Poll: What hurts Hamas more?

What is defeat according to Hamas?

  • Gaza casualties

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Their own death

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Loss of territory

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Else

    Votes: 8 33.3%

  • Total voters
Hamas already begging for a Hudna as a "victory"?

The video discusses Hamas, Israel, and other international players. It focuses on a recent mistake which was made by Hamas leader Sinwar. The video analyzes the strategies, mistakes, and potential consequences of actions taken by Hamas and Israel. In this video I show how certain actions by Hamas, particularly in the context of ceasefire negotiations and interactions with Qatar and Egypt, might impact the outcome in favor of Israel.

Because of this crazy psychopath:
  • 1,500 Israeli citizens were killed
  • 80% of Gaza's buildings were destroyed
  • 25,000 Gaza civilians were killed
  • 70,000 civilians from Gaza were injured
  • Countries' economic interests were damaged
  • Thousands were expelled to Europe
  • Billions in losses to the Egyptian economy
  • A wave of violence, terrorism, and hatred has returned to the region... after we got rid of ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
  • Thousands of workers in the West Bank lost their jobs and livelihoods in Israel.

And many more disasters than there is room to mention... This mentally ill person committed a massacre on October 7th...and gave young teenagers Captagon pills...and told them to slaughter, rape, and commit the most horrific massacres...and he fled, hiding in a tunnel with his brother, his family, and those close to him, and leaving an entire people to pay the price, a people sleeping in the open, and hunger cutting out the intestines of their children. .

It only takes one mentally ill person to lead the world to war. The one who caused World War I was a mentally ill person who assassinated the Prince of Austria, and when they asked him why you did it, he said I did not like the way he dressed. Whoever caused World War II, in which 50 million people were killed, was one crazy person, Hitler, and in the end he committed suicide.

What I want to say...that one mentally ill person is capable of causing disasters to the world We must not forget that the plague that killed a third of the Earth's population was caused by a single rat that entered a ship coming from China to the port of Genoa in Italy... And this is what this rat did... named Yahya Al-Sanwar.

Because of this crazy psychopath:
  • 1,500 Israeli citizens were killed
  • 80% of Gaza's buildings were destroyed
  • 25,000 Gaza civilians were killed
  • 70,000 civilians from Gaza were injured
  • Countries' economic interests were damaged
  • Thousands were expelled to Europe
  • Billions in losses to the Egyptian economy
  • A wave of violence, terrorism, and hatred has returned to the region... after we got rid of ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
  • Thousands of workers in the West Bank lost their jobs and livelihoods in Israel.

And many more disasters than there is room to mention... This mentally ill person committed a massacre on October 7th...and gave young teenagers Captagon pills...and told them to slaughter, rape, and commit the most horrific massacres...and he fled, hiding in a tunnel with his brother, his family, and those close to him, and leaving an entire people to pay the price, a people sleeping in the open, and hunger cutting out the intestines of their children. .

It only takes one mentally ill person to lead the world to war. The one who caused World War I was a mentally ill person who assassinated the Prince of Austria, and when they asked him why you did it, he said I did not like the way he dressed. Whoever caused World War II, in which 50 million people were killed, was one crazy person, Hitler, and in the end he committed suicide.

What I want to say...that one mentally ill person is capable of causing disasters to the world We must not forget that the plague that killed a third of the Earth's population was caused by a single rat that entered a ship coming from China to the port of Genoa in Italy... And this is what this rat did... named Yahya Al-Sanwar.


Havdalah | Separation of the Holy and the Mundane

Last edited:
On societies mobilized for death | Dr. Einat Wilf Capitol Hill briefing

Discussing the radical, visionary thinking that was required to change German and Japanese societies to become pillars of a peaceful world - which was unimaginable during the 30's-40's of the last century.

Very important to hear!

A common argument made against the kind of war that Israel is waging in Gaza is that it is creating more terrorists, which it will have to deal with at a later time. If you, say, drop a bomb that kills a leader of Hamas and another five civilians also die, each of them has friends and relatives who will end up angrier at Israel. Other Palestinians will hear about it on the news and likewise become enraged. If your goal is to stop attacks on Israel and create the conditions for peace, you should find ways to kill fewer civilians and decrease the overall repression faced by the populations of the West Bank and Gaza.

Among pro-Israel types, there’s a different view. Palestinians simply hate Jews. One may argue that it is part of their religion, or that they can’t let go of the past. Israel killing and oppressing Palestinians might not help, but it doesn’t really make that much difference. This would suggest that there isn’t much of a tradeoff between eliminating terrorists and achieving peace. Israel may decide to refrain from hurting Palestinians out of humanitarian concerns, but it should not be deceived into believing that fighting a less aggressive war will bring benefits in the form of Palestinians hating them less.

Finally, there is another model, which I call “Lose Hope.” Palestinians start out hating Israelis, and anger is a reaction people have when they feel like they have enough agency to change their situation. This positive change might be years or decades down the line, and in the short term the Palestinians look forward to immediate victories, like the attack of October 7. Here, the more Israel makes clear that the Palestinians will never achieve their goals, the less trouble they will have with them. In addition to the direct benefit of eliminating terrorists and stopping them from attacking you, fewer are actually created by each one you kill, as long as it is clear you are willing to go as far as it takes to neutralize the threat.

The three models are graphed below.

Hamas Commander Sinwar Must Decide How He Departs

In May 2021, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar responded to Israeli threats to assassinate him and other commanders of his Iran-backed terror group, saying that he was not afraid of death: “The biggest gift they [Israel] can give me is to assassinate me. They know where I live, and I’m waiting for them.”

Since Hamas’s October 7, 2023, attack on Israel, however, Sinwar, one of the masterminds of the massacre, has gone into hiding. He is no longer waiting for the Israeli troops to show up at his home.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have accepted Sinwar’s offer to visit him at home in the southern Gaza Strip. Contrary to his boast, Sinwar was not waiting for the soldiers. The man who said he would be honored if Israel killed him chose to flee, together with his family, from his home immediately after the October 7 attack.

Since then, Sinwar has not been seen in public. He and two other Hamas commanders, Mohammed Deif and Marwan Issa, are believed to be hiding in the area of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, where thousands of IDF soldiers have been operating over the past few days. The three terror leaders know that this war is not just another round of fighting that will end with an Egyptian- or Qatari-sponsored ceasefire. They understand that as far as Israel is concerned, Hamas leaders are living on borrowed time.

Sinwar, who spent many years in Israeli prison, is fluent in Hebrew and is familiar with Israeli society and politics. He has long followed the Israeli media, as well as statements made by Israeli political and military officials. As such, he is undoubtedly aware of the fact that he has become Israel’s No. 1 wanted terrorist because of his responsibility for the October 7 carnage. He is also surely aware of renewed threats by Israelis to eliminate him and the entire leadership of Hamas.

Sinwar in an Israeli prison (middle of bottom row). His prison pals include Samir Kuntar, (top left) a member of the PLF and Hizbullah.
Sinwar in an Israeli prison (middle of bottom row). His prison pals include Samir Kuntar, (top right) a member of the PLF and Hizbullah.
Nearly three months into the Israel-Hamas war, Sinwar also understands that the Israeli security forces are tightening the noose around his neck. He is beginning to realize that the moment is fast approaching when he must decide how he wants his end to look.

Sinwar’s Three Options

Under the current circumstances, it seems that Sinwar has three options.

The first is to be killed by the IDF and go down into history as another shahid (martyr), like many of his predecessors, including Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz Rantisi.

Second, Sinwar could surrender to the IDF with the hope of being released (again) in a future prisoner exchange deal with Israel.

The third option is for Sinwar to leave the Gaza Strip, willing or unwillingly. This means either escaping from the Palestinian coastal enclave through one of their tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt or leaving (together with other Hamas commanders) as part of an internationally sponsored deal similar to the one that allowed PLO leader Yasser Arafat and his forces to exit Lebanon in 1982.

The general sense among Palestinian journalists in the Gaza Strip is that Sinwar would opt for the first option – “martyrdom,” if and when Israeli soldiers surround his hideout. Journalists who have been meeting with Sinwar on a semi-regular basis since he was released from Israeli prison as part of the 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner swap are convinced that he would rather die as a shahid than surrender or be captured by the Israeli military.

The last two options – surrender or arrest – entail an element of humiliation, and this is not something Sinwar can tolerate. After all, he sees himself as one of the Palestinians’ and Arabs’ great “warriors” in modern history because of the Hamas invasion of Israel and the high death toll and damage inflicted on Israel. For someone like Sinwar, death is preferable to being shown surrendering or being arrested (perhaps in his underwear) by IDF soldiers. In Sinwar’s world, it is better to die as a “martyr” than to be depicted as a defeatist or coward. One of the recurring slogans chanted by Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past few years is: “Death is preferable to humiliation.”

Yet, this does not mean that if given an “honorable” way out of his predicament, Sinwar would not go for it. If, for example, he was allowed to leave the Gaza Strip in an agreement engineered and supervised by some Arab countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, he would find it hard to turn down the offer.

Such a deal could elevate the Hamas terror chief to the equal of Yasser Arafat and send a message that he is leaving the Gaza Strip triumphant because Israel was not able to kill him or capture him. Moreover, Sinwar knows that living in exile hardly spells the end of Hamas’s leaders’ political and military careers. He sees that Hamas leaders based in Qatar, Lebanon, and Turkey are continuing to operate from their offices and homes in Doha, Beirut, and Ankara, and there’s no reason why he should not join Ismail Haniyeh, Khaled Mashaal, and Saleh al-Arouri in pursuing the bloody fight against Israel from these countries.

The change in Cairo's clear line from the absolute refusal to accept Gazans, to negotiating the "right price"

In a report published on Saturday, the Beirut-based Arabic newspaper Al Akhbar disclosed that Egypt is poised to welcome thousands of refugees from Gaza, with the finalization of the arrangement contingent on negotiations over the terms with the United States and other Western nations.

This potential agreement comes despite Cairo’s consistent disavowal of the proposal to relocate Gaza’s population to the Sinai Peninsula, a stance reiterated recently by Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry during multiple visits to Washington. Diaa Rashwan, the head of the State Information Service, also affirmed this position in a statement.

Egypt and the terms of relocation for Gazans...

You almost begin to feel sorry for the Ethnic Cleansers .
Seems their God has gone missing

Hamas filth still milking the story about a whole "battalion of tanks destroyed"
since they went hiding in tunnels, and not a single picture of an actually
destroyed tank, in any of the videos they boast about.

For the "glory of Islam",

keep begging for a ceasefire...
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich responded to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday, after he ruled out the possibility of encouraging the voluntary migration of Gazans to countries abroad.

"US Secretary of State Blinken, welcome to Israel. We greatly appreciate the US's support for Israel, but as far as our existence in our country is concerned, we will always act according to the Israeli interest."

Smotrich added, "That is why we will continue to fight with all our might to destroy Hamas, we will not transfer a single shekel to the Palestinian Authority that will go to the families of the Nazis in Gaza and we will work to allow the opening of the gates of Gaza for the voluntary migration of refugees as the international community did to the refugees from Syria and Ukraine."

Last edited:
On societies mobilized for death | Dr. Einat Wilf Capitol Hill briefing

Discussing the radical, visionary thinking that was required to change German and Japanese societies to become pillars of a peaceful world - which was unimaginable during the 30's-40's of the last century.

Very important to hear!


Hamas Commander Sinwar Must Decide How He Departs

In May 2021, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar responded to Israeli threats to assassinate him and other commanders of his Iran-backed terror group, saying that he was not afraid of death: “The biggest gift they [Israel] can give me is to assassinate me. They know where I live, and I’m waiting for them.”

Since Hamas’s October 7, 2023, attack on Israel, however, Sinwar, one of the masterminds of the massacre, has gone into hiding. He is no longer waiting for the Israeli troops to show up at his home.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have accepted Sinwar’s offer to visit him at home in the southern Gaza Strip. Contrary to his boast, Sinwar was not waiting for the soldiers. The man who said he would be honored if Israel killed him chose to flee, together with his family, from his home immediately after the October 7 attack.

Since then, Sinwar has not been seen in public. He and two other Hamas commanders, Mohammed Deif and Marwan Issa, are believed to be hiding in the area of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, where thousands of IDF soldiers have been operating over the past few days. The three terror leaders know that this war is not just another round of fighting that will end with an Egyptian- or Qatari-sponsored ceasefire. They understand that as far as Israel is concerned, Hamas leaders are living on borrowed time.

Sinwar, who spent many years in Israeli prison, is fluent in Hebrew and is familiar with Israeli society and politics. He has long followed the Israeli media, as well as statements made by Israeli political and military officials. As such, he is undoubtedly aware of the fact that he has become Israel’s No. 1 wanted terrorist because of his responsibility for the October 7 carnage. He is also surely aware of renewed threats by Israelis to eliminate him and the entire leadership of Hamas.

Sinwar in an Israeli prison (middle of bottom row). His prison pals include Samir Kuntar, (top left) a member of the PLF and Hizbullah.
Sinwar in an Israeli prison (middle of bottom row). His prison pals include Samir Kuntar, (top right) a member of the PLF and Hizbullah.
Nearly three months into the Israel-Hamas war, Sinwar also understands that the Israeli security forces are tightening the noose around his neck. He is beginning to realize that the moment is fast approaching when he must decide how he wants his end to look.

Sinwar’s Three Options

Under the current circumstances, it seems that Sinwar has three options.

The first is to be killed by the IDF and go down into history as another shahid (martyr), like many of his predecessors, including Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz Rantisi.

Second, Sinwar could surrender to the IDF with the hope of being released (again) in a future prisoner exchange deal with Israel.

The third option is for Sinwar to leave the Gaza Strip, willing or unwillingly. This means either escaping from the Palestinian coastal enclave through one of their tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt or leaving (together with other Hamas commanders) as part of an internationally sponsored deal similar to the one that allowed PLO leader Yasser Arafat and his forces to exit Lebanon in 1982.

The general sense among Palestinian journalists in the Gaza Strip is that Sinwar would opt for the first option – “martyrdom,” if and when Israeli soldiers surround his hideout. Journalists who have been meeting with Sinwar on a semi-regular basis since he was released from Israeli prison as part of the 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner swap are convinced that he would rather die as a shahid than surrender or be captured by the Israeli military.

The last two options – surrender or arrest – entail an element of humiliation, and this is not something Sinwar can tolerate. After all, he sees himself as one of the Palestinians’ and Arabs’ great “warriors” in modern history because of the Hamas invasion of Israel and the high death toll and damage inflicted on Israel. For someone like Sinwar, death is preferable to being shown surrendering or being arrested (perhaps in his underwear) by IDF soldiers. In Sinwar’s world, it is better to die as a “martyr” than to be depicted as a defeatist or coward. One of the recurring slogans chanted by Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past few years is: “Death is preferable to humiliation.”

Yet, this does not mean that if given an “honorable” way out of his predicament, Sinwar would not go for it. If, for example, he was allowed to leave the Gaza Strip in an agreement engineered and supervised by some Arab countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, he would find it hard to turn down the offer.

Such a deal could elevate the Hamas terror chief to the equal of Yasser Arafat and send a message that he is leaving the Gaza Strip triumphant because Israel was not able to kill him or capture him. Moreover, Sinwar knows that living in exile hardly spells the end of Hamas’s leaders’ political and military careers. He sees that Hamas leaders based in Qatar, Lebanon, and Turkey are continuing to operate from their offices and homes in Doha, Beirut, and Ankara, and there’s no reason why he should not join Ismail Haniyeh, Khaled Mashaal, and Saleh al-Arouri in pursuing the bloody fight against Israel from these countries.


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