
I didn't see a lot of condemnation from the right, I saw excuses.
76% of Republicans voted to condemn the 1/6 riot.
I'm disappointed, I thought it would be higher.
True, the 24% who don't condemn have their "excuses".
That's still a better result than the democrats inciting the 2020 BLM/antifa riots.
Who do you think instigated it? The right or the left?
The right instigated 1/6, not sure who all to blame, the "proud boys" look to be in deep shit.
The left instigated the BLM/antifa riots
View attachment 510006
The BLM riots have nothing to do with it.
The BLM riots are proof of the left's double-standard. The 1/6 rioters are being hunted down by the FBI and prosecuted. The BLM/antifa rioters are being ignored, and even bailed out of jail by leftists. Is all rioting wrong, or are some rioters "more equal" than others?
It's not a double standard since the events have nothing to do with each other. That's like saying why are you hunting down someone for hit and run but not for speeding?
Ya billions in damage 2 dozen murders 2000 cops hurt , wait remind me how much was done on jan 6th again?
Dumbfuck, money is not the issue. The attack against our Constitution and country is. You hate America so I don't expect you to understand.
a riot is suddenly an attack on democracy cause some republicans were involved while dozens of riots by democrats against federal authority are not,
You're an idiot, so I don't expect you to understand it has nothing to do with their political affiliation and everything to do with attacking the Congress in order to prevent them from certifying the winner of the 2020 election. Being the cornerstone of democracy, elections are sacrosanct. No riot over the summer threatened the foundation of this nation like Insurrection Day.
Again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid at no time did the jan 6th riot endanger our election process o our democracy
Your ignorance is not my problem. They stormed the Capitol to prevent Biden from being certified. That they failed because Congress (along with the electoral votes) was safely evacuated with the help of police who had to shoot an insurrectionist to keep Trump's thugs at bay, doesn't change their motives.
Crimes were committed on 1/6.
There was no 'Insurrection'.
The ide of an 'Insurrection' is a political false narrative.
Sure, when you're attempting to down play it.

Truth be told the insurrectionists were violently trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
Again, you are trying to claim unarmed citizens who walked through Capitol doors being held open by Capitol Police, who wandered around, took selfies, and some who stole souvenirs 'Insurrectionists'.

Insurrection (Cambridge):
"An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control"

Despite the FBI warning the capitol police and Pelosi of pending violence, the bipartisan committee's report stated the violence began spontaneously, that people who entered the Capitol were not part of a pre-coordinated group that had planned to storm the Capitol.

The individuals were unarmed, took selfies, and stole souvenirs - hardly the actions of people who wanted to 'defeat their government'. Even Pelosi called them rioters who wanted to derail the certification of the election, not 'insurrectionists who wanted to defeat their govt'.

Democrats who forged the political false narrative of an 'Insurrection' and the snowflakes who parrot it are desperate to manufacture 1/6 into a 'weapon' with which to attack Conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

The narrative itself is something an immature drama queen might come up with, as only snowflakes would believe Trump supporters would attempt to 'overthow the govt' through an unarmed raid on the capitol in which they take selfies and steal souvenirs.

Plenty of video showing them forcing there way in. If you're not going to be honest then just don't reply to my posts.
Plenty of video showing them forcing there way in. If you're not going to be honest then just don't reply to my posts.
If you had any intention of being honest you would not have posted from the start and would not continue to post.

Videos of trespassers entering broken windows, some pushing their way in, while Capitol Police move barriers that were in their way, do nothing to stop people from breaking windows, while Capitol Police open and hold Capitol Doors open for people, while Capitol Police escort people through the Capitol?!

Trespassing, even Breaking and Entering, are crimes but fall extremely short of the REAL definition of the word 'Insurrection'.

Fail, lil' snowflake. Keep desperately trying, though. It's amusing.
Plenty of video showing them forcing there way in. If you're not going to be honest then just don't reply to my posts.
If you had any intention of being honest you would not have posted from the start and would not continue to post.

Videos of trespassers entering broken windows, some pushing their way in, while Capitol Police move barriers that were in their way, do nothing to stop people from breaking windows, while Capitol Police open and hold Capitol Doors open for people, while Capitol Police escort people through the Capitol?!

Trespassing, even Breaking and Entering, are crimes but fall extremely short of the REAL definition of the word 'Insurrection'.

Fail, lil' snowflake. Keep desperately trying, though. It's amusing.

I know, it was all a big trap and you dumb idiots fell for it. I haven't seen any video of the police opening doors, I have seen them removing barriers, possibly because they were being used as weapons against them while they retreated.

I know, it was all a big trap and you dumb idiots fell for it. I haven't seen any video of the police opening doors, I have seen them removing barriers, possibly because they were being used as weapons against them while they retreated.

So you are admitting now that the FBI, Pelosi, the Capitol police, and Pelosi staged the Capitol event on 1/6 to use to demonize Trump, his supporters, and Conservatives.....Thank you.

"I haven't seen any video of the police opening doors, I have seen them removing barriers, possibly because they were being used as weapons against them while they retreated."

Then your opinion is an uneducated one, and you really don't know what you are talking about until you educate yourself by watching those videos. When you watch them you will see citizens were NOT using the barriers as weapons - the capitol police removed them to give the crowd easier access to the Capitol. You will also see Capitol Police holding the door for citizens to enter.

Capitol police appeared to let a mass of Trump demonstrators right into the Capitol building at one entry point Wednesday after the crowd breached the perimeter surrounding the complex.

“I disagree with it but I respect what you’re trying to do,” one officer can be heard in the video.

Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside. pic.twitter.com/OnSd3KGzz5
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb)
January 8, 2021

ClouthubShare Email

35 Capitol Police Officers Under Investigation, 6 Suspended for Letting Protesters inside US Capitol — The Same Protesters Who Were Later Arrested for Entering US Capitol​


Five Capitol Police officers were suspended and 35 more are under investigation after the officers opened the doors and gates and allowed Trump supporters, and other activists, inside the US Capitol on January 6th.

One video from that day shows Capitol Hill police opening a gate to allow hundreds of protesters inside the US Capitol.

Another video shows Capitol Police allowing protesters to walk right in the US Capitol.


I know, it was all a big trap and you dumb idiots fell for it. I haven't seen any video of the police opening doors, I have seen them removing barriers, possibly because they were being used as weapons against them while they retreated.

So you are admitting now that the FBI, Pelosi, the Capitol police, and Pelosi staged the Capitol event on 1/6 to use to demonize Trump, his supporters, and Conservatives.....Thank you.

"I haven't seen any video of the police opening doors, I have seen them removing barriers, possibly because they were being used as weapons against them while they retreated."

Then your opinion is an uneducated one, and you really don't know what you are talking about until you educate yourself by watching those videos. When you watch them you will see citizens were NOT using the barriers as weapons - the capitol police removed them to give the crowd easier access to the Capitol. You will also see Capitol Police holding the door for citizens to enter.

Capitol police appeared to let a mass of Trump demonstrators right into the Capitol building at one entry point Wednesday after the crowd breached the perimeter surrounding the complex.

“I disagree with it but I respect what you’re trying to do,” one officer can be heard in the video.

Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside. pic.twitter.com/OnSd3KGzz5
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb)
January 8, 2021

ClouthubShare Email

35 Capitol Police Officers Under Investigation, 6 Suspended for Letting Protesters inside US Capitol — The Same Protesters Who Were Later Arrested for Entering US Capitol​


Five Capitol Police officers were suspended and 35 more are under investigation after the officers opened the doors and gates and allowed Trump supporters, and other activists, inside the US Capitol on January 6th.

One video from that day shows Capitol Hill police opening a gate to allow hundreds of protesters inside the US Capitol.

Another video shows Capitol Police allowing protesters to walk right in the US Capitol.

I didn't see any video of the police letting protesters into the capital building. I see lots of videos of them busting through windows.
"UNARMED citizens entering the Capitol through doors held open by Capitol Police for them, Capitol Police who led them through the Capitol...Unarmed citizens wandering around taking selfies and stealing souvenirs..........
........ you are trying to claim unarmed citizens who walked through Capitol doors being held open by Capitol Police, who wandered around, took selfies, and some who stole souvenirs 'Insurrectionists'."

Poster you can keep whipping that RWNJ trope that all of the invaders were unarmed and merely tourist with a scant few lifting a souvenir or two.
It is silly.
Most everyone reading your diatribes realize it is silly partisan nonsense.

Do this, for everybody's sake.....and maybe to save some bandwidth.....there is a recent thread that has "47 minutes" in the title. Find it. Watch the 47 minutes.
Educate yourself.
Inform yourself.

Some invaders were 'armed'.....if ball bats, steel poles, crowbars, high strength Mace, lumber, hell, even stolen police shields were used as a weapon.....are 'arms'.
So you can cut the silliness of 'unarmed'....as if only carrying an AR-15 style rifle qualifies one for being "armed".
Flash: You can be as dead with a crowbar to the head, as with a bullet to the head. Surprised?

You are trying too hard poster t65.
You are coming across as another RWNJ snowflake wallowing in a sense of grievance because you didn't make your life as fulfilling as you think you deserved. Or so it seems.

But, good luck to you. Try reading a book. ;)

"They stormed the Capitol to prevent Biden from being certified. That they failed because Congress (along with the electoral votes) was safely evacuated with the help of police who had to shoot an insurrectionist to keep Trump's thugs at bay, doesn't change their motives."

True that.

A far better post than that silliness above that the Capitol invaders were only unarmed tourists who were all politely invited in.
The world recognizes that the invaders were RWNJ thugs.
Or RWNJ 'Goon's, in poster Schmidlap's colorful and apt phrasing.
I didn't see any video of the police letting protesters into the capital building. I see lots of videos of them busting through windows.
You see what you want to see. I posted 2 articles telling how Capitol Officers aided and abetted the rioters, how 5 have been fired for doing so and approx 30 are still under investigation for doing so.

Come back and talk to me when you have seen the videos and acknowledge these happened. Until then you have an uneducated opinion & are not qualified to intelligently discuss this.

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