Poll: Would you prefered to have been aborted?

Would you have prefered to have been aborted?

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A fetus is not a child. I think people would listen to your arguments more if you cut out the spin and worn out twisted logic.
I guess though, that's all you have. Sad.

Just because you give it a new label doesn't change the facts.

Have you ever heard anyone woman say "My fetus just kicked"

Have you ever asked a pregnant colleague "When is your fetus due"

In the womb a baby has:

a heartbeat, just like you

hands and feet, just like you

it feels pain, just like you

it has brain activity, just like....well, it has brain activity.*

* A little humour there :D, don't take it personally, I couldn't resist

No actually a fetus does not feel pain until the fifth or sixth month of gestation. Maybe even later because some neonates that were born in the fifth month show no signs of being able to feel pain for 4-6 weeks after birth.
Intentionally missing the point does not reflect well.

Not missing the point at all...this is a poll.

If someone wishes they had never been born because their birth was the result of rape....they may vote accordingly, and explain in a post.

My supposition is regardless of the circumstances of their birth, they would choose to have lived over being aborted.

Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Because I have evidence that the victims of botched abortions that lived are pretty fuckin' ecstatic about it.
taking responsibility for life's value -


is having something worth living for to begin with.

planed parenthood, abortion and contraception are one in the same. for the discerning individual.

Would you prefered to have been aborted?
That's not even a valid Hypothetical query, as all control is apparently based upon your slavemaster........YOUR MOTHER, as you are legally the property of said female to kill or save according to left wing law. Now if you were an animal on the endangered species list you might have a valid hypothetical as animals have more rights than human children to be protected from the whims of those who are often suffering from psychological stress placed on them by society or close relatives as they do not want the stigma of caring for an unwanted human child, especially if you are considered a "Bastard": a child with parents that are not married.

Question? If you had the right to self abort...........would that not be considered suicide? If so........what's stopping you from carrying out your deathwish today? I say GO FOR IT, if you are serious...... ;) Either way.........both would be the act of a very selfish coward.

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