Polls prove Biden is off to a solid start!

Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.
Wrong. President Joe came along just in time to save us from the tRump administration's plan-less vaccine rollout disaster.

Among other things.
Vaccine plan.
December 9th.
Plain English.
Scattered talking points, nothing else and not even any action on those.

You fail.
Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.
Wrong. President Joe came along just in time to save us from the tRump administration's plan-less vaccine rollout disaster.

Among other things.
Vaccine plan.
December 9th.
Plain English.
Scattered talking points, nothing else and not even any action on those.

You fail.
So you read the entire plan from the Dept of Defence in the 2 minutes since I posted the link?
Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.
Wrong. President Joe came along just in time to save us from the tRump administration's plan-less vaccine rollout disaster.

Among other things.
Vaccine plan.
December 9th.
Plain English.
Scattered talking points, nothing else and not even any action on those.

You fail.
So you read the entire plan from the Dept of Defence in the 2 minutes since I posted the link?
I've read it before. This is something like the 50th time I've debunked this for one damn tRumpling or another.
Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.
Wrong. President Joe came along just in time to save us from the tRump administration's plan-less vaccine rollout disaster.

Among other things.
Vaccine plan.
December 9th.
Plain English.
Scattered talking points, nothing else and not even any action on those.

You fail.
So you read the entire plan from the Dept of Defence in the 2 minutes since I posted the link?
I've read it before. This is something like the 50th time I've debunked this for one damn tRumpling or another.
You've debunked nothing. Just childish retorts like a surly teenager.
So you're saying Biden came up with the plan to distribute even though he said it would takes years to even produce the vaccine.?
And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.

Hardly. Obama had an 80% approval rating right after his inauguration. Bush had a 90% approval rating after 9-11.

Biden is in a honeymoon period. People are coming off of four years of fuckery under The Don so Biden is a breath of fresh air for many people right now, but obviously that will change as time goes by. If he doesn't rein in the moonbattery of his party it won't take long and I'm not convinced that's going to happen considering who he's been appointing to his cabinet and other positions. Get back to us on his approval rating a year from now and let's see how close to 61% it is. I'd bet he's under 50 by then
Pretty much all Biden has done so far is sign a record number of EO that people are semmingly impressed that he can sign his name shows you just how low the bar has been set.
Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.

You mean The Biden Vaccine? ;-)
Trump had nothing to do with Pfizer. Their initial financing came from Germany.
But Uncle Joe invoked the DPA (finally) to assist.

But Uncle Joe invoked the DPA (finally) to assist.

and they not only created a vaccine in 2 weeks, they set up a system to innoculate?

No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.

Third world dictatorships always have solid polling numbers.

Idiots, like you, believe them.
Biden became president just in time to take credit now that vaccines are available. Of course Trump had nothing to do with that.

You mean The Biden Vaccine? ;-)
Trump had nothing to do with Pfizer. Their initial financing came from Germany.
But Uncle Joe invoked the DPA (finally) to assist.

But Uncle Joe invoked the DPA (finally) to assist.

and they not only created a vaccine in 2 weeks, they set up a system to innoculate?


That is correct!
Excellent OP DrLove . The professionalism of this administration has been outstanding. No one is ever going to agree with every one of his actions but it’s hard to fault his organization skills, work effort, or decency. God Bless the USA again.
And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.

Hardly. Obama had an 80% approval rating right after his inauguration. Bush had a 90% approval rating after 9-11.

Biden is in a honeymoon period. People are coming off of four years of fuckery under The Don so Biden is a breath of fresh air for many people right now, but obviously that will change as time goes by. If he doesn't rein in the moonbattery of his party it won't take long and I'm not convinced that's going to happen considering who he's been appointing to his cabinet and other positions. Get back to us on his approval rating a year from now and let's see how close to 61% it is. I'd bet he's under 50 by then

Biden nees to rein in the moonbattery of HIS party? C'mon Taz ... We know which party is full of moonbats at present ;-)
Let’s ask the ones who lost their Jobs due to the pipeline being shut down, oil and gas manufacturing plants, etc
Better yet, in a few years let’s ask the illegal immigrants who can now stay compete for Jobs with LEGAL U. S. Citizens
Off topic, but does anyone on the board have a BIOLOGICAL daughter or Grand daughter that excelled in sports? Joe had made it a law that TRANSGENDER MALES can compete with them . OOPS ! There goes that College

Keystone jobs? OoOpS
I'm not worried about a transgender ever competing in sports with my daughter, my step daughter or my future granddaughter - You shouldn't either.
Are yiou fine with transgenders in the swimming pool shower, naked with your daughter?

1.4 million Americans identify as transgender. Cut that number in half for male to female. Cut that by another 80% because less than 1 in 5 undergoes genital transformation surgery. So the chances of my daughter ending up in the shower with one of them is probably in the neighborhood of one in 100,000. But if that happens and unless they behave inappropriately - Who cares? Besides which, nobody uses public showers anymore and most public schools have PE classes as an elective.
Don’t get it do you? I do not have a daughter that is competing for a college scholarship but that’s not the point. The transgender Males are NOT equal to females and will always be the winners . Their XY chromosomes are competing against XX no matter what anybody says
Don’t get it do you? I do not have a daughter that is competing for a college scholarship but that’s not the point. The transgender Males are NOT equal to females and will always be the winners . Their XY chromosomes are competing against XX no matter what anybody says

This would be SO rare that it really isn't worth talking about.
Wow. Even Fox has a crush on Biden:

The White House reinstated regular presidential addresses fashioned after FDR’s "fireside chats," releasing a video Saturday where President Biden called a woman in California who had been laid off during the coronavirus pandemic.

"This is a time-honored tradition in thecountry of hearing from the president in this way," White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Friday of the fireside chats. "President Biden willcontinue that tradition, and we expect it to take on a variety of forms."
No question that Donald's botched response with the COVIDS and endless conspiracy theories/ chaos were his downfall. The Grand Old Party? The Do Nothing Party (DNP) is a better name. They spend all their time proving they have no ideas as they endlessly defend Seditionists and Q-Kooks ... :rolleyes-41:

President Joe Biden’s coronavirus rescue plan, and two of its key economic provisions, have broad support as Democrats try to push it through Congress, a poll released Wednesday found.​
More than two-thirds, or 68%, of Americans support the $1.9 trillion package, the Quinnipiac University survey showed. Only 24% of respondents oppose the measure.​
The $1,400 direct payments in the plan, a key sticking point as lawmakers negotiate legislation, are more popular than the overall proposal. The poll found 78% of Americans support the stimulus checks, and 18% oppose them.​
61% approve of a $15 minimum wage​

And a 61% job approval rating? Unheard of - Donald never even topped 50% on anything other than Rasmussen.
Gee, people are in favor of getting "free money"? What a shocker! All that shows me is that the average American doesn't understand that with every trillion Biden spends...the money in their wallet is worth less.

Gas prices down here just went to $2.59 a gallon...up about fifty cents since Biden took office. Let's see how popular he is once he's successful at raising that back up to $4.00 a gallon!
Gee, people are in favor of getting "free money"? What a shocker! All that shows me is that the average American doesn't understand that with every trillion Biden spends...the money in their wallet is worth less.

Gas prices down here just went to $2.59 a gallon...up about fifty cents since Biden took office. Let's see how popular he is once he's successful at raising that back up to $4.00 a gallon!

You should know by now that presidents have very little to do with gas prices.
They are lower now than they were the last half of 2019 and into March 2020 under Dear Leader.

Gee, people are in favor of getting "free money"? What a shocker! All that shows me is that the average American doesn't understand that with every trillion Biden spends...the money in their wallet is worth less.

Gas prices down here just went to $2.59 a gallon...up about fifty cents since Biden took office. Let's see how popular he is once he's successful at raising that back up to $4.00 a gallon!

You should know by now that presidents have very little to do with gas prices.
They are lower now than they were the last half of 2019 and into March 2020 under Dear Leader.


I drill. Presidents have a lot to do with prices through their foreign policy.

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