Poll: Two-Thirds of Palestinians Want Abbas to Resign

Well, like I said, the "suffering" unoccupied Palestinians that are being governed by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist organization have no choice but to slaughter innocent people in their quest for establishing an Islamic Caliphate, which happens to be exactly what ISIS is trying to do.

Hamas of Gaza = ISIS of Syria

Again, can you answer the question. I am truly curious to know, it's not a trick question.

What group seeking freedom from foreign rule, past or present, should the Palestinians emulate?
Of course all the Israeli propagandists missed the part where Britain and the Zionists openly talked about their colonial project in Palestine.

Which means what exactly, other than they wished to colonise 0.1% of the Ottoman lands leaving 99.9% in the hands of arab muslims. The 99.9% is under arab muslim rule the 0.1% is under Jewish rule. The west bank and gaza are under arab muslim rule in the guise of the P.A. according to the U.N.
montelatici, et al,

Don't answer this. This is a very old propaganda trick question!

The Black-or-White fallacy or Black-White fallacy is a False Dilemma Fallacy that limits you unfairly to only two choices, as if you were made to choose between black and white.
Again, can you answer the question. I am truly curious to know, it's not a trick question.

What group seeking freedom from foreign rule, past or present, should the Palestinians emulate?

The Arab-Palestinians can be unique. There is no requirement to emulate anyone.

Most Respectfully,

The only propaganda is coming from you Rocco. There have been 100s if not 1000s of groups that have sought to be rid of their foreign rulers. Not just two choices. I am asking what group they should emulate that would improve their chances of success at becoming free of Jewish rule.

The Palestinians arab muslims when they were ruled by Egyptian and Jordanian foreign rulers. They could also abide by international law, the Geneva conventions, UN charter and their promises made in 1988 that they have continually reneged on
It's a pretty simple question. What group seeking freedom from foreign rule, past or present, should the Palestinians emulate.

How about Quebec in her wish to secede from Canada?

So, do you think that if the Palestinians voted to secede from Israeli rule, the Israelis would leave the West Bank/East Jerusalem and surrender control of the air space, territorial sea and land borders of Gaza. And leave the tax collecting to the Palestinians.

They don't have that vote under international law and the Geneva conventions. They need to follow the promises they made in 1988 and then they will have self rule, it will also mean they are bankrupt and unable to function as a nation.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You should not answer this question.

Well, like I said, the "suffering" unoccupied Palestinians that are being governed by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist organization have no choice but to slaughter innocent people in their quest for establishing an Islamic Caliphate, which happens to be exactly what ISIS is trying to do.

Hamas of Gaza = ISIS of Syria

Again, can you answer the question. I am truly curious to know, it's not a trick question.

What group seeking freedom from foreign rule, past or present, should the Palestinians emulate?
What foreign rule are the Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza and the West Bank subject to when both or those Islamic terrorist franchises have elected Islamist terrorists in political office?

Again, you backstroke. Are you hoping to join the Islamic swim team?
Is deflection all you have?

Gaza is not under Israeli occupation. It does not meet the legal criteria for Article 43, HR.

West Bank = It depends. It what zone you are speaking about.

Area A (full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority)
Area B (Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control)
Area C (full Israeli civil and security control)

Most Respectfully,

Gaza is under occupation pursuant to legal precedent. The Nuremberg Trials, "Hostages Case" and the U.N.'s determination that Gaza is under occupation.

The West Bank and East Jerusalem are under de juris and de facto occupation.

These are just facts. Your propaganda does not change legal fact.

WRONG as there is no legal announcement that gaza is occupied. In fact the Palestinian leadership have announced that gaza is no longer under occupation and has not been since 2005 when Israel withdrew.
The Muslims went to Europe from another continent and are invaders causing havoc. They should be expelled.

The Jews went to Palestine from another continent and caused havoc as invaders.

But, back to the question. What group seeking freedom from foreign rule should the Palestinians emulate to facilitate their freedom?

The Palestinians arab muslims when they were ruled by Egyptian and Jordanian foreign rulers. They could also abide by international law, the Geneva conventions, UN charter and their promises made in 1988 that they have continually reneged on
montelatici, et al,

And again I say, this question should have no answer.

The Muslims went to Europe from another continent and are invaders causing havoc. They should be expelled.

The Jews went to Palestine from another continent and caused havoc as invaders.

But, back to the question. What group seeking freedom from foreign rule should the Palestinians emulate to facilitate their freedom?
P F Tinmore, et al,

You should not answer this question.

Well, like I said, the "suffering" unoccupied Palestinians that are being governed by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist organization have no choice but to slaughter innocent people in their quest for establishing an Islamic Caliphate, which happens to be exactly what ISIS is trying to do.

Hamas of Gaza = ISIS of Syria

Again, can you answer the question. I am truly curious to know, it's not a trick question.

What group seeking freedom from foreign rule, past or present, should the Palestinians emulate?
What foreign rule are the Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza and the West Bank subject to when both or those Islamic terrorist franchises have elected Islamist terrorists in political office?

Again, you backstroke. Are you hoping to join the Islamic swim team?
Is deflection all you have?

Gaza is not under Israeli occupation. It does not meet the legal criteria for Article 43, HR.

West Bank = It depends. It what zone you are speaking about.

Area A (full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority)
Area B (Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control)
Area C (full Israeli civil and security control)

Most Respectfully,

The Arab-Palestinians should NOT emulate any culture. If they are made of the "rightstuff," THEN they should be able to mold a country into what they want. While imitation is a sincere form of flattery, it is also the prima facie evidence that they have no independent talent --- no KSA's to make a viable state government.

Most Respectfully,

I disagree and say this The Palestinians arab muslims when they were ruled by Egyptian and Jordanian foreign rulers in the years between 1948 and 1967. They could also abide by international law, the Geneva conventions, UN charter and their promises made in 1988 that they have continually reneged on
Well, like I said, the "suffering" unoccupied Palestinians that are being governed by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist organization have no choice but to slaughter innocent people in their quest for establishing an Islamic Caliphate, which happens to be exactly what ISIS is trying to do.

Hamas of Gaza = ISIS of Syria

Again, can you answer the question. I am truly curious to know, it's not a trick question.

What group seeking freedom from foreign rule, past or present, should the Palestinians emulate?
Of course all the Israeli propagandists missed the part where Britain and the Zionists openly talked about their colonial project in Palestine.

Which means what exactly, other than they wished to colonise 0.1% of the Ottoman lands leaving 99.9% in the hands of arab muslims. The 99.9% is under arab muslim rule the 0.1% is under Jewish rule. The west bank and gaza are under arab muslim rule in the guise of the P.A. according to the U.N.
You call that a point?:poop:
The Jews were already there, Israel is and has always been the ancient Jewish homeland. It is holier to the Jews, than all other faiths combined.

In other words, the Jews are here to stay, and will never leave, get it? And if the Arab Muslims don't straighten their terroristic behavior, they're the ones that will be leaving soon. The Jews are running out of patience with Arab Muslim intolerance and savagery, in fact, the whole world is. Israel is just one of many front lines of Islam's war against civilization.

Now, back to the topic, if Palestinians truly want peace and coexistence, wanting an Islamic terrorist organization who wants to destroy Israel and establish a Caliphate instead, as your leader, is definitely not the way to get Israelis to the table.

And if the Palestinians want war, terrorism, and violence, then the Israelis are ready for that too. It's up to the Palestinians.

Jews were banned from the area by the Byzantines. It was a Christian only land under the Byzantines. Demographics will rule the day.
The Muslims went to Europe from another continent and are invaders causing havoc. They should be expelled.

The Jews went to Palestine from another continent and caused havoc as invaders.

The Arabs also came to Palestine from another continent and caused havoc as invaders. They caused so much havoc that cultures which preceded them were very nearly wiped out. (And they are still trying).

Why do you support those particular invaders?

The Arabian peninsula and Palestine are on the same continent. The Arabians were rulers, they did not replace the existing Christian native population. They replaced the Byzantines as rulers. Many of the native Christians converted to Islam. Historical fact is not that complicated.
The Jews were already there, Israel is and has always been the ancient Jewish homeland. It is holier to the Jews, than all other faiths combined.

In other words, the Jews are here to stay, and will never leave, get it? And if the Arab Muslims don't straighten their terroristic behavior, they're the ones that will be leaving soon. The Jews are running out of patience with Arab Muslim intolerance and savagery, in fact, the whole world is. Israel is just one of many front lines of Islam's war against civilization.

Now, back to the topic, if Palestinians truly want peace and coexistence, wanting an Islamic terrorist organization who wants to destroy Israel and establish a Caliphate instead, as your leader, is definitely not the way to get Israelis to the table.

And if the Palestinians want war, terrorism, and violence, then the Israelis are ready for that too. It's up to the Palestinians.

Jews were banned from the area by the Byzantines. It was a Christian only land under the Byzantines. Demographics will rule the day.
Arabs-moslems frequently use the threat of uncontrolled breeding as a means to overwhelm a host population. The more excitable of the peaceful inner strugglers are making the same threats in Europe as the arabs-moslems and Monty-ish types are making in the arab-moslem occupied territories in the middle East.

The problem with that, of course, is it results in legions of little islamo-bots who are unequipped to do anything productive or constructive as it relates to job / social skills.
If Abbas doesn't give a rats ass what 2/3 of his own people think, why should we care what any of them think ?

The Arab Muslims have proven time and time again they are incapable of civilized conduct. Time to vet them each for participation in hostilities against the state and throw the bums out.
The Jews were already there, Israel is and has always been the ancient Jewish homeland. It is holier to the Jews, than all other faiths combined.

In other words, the Jews are here to stay, and will never leave, get it? And if the Arab Muslims don't straighten their terroristic behavior, they're the ones that will be leaving soon. The Jews are running out of patience with Arab Muslim intolerance and savagery, in fact, the whole world is. Israel is just one of many front lines of Islam's war against civilization.

Now, back to the topic, if Palestinians truly want peace and coexistence, wanting an Islamic terrorist organization who wants to destroy Israel and establish a Caliphate instead, as your leader, is definitely not the way to get Israelis to the table.

And if the Palestinians want war, terrorism, and violence, then the Israelis are ready for that too. It's up to the Palestinians.

Jews were banned from the area by the Byzantines. It was a Christian only land under the Byzantines. Demographics will rule the day.
Pay attention, and don't keep going off topic back to the history of Israel. The Jews maintained a presence and in fact were invited to the area during Ottoman rule starting in the 1200's. By the mid 1800's Jerusalem had a Jewish majority, and there was never such a thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people during the last 800 years of Ottoman Muslim rule.

Now, like I said, these invented people have chosen an Islamic terrorist organization no different than ISIS to lead them over the cliff, which means their chances of having a fictional Palestinian state will continue to diminish as the Israelis get stronger.
If Abbas doesn't give a rats ass what 2/3 of his own people think, why should we care what any of them think ?

The Arab Muslims have proven time and time again they are incapable of civilized conduct. Time to vet them each for participation in hostilities against the state and throw the bums out.

Based on their report card, I don't think anybody cares what the Palestinians think any longer. As presidential candidates from both sides have indicated, there is a serious problem with Palestinian culture and mentality, and until that is addressed, there is never going to be a resolution.
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Poll results have been consistent over six months and were affirmed Monday: two-thirds of Palestinians would like President Mahmoud Abbas to resign after a string of policy failures. ...​
Of course! The puke failed to deliver Israel on a platter, so, he must go. Damn loozahz should get a life and a job.
Mod Edit: Posts in IP must have some content related to topic. No derailing please. :eusa_naughty:

Note, we have dedicated threads for the most popular derailments.

Well, if the premise is that the Jews have always lived in Palestine, have been the majority in Palestine since time immemorial, did not come from Europe to colonize Palestine and there were no Christians and Muslims in Palestine then there is no reason to continue debating. Based on that premise, the non-Jews have absolutely no right to be in Palestine or Israel. Ciao.
Poll results have been consistent over six months and were affirmed Monday: two-thirds of Palestinians would like President Mahmoud Abbas to resign after a string of policy failures. Yet the Palestinian leader does not appear to be under palpable domestic or international pressure to step down.

Poll: Two-Thirds of Palestinians Want Abbas to Resign

It is interesting to note that nowhere in the article is the constitutional procedure for replacing a president mentioned.

He's 81. He failed to unite the Palestinians. Probably time to remove him and try again.

This poll in NO WAY is even a tacit support of Hamas. If THAT'S the direction the Palis choose -- they are doomed to become another failed indigenous people,...
Poll results have been consistent over six months and were affirmed Monday: two-thirds of Palestinians would like President Mahmoud Abbas to resign after a string of policy failures. Yet the Palestinian leader does not appear to be under palpable domestic or international pressure to step down.

Poll: Two-Thirds of Palestinians Want Abbas to Resign

It is interesting to note that nowhere in the article is the constitutional procedure for replacing a president mentioned.
Why would Führer Abbas step down as Head Islamic Terrorist in Charge of his portion of the UN funded welfare fraud that has brought him vast wealth?

Really, Bunky. Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are valuable for two reasons:
1. Cannon fodder to be put in the line of fire when Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism, and;
2. Head count for the pay-per-Islamic terrorist demands aimed at UNRWA for mo' welfare, mo' welfare, mo' welfare.
Poll results have been consistent over six months and were affirmed Monday: two-thirds of Palestinians would like President Mahmoud Abbas to resign after a string of policy failures. Yet the Palestinian leader does not appear to be under palpable domestic or international pressure to step down.

Poll: Two-Thirds of Palestinians Want Abbas to Resign

It is interesting to note that nowhere in the article is the constitutional procedure for replacing a president mentioned.

He's 81. He failed to unite the Palestinians. Probably time to remove him and try again.

This poll in NO WAY is even a tacit support of Hamas. If THAT'S the direction the Palis choose -- they are doomed to become another failed indigenous people,...
Even Christians voted for Hamas. It was because Fatah sucked so bad. Corruption, violation of international and domestic law, focus on fake peace talks that drove the Palestinians backward. Just to name a few.

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