POLL: What Will the Obama Legacy Be?

What will history remember Obama most for?

  • You can keep your doctor.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We did not pay a ransom to Iran.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Golfing during major crisis situations.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Dividing America to historical level tensions.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alienating all of our traditional allies.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The spiking of major crimes under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Using the IRS as a political weapon.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
He will be seen as one of the greatests.

Brought health care to the masses, freedom to the gays , ended bushes stupid wars , ended cuba embargo , pulled us out of the 2nd Great Depression.

Might as well start carving his image into Rushmore .

Delusional Moon Bat.

For starters ask the "masses" how they are going to get Obamacare with the insurance companies dropping the policies after the Federal subsidies ran out this year.

Yeah ok. Just look at the ridiculous list the op came up with . All bullshit lies . You can't even come up with an honest bash on his record .
Of course you think everyone is saving $2,500 in healthcare this year and seeing the doctor they liked. You're a moonbat lefty with no concept of the real world.

A handful of losers on shitty insurances lost their lousy plans . And they had new better plans available to them .

I kept my doctors . How bout you?
I lost my doctors with what was great insurance. Just as millions did. Cost went way up too. Just like everyone else's.
He will be seen as one of the greatests.

Brought health care to the masses, freedom to the gays , ended bushes stupid wars , ended cuba embargo , pulled us out of the 2nd Great Depression.

Might as well start carving his image into Rushmore .
Dufus doesn't know or pretends to ignore that Obama has American combat troops in four wars now.
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More dishonest cherry picked stats. 2008 wasn't the bottom of bushes depression .
Yeah, that's why Hillary campaigns about fixing the economy.
He will be seen as one of the greatests.

Brought health care to the masses, freedom to the gays , ended bushes stupid wars , ended cuba embargo , pulled us out of the 2nd Great Depression.

Might as well start carving his image into Rushmore .

Delusional Moon Bat.

For starters ask the "masses" how they are going to get Obamacare with the insurance companies dropping the policies after the Federal subsidies ran out this year.

Yeah ok. Just look at the ridiculous list the op came up with . All bullshit lies . You can't even come up with an honest bash on his record .
Of course you think everyone is saving $2,500 in healthcare this year and seeing the doctor they liked. You're a moonbat lefty with no concept of the real world.

A handful of losers on shitty insurances lost their lousy plans . And they had new better plans available to them .

I kept my doctors . How bout you?
I lost my doctors with what was great insurance. Just as millions did. Cost went way up too. Just like everyone else's.

Except you lie and leave all the positive stuff out.

Health Insurance costs didn't go up relative to pre-Obamacare historic trend.

15 million more Americans are insured because of Obamacare.

People with pre-existing conditions can now get sanely priced coverage and healthcare they need.

Insurance companies have to provide insurance that meets minimum standards so people don't get screwed when they get sick by cheap Mickey Mouse insurance policies.
Delusional Moon Bat.

For starters ask the "masses" how they are going to get Obamacare with the insurance companies dropping the policies after the Federal subsidies ran out this year.

Yeah ok. Just look at the ridiculous list the op came up with . All bullshit lies . You can't even come up with an honest bash on his record .
Of course you think everyone is saving $2,500 in healthcare this year and seeing the doctor they liked. You're a moonbat lefty with no concept of the real world.

A handful of losers on shitty insurances lost their lousy plans . And they had new better plans available to them .

I kept my doctors . How bout you?
I lost my doctors with what was great insurance. Just as millions did. Cost went way up too. Just like everyone else's.

Except you lie and leave all the positive stuff out.

Health Insurance costs didn't go up relative to pre-Obamacare historic trend.

15 million more Americans are insured because of Obamacare.

People with pre-existing conditions can now get sanely priced coverage and healthcare they need.

Insurance companies have to provide insurance that meets minimum standards so people don't get screwed when they get sick by cheap Mickey Mouse insurance policies.

You are confused.

There are about as many uninsured people now as there were before President Shit for Brains came up with this stupid idea.

Pre existing conditions requirement is a sham. The fucking government should never require that people be given insurance when that had not paid into an insurance pool. You do understand what insurance is all about, don't you? It is paying into a pool when you are well and drawing out when you are sick. If you don't pay into the pool then you are getting something for nothing, aren't you? It is welfare, not insurance when an insurance company is forced by the friggin oppressive government to put somebody on a policy that never paid into the policy.

Speaking of getting something for nothing it is oppressive that the government is taking money from people that earn the money and giving it away in form of subsidies to the welfare queens that are too sorry to pay to pay their own bills. These filthy ass subsidies to the illegals and welfare queens comes out of the pockets of working Americans in the form of higher taxes, increased deductions, increased co payments and increased premiums and that is despicable.

It is also wrong for the government to require that we have to buy health insurance. That is against the very concept of liberty, isn't it? You do understand what liberty is all about, don't you? It is living your life without the fucking government telling you what you have to do so that corrupt politicians like Obama can get votes from the welfare queens and stupid Moon Bats.

Obamacare has been a disaster for this country. That is why Jonathan Gruber said that the administration had to lie about it in order for you stupid Moon Bats to accept it. It has driven up the cost of health care for almost everybody so the filthy ass welfare queens can get an entitlement to the same insurance as people that actually work for a living. It was not like the welfare queens did not have health care before. They had their government clinics but that wasn't good enough for that socialist prick Obama, was it?

Obama's legacy will be one of dishonesty, corruption, oppression and incompetency. Anybody that voted for him was an idiot. We conservatives warned you Moon Bats that you were making a big mistake but you morons wouldn't listen and now we are all paying the price. Now we are telling you that it is a big mistake to vote for this Crooked Hillary bitch. Do you think you could listen this time, or are you still going to have your head up your ass?
Delusional Moon Bat.

For starters ask the "masses" how they are going to get Obamacare with the insurance companies dropping the policies after the Federal subsidies ran out this year.

Yeah ok. Just look at the ridiculous list the op came up with . All bullshit lies . You can't even come up with an honest bash on his record .
Of course you think everyone is saving $2,500 in healthcare this year and seeing the doctor they liked. You're a moonbat lefty with no concept of the real world.

A handful of losers on shitty insurances lost their lousy plans . And they had new better plans available to them .

I kept my doctors . How bout you?
I lost my doctors with what was great insurance. Just as millions did. Cost went way up too. Just like everyone else's.

Except you lie and leave all the positive stuff out.

Health Insurance costs didn't go up relative to pre-Obamacare historic trend.

15 million more Americans are insured because of Obamacare.

People with pre-existing conditions can now get sanely priced coverage and healthcare they need.

Insurance companies have to provide insurance that meets minimum standards so people don't get screwed when they get sick by cheap Mickey Mouse insurance policies.

Problem is these ARE negatives for the Republicans.
You are confused.

There are about as many uninsured people now as there were before President Shit for Brains came up with this stupid idea.

If I'm the confused one how come facts support what I say and contradict what you say?

This is BEFORE:

URL] insurance 1978-07.png

This is AFTER 2013 when law went into effect:


Any questions?
Delusional Moon Bat.

For starters ask the "masses" how they are going to get Obamacare with the insurance companies dropping the policies after the Federal subsidies ran out this year.

Yeah ok. Just look at the ridiculous list the op came up with . All bullshit lies . You can't even come up with an honest bash on his record .
Of course you think everyone is saving $2,500 in healthcare this year and seeing the doctor they liked. You're a moonbat lefty with no concept of the real world.

A handful of losers on shitty insurances lost their lousy plans . And they had new better plans available to them .

I kept my doctors . How bout you?
I lost my doctors with what was great insurance. Just as millions did. Cost went way up too. Just like everyone else's.

Except you lie and leave all the positive stuff out.

Health Insurance costs didn't go up relative to pre-Obamacare historic trend.

15 million more Americans are insured because of Obamacare.

People with pre-existing conditions can now get sanely priced coverage and healthcare they need.

Insurance companies have to provide insurance that meets minimum standards so people don't get screwed when they get sick by cheap Mickey Mouse insurance policies.
More people are insured because they have a gun to their heads forcing them to be, dufus.
BS on the costs, I want my $2,500 a year and my doctor.
Yeah ok. Just look at the ridiculous list the op came up with . All bullshit lies . You can't even come up with an honest bash on his record .
Of course you think everyone is saving $2,500 in healthcare this year and seeing the doctor they liked. You're a moonbat lefty with no concept of the real world.

A handful of losers on shitty insurances lost their lousy plans . And they had new better plans available to them .

I kept my doctors . How bout you?
I lost my doctors with what was great insurance. Just as millions did. Cost went way up too. Just like everyone else's.

Except you lie and leave all the positive stuff out.

Health Insurance costs didn't go up relative to pre-Obamacare historic trend.

15 million more Americans are insured because of Obamacare.

People with pre-existing conditions can now get sanely priced coverage and healthcare they need.

Insurance companies have to provide insurance that meets minimum standards so people don't get screwed when they get sick by cheap Mickey Mouse insurance policies.
More people are insured because they have a gun to their heads forcing them to be, dufus.
BS on the costs, I want my $2,500 a year and my doctor.

A tax hit is hardly a "gun to the head".
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.
A tax hit is hardly a "gun to the head".

Bullshit. Try not paying those taxes and you know what happens? Government agents with guns show up and force that tax from you, including incarceration and asset confiscation. If that ain't a gun to the head!
You are confused.

There are about as many uninsured people now as there were before President Shit for Brains came up with this stupid idea.

If I'm the confused one how come facts support what I say and contradict what you say?

This is BEFORE:

URL] insurance 1978-07.png

This is AFTER 2013 when law went into effect:


Any questions?
Get ready for big increases in premiums under the Affordable Care Act. A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundationexamined the most popular individual plans under the new health care law in 14 major cities around the country and found that insurers were asking for increases in 2017 that are twice as big as this year’s. There is wide variation, including some places where rates will go down, but the average requested increase is 10 percent.

Of course you think everyone is saving $2,500 in healthcare this year and seeing the doctor they liked. You're a moonbat lefty with no concept of the real world.

A handful of losers on shitty insurances lost their lousy plans . And they had new better plans available to them .

I kept my doctors . How bout you?
I lost my doctors with what was great insurance. Just as millions did. Cost went way up too. Just like everyone else's.

Except you lie and leave all the positive stuff out.

Health Insurance costs didn't go up relative to pre-Obamacare historic trend.

15 million more Americans are insured because of Obamacare.

People with pre-existing conditions can now get sanely priced coverage and healthcare they need.

Insurance companies have to provide insurance that meets minimum standards so people don't get screwed when they get sick by cheap Mickey Mouse insurance policies.
More people are insured because they have a gun to their heads forcing them to be, dufus.
BS on the costs, I want my $2,500 a year and my doctor.

A tax hit is hardly a "gun to the head".
Timmy claims a give me your money or we take away your Liberty is not a gun to the head.
You are confused.

There are about as many uninsured people now as there were before President Shit for Brains came up with this stupid idea.

If I'm the confused one how come facts support what I say and contradict what you say?

This is BEFORE:

URL] insurance 1978-07.png

This is AFTER 2013 when law went into effect:


Any questions?

You are a confused Moon Bat.

The incremental ones that are getting it are the ones that are now getting the filthy ass welfare subsidies that somebody else is paying for.

Those filthy ass subsidies comes at a great cost to the people that actually pay for their insurance in the form of increased premiums, increased co payments and increased deductibles not to mention increased taxes.

You stupid Moon Bats love the concept of somebody else paying your bills, don't you? Turds!
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I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.

Of course it will. Truth of the matter be damned.

Military expenditures pale in comparison to social program spending. Debt accumulated under Obama is not even close to that packed on under Bush. And yes, both parties are to blame. Republicans controlled the purse strings during the majority of the Obama administration. A pox on both their houses.

But you sir are delusional.

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