Polling Convergence – OAN/GRAVIS and Reuters Show Donald Trump Surging With 34 – 35% Support…


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Blowing the validity of the TIPP poll all to shit!!!!

Conservative Treehouse ^ | October 2, 2015 | Sundance
Reuters Trend Polling and OAN/Gravis Polling have each announced and updated Presidential Polling for the GOP race 2016. The results are exceptionally similar. Both polling outcomes reflect Donald Trump with a massive lead amid the rest of the field. Gravis Polling has Trump with 35% support. Reuters shows an almost identical 34% outcome. The downstream alignments with the remainder of the field are also very similar. Here’s the OAN/Gravis result: […] Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted the random survey of 2,665 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of...
Trump is falling.


Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll

That's no surprise as people are starting to pay attention.
Trump is falling.


Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll

That's no surprise as people are starting to pay attention.

Looks like TWO (2) POLLS say your quoted poll is invalid...2 against one from the WALL STREET guys who probably paid for that poll!...Oh Bullshitter, did you notice that your copied poll #'s has RYAN at 3%....When did he decide to run again?

  • Polling Convergence – OAN/GRAVIS and Reuters Show Donald Trump Surging With 34 – 35% Support…
    Conservative Treehouse ^ | October 2, 2015
    Reuters Trend Polling and OAN/Gravis Polling have each announced and updated Presidential Polling for the GOP race 2016. The results are exceptionally similar. Both polling outcomes reflect Donald Trump with a massive lead amid the rest of the field. Gravis Polling has Trump with 35% support. Reuters shows an almost identical 34% outcome. The downstream alignments with the remainder of the field are also very similar. Here’s the OAN/Gravis result: […] Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted the random survey of 2,665 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of...
If he is still leading by 10+ by November 15th I'll consider him likely to get the nomination. Not that it can't change once the primaries start but it is starting to get interesting.

If he plays his game right this might be over before March.
Poor Vagtard.

First ebola, now the liberal Trump.

Not to mention FEMA camps and Jade Helms

Yup, Trump has a NEW POLITICS that we haven't seen before! Just LOVE how he fucks up your low 2 digit IQ!

Retard politics, you mean?

Does that mean "crash and burn long before the election?"
Yup, Trump has a NEW POLITICS that we haven't seen before! Just LOVE how he fucks up your low 2 digit IQ!

Retard politics, you mean?

Does that mean "crash and burn long before the election?"

I enjoy watching you HIDE from the TWO POLLS quoted that blow yours all to hell... but I wouldn't expect more from another closet subversive!
Trump is falling.


Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll

That's no surprise as people are starting to pay attention.

So on the democrat side you are admitting slightly over 15% of democrats are "near idiots" and and about 20% are complete idiots with almost 45% full retards.

Sounds about right.

On the other side at LEAST 24% of republicans support Negro's and 17% are not anti-capitalist and another 17% are NOT anti Hispanic and at least 9% are NOT anti-woman.

Alright I can live with that.
Every time the media says Trump has peaked, he just gets more popular:

Reuters Trend Polling and OAN/Gravis Polling have each announced and updated Presidential Polling for the GOP race 2016. The results are exceptionally similar. Both polling outcomes reflect Donald Trump with a massive lead amid the rest of the field.

Gravis Polling has Trump with 35% support. Reuters shows an almost identical 34% outcome. The downstream alignments with the remainder of the field are also very similar. Here’s the OAN/Gravis result:

Every time the media says Trump has peaked, he just gets more popular:

Reuters Trend Polling and OAN/Gravis Polling have each announced and updated Presidential Polling for the GOP race 2016. The results are exceptionally similar. Both polling outcomes reflect Donald Trump with a massive lead amid the rest of the field.

Gravis Polling has Trump with 35% support. Reuters shows an almost identical 34% outcome. The downstream alignments with the remainder of the field are also very similar. Here’s the OAN/Gravis result:


Gotta link, or are you too stupid to know how to link stuff?

Gee, thanks.
TTT...just to annoy idiots that took the TIPP poll showing Trump #2 as a paid for political assassination by the Wall Street Crowd...and had less then 400 people polled.

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