Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
"You people have been clear in your defense of lefty rioters."

"You people"?

So, poster Correll.....are you all in, with your Rightside doppelganger EMH that the Capitol thingy was merely a 'gay' invasion? Another Stonewall Riot?
Too, are you, poster
Correll, all in with your Rightside doppelganger 'Rancid' that Bill Barr is gonna be executed on August 2nd, for treason?

"You people"!
ohh grow the hell up
"You people have been clear in your defense of lefty rioters."

"You people"?

So, poster Correll.....are you all in, with your Rightside doppelganger EMH that the Capitol thingy was merely a 'gay' invasion? Another Stonewall Riot?
Too, are you, poster
Correll, all in with your Rightside doppelganger 'Rancid' that Bill Barr is gonna be executed on August 2nd, for treason?

"You people"!

I've made my point regarding a generalization of your side. And I stand by it, based on what I have seen.

As to my position on the 1/6 riot, my position is clear and I voted in the above poll. I went with the large majority of conservatives as CONDEMNING the violence of the 1/6 riot.

You citing one or two individuals as though they represent me, or conservatives, when the poll is clearly visible at the top fo this thread is kind of stupid or dishonest of you.

Are you going to address any of this or just keep repeating the question as though....that proves something?
Especially if the police are ordered to co-operate.
Can you give us a link to that "order"?

Nope. Criminal conspiracies are notorious for not being transparent.

Really, that was a stupid question. With all due respect.

Explain why we have footage of cops waving the protestors to enter into the capitol building.
Because they were vastly outnumbered by Trump's thugs and overwhelmed.

That would be a reason to retreat, not to wave them in.
there was no opportunity to retreat safely.

What makes you say that?

In the bank robber's defense the bank teller did hand over the money.

You're welcome to support the claim made too. Just insisting is not very convincing.

My point stands. We have seen video of hte cops waving the protestors into the capitol building. That raises questions as to why.
I answered your question.

You offered a possible alternative explanation. You've done nothing to show that it is the real reason.
Here's the police announcing they "lost the line" and to retreat.

"Multiple Capitol injuries! Multiple Capitol injuries!"
"Cruiser 50, they are behind our lines!"
"You need to pull back our resources."
"If you need to go inside or pull back if they're getting behind you, you don't have enough resources."
"If I give this up, they're gonna have direct access! We gotta hold what we have!"
"Cruiser 50. We've lost the line! We've lost the line!"
"All MPD pull back up to the upper deck! All MPD pull back up to the upper deck ASAP! Upper deck!"
"Cruiser 50, we're flanked!"
"10-33! I repeat, 10-33, west front of the Capitol."
"We have been flanked and we lost the line!"

And here's officers being suspended for inappropriate behavior with Trump's thugs...

Some officers are seen standing along a doorway almost motionless as people file into the Capitol.
At least two accused rioters have told the FBI a Capitol Police officer told them, "It’s your house now."
Lawmakers have stated that one officer suspended took a selfie with someone and another was seen wearing a MAGA hat.
In a video, that officer wearing the hat asks two men if they can help him get through the crowd to help other officers inside the Capitol.
The officer hands one of the men his megaphone and says, "I’ll follow you." The video was taken by Rico La Starza who says he was visiting D.C. and went to the Capitol and started filming when he saw what was happening.

Which, while it does NOT explain the "waving them on", it doe raises another interesting question. Why the lack of resources?

Certainly they knew how pissed off Trump supporters were and how large the protest was likely to be. Why did they not have more people there?

It's a shame Republicans blocked the call for a Congressional investigation. Now we'll have to wait for the results of subcommittee investigations to learn the reason for that and for why it took so long to get the National Guard deployed. Still, as you can see from that video, police did not welcome them inside the Capitol until they were overwhelmed and overrun by thugs.

I'm not denying that it was a riot. The question being discussed is whether it was an orchestrated riot, with lefty infiltrators and a police force set up to let it happen.

Well you were shown the police did everything they could to keep Trump's thugs out. Only after they were overwhelmed and overrun did they cease trying to keep them out. And you possess zero evidence of which cops were "lefties," no less, "infiltrators." I note your desperation to try to shift blame away from Trump's thugs.

Oh, the cops aren't lefties. The people in charge of the cops are. And they, ie you dems, have been setting them up for failure repeatedly over the last few years, from underfunding, to releasing criminals, to restrictive rules of engagement to outright ordering them to stand down.


Your evidence of that is...?

Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill. I mean, just because this ONE time, it was a right leaning mob instead of a left leaning mob, is no reason to not notice the similarities.

Those were local police departments where you also possess zero evidence of their commanders' political leanings.

But we're talking about Insurrection Day -- is this your way of conceding you made that up?

lo!! Dem cities ruled by dem mayors repeatedly having cops stand down while mass lefty brownshirts did shit from creating "Autonomous Zones" to attacking federal buildings, and you want to pretend that that has not been happening?

As I said, dem cities have shown a pattern of having cops fail to control riots. That this one time, it was a right leaning riot, does not mean that the similarities are not to be discussed.


As always, you're an abject idiot. You frame cities with cops failing to control riots by BLM as being "lefty infiltrators" but then moronically posit that cops failing to control an insurrection by rightards as, not "righty infiltrators" to at least be consistent with your delusions, but also "lefty infiltrators."

Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill.

Ummm? "You people"?
On this chatroom?
Burning and killing?

Do tell.

Ah, poster Correll, not only are you trying too hard, you are taking these discussions too seriously (ps...it's the friggin internet, Skippy); and you seem to also be trying hard to personalize these disturbances.

"You people".....being posters on this venue who are skeptical of your assertions?
Or the George Floyd protests with the vandalism that accompanied some of the demonstrations?

If that is what you are asserting, well, it naturally leads all to believe that you include your avatar in the 'we insurrectionists' grouping. The loons who beat the crap out of uniformed police while screaming Blue Lives Matter?
Or 'we insurrectionists' who smeared our feces on the walls of the People's House?

See, poster Correll, you are trying way too hard to make this an us vs them dynamic: 'You people'....vs. 'us insurrectionists'.

You shouldn't do that.
It's a bad look for you.


It is clear from the way the lefty posters on this site defend the rioters, that they/you identify or ally with the rioters, at least morally and politically speaking.

That is the way you people look. Deal with it.

That may be how we look to you, but you're fucking crazy. So there's that.
"That is the way you people look."

Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Seems like a fantagasm by the RWNJ-universe.

On the other hand, there is an argument to be made (not that I'm he one to do it).....but an argument to be made that those who support the January 6th invaders (a gay riot if Correll agrees with his doppelganger EMH)....that those who support that 'gay riot' that beat the crap out of uniformed officers...well they, morally and politically speaking support the ethos of Blue Lives Don't Matter One Whit if they are only defending the Capitol of the United States of America.

If that's the boat you are in, poster Correll.......
......Make sure you have a paddle up that particular creek.

"That is the way you people look."

Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Seems like a fantagasm by the RWNJ-universe.

On the other hand, there is an argument to be made (not that I'm he one to do it).....but an argument to be made that those who support the January 6th invaders (a gay riot if Correll agrees with his doppelganger EMH)....that those who support that 'gay riot' that beat the crap out of uniformed officers...well they, morally and politically speaking support the ethos of Blue Lives Don't Matter One Whit if they are only defending the Capitol of the United States of America.

If that's the boat you are in, poster Correll.......
......Make sure you have a paddle up that particular creek.

I would say that. You people have been clear in your defense of lefty rioters. That is a fair generalization to make against you.

Meanwhile as the poll shows in this thread, as a group the conservatives do NOT support the 1/6 riot. So, the rest of your post is nonsense.
Name names ... who here's been defending BLM rioters?
Especially if the police are ordered to co-operate.
Can you give us a link to that "order"?

Nope. Criminal conspiracies are notorious for not being transparent.

Really, that was a stupid question. With all due respect.

Explain why we have footage of cops waving the protestors to enter into the capitol building.
Because they were vastly outnumbered by Trump's thugs and overwhelmed.

That would be a reason to retreat, not to wave them in.
there was no opportunity to retreat safely.

What makes you say that?

In the bank robber's defense the bank teller did hand over the money.

You're welcome to support the claim made too. Just insisting is not very convincing.

My point stands. We have seen video of hte cops waving the protestors into the capitol building. That raises questions as to why.
I answered your question.

You offered a possible alternative explanation. You've done nothing to show that it is the real reason.
Here's the police announcing they "lost the line" and to retreat.

"Multiple Capitol injuries! Multiple Capitol injuries!"
"Cruiser 50, they are behind our lines!"
"You need to pull back our resources."
"If you need to go inside or pull back if they're getting behind you, you don't have enough resources."
"If I give this up, they're gonna have direct access! We gotta hold what we have!"
"Cruiser 50. We've lost the line! We've lost the line!"
"All MPD pull back up to the upper deck! All MPD pull back up to the upper deck ASAP! Upper deck!"
"Cruiser 50, we're flanked!"
"10-33! I repeat, 10-33, west front of the Capitol."
"We have been flanked and we lost the line!"

And here's officers being suspended for inappropriate behavior with Trump's thugs...

Some officers are seen standing along a doorway almost motionless as people file into the Capitol.
At least two accused rioters have told the FBI a Capitol Police officer told them, "It’s your house now."
Lawmakers have stated that one officer suspended took a selfie with someone and another was seen wearing a MAGA hat.
In a video, that officer wearing the hat asks two men if they can help him get through the crowd to help other officers inside the Capitol.
The officer hands one of the men his megaphone and says, "I’ll follow you." The video was taken by Rico La Starza who says he was visiting D.C. and went to the Capitol and started filming when he saw what was happening.

Which, while it does NOT explain the "waving them on", it doe raises another interesting question. Why the lack of resources?

Certainly they knew how pissed off Trump supporters were and how large the protest was likely to be. Why did they not have more people there?

It's a shame Republicans blocked the call for a Congressional investigation. Now we'll have to wait for the results of subcommittee investigations to learn the reason for that and for why it took so long to get the National Guard deployed. Still, as you can see from that video, police did not welcome them inside the Capitol until they were overwhelmed and overrun by thugs.

I'm not denying that it was a riot. The question being discussed is whether it was an orchestrated riot, with lefty infiltrators and a police force set up to let it happen.

Well you were shown the police did everything they could to keep Trump's thugs out. Only after they were overwhelmed and overrun did they cease trying to keep them out. And you possess zero evidence of which cops were "lefties," no less, "infiltrators." I note your desperation to try to shift blame away from Trump's thugs.

Oh, the cops aren't lefties. The people in charge of the cops are. And they, ie you dems, have been setting them up for failure repeatedly over the last few years, from underfunding, to releasing criminals, to restrictive rules of engagement to outright ordering them to stand down.


Your evidence of that is...?

Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill. I mean, just because this ONE time, it was a right leaning mob instead of a left leaning mob, is no reason to not notice the similarities.

Those were local police departments where you also possess zero evidence of their commanders' political leanings.

But we're talking about Insurrection Day -- is this your way of conceding you made that up?

lo!! Dem cities ruled by dem mayors repeatedly having cops stand down while mass lefty brownshirts did shit from creating "Autonomous Zones" to attacking federal buildings, and you want to pretend that that has not been happening?

As I said, dem cities have shown a pattern of having cops fail to control riots. That this one time, it was a right leaning riot, does not mean that the similarities are not to be discussed.


As always, you're an abject idiot. You frame cities with cops failing to control riots by BLM as being "lefty infiltrators" but then moronically posit that cops failing to control an insurrection by rightards as, not "righty infiltrators" to at least be consistent with your delusions, but also "lefty infiltrators."


Err, the lefties controlling the cities where you people let the lefty rioters run amok, they weren't infiltrating anything, they were elected officials abusing the power of their offices.

The lefty infiltrators I was referring to were Sullivan and any others yet to be found/admitted, who pretended be Trump supporters to infiltrate the crowd to agitate for violence.

This is not that complicated. Your pretense of not following so you can dodge actually addressing my points, is making you look even more retarded than normal.

And that is saying A LOT.
Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill.

Ummm? "You people"?
On this chatroom?
Burning and killing?

Do tell.

Ah, poster Correll, not only are you trying too hard, you are taking these discussions too seriously (ps...it's the friggin internet, Skippy); and you seem to also be trying hard to personalize these disturbances.

"You people".....being posters on this venue who are skeptical of your assertions?
Or the George Floyd protests with the vandalism that accompanied some of the demonstrations?

If that is what you are asserting, well, it naturally leads all to believe that you include your avatar in the 'we insurrectionists' grouping. The loons who beat the crap out of uniformed police while screaming Blue Lives Matter?
Or 'we insurrectionists' who smeared our feces on the walls of the People's House?

See, poster Correll, you are trying way too hard to make this an us vs them dynamic: 'You people'....vs. 'us insurrectionists'.

You shouldn't do that.
It's a bad look for you.


It is clear from the way the lefty posters on this site defend the rioters, that they/you identify or ally with the rioters, at least morally and politically speaking.

That is the way you people look. Deal with it.

That may be how we look to you, but you're fucking crazy. So there's that.

EVERYONE on this site, has seen teh way you people defend the lefty rioters. Your denial is retarded. Shove your stonewalling up your ass.
"That is the way you people look."

Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Seems like a fantagasm by the RWNJ-universe.

On the other hand, there is an argument to be made (not that I'm he one to do it).....but an argument to be made that those who support the January 6th invaders (a gay riot if Correll agrees with his doppelganger EMH)....that those who support that 'gay riot' that beat the crap out of uniformed officers...well they, morally and politically speaking support the ethos of Blue Lives Don't Matter One Whit if they are only defending the Capitol of the United States of America.

If that's the boat you are in, poster Correll.......
......Make sure you have a paddle up that particular creek.

"That is the way you people look."

Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Seems like a fantagasm by the RWNJ-universe.

On the other hand, there is an argument to be made (not that I'm he one to do it).....but an argument to be made that those who support the January 6th invaders (a gay riot if Correll agrees with his doppelganger EMH)....that those who support that 'gay riot' that beat the crap out of uniformed officers...well they, morally and politically speaking support the ethos of Blue Lives Don't Matter One Whit if they are only defending the Capitol of the United States of America.

If that's the boat you are in, poster Correll.......
......Make sure you have a paddle up that particular creek.

I would say that. You people have been clear in your defense of lefty rioters. That is a fair generalization to make against you.

Meanwhile as the poll shows in this thread, as a group the conservatives do NOT support the 1/6 riot. So, the rest of your post is nonsense.
Name names ... who here's been defending BLM rioters?

All of you. Your denial is fucking retarded.
Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill.

Ummm? "You people"?
On this chatroom?
Burning and killing?

Do tell.

Ah, poster Correll, not only are you trying too hard, you are taking these discussions too seriously (ps...it's the friggin internet, Skippy); and you seem to also be trying hard to personalize these disturbances.

"You people".....being posters on this venue who are skeptical of your assertions?
Or the George Floyd protests with the vandalism that accompanied some of the demonstrations?

If that is what you are asserting, well, it naturally leads all to believe that you include your avatar in the 'we insurrectionists' grouping. The loons who beat the crap out of uniformed police while screaming Blue Lives Matter?
Or 'we insurrectionists' who smeared our feces on the walls of the People's House?

See, poster Correll, you are trying way too hard to make this an us vs them dynamic: 'You people'....vs. 'us insurrectionists'.

You shouldn't do that.
It's a bad look for you.


It is clear from the way the lefty posters on this site defend the rioters, that they/you identify or ally with the rioters, at least morally and politically speaking.

That is the way you people look. Deal with it.
Nope, not the rioters. We all roundly and soundly condemn the rioters. From Biden on down, not one person told the rioters they loved them. They all condemned the rioting.

The protests on the other hand were supported by a majority of Americans.
Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill.

Ummm? "You people"?
On this chatroom?
Burning and killing?

Do tell.

Ah, poster Correll, not only are you trying too hard, you are taking these discussions too seriously (ps...it's the friggin internet, Skippy); and you seem to also be trying hard to personalize these disturbances.

"You people".....being posters on this venue who are skeptical of your assertions?
Or the George Floyd protests with the vandalism that accompanied some of the demonstrations?

If that is what you are asserting, well, it naturally leads all to believe that you include your avatar in the 'we insurrectionists' grouping. The loons who beat the crap out of uniformed police while screaming Blue Lives Matter?
Or 'we insurrectionists' who smeared our feces on the walls of the People's House?

See, poster Correll, you are trying way too hard to make this an us vs them dynamic: 'You people'....vs. 'us insurrectionists'.

You shouldn't do that.
It's a bad look for you.


It is clear from the way the lefty posters on this site defend the rioters, that they/you identify or ally with the rioters, at least morally and politically speaking.

That is the way you people look. Deal with it.
Nope, not the rioters. We all roundly and soundly condemn the rioters. From Biden on down, not one person told the rioters they loved them. They all condemned the rioting.

The protests on the other hand were supported by a majority of Americans.
View attachment 511966

Minimizing the riots and pretending that many of them were actually, "peaceful" or "most peaceful" when they were not, is defending them.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.
Especially if the police are ordered to co-operate.
Can you give us a link to that "order"?

Nope. Criminal conspiracies are notorious for not being transparent.

Really, that was a stupid question. With all due respect.

Explain why we have footage of cops waving the protestors to enter into the capitol building.
Because they were vastly outnumbered by Trump's thugs and overwhelmed.

That would be a reason to retreat, not to wave them in.
there was no opportunity to retreat safely.

What makes you say that?

In the bank robber's defense the bank teller did hand over the money.

You're welcome to support the claim made too. Just insisting is not very convincing.

My point stands. We have seen video of hte cops waving the protestors into the capitol building. That raises questions as to why.
I answered your question.

You offered a possible alternative explanation. You've done nothing to show that it is the real reason.
Here's the police announcing they "lost the line" and to retreat.

"Multiple Capitol injuries! Multiple Capitol injuries!"
"Cruiser 50, they are behind our lines!"
"You need to pull back our resources."
"If you need to go inside or pull back if they're getting behind you, you don't have enough resources."
"If I give this up, they're gonna have direct access! We gotta hold what we have!"
"Cruiser 50. We've lost the line! We've lost the line!"
"All MPD pull back up to the upper deck! All MPD pull back up to the upper deck ASAP! Upper deck!"
"Cruiser 50, we're flanked!"
"10-33! I repeat, 10-33, west front of the Capitol."
"We have been flanked and we lost the line!"

And here's officers being suspended for inappropriate behavior with Trump's thugs...

Some officers are seen standing along a doorway almost motionless as people file into the Capitol.
At least two accused rioters have told the FBI a Capitol Police officer told them, "It’s your house now."
Lawmakers have stated that one officer suspended took a selfie with someone and another was seen wearing a MAGA hat.
In a video, that officer wearing the hat asks two men if they can help him get through the crowd to help other officers inside the Capitol.
The officer hands one of the men his megaphone and says, "I’ll follow you." The video was taken by Rico La Starza who says he was visiting D.C. and went to the Capitol and started filming when he saw what was happening.

Which, while it does NOT explain the "waving them on", it doe raises another interesting question. Why the lack of resources?

Certainly they knew how pissed off Trump supporters were and how large the protest was likely to be. Why did they not have more people there?

It's a shame Republicans blocked the call for a Congressional investigation. Now we'll have to wait for the results of subcommittee investigations to learn the reason for that and for why it took so long to get the National Guard deployed. Still, as you can see from that video, police did not welcome them inside the Capitol until they were overwhelmed and overrun by thugs.

I'm not denying that it was a riot. The question being discussed is whether it was an orchestrated riot, with lefty infiltrators and a police force set up to let it happen.

Well you were shown the police did everything they could to keep Trump's thugs out. Only after they were overwhelmed and overrun did they cease trying to keep them out. And you possess zero evidence of which cops were "lefties," no less, "infiltrators." I note your desperation to try to shift blame away from Trump's thugs.

Oh, the cops aren't lefties. The people in charge of the cops are. And they, ie you dems, have been setting them up for failure repeatedly over the last few years, from underfunding, to releasing criminals, to restrictive rules of engagement to outright ordering them to stand down.


Your evidence of that is...?

Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill. I mean, just because this ONE time, it was a right leaning mob instead of a left leaning mob, is no reason to not notice the similarities.

Those were local police departments where you also possess zero evidence of their commanders' political leanings.

But we're talking about Insurrection Day -- is this your way of conceding you made that up?

lo!! Dem cities ruled by dem mayors repeatedly having cops stand down while mass lefty brownshirts did shit from creating "Autonomous Zones" to attacking federal buildings, and you want to pretend that that has not been happening?

As I said, dem cities have shown a pattern of having cops fail to control riots. That this one time, it was a right leaning riot, does not mean that the similarities are not to be discussed.


As always, you're an abject idiot. You frame cities with cops failing to control riots by BLM as being "lefty infiltrators" but then moronically posit that cops failing to control an insurrection by rightards as, not "righty infiltrators" to at least be consistent with your delusions, but also "lefty infiltrators."


Err, the lefties controlling the cities where you people let the lefty rioters run amok, they weren't infiltrating anything, they were elected officials abusing the power of their offices.

The lefty infiltrators I was referring to were Sullivan and any others yet to be found/admitted, who pretended be Trump supporters to infiltrate the crowd to agitate for violence.

This is not that complicated. Your pretense of not following so you can dodge actually addressing my points, is making you look even more retarded than normal.

And that is saying A LOT.

Can you focus? You were talking about lefty infiltrators being allowed by police.

Your logic that the Capitol police allowed a mob of Trump thugs to storm the Capitol means the cops at the BLM riots let righty infiltrators start fires.
Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill.

Ummm? "You people"?
On this chatroom?
Burning and killing?

Do tell.

Ah, poster Correll, not only are you trying too hard, you are taking these discussions too seriously (ps...it's the friggin internet, Skippy); and you seem to also be trying hard to personalize these disturbances.

"You people".....being posters on this venue who are skeptical of your assertions?
Or the George Floyd protests with the vandalism that accompanied some of the demonstrations?

If that is what you are asserting, well, it naturally leads all to believe that you include your avatar in the 'we insurrectionists' grouping. The loons who beat the crap out of uniformed police while screaming Blue Lives Matter?
Or 'we insurrectionists' who smeared our feces on the walls of the People's House?

See, poster Correll, you are trying way too hard to make this an us vs them dynamic: 'You people'....vs. 'us insurrectionists'.

You shouldn't do that.
It's a bad look for you.


It is clear from the way the lefty posters on this site defend the rioters, that they/you identify or ally with the rioters, at least morally and politically speaking.

That is the way you people look. Deal with it.

That may be how we look to you, but you're fucking crazy. So there's that.

EVERYONE on this site, has seen teh way you people defend the lefty rioters. Your denial is retarded. Shove your stonewalling up your ass.
I can't help you're as retarded as you are. I have condemned them repeatedly...

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
"That is the way you people look."

Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Seems like a fantagasm by the RWNJ-universe.

On the other hand, there is an argument to be made (not that I'm he one to do it).....but an argument to be made that those who support the January 6th invaders (a gay riot if Correll agrees with his doppelganger EMH)....that those who support that 'gay riot' that beat the crap out of uniformed officers...well they, morally and politically speaking support the ethos of Blue Lives Don't Matter One Whit if they are only defending the Capitol of the United States of America.

If that's the boat you are in, poster Correll.......
......Make sure you have a paddle up that particular creek.

"That is the way you people look."

Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Seems like a fantagasm by the RWNJ-universe.

On the other hand, there is an argument to be made (not that I'm he one to do it).....but an argument to be made that those who support the January 6th invaders (a gay riot if Correll agrees with his doppelganger EMH)....that those who support that 'gay riot' that beat the crap out of uniformed officers...well they, morally and politically speaking support the ethos of Blue Lives Don't Matter One Whit if they are only defending the Capitol of the United States of America.

If that's the boat you are in, poster Correll.......
......Make sure you have a paddle up that particular creek.

I would say that. You people have been clear in your defense of lefty rioters. That is a fair generalization to make against you.

Meanwhile as the poll shows in this thread, as a group the conservatives do NOT support the 1/6 riot. So, the rest of your post is nonsense.
Name names ... who here's been defending BLM rioters?

All of you. Your denial is fucking retarded.
Post #1892 is proof you're batshit insane.

I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
Agreed. At about 6' from the target anyone competent to use a pistol should have been able to put one in her shoulder instead of her heart.
At the very least that was manslaughter.
Then you should be happy to know he shot her in the shoulder. Competency extraordinaire.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
Agreed. At about 6' from the target anyone competent to use a pistol should have been able to put one in her shoulder instead of her heart.
At the very least that was manslaughter.
Then you should be happy to know he shot her in the shoulder. Competency extraordinaire.
It was a good shot.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
Agreed. At about 6' from the target anyone competent to use a pistol should have been able to put one in her shoulder instead of her heart.
At the very least that was manslaughter.
Then you should be happy to know he shot her in the shoulder. Competency extraordinaire.
It was a good shot.
It was a great shot. He saved lives. No other Trump thugs needed to be shot after that. No more lawmakers' lives were at risk.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
Agreed. At about 6' from the target anyone competent to use a pistol should have been able to put one in her shoulder instead of her heart.
At the very least that was manslaughter.
Then you should be happy to know he shot her in the shoulder. Competency extraordinaire.
It was a good shot.
It was a great shot. He saved lives. No other Trump thugs needed to be shot after that. No more lawmakers' lives were at risk.
Yep, he held the line allowing Congress and staff to escape who the rioters could see through the windows of the door that the roid lady was trying to get through.
"Then you should be happy to know he shot her in the shoulder.
It was a great shot. He saved lives."

Well, so you know, poster Faun, an important individual who is widely recognized for reading his briefings and prepared bullet-points (no pun, honest)..........he has a different view of the shooting than you.

Don Trump: "The person that shot Ashli Babbitt — boom — right through the head — just boom — ","

On the other hand, Politifacts rates that important person's opinion on the Babbitt shooting.....Pants on Fire
Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill.

Ummm? "You people"?
On this chatroom?
Burning and killing?

Do tell.

Ah, poster Correll, not only are you trying too hard, you are taking these discussions too seriously (ps...it's the friggin internet, Skippy); and you seem to also be trying hard to personalize these disturbances.

"You people".....being posters on this venue who are skeptical of your assertions?
Or the George Floyd protests with the vandalism that accompanied some of the demonstrations?

If that is what you are asserting, well, it naturally leads all to believe that you include your avatar in the 'we insurrectionists' grouping. The loons who beat the crap out of uniformed police while screaming Blue Lives Matter?
Or 'we insurrectionists' who smeared our feces on the walls of the People's House?

See, poster Correll, you are trying way too hard to make this an us vs them dynamic: 'You people'....vs. 'us insurrectionists'.

You shouldn't do that.
It's a bad look for you.


It is clear from the way the lefty posters on this site defend the rioters, that they/you identify or ally with the rioters, at least morally and politically speaking.

That is the way you people look. Deal with it.
Nope, not the rioters. We all roundly and soundly condemn the rioters. From Biden on down, not one person told the rioters they loved them. They all condemned the rioting.

The protests on the other hand were supported by a majority of Americans.
View attachment 511966

Minimizing the riots and pretending that many of them were actually, "peaceful" or "most peaceful" when they were not, is defending them.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.
The protests were peaceful.

In CCC data collected from May 2020 to June 2021, 94% of protests involved no participant arrests, 97.9% involved no participant injuries, 98.6% involved no injuries to police, and 96.7% involved no property damage.



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Well, all the police being ordered to stand down while you people riot and burn and kill.

Ummm? "You people"?
On this chatroom?
Burning and killing?

Do tell.

Ah, poster Correll, not only are you trying too hard, you are taking these discussions too seriously (ps...it's the friggin internet, Skippy); and you seem to also be trying hard to personalize these disturbances.

"You people".....being posters on this venue who are skeptical of your assertions?
Or the George Floyd protests with the vandalism that accompanied some of the demonstrations?

If that is what you are asserting, well, it naturally leads all to believe that you include your avatar in the 'we insurrectionists' grouping. The loons who beat the crap out of uniformed police while screaming Blue Lives Matter?
Or 'we insurrectionists' who smeared our feces on the walls of the People's House?

See, poster Correll, you are trying way too hard to make this an us vs them dynamic: 'You people'....vs. 'us insurrectionists'.

You shouldn't do that.
It's a bad look for you.


It is clear from the way the lefty posters on this site defend the rioters, that they/you identify or ally with the rioters, at least morally and politically speaking.

That is the way you people look. Deal with it.
Nope, not the rioters. We all roundly and soundly condemn the rioters. From Biden on down, not one person told the rioters they loved them. They all condemned the rioting.

The protests on the other hand were supported by a majority of Americans.
View attachment 511966

Minimizing the riots and pretending that many of them were actually, "peaceful" or "most peaceful" when they were not, is defending them.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.
The protests were peaceful.

In CCC data collected from May 2020 to June 2021, 94% of protests involved no participant arrests, 97.9% involved no participant injuries, 98.6% involved no injuries to police, and 96.7% involved no property damage.​
well over a thousand protested occurred and yes 4 percent and 7 percent of 1000 is significant. Further we KNOW for a fact that every major city that had these "protests" were violent involving death and property damage.

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