Poll: What hurts Hamas more?

What is defeat according to Hamas?

  • Gaza casualties

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Their own death

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Loss of territory

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Else

    Votes: 8 33.3%

  • Total voters
"Shem'a Yisrael HaShem is our God, HaShem is One!"

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Israel’s Untold Gaza Progress

You may have missed it amid the media defeatism, but Israel is winning its war in Gaza. Hamas’s losses are mounting, and support for the Israeli war effort has endured around the world longer than Hamas expected.

The war is far from over, but Hamas’s southern stronghold of Khan Younis is falling. Civilians have streamed out and Hamas’s remaining forces in the city’s west are encircled. They face an Israeli advance on all sides, and Israel is now fighting below ground in force.

Biden Administration restrictions and Israeli caution have slowed the war, but consider that the 2016-17 battle of Mosul against ISIS took nine months. “Mosul,” writes John Spencer, chief of urban warfare studies at West Point’s Modern War Institute, “was one battle, in one city against 3 to 5k militants with limited defenses. Israel is fighting multiple battles in 7 cities against 30k militants with military grade underground cities built under civilian areas.”
Israel needs time to achieve victory, and Hamas is counting on Western powers to deny it that time. The 2009 Gaza war was brought to an end after three weeks, the 2014 war after six weeks. The “CNN strategy” of using human shields to gain media sympathy has worked every time for Hamas.
So far not this time. Oct. 7 was too brutal. This war has passed 120 days, and the U.S. and Europe refuse to call for a cease-fire.
Israel says it has killed, incapacitated or arrested some 20,000 of Hamas’s 30,000 men and dismantled 17 of Hamas’s 24 Gaza combat battalions. The losses have prevented Hamas from mounting military maneuvers and quieted its rocket fire, down more than 95% from the war’s early days.

Israel has freed 110 hostages, but its leaders are under pressure at home while 132 are still captive. The Biden Administration is using that domestic pressure as diplomatic leverage to promote a hostage deal and long pause in the war that it hopes will become a cease-fire. Never mind that leaving Hamas in control of territory is the definition of Israeli defeat. No matter the length of the pause, Israel would likely have to resume fighting afterward.
That may be why Hamas has resisted the U.S. pause and hostage-deal proposal and instead demands a cease-fire guarantee that Israel can’t give. Recall that Hamas consented to the first hostage deal after Israel took Gaza City faster than anticipated. An Israeli advance now could push the terrorists to Rafah, Hamas’s last major refuge, at the edge of Gaza.
Once Hamas’s last brigades are defeated, it will take time to sweep Gaza for terrorist cells and infrastructure. Israel is clearing urban terrain and tunnels at a “historic pace,” Mr. Spencer writes, but the tunnels are vast and soldiers find munitions in home after home.
Israel’s task for 2024 is to finish the job, but will U.S. political support hold? The Biden Administration, despite its second-guessing, continues to provide munitions and diplomatic cover that it would have a hard time withdrawing. The latest Harvard CAPS-Harris poll finds that large majorities of Americans support Israel and its war aims.
Europe’s elected leaders are also holding the line, and no Arab state has quit the Abraham Accords. Only Iran, which has escalated its regional war against the U.S., applies pressure. Even the United Nations International Court of Justice balked at ordering a cease-fire.

Wall Street Journal

page after page of propaganda day in ,day out hurts hamas very well rylah....~S~
Current question(s) - when dealing with an enemy, or let's say ideology,
that considers the death of its followers in war, and their own folk,
as reward, rather than loss, what to them is defeat?

The question doesn't refer only to Hamas in Gaza,
this is relevant to many countries which face
simillar threats if Hamas is not eradicated
in an exemplary manner as to leave
no place for doubt.

This is not out of lust for blood, but a rational question,
in the context of how Hamas treats "traitors", public execution at city squares,
in front of Gazans is an option, and also the benefit in letting Gazans do that themselves.
Else: not getting their 70 Virgins in HELL!!! The sooner they find out the better.

Else: not getting their 70 Virgins in HELL!!! The sooner they find out the better.


Hamas is revealing the "glory of Islam".

It's not only about what virgins they want,
but also about what they hope for their sisters...

page after page of propaganda day in ,day out hurts hamas very well rylah....~S~

Is that what called any thread you have nothing to contribute,
or any specific information you don't like but cannot refute?

There're several detailed arguments posted - address them.
There isn't any here

not sorry


That tells me you didn't even read the OP.

Let me refer back to Dr. Einat Wilf's argument about
'Societies mobilized for death' - what are your thoughts?

On societies mobilized for death | Dr. Einat Wilf Capitol Hill briefing

Discussing the radical, visionary thinking that was required to change German and Japanese societies to become pillars of a peaceful world - which was unimaginable during the 30's-40's of the last century.

Very important to hear!

Basically the "Islam experts" will say that loss of life in war, even civilian is not a deterrence but honor, and maybe even the goal. Therefore the signals as to
what actually hurts Islamists, were already in the request for a ceasefire,
which is only given to an infidel who is stronger.

And specifically when the army moved in "their territory".
Because when land under Islam rule, is relinquished to
the infidel - all efforts were to disgrace of Islam.


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