Polls give GOP momentum going into midterms


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I wonder how many military ballots didn't go out and have been "lost" in the mail system. You know they were NOT votes for Democrats.
It's a down year for Democrats, but comparatively speaking, it's nothing like 2010. The Senate is about to go Republican, but the 5 or 6 closest races are within the margin of error. It wasn't anything this close in 2010.

What voting patterns tell us in midterm elections is that Republicans don't ever waste an opportunity to go and vote for their country to be handed over to its oligarchs while Democratic voters tend to stay home when they feel the odds are stacked against them that anything will really change regarding immigration, a jobs bill, higher taxes on the rich, or climate change.

When Republican voters are deflated, they get all riled up and they go and vote.

With Boehner and McConnell set to be in charge of the governing aspects of the federal government the next 2 years, they will be judged by what they do.

This year a lot of Democrats are fighting for their political lives in states with demographics that favor Republicans. In 2016, there will be more vulnerable Republican senate seats in the country. It all moves in cycles and if Boehner and McConnell spend the next 2 years fighting off their crazies and doing nothing for Americans, it'll show and Obama will see a rise in his popularity just like Clinton did in his last 2 years.
My personal prediction is the GOP getting 8 Senate seats. The Democrats are having a turnout problem; their main voting blocs are women, single women being notorious for low turnouts in mid-terms, and the GOP is closing the gap with married women, and the hopes for a whitey lynching in Ferguson is failing to fire up their racist black voters sufficiently as well, so the GOP will probably do even better than predicted in governorship races. The much vaunted 'Latino Vote' is as always of little importance, despite the pep rallies trying to wag that dog.

I'm also interested in how the Independent in Kansas fares against an incumbent today. Well, actually that's really the only race that has me interested this cycle.
My personal prediction is the GOP getting 8 Senate seats. The Democrats are having a turnout problem; their main voting blocs are women, single women being notorious for low turnouts in mid-terms, and the GOP is closing the gap with married women, and the hopes for a whitey lynching in Ferguson is failing to fire up their racist black voters sufficiently as well, so the GOP will probably do even better than predicted in governorship races. The much vaunted 'Latino Vote' is as always of little importance, despite the pep rallies trying to wag that dog.

I'm also interested in how the Independent in Kansas fares against an incumbent today. Well, actually that's really the only race that has me interested this cycle.

Me too. Perhaps it signals that more Independents can get on ballots at the local, county, and state levels.
My personal prediction is the GOP getting 8 Senate seats. The Democrats are having a turnout problem; their main voting blocs are women, single women being notorious for low turnouts in mid-terms, and the GOP is closing the gap with married women, and the hopes for a whitey lynching in Ferguson is failing to fire up their racist black voters sufficiently as well, so the GOP will probably do even better than predicted in governorship races. The much vaunted 'Latino Vote' is as always of little importance, despite the pep rallies trying to wag that dog.

I'm also interested in how the Independent in Kansas fares against an incumbent today. Well, actually that's really the only race that has me interested this cycle.

Me too. Perhaps it signals that more Independents can get on ballots at the local, county, and state levels.

Yes. It would be nice to see 10 or 12 Indies in the Senate and 50 to 60 or so in the House by 2020, regardless of ideological leans. It would be even better if most of them had no ideological leans at all, but that would never happen, so I'd settle for more I's regardless.
From the network that pushed for Obama before he was a do-nothing Senator! Watching the video must make conservative smile while liberals shake their fists and scream, Liars!

See the video and read the article @ Polls give GOP momentum going into midterms - CNN.com

New polls show Republicans pulling away in key Senate races w/video and story @ New polls show Republicans pulling away in key Senate races Fox News

Republicans know Democrats only vote every four years. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon.

Midterms are also when most governor races are held. 2010 was important because every ten years they redraw districts and Republicans own the house of reps because midterms. They've also gerrymandered us liberals into one district so Detroit and Houston are liberal but the rest of Michigan and Texas vote red.

Big money is harder to beat in state elections too. Bernie Sanders can raise money but can a Bernie Sanders type raise money on a state level? The whole system is corrupt. The rich and corporations have rigged the entire system

Hillary must win. If not the dems have nothing. We also need to appoint that supreme Court Justice.

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