Poll: What hurts Hamas more?

What is defeat according to Hamas?

  • Gaza casualties

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Their own death

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Loss of territory

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Else

    Votes: 8 33.3%

  • Total voters
I think Mr Biden ought to say something on the order of, "If these bastards had enough resources to buy all these rocket launchers, tanks, rockets, and other weapons, while building a virtual city under ground, then they need no support from anyone outside. They must be rolling in money."
Could have built a world class resort on the Mediterranean and lived off the tourist industry.
Could have built a world class resort on the Mediterranean and lived off the tourist industry.

It is a beautiful region of the land,
with a perfect climate and history,
for a world-class beach resort.

It needs people with dignity,
to treat it right and express
its true potential.

Only Israeli rule.
Hamas = "Glory of Islam"

Joseph has it right, it is a religious war,
and so he treats it appropriately.

For the Muslim fundamentalists,
nothing is as painful a nerve as
bringing shame- to Islam.

Huge congratulations to the Freedom Fighters for showing the Israeli terrorists that they are facing stronger and more determined opposition .
And the Israeli ecomomy could flat linie at a cost of at least $260 million a day .
The overall cost of the war could reach as much as 200 billion shekels ($53.5 billion), nearly 10% of GDP, threatening Israel’s economic future, the Moody’s report revealed this week, citing data from the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).
Huge congratulations to the Freedom Fighters for showing the Israeli terrorists that they are facing stronger and more determined opposition .
And the Israeli ecomomy could flat linie at a cost of at least $260 million a day .
The overall cost of the war could reach as much as 200 billion shekels ($53.5 billion), nearly 10% of GDP, threatening Israel’s economic future, the Moody’s report revealed this week, citing data from the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).

Thanking Hamas for the "victory" while taking time to execute their own

It is reassuring to see the Hamas stooges desperate for morale with excuses
as to why sacrificing thousands of Gazans for a new Hudna as a "victory"...

Because beyond mob mentality, not as strong with numbers.


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There you are .

You answered your own puzzlement

Must be infuriating for entrained individuals like yourself to see the Freedom Fighters so far run rings around another US proxy war effort .

They did not see their False Flag falling into tatters so fast, and rising world sympathy for Gaza swamp other issues . Let alone the absurd propaganda collapsing ---prepared primarily for the gullible western world but fail so spectacularly .
There you are .

You answered your own puzzlement

Must be infuriating for entrained individuals like yourself to see the Freedom Fighters so far run rings around another US proxy war effort .

They did not see their False Flag falling into tatters so fast, and rising world sympathy for Gaza swamp other issues . Let alone the absurd propaganda collapsing ---prepared primarily for the gullible western world but fail so spectacularly .

Is it because of being such heroic "freedom fighters"...

that Muslims have to resort to mob mentality,
with all these conspiracy theories to excuse
association with the moral degeneracy
of "Free Palestine"?

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In the shadow of the war, the "Tiger" pin was awarded to the soldiers of the Golani Patrol at the end ceremony of a special route in the heart of the Gaza Strip

On societies mobilized for death | Dr. Einat Wilf Capitol Hill briefing

Discussing the radical, visionary thinking that was required to change German and Japanese societies to become pillars of a peaceful world - which was unimaginable during the 30's-40's of the last century.

Very important to hear!

A common argument made against the kind of war that Israel is waging in Gaza is that it is creating more terrorists, which it will have to deal with at a later time. If you, say, drop a bomb that kills a leader of Hamas and another five civilians also die, each of them has friends and relatives who will end up angrier at Israel. Other Palestinians will hear about it on the news and likewise become enraged. If your goal is to stop attacks on Israel and create the conditions for peace, you should find ways to kill fewer civilians and decrease the overall repression faced by the populations of the West Bank and Gaza.

Among pro-Israel types, there’s a different view. Palestinians simply hate Jews. One may argue that it is part of their religion, or that they can’t let go of the past. Israel killing and oppressing Palestinians might not help, but it doesn’t really make that much difference. This would suggest that there isn’t much of a tradeoff between eliminating terrorists and achieving peace. Israel may decide to refrain from hurting Palestinians out of humanitarian concerns, but it should not be deceived into believing that fighting a less aggressive war will bring benefits in the form of Palestinians hating them less.

Finally, there is another model, which I call “Lose Hope.” Palestinians start out hating Israelis, and anger is a reaction people have when they feel like they have enough agency to change their situation. This positive change might be years or decades down the line, and in the short term the Palestinians look forward to immediate victories, like the attack of October 7. Here, the more Israel makes clear that the Palestinians will never achieve their goals, the less trouble they will have with them. In addition to the direct benefit of eliminating terrorists and stopping them from attacking you, fewer are actually created by each one you kill, as long as it is clear you are willing to go as far as it takes to neutralize the threat.

The three models are graphed below.

Advertising the Miracle!

Huge Chabad Hanukiyah placed in Gaza

Hamas filth dug from hiding...

Some say they enjoyed the party.

A common argument made against the kind of war that Israel is waging in Gaza is that it is creating more terrorists, which it will have to deal with at a later time. If you, say, drop a bomb that kills a leader of Hamas and another five civilians also die, each of them has friends and relatives who will end up angrier at Israel. Other Palestinians will hear about it on the news and likewise become enraged. If your goal is to stop attacks on Israel and create the conditions for peace, you should find ways to kill fewer civilians and decrease the overall repression faced by the populations of the West Bank and Gaza.

Among pro-Israel types, there’s a different view. Palestinians simply hate Jews. One may argue that it is part of their religion, or that they can’t let go of the past. Israel killing and oppressing Palestinians might not help, but it doesn’t really make that much difference. This would suggest that there isn’t much of a tradeoff between eliminating terrorists and achieving peace. Israel may decide to refrain from hurting Palestinians out of humanitarian concerns, but it should not be deceived into believing that fighting a less aggressive war will bring benefits in the form of Palestinians hating them less.

Finally, there is another model, which I call “Lose Hope.” Palestinians start out hating Israelis, and anger is a reaction people have when they feel like they have enough agency to change their situation. This positive change might be years or decades down the line, and in the short term the Palestinians look forward to immediate victories, like the attack of October 7. Here, the more Israel makes clear that the Palestinians will never achieve their goals, the less trouble they will have with them. In addition to the direct benefit of eliminating terrorists and stopping them from attacking you, fewer are actually created by each one you kill, as long as it is clear you are willing to go as far as it takes to neutralize the threat.

The three models are graphed below.

The Ottaman Empire controlled the whole region by making them Very Sorry if they didnt stay Peaceful. They were very brutal. Caused a Real Genocide on the Armenians.

My anaology is that for 1000 years the Muzzies have believed they should spread religion by the sword. That is how it spread in North Africa and even Spain.

Sooo..fire ants im your yard. If you dont control them they will take over your yard. Kill them off time to time they always come back.
The Bedouin IDF soldiers, who's families has been taken hostage and killed by Hamas,
have come to take revenge and settle accounts...

With some tribes, it's up to 11th cousin.

They don't end pretty.

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Poll: What hurts Hamas more?​

Best way to drive Hamas out of Gaza defeating them would be to blast tunes by The Village People over the city loudspeakers at 130 dB 24 hours a day!

Israel and the US - 4 initiatives for the voluntary departure of Gaza residents to other countries


The plan revealed in "Israel Today" was presented to senior officials of both parties in the House of Representatives and the Senate - received their blessing • Now three similar plans are being promoted • The countries in question: Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Turkey

New details are revealed today (Thursday) about the proposals to resettle residents from the Gaza Strip in Arab countries and around the world.

Besides the plan revealed on the Israel Hayom website, three other initiatives are now being put forward that offer the public in Gaza to immigrate to other countries. It should be emphasized that in all the proposals we are talking about voluntary immigration only, and not coercion.

The American administration already announced in the early stages of the war that it would oppose the forced removal of the residents of Gaza from the Strip. However, the official statements indicate that the government will not oppose voluntary departure. An initiative was revealed on the Israel Hayom website, publicly sponsored by US House of Representatives member Joey Wilson, according to which the US will condition its continued economic aid to Egypt, Turkey and Yemen on the condition that residents who leave Gaza settle in their territory. The plan was presented to senior members of the House of Representatives and the Senate from both parties, and received their blessing.

"Not only Egypt"

"Hamas does not allow the refugees to leave, and Egypt does not agree to open its borders," write the authors of the program, "the only moral solution is to ensure that Egypt opens its borders and allows the refugees to escape the control of the dictators of Hamas. The US government provides Egypt with approximately 1.3 billion dollars in foreign aid , and these funds can be allocated to refugees from Gaza who will be allowed to enter Egypt.

"Egypt must not be the only country. Iraq and Yemen receive about $1 billion in US foreign aid, and Turkey receives more than $150 million. Each of these countries receives enough foreign aid, and has a large enough population to be able to take in refugees, which total at least 1 % of its population". The drafters of the initiative call on the US government to "allocate financial aid to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Turkey - on the condition that they accept a certain number of refugees".

The plan details the number of Gazan residents that each of the countries will receive: one million in Egypt (0.9% of the population), half a million in Turkey (0.6% of the population), 250 thousand in Iraq (0.6% of the population), and another 250 thousand in Yemen (0.75% of the population). As mentioned, each of these countries receives extensive financial aid from the US, and according to the planners, as mentioned, its continuation should be conditioned on the acceptance of the Gazans.

They further note: "This will not be the first time that other countries will receive refugees. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, for example, more than 6 million Ukrainians have fled the country. Since 2011, 6.7 million Syrians have fled Syria. 3.2 million Syrian refugees have been transferred to Turkey, 789 thousand to Lebanon , 653 thousand to Jordan and 150 thousand to Egypt. Other countries in the Middle East and Europe received hundreds of thousands."

Another initiative continues to be promoted by MKs Dani Danon (Likud) and Ram Ben-Barak (Yesh Atid), who put the issue on the international agenda. The two are talking with world leaders, and have even received inquiries from countries that are interested in the initiative.

"Relocation Gaza"

A third program is called "Gaza Relocation", and it is promoted by Likud member Amir Whitman. In a conversation with Israel Hayom, Whitman said: "The discourse is both in the Knesset and among international parties, including both parties in the US. There are many sensitivities and complexities, so at the moment people are not talking publicly yet, but are open to ideas. However, this should be done delicately." According to him, "the more it is clear that Israel is interested in this direction, the more it will affect the international factors."

A fourth initiative is being promoted in the US by a group of supporters of Israel from both parties, and is called "Gaza Transition - Helping Gaza's Non-Combatant Residents to Leave It." Professor Edward (Coach) Winehouse is the living spirit behind it.


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