Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Excise me you fool. This is what I said.
If you ARE vaccinated, you can carry it without knowing and spread it to anyone, vaccinated or not.
Excuse me, you liar.
You said
"If your not vaccinated, you can carry it without knowing and spread it to anyone, vaccinated or not. Get some facts."
I said:
"If you AREvaccinated, you can carry it without knowing and spread it to anyone, vaccinated or not. Get some facts."


- Me being vaccinated does not protect you, it protects me.
- Me being unvaccinated does not threaten you any more or less than me being vaccinated
And so...
Your ignorant whining about me not having a right to infect others by not being vaccinated has no relationship to reality.
Why do you hate The Science?
Excuse me, you liar.
You said
"If your not vaccinated, you can carry it without knowing and spread it to anyone, vaccinated or not. Get some facts."
I said:
"If you AREvaccinated, you can carry it without knowing and spread it to anyone, vaccinated or not. Get some facts."

View attachment 541125

- Me being vaccinated does not protect you, it protects me.
- Me being unvaccinated does not threaten you any more or less than me being vaccinated
And so...
Your ignorant whining about me not having a right to infect others by not being vaccinated has no relationship to reality.
Why do you hate The Science?

I'm.sorry you can't comprehend some things. You're as dumb as a stump
And I won't be embarrassing you any further.
Not only do you hate The Science, and the fact people have to the freedom to do things with their body you don't approve of, you also hate reality.
Just like the good little bigot your are.

Aww. Puddums hates the truth.

Where did I say I object to your freedoms.

Where did I say I hate science? Bearing in mind I'm the one promoting science and you guys are promoting religion or conspiracy theories.

Now who hates the truth.
You're too silly to debate.
Where did I say I object to your freedoms.
You don't remember telling us we do not have the freedom to not get the vaccine and infect everyone?


Where did I say I hate science?
The fact you refuse to understand vaccinations do not protect anyone but those who have them; that the vaccinated spread the virus around just like the unvaccinated says you hate The Science.
Bearing in mind I'm the one promoting science
This is a lie.
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my husband and half the workers will quit/retire in a nano second if the vaccine is mandated.

he is presently polishing up a resume for a govt contract worker who does all the training.

the mandate will backfire.
Trying to be helpful here. My gut reaction would be to quit too. Then I thought about things...

I like my job but could afford to quit.

The mandates will take until probably November to be issued by OSHA, and then they likely be challenged in the courts. There will be plenty of time.

Do not quit. Worst case, get fired, so that you can get unemployment and sue.

Better yet.... Just file a religious exemption and keep your jobs if you want.

They have to honor it by federal law if it is legit.

All the COVID vaccines were developed with aborted fetal tissue. Developed with it. Only the J&J uses aborted babies in its production and manufacture.

Here is an official link from the great state of North Dakota stating such...

You can DuckDuckGo exemptions letters. My recommendation would be to keep it short and to the point. Mine would say that my religion is deeply personal. I really don't feel a need to explain myself to anyone.

If you have had a previous bad reaction to a vaccine or are currently having medical issues and concerned about getting a vaccine on top of the issue, you might want to consider filing a medical exemption too.
You don't remember telling us we do not have the freedom to not get the vaccine and infect everyone?

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The fact you refuse to understand vaccinations do not protect anyone but those who have them; that the vaccinated spread the virus around just like the unvaccinated says you hate The Science.

This is a lie.
Dr. Sebastion Gorka caught Colin norris on film with his logic. :heehee:

You're parents should have had you sprayed in the sheets. Even after that, retrospective abortion should be considered and you're a prime example.

Not so smart now turd.
If your not vaccinated, you can carry it without knowing and spread it to anyone, vaccinated or not. Get some facts.

I don't care you take the risk of potentially dying. That aside, the death of another Republican won't matter.
The science has been saying since the beginning to get the vaccine to is maximise protection for everybody.

You're problem is you're still avoiding it for political or religious or conspiracy reasons yet you doubt science over your idiotic moron reasons????

You're not real clever.
I'll obey everything you say because you're a reservoir of intelligence greater than lake Meade.

Before you advise others, check your spelling.

Hey, hypocrite. Before you call anyone dumb again, or tell anyone to check their spelling, please learn what we all learned in elementary school...
"You're is a contraction of "you are," and "your" is a possessive pronoun.

You can hace objections to not having it but you don't have a right or freedom to infect everyone else in the community.
That's what makes perfect sense moron.
As others have now explained to you countless times, the vaccinated transmit COVID too, according to the CDC. So any tyrannical "stay at home" order or other restriction should apply to absolutely everyone.

Most Republican antivaxxers are religious but simultaneously rail against some one have the freedom to have an abortion.
See If you reply to that one. Hypocrisy comes to mind.
No. They just tend to be better informed by listening to more-reliable sources of information than Dr. Fauci and CNN.

CDC estimates 120 million Americans already had COVID.

Pushback time.

Yep. I pushed back on Friday. Others told me they will too. We all need to. Now is the time to stand up for your freedom to make your own medical decisions people. There has never been a better time. If you won't do it now, what will it take?

True, but there is evidence now that the vaccinated shed the virus much faster, so neither symptomatic or asymptomatic spread occur at the same rate as from those who are unvaccinated.
No. You completely overlook the superior immunity of the 120 million Americans who already were infected with COVID.

Fauci says the viral load in the nasal pharynx is comparable in the vaccinated and unvaccinated (link).

The vaccinated are more infectious...
Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam

From the NIH: "COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated."

This is why breakthrough infections don't account for more than a handful of percentage points compared to unvaccinated infections which are in the 90+ percentile in the vast majority of places.

Also untrue. This statistic lumps in the data from when no one was vaccinated. It is wrong and irrelevant.

What matters is recent data. The CDC doesn't share its data, because they have a Biden agenda to propel, but other sources do.

More than half of Israeli hospital patients are vaccinated.

And here is data from England and Massachusettes

In Scotland, 80% of recent COVID deaths are vaccinated (source links below)

COVID-19 Statistical Report - 18 August 2021 - COVID-19 statistical report - Publications - Public Health Scotland (page 38)
https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/9030/21-09-08-covid19-publication_report.pdf (page 40)
Do you wonder why the only media links they show are mastadon, parler, and gab?
Because, they, like you, would be shot down in a second for posting these lies.

You mean other free speech messageboards like USMB? :badgrin:

Then you won't be sick vaccinated, either.

See above reply where I provide some links showing for recent data, the majority of the hospitalized or dying are actually vaccinated.

I took it, so there's that.
It's recommended by the FDA, so there's that.
Both my personal and cardiac doctors recommended taking the vaccine, so there's that.
Did my research and found the vaccine safe and effective, so there's that.
See that? That's how it's supposed to work.

I would recommend to vulnerable people who have not had COVID to get vaccinated if they want to.

Everyone has their own unique situation and should be allowed to do what they think is best for themselves based upon their own research and with advice from their health care provider if they wish.
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Hey, hypocrite. Before you call anyone dumb again, or tell anyone to check their spelling, please learn what we all learned in elementary school...
"You're is a contraction of "you are," and "your" is a possessive pronoun.

As others have now explained to you countless times, the vaccinated transmit COVID too, according to the CDC. So any tyrannical "stay at home" order or other restriction should apply to absolutely everyone.

No. They just tend to be better informed by listening to more-reliable sources of information than Dr. Fauci and CNN.

CDC estimates 120 million Americans already had COVID.

Yep. I pushed back on Friday. Others told me they will too. We all need to. Now is the time to stand up for your freedom to make your own medical decisions people. There has never been a better time. If you won't do it now, what will it take?

No. You completely overlook the superior immunity of the 120 million Americans who already were infected with COVID.

Fauci says the viral load in the nasal pharynx is comparable in the vaccinated and unvaccinated (link).

The vaccinated are more infectious...
Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam

From the NIH: "COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated."

Also untrue. This statistic lumps in the data from when no one was vaccinated. It is wrong and irrelevant.

What matters is recent data. The CDC doesn't share its data, because they have a Biden agenda to propel, but other sources do.

More than half of Israeli hospital patients are vaccinated.

And here is data from England and Massachusettes

In Scotland, 80% of recent COVID deaths are vaccinated (source links below)
View attachment 541453
COVID-19 Statistical Report - 18 August 2021 - COVID-19 statistical report - Publications - Public Health Scotland (page 38)
https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/9030/21-09-08-covid19-publication_report.pdf (page 40)

You mean other free speech messageboards like USMB? :badgrin:

See above reply where I provide some links showing for recent data, the majority of the hospitalized or dying are actually vaccinated.

See that? That's how it's supposed to work.

I would recommend to vulnerable people who have not had COVID to get vaccinated if they want to.

Everyone has their own unique situation and should be allowed to do what they think is best for themselves based upon their own research and with advice from their health care provider if they wish.

You're right. Everyone has their freedom to die how they like. I support that vigorously like you.
HEK 293 has been around for 50 years. Using the fact that these were used for testing is pretextual.

Only 48 years to be exact, and they have nothing to do with testing.
They are what actually produces the synthetic spike proteins, not the patient who is vaccinated, like the CDC claims.
The CDC does not mention the stem cells because they do not want that to become pretext.
So you think getting a shot proven both effective and safe is the same as killing 6M people because of their religious beliefs?

That is a ridiculous comparison.
But maybe something worth considering.

Once you start killing innocent people against their will, the actual numbers no longer matter.
That fact is we already murdered half a million in the US who did not have to die if we had not started the known to fail, "flattening the curve".
When you get away with murder once, than you can achieve any number simply by repetition.

The stupid will do as they're told.
The ACTUAL people who've medical concerns over the vaccines range in the 5-10%
But if we can get everyone else, that would be perfect.
Those other 40%? They're the stupid.
They're risking the death of themselves, their families, friends, neighbors and people they never knew to prove a political point.

If you don't want to take the vaccine, then don't take it.
Stop whining about the KNOWN consequence of YOUR decision.
Either do it or don't.
You know what happens if you choose no, accept the responsibility of your decision.

as you folks already recognize,
We've another prime example of the Tiny Brain Theory.
THIS one claiming that the stupid are some sort of protected class.
Defense of stupid is stupid.

AND one more thing...

If you don't want it, don't take it.
Forget the punitives...
You'll be infecting your friends and neighbors and family and most of them think and act just like you.
You'll be killing off your allies.
DIDJA know that the number of people killed in GA by Trump's covid "policies" was more than enough to swing the election.

See ya next year.

Even after stretching this epidemic out for over a year and a half, still only 12% of the population has become infected, and less 1% of those infected have died. So that is not a lot of deaths.
And "Trump's covid policies" are identical to the policies of every country in the world, including what Biden has done.
Only 48 years to be exact, and they have nothing to do with testing.
They are what actually produces the synthetic spike proteins, not the patient who is vaccinated, like the CDC claims.
The CDC does not mention the stem cells because they do not want that to become pretext.
For Moderna and Pfizer, they were only used for testing of the vaccine, making sure they could transfect human cells.

I have no idea why you think that the patient doesn’t produce the spike proteins. That’s literally the fundamental method of an mRNA vaccine.

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