Poll: Would you prefered to have been aborted?

Would you have prefered to have been aborted?

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Wait a minute. This is taking this topic just a little too far. IMO! And yes, I did read the rest of your comment - not only what I left above.

sorry CA, it was intended as a joke...

I, as a mother, have had moments when I thought "wow, I see why animals eat their young" and I think it's pretty safe to say ALL parents have.

This board isn't much for humor is it?
You have the freedom to delude yourself, I suppose, that you are free.

good points all, Edi. We as a country seem quite happy to give up many freedoms to feel safe. The only thing we can do, really, is fight the loss of each freedom, even if our chances of winning are nil. Someone once commented that eventually the government will take away enough freedoms that we will revolt as a people. There is a lot of truth in that.

It just amazes me, still, that the so called Conservatives seem to lead the charge to give up anything the government can take away.
There are fine advocates on the board who's mantra is "my body, my choice" but once a baby reaches the middle of the first trimester, they have a body too. Who speaks for their choice?

That was the purpose of this poll, to point out the fact that given the choice, who would choose to be aborted. Some might believe that by voting yes, they have obscured the poll, but the point is that at least they have the choice. The choice that a mother denies her unborn baby when she has an abortion.

Here are three great reasons, they are quotes from Jane Goodall:

The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.

The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Okay, I actually can understand that you have strong feelings about it. Biologically speaking, however, it is up to the body bearing the future life to decide.
Okay, I actually can understand that you have strong feelings about it. Biologically speaking, however, it is up to the body bearing the future life to decide.

You mean LEGALLY speaking. Scott Peterson decided what happened to his unborn child.
Scott Peterson decided what happened to his unborn child.

so what you're saying is that if a woman retains the right to have an abortion irrespective of the man's choice, the man in turn has the right to murder her and the unborn child as a way of exercising HIS choice if he's the one who doesn't want the child?
sorry CA, it was intended as a joke...

I, as a mother, have had moments when I thought "wow, I see why animals eat their young" and I think it's pretty safe to say ALL parents have.

This board isn't much for humor is it?

LOL Actually although I've never voiced that thought before (about eating their young) you're right and I have had days when I wanted to hang a "child for sale, 5 cents" sign on the front door!
so what you're saying is that if a woman retains the right to have an abortion irrespective of the man's choice, the man in turn has the right to murder her and the unborn child as a way of exercising HIS choice if he's the one who doesn't want the child?

oh please----Why of course I condone murder !! :rolleyes: Snap out of it, woman !
good points all, Edi. We as a country seem quite happy to give up many freedoms to feel safe. The only thing we can do, really, is fight the loss of each freedom, even if our chances of winning are nil. Someone once commented that eventually the government will take away enough freedoms that we will revolt as a people. There is a lot of truth in that.

It just amazes me, still, that the so called Conservatives seem to lead the charge to give up anything the government can take away.

oh man---what rights are Conservatives wanting the Government to take away besides a womans legal right to have an abortion ?
ok--I'll try it again. We are free to do whatever we want to do. For instance, I am free to rob a bank. However there is nothing that protects me from being arrested for it.
I am also free to mow my lawn. I AM protected from being arrested while mowing.
Isn't that the way it works ?
only as long as we determine that mowing a lawn is something that is permitable...it could be that we outlaw mowing a lawn with a gasoline run lawn mower because it adds a great deal of pollution to the air....then you could get arrested for such...it's all up to us, and what laws we want to put upon our fellow neighbors and citizens.

so, we are as free as we allow our selves to be....

Writing a law against lawn mowing is just one hair away, if the citizens and their representation wishes such.... :eek:

personally, i think the government already has enough reasons to lock us up, and their control over us has got to stop....

and we are the government...so all this means is that we need to start minding our own business and stop trying to control the lives and liberty of others thru our blessed government.....

unfortunately we have those that want to use the government to do their will, regardless of the person's will that they want the government to control...

for some the gvt is fine and dandy if it is making no smoking laws as example...but it hurts the freedom and liberty of the smoker...

for some the gvt is fine and dandy if it is making females put their private medical/pregnancy matters before all and keep them from aborting...

for some it was making government arrest those smoking marijuanna because they disagreed with it, for others it was alcohol that they were against and they persueded the gvt to control the drinking of every one...

BOTH SIDES are extremely guilty in making their government control the lives of others that they personally disagree with.....

Before you know it, we won't be able to pee without our neighbor's permission, or go to a fertility doctor without them having something to say about it....

just stop it, enough already, is the point where I am at right now.... :(

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Umm, for the record, I didn't say that. Brillo, did. I think your quote function got messed up.
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only as long as we determine that mowing a lawn is something that is permitable...it could be that we outlaw mowing a lawn with a gasoline run lawn mower because it adds a great deal of pollution to the air....then you could get arrested for such...it's all up to us, and what laws we want to put upon our fellow neighbors and citizens.

so, we are as free as we allow our selves to be....

Writing a law against lawn mowing is just one hair away, if the citizens and their representation wishes such.... :eek:

personally, i think the government already has enough reasons to lock us up, and their control over us has got to stop....

and we are the government...so all this means is that we need to start minding our own business and stop trying to control the lives and liberty of others thru our blessed government.....

unfortunately we have those that want to use the government to do their will, regardless of the person's will that they want the government to control...

for some the gvt is fine and dandy if it is making no smoking laws as example...but it hurts the freedom and liberty of the smoker...

for some the gvt is fine and dandy if it is making females put their private medical/pregnancy matters before all and keep them from aborting...

for some it was making government arrest those smoking marijuanna because they disagreed with it, for others it was alcohol that they were against and they persueded the gvt to control the drinking of every one...

BOTH SIDES are extremely guilty in making their government control the lives of others that they personally disagree with.....

Before you know it, we won't be able to pee without our neighbor's permission, or go to a fertility doctor without them having something to say about it....

just stop it, enough already, is the point where I am at right now.... :(


Are you proposing a moratorium against any new laws ? :lol:
oh please----Why of course I condone murder !! :rolleyes: Snap out of it, woman !

just making sure dillo...I mean you do seem to get your short hairs in a twist about how unfair it is that the woman gets to decide but the man has no say :cool:
just making sure dillo...I mean you do seem to get your short hairs in a twist about how unfair it is that the woman gets to decide but the man has no say :cool:

Not to the point of murdering them, for God sake's ! You might wanna reel in your anger at men too ! :cool:
Here's my point----what the hell good was her right when someone jsut took it away from her? Scott gets the death sentence. A lot of good that does her.
Oh, I get it. Because some idiot might murder us, we don't need not stinking rights.


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