POLL: What Will the Obama Legacy Be?

What will history remember Obama most for?

  • You can keep your doctor.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We did not pay a ransom to Iran.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Golfing during major crisis situations.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Dividing America to historical level tensions.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alienating all of our traditional allies.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The spiking of major crimes under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Using the IRS as a political weapon.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
Yeah! 10.6 million jobs added!

29 million people entered the job market during Obamas tenure, dufus.

Population Clock

Dumbass there is constant turn over between people entering and EXITING workforce.

10.6 million jobs is the net number of jobs created and the number that really matters - the rest is your stupid bullshit.

Obama's jobs growth is about 3-4 times of what last two Republican presidents have seen TOGETHER.
Yeah! 10.6 million jobs added!

29 million people entered the job market during Obamas tenure, dufus.

Population Clock

Dumbass there is constant turn over between people entering and EXITING workforce.

10.6 million jobs is the net number of jobs created and the number that really matters - the rest is your stupid bullshit.
And that net number is 29 million, dumbass. Every 11 seconds there is a net new mouth looking for work to feed itself.
You want to argue, take it up with the BLS and Census.
And that number is 29 million, dumbass.
You want to argue, take it up with the BLS.

You are ignorant person talking about sht you do not understand (aka conservative)

Here is the net labor force (those in the job market, in thousands) size, from BLS


Any questions?
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And that number is 29 million, dumbass.
You want to argue, take it up with the BLS.

You are ignorant person talking about sht you do not understand (aka conservative)

Here is the net labor force (those in the job market) size, from BLS


Any questions?
That's people working, Shitforbrains. The net gain of people entering the labor market is one person every 11 seconds. It's called population growth.
That's people working, Shitforbrains. The net gain of people entering the labor market is one person every 11 seconds. It's called population growth.


Where is the NET GAIN OF 26 MILLION?

There isn't you fucking idiot, otherwise unemployment would be through the roof as Labor Force is composed of employed (+10 million) + unemployed.
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That's people working, Shitforbrains. The net gain of people entering the labor market is one person every 11 seconds. It's called population growth.


Let's run with your graph.
What's the delta between 08-16?
Yeah, about 7 million jobs required just to keep pace with population growth.
Call me when Obama gets to half the million jobs in a month Reagan got.
Let's run with your graph.
What's the delta between 08-16?
Yeah, about 7 million jobs required just to keep pace with population growth.
Call me when Obama gets to half the million jobs in a month Reagan got.

Dumbass, just because Obama didn't see as many jobs created as Reagan doesn't mean he didn't have solid job growth, unlike disastrous job growth under both Republican presidents that followed Reagan.

Under Reagan there were 16 million jobs created compared to record setting 23 million under Clinton and what will be around 12 million for Obama. Bushes TOGETHER saw only 3.6 million jobs created.


*chart is form 2012 and doesn't include Obama's full numbers obviously.

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Let's run with your graph.
What's the delta between 08-16?
Yeah, about 7 million jobs required just to keep pace with population growth.
Call me when Obama gets to half the million jobs in a month Reagan got.

Dumbass, just because Obama didn't see as many jobs created as Reagan doesn't mean he didn't have solid job growth, unlike disastrous job growth under both Republican presidents that followed Reagan.

Under Reagan there were 16 million jobs created compared to record setting 23 million under Clinton and what will be around 12 million for Obama. Bushes TOGETHER saw only 3.6 million jobs created.


*chart is form 2012 and doesn't include Obama's full numbers obviously.

Thanks for validating Obama is the worst President in history. Eight of those Presidents were one term or less.
Let's run with your graph.
What's the delta between 08-16?
Yeah, about 7 million jobs required just to keep pace with population growth.
Call me when Obama gets to half the million jobs in a month Reagan got.

Dumbass, just because Obama didn't see as many jobs created as Reagan doesn't mean he didn't have solid job growth, unlike disastrous job growth under both Republican presidents that followed Reagan.

Under Reagan there were 16 million jobs created compared to record setting 23 million under Clinton and what will be around 12 million for Obama. Bushes TOGETHER saw only 3.6 million jobs created.


*chart is form 2012 and doesn't include Obama's full numbers obviously.

Obama's legacy can be summed up like this.......

Lies, lies, and even more lies,

Blaming Buuuuuuush,

And playing golf.
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What will Obama be remembered for? Not any of the things that obsess RWNJs.

He'll be remembered as just another black guy in a government job where skin color was the primary reason he got the job.
In truth, Obumble got the job, because the Republicans put-up lackluster, un-imaginative, vision-less McSame and Mittens... guaranteed Obumble Wins...

The Corporate Whores in the GOP lost touch with the Average American, eons ago...
Thanks for validating Obama is the worst President in history. Eight of those Presidents were one term or less.

...I show you facts that Obama will have a third best job growth out of all modern presidents and you conclude that I validated Obama as the worst president in history?

You really are a fucking idiot aren't you? I mean come on, how fucking stupid do you have to be to say something like that?
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Is there seriously no way for conservatives to argue without posting blatant loads of bullshit?

Virtually ALL of jobs created under Obama were full time jobs:

Your lack of link is most telling.

I added full time job count in July 2016 - it is 125 million, not 117 your little bulshit pic claims.

U.S. full-time employees: July 2016, unadjusted | Statistic

Further, when Obama got into office it was 112 million, not 118.

Number of full-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2015 | Timeline

You keep getting proven wrong wrong wrong and wrong again. Do you admit it? Nope you just switch topic.

It's true that not everything is good in economy but overall we are doing quite decent, especially considering what happened in the rest of developed world since recession. If a recession doesn't happen within next year Obama will go down in history with a very solid economic performance and correct handling of the Great Recession.
The poll choices are inadequate.

Obama's biggest legacy is: Trump.

If Obabble hadn't been such a race baiting, divisive, economically ignorant President, Trump would not have been possible.

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