Polls Show Obama is the Biggest Disaster of a President Since WW2


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Poll: Obama worst president since WWII - Jonathan Topaz - POLITICO.com

According to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, 33 percent of voters think the current president is the worst since 1945.

Obama’s predecessor, former President George W. Bush, came in at second-worst with 28 percent, and Richard Nixon was in third place with 13 percent of the vote. After Jimmy Carter, who 8 percent of voters said was the worst president in the time period, no other president received more than 3 percent.

Thirty-five percent of voters said Ronald Reagan was the best president since World War II, receiving nearly twice as many votes as any other former president. Bill Clinton came in second place at 18 percent, while John F. Kennedy came in third with 15 percent of the vote and Obama came in fourth with 8 percent saying he was the best.

Yep, Presidents that increase American freedom are loved while dictutorial presidents are despised from either party.

But now Obama is viewed as worse than George W Bush who had 8 years of libtard media hounding him, slandering him and depicting him as a monster who needed to die, while todays media cant seem to stop kissing Obama's ass.

And he is still 5 points lower than W and TWENTY POINTS UNDER NIXON. NIXON!

Here is a series of charts that show one reason why Obama is now so unpopular, aside from being the most incompetent POTUS we have ever had, and the biggest liar.

8 Graphs Show Why It’s No Surprise Young America is Turning on Obama

The youngest are not seeing their lives getting any better, and no wonder; Obama and W Bush ran an economy that saw native born Americans lose 127,000 net jobs since 2000 AD and immigrants (legal and illegal) gain nearly 6 million jobs.

As these facts continue to emerge the current nations leadership is going to get some serious blow back.
Interesting to note that Nixon was never Impeached. He was threatened with it and resigned. Even though he would have probably not been convicted he said he "didn't want to put the country through that". He loved this country.

You think Obama loves this country?
He should be easy to beat in the next election then. If I remember correctly, his Republican predecessor left office w/ a 28% approval rating?
He should be easy to beat in the next election then. If I remember correctly, his Republican predecessor left office w/ a 28% approval rating?

GWB takes that mantle, and Nixon looks better as time passes. Dishonest yes, but Nixon brought down the Soviet system, and paved the way for China to begin their "experiments" with free markets also. Whether China can abandon Communism as a political system without WWIII is the question.
He should be easy to beat in the next election then. If I remember correctly, his Republican predecessor left office w/ a 28% approval rating?

lol, libtardism is just incredible.

You do know that Obama cant run again, right?

He should be easy to beat in the next election then. If I remember correctly, his Republican predecessor left office w/ a 28% approval rating?

GWB takes that mantle, and Nixon looks better as time passes. Dishonest yes, but Nixon brought down the Soviet system, and paved the way for China to begin their "experiments" with free markets also. Whether China can abandon Communism as a political system without WWIII is the question.

Peach how do you fathom that Nixon brought down the Soviet system?

Hell, he nearly brought down OUR system!
He should be easy to beat in the next election then. If I remember correctly, his Republican predecessor left office w/ a 28% approval rating?

GWB takes that mantle, and Nixon looks better as time passes. Dishonest yes, but Nixon brought down the Soviet system, and paved the way for China to begin their "experiments" with free markets also. Whether China can abandon Communism as a political system without WWIII is the question.

Peach how do you fathom that Nixon brought down the Soviet system?

Hell, he nearly brought down OUR system!

Invited Soviets over, let US graduate students travel there, the superiority of free markets became known. That began the transition, reagan posing by a wall, already being breached did help. but Nixon began the opening of the totalitarian Soviet system.
GWB takes that mantle, and Nixon looks better as time passes. Dishonest yes, but Nixon brought down the Soviet system, and paved the way for China to begin their "experiments" with free markets also. Whether China can abandon Communism as a political system without WWIII is the question.

Peach how do you fathom that Nixon brought down the Soviet system?

Hell, he nearly brought down OUR system!

Invited Soviets over, let US graduate students travel there, the superiority of free markets became known. That began the transition, reagan posing by a wall, already being breached did help. but Nixon began the opening of the totalitarian Soviet system.

Meh, using that logic you could also credit Truman and JFK. But there is some merit to your statement, though saying Nixon DID IT instead of initiated the process is a bit different.

I, like most Americans, think Reagan deserves most of the credit with his combination of fighting the Soviets in a 'full court press' around the world, letting them have nothing without a fight, and topping that off with his Stealth program and the Star Wars program which the Soviets had no tech to compete with and no budget to pay for a catch up from behind. This brought the Soviets to the stark conclusion that they could not compete with a free society practicing (a modified version of) free market capitalism.

But I guess we can agree on one thing that your liberal friends and libtards might not like, none of it was G. W. Bushes 'fault'. lol
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So much squandered promise...now he's determined to go out with a bang. Pitiful.
Interesting to note that Nixon was never Impeached. He was threatened with it and resigned. Even though he would have probably not been convicted he said he "didn't want to put the country through that". He loved this country.

You think Obama loves this country?
If Obama loved his country he would resign forthwith. It might be in the interest of his legacy because by doing so he could avert joining the ranks of Buchanan, Harding and Carter.
Interesting, isn't it.

President Obama has accomplished incredible things for the middle class and poor, as well as being an excellent president for our overall economy and the world stage. But the right wing propaganda machine has been very good at burying those accomplishments.

For those who have forgotten, here's a partial list -
(And as always, I DARE anyone to post a list of accomplishments by any Republican.)

President Obama is Progressive. Here Are 245 Accomplishments So Far | The PCTC Blog <--

Returned The Executive Branch To Fiscal Responsibility

1. Within his first week, he signed an Executive Order ordering an audit of government contracts, and combating waste and abuse. Executive Order -- Economy in Government Contracting | The White House

2. Created the post of Chief Performance Officer, whose job it is to make operations more efficient to save the federal government money. Obama Names Chief Performance Officer : NPR

3. On his first full day, he froze White House salaries. msnbc: news, video and progressive community. Lean Forward.

4. He appointed the first Federal Chief Information Officer to oversee federal IT spending.http://www.cio.gov

5. He committed to phasing out unnecessary and outdated weapons systems. To that end, he also signed the Democratic-sponsored Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act, which attempted to put a stop to waste, fraud and abuse in the defense procurement and contracting system. Gates announces major Pentagon priority shifts - CNN.com http://bit.ly/fz8GAd

6. Through an executive order, he created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. President orders debt panel, names chairmen - Feb. 18, 2010

Prevented a Bush Depression and Improved the Economy

7. Pushed through and signed the Democratic-sponsored American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as &#8220;the stimulus package.&#8221; The bill passed, even though only three Republicans voted for it. In a major departure from the previous administration, he launched recovery.gov, a website that allows taxpayers to track spending from the Act. http://1.usa.gov/ibiFSs http://1.usa.gov/e3BJMk

Edited for copyright compliance. See all 245 at the link above.

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And, the news this morning is that the stock market set another record.

No Republican had anything to do with that!
Who was it again who invaded Iraq for no reason then declared "Mission Accomplished" 2 weeks into a 10 years losing effort?
Interesting to note that Nixon was never Impeached. He was threatened with it and resigned. Even though he would have probably not been convicted he said he "didn't want to put the country through that". He loved this country.

You think Obama loves this country?
If Obama loved his country he would resign forthwith. It might be in the interest of his legacy because by doing so he could avert joining the ranks of Buchanan, Harding and Carter.

Well, by implication you suggest that Obama is going for a fourth term eventually, lol.
Who was it again who invaded Iraq for no reason then declared "Mission Accomplished" 2 weeks into a 10 years losing effort?

lol the sock puppet thinks Bush referred to fighting a long war of occupation when he said mission accomplished. No, shit-for-brains, Bush meant the conventional war was done successfully.

Anyone could have told him that trying to remain inoccupation of Iraq was going to be a disaster and the general in charge that did so got canned for his honesty.
How surprising a jerk with Marxist leanings, zero management or leadership experience, and an ultra-thin resume of a community agitator is deemed the worst since WWII.

Oh, wait! I forgot to add he's black too. Must be the reason so many folks think he'a a loser, huh? Damn racists.
I think Americans finally realize as we begin to enter the ending stage of the Obama presidency, that this is as good as it gets with this administration.

Things really suck, we are about to hand the keys back to Afghanistan with the Taliban ready to take back over. Iraq could explode on us, gas prices are sickening, unemployment is still high, our border is a fucking mess.

It's no surprise that Americans are ready for a REAL change.

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