Polls are fake, but they're not

I would never respond to a polling survey of any kind. They are all designed to push a narrative until about 2 weeks out. At that point, they tighten them up so they can claim accuracy at the end. Dukakis + 17, Clinton +14, Biden +14, Gillum +9. Folks, they are lying to you. Those candidates were never up by those margins. They are political tools, nothing more. I don't care what side of the isle you find yourself, no one should allow themselves to be manipulated by these polling companies.
Yup. Biden has never led Trump, just as Hillary never led Trump in the ECV. It was always lies. But, they have to lie less as the election gets closer, which is why everyone with a brain has known that it would be claimed that the "race was tightening" all through August, with it roughly in a statistical tie by Labor Day Weekend.

America NOT on Board with the Left's Mostly Peaceful Rioting, Assaults, Looting and Arson

Portland Night 92: Mayor Wheeler’s condo gets occupied plus "Mostly Peaceful" riot declared after another attack on the PPA building
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Last night they cheered after murdering a Trump supporter.

The mayor published a letter he’d sent to President Trump saying he would not be accepting any help from the feds to deal with the situation.

A group of about 200 "Mostly Peaceful" rioters showed up at the mayor’s high rise condo and made demands.
at least three people locked themselves inside the complex in the hopes of expressing several demands, including defunding Portland police.
Building security called police and then…nothing. Well, they sent this guy:


Police may not be on great terms with Mayor Wheeler.
An NBA executive claiming to be a friend of the Mayor came down and offered to set up a meeting and the protesters mocked him.

There was some vandalism of the property:

They also shined lights in the windows:

Mostly Peaceful Rioters are using a banner to block the local TV crews from filming. They are fed up with TV stations airing the full names & photos of arrested rioters #BlackLivesMatter #PortlandProtests #pdxprotest

Several left when the news crews showed up. They made several excuses. Bottom line: They don’t like being identified.

One of the Mostly Peaceful Rioters who chained herself inside @tedwheeler’s condo lobby is Olivia Morgan. She was arrested just two days ago at an #antifa riot, charged with felony rioting, attempting escape, resisting arrest & more. She was quickly released & now she’s at Wheeler’s home.


All of the action at Wheeler’s condo wrapped up by around 11 pm and then there was a march to the Portland Police Association building. This is not a police building but the home of the police union. Mostly Peaceful Rioters have attempted to set this building on fire many times. Last night they tried again and partly succeeded. They started by blocking off the street with flaming dumpsters:

Then they put a lit palette in front of the building and sprayed it with gasoline:

As Collaborator Fake News Crews filmed the Arson, they were very careful not to show the faces of the Mostly Peaceful Arsonists.

After Mostly Peaceful #antifa started multiple fires on the street & set the police union building on fire again tonight, Portland Police declared a riot & moved in. #PortlandRiots

They made several arrests:

Portland police arrest a Mostly Peaceful man who was about to escape on a motorcycle at the Mostly Peaceful #antifa riot in north Portland. #PortlandRiots #antifa

Police are well aware that the DA is not going to prosecute most people who get arrested. You would think that maybe after Mayor Wheeler’s “enough is enough” speech this week that maybe he’d be attempting to do something about that. Wheeler has apparently had a discussion about it with the Portland Police Chief:

NPR published a story Thursday arguing that the declaration of a riot in Portland is essentially racist:

How is it racist to declare a riot and prevent people from burning down a building? NPR doesn’t have an answer for that.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
They are definitely wrong, trump is up by 20
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
They are definitely wrong, trump is up by 20
All he needs is 270.

Mostly Peaceful Portland Riots: Someone is shouting, “We got a Trumper right here” just before the shots are fired and the man is murdered in cold blood.

We all knew that this is where the Democrat/Left/Fake News has been pushing this.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Yep, republicans are too stupid to see how childish they are.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Yep, republicans are too stupid to see how childish they are.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Yep, republicans are too stupid to see how childish they are.
View attachment 382438
Thank you for proving my point.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Fake News.

Polls routinely understate Trump support
Polls routinely overstate Trump's opponents support.

They claimed that Hillary would win 5 states that she lost.
They claimed that Trump would lose five states that he won.

They did not claim Hillary would lose a single state that she won.
They did not claim Trump would win a single state that he lost.

They were uniformly won, and all in the same direction.

Everyone with a brain knew that Biden has never been leading. The Double digit "leads" were lies. And as the race got closer, everyone with a brain knew they would have to lie less, so, they would claim all through August that the race was "tightening" and by Labor Day Weekend it will be a statistical dead heat.

So, guess what's happening now after Trump swiped Biden's bounce and is enjoying his own? Suddenly a death of polls!

We got SIXTEEN pools from 8/1 to 8/15

We only have TEN from 8/16 to 8/31.

Where are the rest of the polls? Why suddenly are pollsters so bashful?
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
I have taken polls say I am voting for Biden and I am not. I know many of my friends who are doing the same .. just saying
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Well, they love and believe them when they like them.

Otherwise they're fake news.

Grade school-level thinking.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Your Claim Is Fake News.

Polls consistently over report the predicted Democrat performance and under report the predicted Republican performance. This is known.

Ginsburg: ‘Nothing In Constitution’ Prevents President From Final Year SCOTUS Pick.

Democrats new strategy for winning the White House: Threaten riots if they lose. The public doesn’t seem so hot on the idea…
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Fake News. Republicans are far too intelligent to trust fake news polls.

Nate Silver of polling firm FiveThirtyEight says the problem was not with him, it was with you.

Because of course it's your fault. Nate Silver is way too smart and sophisticated to be wrong. Oh, and "#*^% you" if you believe otherwise (yeah, he said that):


Original non-censored tweet here.)

The real problem?
"People have false impressions about how accurate polls are."
As Silver explains it, he might have been wrong, but he wasn't wrong wrong.
"On the one hand, you have the 2016 criticism, where maybe the polls were close but they were wrong directionally..."
Wrong "directionally."

In other words, they got the numbers right, it's just the other candidate won.

I don't see the problem there. Maybe you can try that with your sports bookie. "Hey, I know my team lost, but I got the score right!"
"…and then in 2020 say, ‘Oh, well the polls, I mean they may have been the right call, except in one state, but the margins were off,...'"
The margins were off, is all. What's the worst that could happen?

I need to get a job in a field where being wrong just isn't that big of a big deal.
"...That's the better criticism, but you have to pick one of those two. You can't do both."
You can't expect him to actually be accurate. He's just a pollster.

Only fools trust these guys.

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