POLL: What Will the Obama Legacy Be?

What will history remember Obama most for?

  • You can keep your doctor.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We did not pay a ransom to Iran.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Golfing during major crisis situations.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Dividing America to historical level tensions.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alienating all of our traditional allies.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The spiking of major crimes under his watch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Using the IRS as a political weapon.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.
You somehow missed Obama starting two wars with nations that were no threat to America. And years later we are still fighting combat in those nations.
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.

Of course it will. Truth of the matter be damned.

Military expenditures pale in comparison to social program spending. Debt accumulated under Obama is not even close to that packed on under Bush. And yes, both parties are to blame. Republicans controlled the purse strings during the majority of the Obama administration. A pox on both their houses.

But you sir are delusional.

Problem is that debt piles on debt and makes previous debt worse than the debt after.
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.
You somehow missed Obama starting two wars with nations that were no threat to America. And years later we are still fighting combat in those nations.

Probably because no one gives much of a damn. If a war is only small and out of the way, history won't care.

Timmy claims a give me your money or we take away your Liberty is not a gun to the head.

To these stupid Libtards using the government to take money away from you to pay somebody's else's bills is not depriving you of your liberty.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being idiots.
What will be his legacy?

Being elected twice and making you claim he started ISIS when in fact ISIL was around before President Obama became President no matter how much Trump claims differently!

So ISIL was around before Obama but ISIS was not


You are a dip shit.

Timmy claims a give me your money or we take away your Liberty is not a gun to the head.

To these stupid Libtards using the government to take money away from you to pay somebody's else's bills is not depriving you of your liberty.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being idiots.

Is it your money though? Think of Somalia and wonder if you'd do so well there.
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.
You somehow missed Obama starting two wars with nations that were no threat to America. And years later we are still fighting combat in those nations.

Probably because no one gives much of a damn. If a war is only small and out of the way, history won't care.
Yeah, that's why no one has ever heard of the war of 1812 and Spanish American war.
Obamas 4 wars will evolve into a nuclear war as Iran will now get their nukes and Russia is in Syria and Iran.

Timmy claims a give me your money or we take away your Liberty is not a gun to the head.

To these stupid Libtards using the government to take money away from you to pay somebody's else's bills is not depriving you of your liberty.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being idiots.

Is it your money though? Think of Somalia and wonder if you'd do so well there.
Is it my money that I earn?
Your question says everything about leftism.

Is it your money though? Think of Somalia and wonder if you'd do so well there.

You stupid Libtards don't get to pull that sorry uneducated shit.

Nobody is against legitimate government expenses. Defense, police, courts etc.

We don't mind paying for roads with an user fee because, after all, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch". The roads ain't gonna build themselves. We just don't need them being built with bloated wasteful Davis Bacon wages to kiss the ass of the greedy unions.

What is despicable is when the filthy ass corrupt oppressive government take money away from the people that earn it and give it away the welfare queens and illegal aliens that didn't earn it.

That is why we are in debt $20 trillion and have piss poor economic growth with increasing poverty and declining family income.

If we continue with this bloated out of control welfare state we will evolve into a Greece and then a Venezuela and then a Somalia.

This asshole Obama has contributed substantially to this welfare state and that is why he will have a failed legacy. Crooked Hillary will be even worse.
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.
You somehow missed Obama starting two wars with nations that were no threat to America. And years later we are still fighting combat in those nations.

Probably because no one gives much of a damn. If a war is only small and out of the way, history won't care.
Yeah, that's why no one has ever heard of the war of 1812 and Spanish American war.
Obamas 4 wars will evolve into a nuclear war as Iran will now get their nukes and Russia is in Syria and Iran.

I don't get your point for the first part, and I disagree with how things are going with Iran and who cares about Russia?
I'm going off the board to go with debt. Crushing debt. Long term, that will be his legacy.

As to the other stuff, he'll be tossed in with the other Progressive Presidents that sought to grow government, results be damned. He's cut from the same bolt at Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, and Carter.

Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.
You somehow missed Obama starting two wars with nations that were no threat to America. And years later we are still fighting combat in those nations.

Probably because no one gives much of a damn. If a war is only small and out of the way, history won't care.
Yeah, that's why no one has ever heard of the war of 1812 and Spanish American war.
Obamas 4 wars will evolve into a nuclear war as Iran will now get their nukes and Russia is in Syria and Iran.

I don't get your point for the first part, and I disagree with how things are going with Iran and who cares about Russia?
You're the one claiming history does not remember small wars. Idiotic.
And only a moron can say Iran will not be nuking people soon and Russia is irrelevant.
Doubtful. This will get put on Bush and his wars that cost loads and the recession that the wars helped lead to that made debt rise even more.
You somehow missed Obama starting two wars with nations that were no threat to America. And years later we are still fighting combat in those nations.

Probably because no one gives much of a damn. If a war is only small and out of the way, history won't care.
Yeah, that's why no one has ever heard of the war of 1812 and Spanish American war.
Obamas 4 wars will evolve into a nuclear war as Iran will now get their nukes and Russia is in Syria and Iran.

I don't get your point for the first part, and I disagree with how things are going with Iran and who cares about Russia?
You're the one claiming history does not remember small wars. Idiotic.
And only a moron can say Iran will not be nuking people soon and Russia is irrelevant.

I said small "and out of the way", there's a little clue for you. I didn't say history didn't care about small wars, did I?

So, idiotic might be the person who can't read.

Iran has been threatening for how long? A long time, and they've not used the nuclear material they could easily have used for say, a dirty bomb.

I didn't say Russia was irrelevant either, Christ, this is like a game of extreme Chinese fucking whispers. I said who cares about Russia? They're in Syria. So what? They want to side with Assad to piss the US off and cause problems, so what? Nothing major is going on, it's not going to lead to anything, it's just there. End of.
You somehow missed Obama starting two wars with nations that were no threat to America. And years later we are still fighting combat in those nations.

Probably because no one gives much of a damn. If a war is only small and out of the way, history won't care.
Yeah, that's why no one has ever heard of the war of 1812 and Spanish American war.
Obamas 4 wars will evolve into a nuclear war as Iran will now get their nukes and Russia is in Syria and Iran.

I don't get your point for the first part, and I disagree with how things are going with Iran and who cares about Russia?
You're the one claiming history does not remember small wars. Idiotic.
And only a moron can say Iran will not be nuking people soon and Russia is irrelevant.

I said small "and out of the way", there's a little clue for you. I didn't say history didn't care about small wars, did I?

So, idiotic might be the person who can't read.

Iran has been threatening for how long? A long time, and they've not used the nuclear material they could easily have used for say, a dirty bomb.

I didn't say Russia was irrelevant either, Christ, this is like a game of extreme Chinese fucking whispers. I said who cares about Russia? They're in Syria. So what? They want to side with Assad to piss the US off and cause problems, so what? Nothing major is going on, it's not going to lead to anything, it's just there. End of.
Just as it was in the 1930's, many reminds ignorant to world events.
And you're as ignorant as can be.
Probably because no one gives much of a damn. If a war is only small and out of the way, history won't care.
Yeah, that's why no one has ever heard of the war of 1812 and Spanish American war.
Obamas 4 wars will evolve into a nuclear war as Iran will now get their nukes and Russia is in Syria and Iran.

I don't get your point for the first part, and I disagree with how things are going with Iran and who cares about Russia?
You're the one claiming history does not remember small wars. Idiotic.
And only a moron can say Iran will not be nuking people soon and Russia is irrelevant.

I said small "and out of the way", there's a little clue for you. I didn't say history didn't care about small wars, did I?

So, idiotic might be the person who can't read.

Iran has been threatening for how long? A long time, and they've not used the nuclear material they could easily have used for say, a dirty bomb.

I didn't say Russia was irrelevant either, Christ, this is like a game of extreme Chinese fucking whispers. I said who cares about Russia? They're in Syria. So what? They want to side with Assad to piss the US off and cause problems, so what? Nothing major is going on, it's not going to lead to anything, it's just there. End of.
Just as it was in the 1930's, many reminds ignorant to world events.
And you're as ignorant as can be.

Wow, insults.

I think we can leave this crap. You clearly don't have anything decent to say, or any manners either.
Yeah, that's why no one has ever heard of the war of 1812 and Spanish American war.
Obamas 4 wars will evolve into a nuclear war as Iran will now get their nukes and Russia is in Syria and Iran.

I don't get your point for the first part, and I disagree with how things are going with Iran and who cares about Russia?
You're the one claiming history does not remember small wars. Idiotic.
And only a moron can say Iran will not be nuking people soon and Russia is irrelevant.

I said small "and out of the way", there's a little clue for you. I didn't say history didn't care about small wars, did I?

So, idiotic might be the person who can't read.

Iran has been threatening for how long? A long time, and they've not used the nuclear material they could easily have used for say, a dirty bomb.

I didn't say Russia was irrelevant either, Christ, this is like a game of extreme Chinese fucking whispers. I said who cares about Russia? They're in Syria. So what? They want to side with Assad to piss the US off and cause problems, so what? Nothing major is going on, it's not going to lead to anything, it's just there. End of.
Just as it was in the 1930's, many reminds ignorant to world events.
And you're as ignorant as can be.

Wow, insults.

I think we can leave this crap. You clearly don't have anything decent to say, or any manners either.
So, idiotic might be the person who can't read.
Wow, insults.
If you had any self awareness you'd change your account.
He will be seen as one of the greatests.

Brought health care to the masses, freedom to the gays , ended bushes stupid wars , ended cuba embargo , pulled us out of the 2nd Great Depression.

Might as well start carving his image into Rushmore .
Dufus doesn't know or pretends to ignore that Obama has American combat troops in four wars now.
View attachment 86543


It's at 73 months and counting.
And unemployment is at 4.9%
The party that let Bin Laden go feels Obama is a failure.
You are confused.
There are about as many uninsured people now

You are a confused Moon Bat.

The incremental ones that are getting it are the ones that are now getting the filthy ass welfare subsidies that somebody else is paying for.

Those filthy ass subsidies comes at a great cost to the people that actually pay for their insurance in the form of increased premiums, increased co payments and increased deductibles not to mention increased taxes.

You stupid Moon Bats love the concept of somebody else paying your bills, don't you? Turds!

Ding-dong, the factual dispute was over number of uninsured people

You said there were not less uninsured people.

I showed facts that directly contradicted you and reflect the fact that Obamacare was successful in significantly reducing number of uninsured in this country.

You started ranting about how you don't like the way people got insured, without ever disputing that yes, as a matter of fact there are less uninsured people now.

You were as a MATTER OF FACT wrong, I was as a matter of fact right.

You were the confused one, not me - that's just the FACT - can you deal with it?
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He will be seen as one of the greatests.

Brought health care to the masses, freedom to the gays , ended bushes stupid wars , ended cuba embargo , pulled us out of the 2nd Great Depression.

Might as well start carving his image into Rushmore .
Dufus doesn't know or pretends to ignore that Obama has American combat troops in four wars now.
View attachment 86543


It's at 73 months and counting.
And unemployment is at 4.9%
The party that let Bin Laden go feels Obama is a failure.
Yeah! 10.6 million jobs added!

29 million people entered the job market during Obamas tenure, dufus.

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