POLL: What Will the Obama Legacy Be?

What will history remember Obama most for?

  • You can keep your doctor.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We did not pay a ransom to Iran.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Golfing during major crisis situations.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Dividing America to historical level tensions.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alienating all of our traditional allies.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The spiking of major crimes under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Using the IRS as a political weapon.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
He'll be remembered for managing the government effectively during hard times, despite a constant attempt at sabotage and failure to perform their duty by the opposing political party.

He'll be remembered as another unqualified blacking a government that made excuses and blamed everyone but his lack of ability because he fails.
People will remember that millions of uneducated rubes like yourself were upset because you felt he was "blacking" America, and that you actually had no idea what you were talking about.
Speaking of education, how'd Obama do for improving that?
LA Unified high school graduations went from 60% to 68%. How'd they do that you ask? They stepped giving the test required to graduate. And STILL 32% failed to graduate.
Thanks for your opinion and speculation.
He'll be remembered as another unqualified blacking a government that made excuses and blamed everyone but his lack of ability because he fails.
People will remember that millions of uneducated rubes like yourself were upset because you felt he was "blacking" America, and that you actually had no idea what you were talking about.
What does blacking America mean?
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
People will remember that millions of uneducated rubes like yourself were upset because you felt he was "blacking" America, and that you actually had no idea what you were talking about.
What does blacking America mean?
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
Or maybe history will remember Obama this way?
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I picked "Using the IRS as a political weapon"....because it is closest to Subverting the Government...which he certainly has done.

The IRS could never have gotten away with what it did....if the Attorney General was doing his/her job, but neither who served did their job....because both were in the Hip Pocket of Barack Obama.

He corrupted every branch of a huge bureaucracy...he could do it because he corrupted the Justice Department...and that gave every Criminal in the Federal Government license to steal and cheat and oppress...See for example Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

And that kind of power put him just a breathe and a blessed term limit away from a Dictatorship.

He is a Liar...a closet Muslim, a pretty much Out-of-the-Closet Socialist....and lastly, a Violator of his Oath to the American people; for he swore to faithfully execute the laws...and instead, in the case of Immigration...he affirmatively undertook to undermine those very laws....in the crass service of his political party.

He is a pompous arrogant ass, yet as complete a Fool as Jimmy Carter, i.e. Incompetent...which he mostly wiggles out of with his one of his two Great Assets---the ability to tell lie after lie adroitly.

Worst President in History....Would have been impeached if the Pussy Republicans in Congress weren't scared shit-less of his Get-Out-of Jail Free RACE Card....his second Great Asset.
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People will remember that millions of uneducated rubes like yourself were upset because you felt he was "blacking" America, and that you actually had no idea what you were talking about.
What does blacking America mean?
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.
What does blacking America mean?
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
Or maybe history will re'm er Obama this way?
View attachment 86507
Obama's biggest failure was not washing our hands of the middle east. Unfortunately, I think the next several Presidents will suffer that same failure.
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
Or maybe history will re'm er Obama this way?
View attachment 86507
Obama's biggest failure was not washing our hands of the middle east. Unfortunately, I think the next several Presidents will suffer that same failure.
Well it was the Hillary/Obama duo who started two wars with nations that were no threat to America. Maybe another Nobel Peace Prize?
What does blacking America mean?
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.
I don't remember major race riots under Clinton and Bush. I don't remember crime spiking under either as well.
He'll be remembered for managing the government effectively during hard times, despite a constant attempt at sabotage and failure to perform their duty by the opposing political party.

He'll be remembered as another unqualified blacking a government that made excuses and blamed everyone but his lack of ability because he fails.
People will remember that millions of uneducated rubes like yourself were upset because you felt he was "blacking" America, and that you actually had no idea what you were talking about.

He will be remembered for blaming all of his failures on Bush.
Destroyed health care.

Increased poverty.

Increased welfare.

Astronomically increased debt.

Increased racial tensions.

Dismal economic growth.

Increased taxes.

Flood of illegals.


Used the IRS, Justice Department, EPA and FBI for nefarious political purposes.

Lost the war in Iraq after the victory was handed to him.

Wasted lives in Afghanistan.

Iran deal worse foreign policy deal ever made.

Paid for the release of hostages.

Attacked Constitutional rights of freedom of religion and right to keep and bear arms.

Weak foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

Obama's legacy is that of the worse President of the US.

His legacy will be that of a worthless extreme far Left affirmative action asshole that was elected because of his race.
What does blacking America mean?
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.

He has done a helluva good job in his hometown of Chicago, huh!
He'll be remembered for managing the government effectively during hard times, despite a constant attempt at sabotage and failure to perform their duty by the opposing political party.

He'll be remembered as another unqualified blacking a government that made excuses and blamed everyone but his lack of ability because he fails.
People will remember that millions of uneducated rubes like yourself were upset because you felt he was "blacking" America, and that you actually had no idea what you were talking about.

He will be remembered for blaming all of his failures on Bush.
On the front doors of the Obama Presidential Library
How the fuck should I know? Ask C65. It's him and people like him, and you actually, saying that kind of nonsense.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.
I don't remember major race riots under Clinton and Bush. I don't remember crime spiking under either as well.
Well maybe under the next Clinton there won't be any race riots either :wink_2:

And don't fib about a "spiking" crime rate :thup:
I picked "Using the IRS as a political weapon"....because it is closest to Subverting the Government...which he certainly has done.

The IRS could never have gotten away with what it did....if the Attorney General was doing his/her job, but neither who served did their job....because both were in the Hip Pocket of Barack Obama.

He corrupted every branch of a huge bureaucracy...he could do it because he corrupted the Justice Department...and that gave every Criminal in the Federal Government license to steal and cheat and oppress...See for example Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

And that kind of power put him just a breathe and a blessed term limit away from a Dictatorship.

He is a Liar...a closet Muslim, a pretty much Out-of-the-Closet Socialist....and lastly, a Violator of his Oath to the American people; for he swore to faithfully execute the laws...and instead, in the case of Immigration...he affirmatively undertook to undermine those very laws....in the crass service of his political party.

He is a pompous arrogant ass, yet as complete a Fool as Jimmy Carter, i.e. Incompetent...which he mostly wiggles out of with his one of his two Great Assets---the ability to tell lie after lie adroitly.

Worst President in History....Would have been impeached if the Pussy Republicans in Congress weren't scared shit-less of his Get-Out-of Jail Free RACE Card....his second Great Asset.

I was disappointed there was not an "All of the Above" option.
I repeatidly say a phrase I need to ask you the definition of? :cuckoo:
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.
I don't remember major race riots under Clinton and Bush. I don't remember crime spiking under either as well.
Well maybe under the next Clinton there won't be any race riots either :wink_2:

And don't fib about a "spiking" crime rate :thup:

You think she'll be able to control the black savages that want to riot because they don't get their way?

When the black incarceration rate is more than 3x the national average, that should tell you something. And don't fib about it being because they're black.
Your buddies use it. Ask them.
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.
I don't remember major race riots under Clinton and Bush. I don't remember crime spiking under either as well.
Well maybe under the next Clinton there won't be any race riots either :wink_2:

And don't fib about a "spiking" crime rate :thup:

You think she'll be able to control the black savages that want to riot because they don't get their way?

When the black incarceration rate is more than 3x the national average, that should tell you something. And don't fib about it being because they're black.
Well I guess we'll find out
Is it this that you think the Obama legacy will be?
View attachment 86506
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.
I don't remember major race riots under Clinton and Bush. I don't remember crime spiking under either as well.
Well maybe under the next Clinton there won't be any race riots either :wink_2:

And don't fib about a "spiking" crime rate :thup:

You think she'll be able to control the black savages that want to riot because they don't get their way?

When the black incarceration rate is more than 3x the national average, that should tell you something. And don't fib about it being because they're black.
Well I guess we'll find out

Funny how you lefties will predict and claim Hillary will do all sorts of things related to all sorts of topics but run and hide when asked a question on whether or not she can control the black savage rioters. I'll take that as a no.
That's happened under every President. If police departments improve and that helps relationships between police and people in the inner cities, then certainly that could be considered a part of Obama's legacy.
I don't remember major race riots under Clinton and Bush. I don't remember crime spiking under either as well.
Well maybe under the next Clinton there won't be any race riots either :wink_2:

And don't fib about a "spiking" crime rate :thup:

You think she'll be able to control the black savages that want to riot because they don't get their way?

When the black incarceration rate is more than 3x the national average, that should tell you something. And don't fib about it being because they're black.
Well I guess we'll find out

Funny how you lefties will predict and claim Hillary will do all sorts of things related to all sorts of topics but run and hide when asked a question on whether or not she can control the black savage rioters. I'll take that as a no.
Maybe one day, when you're grown up, have stopped calling black people savages, and are open to other people's opinions, we can have a real conversation :thup:
I don't remember major race riots under Clinton and Bush. I don't remember crime spiking under either as well.
Well maybe under the next Clinton there won't be any race riots either :wink_2:

And don't fib about a "spiking" crime rate :thup:

You think she'll be able to control the black savages that want to riot because they don't get their way?

When the black incarceration rate is more than 3x the national average, that should tell you something. And don't fib about it being because they're black.
Well I guess we'll find out

Funny how you lefties will predict and claim Hillary will do all sorts of things related to all sorts of topics but run and hide when asked a question on whether or not she can control the black savage rioters. I'll take that as a no.
Maybe one day, when you're grown up, have stopped calling black people savages, and are open to other people's opinions, we can have a real conversation :thup:

Maybe one day, when you actually reach my high intellectual level, you'll be able to grasp the concept the someone rioting because they don't get their way is a savage.

I listen to all sorts of opinions that make sense whether I agree or not. You're yet to provide one.

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