Poll: Would you prefered to have been aborted?

Would you have prefered to have been aborted?

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There are fine advocates on the board who's mantra is "my body, my choice" but once a baby reaches the middle of the first trimester, they have a body too. Who speaks for their choice?

Well I can tell you one god damned thing, Missourian, YOU DON'T.

You don't speak for that fetus unless YOU PERSONALLY are prepared to stick them in YOUR BODY risking YOUR life and YOUR health, and then, Mr. what about the babies?, unless YOU ARE PREPARED TO SUPPORT THEM, to care for them, to be there for them every minute of every day for YEARS, to be their support unit and the person they can count on for the rest of YOUR life.

Do you see my point, here? You won't do any of that, but still you think you and your hypoocrital movement have some high moral ground?

What hubris.

All your high sounding moral idealistic blather is just so much complete and utter nonsense wrapped in mask of false morality.

You take no responsibility, no risk, no financial burden, suffer no phycological damages; and that child, once born doesn't change your life not one god damned bit, except perhaps as soome child you can hate for being on the dole or being raised in a way you don't approve of.

But YOU think you have the right to tell completes strangers what they should or should not do with THEIR BODY and the lives??

What utter thoughtless selfish arrogance you right to lifers exhibit.

So just spare us your crocodile tears for those unborn babies that you don't give a rat's ass about except theoretically.

You know perfectly well once they're born you'll hate them anyway because they're not the children of YOUR kind of people.
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I would never abort, and I want abortion rates to drop. There are a hell of a lot of other options out there. I would love it if people always chose life. I think it is my libertarian streak that makes me think it isn't *my* place to tell another woman what *her* job and morality should be.

I am wondering how this issue is best addressed, and how RW/abortion/choice compares to other scenarios.

Overturning RW seems less good (restricts current liberties) than educating, reducing poverty, making adoption more of an option, etc - so that people choose life of their own free will.

The idea that to refuse to donate a kidney to save a life would be illegal, (as analogous to refusing to donate body stores and other physical costs to grow a baby) seems like it is worth thinking through.

Both (overturning RW and legislation that you'd have to donate a kidney if you were the best match), would be "pro life." So why is the response to the scenarios different?

I would of course also choose to donate a kidney. Just ask my driver's license. But I don't think the government should make a law that everyone has to.
For the record, I am against all abortion unless incest or rape or actual physical health of the woman. Her choice rests with having sex IMO. However as a pragmatic conservative I say enforce RvW as it was originally intended, allowing abortion in only the first trimester. That would save millions of lives while we fight about the first trimester....
There's nothing to get. It's not our fault you have a uterus and just because you do doesn't make killing a fetus OK.
Would you prefer that men carried the child for 9 months and delivered it ?

You might have a different perspective, that's for sure. Me trying to tell you what it's like to be pregnant would be like you trying to tell me how it feels when you get kicked in the balls. I'm sure something would get lost in the translation. Don't you???
Oh, I get it. Because some idiot might murder us, we don't need not stinking rights.


Ravi - let it go. He's a male chauvinist. He's either not married, or married and his wife wears the pants in his house so he vents his frustrations and need to dominate women here on the board. He's not worth it:cool:
I just noticed something kind of disturbing about the results of this poll. Of the posters responding Yes, they would have wanted to be aborted, the only one I am aware of who also opposes the right to chose abortion is RetGYSgt.
What does that mean?
Conservatives prefer people be born. It's hard to send a fetus to war, execute them, laugh as they wallow in flood waters or toast champagne while they watch them die slow miserable deaths in poverty.

That's the only thing that makes them happy.
Conservatives prefer people be born. It's hard to send a fetus to war, execute them, laugh as they wallow in flood waters or toast champagne while they watch them die slow miserable deaths in poverty.

That's the only thing that makes them happy.

Such an old poll. How did you even find it?
Actually most of the time when I think about it (I'm the youngest of eight) I can't escape the conclusion that I just wouldn't have ever known so it doesn't matter.

THere are times I am glad to be alive, times I wish I wasn't, and many times that life seems like hard work to be endured.

It would be interesting if the people who enjoy life most of the time tend to be more prolife.

I would say that I enjoy my life 99.9% of the time and I am prochoice.
You need to include the option Sometimes.

That's what I would pick because sometimes life really sucks that bad. LIke when your kid dies.

Sorry, this isn't a "have you ever wanted" poll, this is an all or nothing poll. If you have ever felt happy to be alive, even for 1 minute, the answer is no.


I'm most happy with strippers and the fireman pole.
Of course it was intended to create yet another thread on reproductive choice.

That's such a cute little title you have there -- reproductive choice -- for the act of destroying an unborn human life. You can't admit it's human life, you call unborn human beings by scientific names, and twist the issue into being about just the woman's rights and not the child's. All in a failed effort to desensitize and dehumanize to suit your personal convenience.

How quaint.:rolleyes:

It is about reproductive choice. You are the one trying to desensitize and dehumanize women to suit your personal convenience and the funny thing is you do not even see it. I believe fully in a women's right to chose. In the first trimester of pregnancy there is only one life involved, and that is the woman's.
A fetus is not a child. I think people would listen to your arguments more if you cut out the spin and worn out twisted logic.
I guess though, that's all you have. Sad.

Just because you give it a new label doesn't change the facts.

Have you ever heard anyone woman say "My fetus just kicked"

Have you ever asked a pregnant colleague "When is your fetus due"

In the womb a baby has:

a heartbeat, just like you

hands and feet, just like you

it feels pain, just like you

it has brain activity, just like....well, it has brain activity.*

* A little humour there :D, don't take it personally, I couldn't resist

No actually a fetus does not feel pain until the fifth or sixth month of gestation. Maybe even later because some neonates that were born in the fifth month show no signs of being able to feel pain for 4-6 weeks after birth.
my mother KNEW what kind of life she was bringing me into... my father was already beating her by then and my grandfather had already molested my sister. so don't sit here and tell me she didn't KNOW! Do I fault her for her CHOICE? No I do not BUT would I have understood had she chosen differently? YES I would.

you see the world in black and white dillo and it's just not that simple. what you think is an easy situation to overcome is impossible for someone else. who are YOU to decide for that person?

you are not GOD! although it seems you think you are.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ---You are the one who thinks killing a baby is doing it some kind of favor ! You have life thanks to your mother---what do you intend to do with the rest of it ?

I believe you are the only one thinking of killing babies.
Wow, so what if the 16 year old girl is sexually abused and ends up pregnant? She didn't have a choice. What if a couple of kids have sex and use contraception but it fails (it does happen)? What a woman is told that if she continues with her pregnancy she'll die? Are you telling me the unborn's "life" is more valuable than the pregnant woman's life?

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, there'll be back street abortions and women and young girls will die. But I guess you think that's okay.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned it will be up to the states to decide. However horrific, accidental or loving the sex is, if a life is created it should be respected. It is women who wish to play the role of God and pretend it somehow just doesnt' count. Why ? They don't think it's fair.

Well, when the actual life is created I wish more people would respect it, even if it is a woman who decides to have an abortion.
:banghead: Another guy who really just doesn't get it. :doubt:

There's nothing to get. It's not our fault you have a uterus and just because you do doesn't make killing a fetus OK.
Would you prefer that men carried the child for 9 months and delivered it ?

No, because then abortions would be out of control and given up to the 9th month. I only think they should be given up to the 12th week unless there is something seriously wrong and definitely not after the 24th week because at least 50% can survive outside the womb.
Anything that cannot be enforced is a fantasy. And as much as you would dearly love to kill little Suzy society would never stand for it. You can posture all you like but you will never be able to universally enforce a punishment for abortion which makes your efforts pure fantasy and nothing more...

Have I even suggested a punishment for abortion? I would think that knowing you killed a child would be punishment enough. I mean really--some have even suggested they were doing it a favor by not bringing it in to an evil world. That's fantasy. Why not give it up for adoption and let IT decide since we are so big into these self preserving choices ?

I am sorry and I do not want to offend anyone, but I would never ever give a baby up for adoption. That is just my personal choice. Though I did surrogate for my SIL.
good points all, Edi. We as a country seem quite happy to give up many freedoms to feel safe. The only thing we can do, really, is fight the loss of each freedom, even if our chances of winning are nil. Someone once commented that eventually the government will take away enough freedoms that we will revolt as a people. There is a lot of truth in that.

It just amazes me, still, that the so called Conservatives seem to lead the charge to give up anything the government can take away.

oh man---what rights are Conservatives wanting the Government to take away besides a womans legal right to have an abortion ?

Conservatives are just as willing to have you hand over any rights you want as the democrats. One wants to control your morality and the other wants to parent you.

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