Polska whores leave EU. No EU money, no EU, Polexit. News Is 'Polexit' in the cards?

Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic

Austria, Italy and probably Hungary too need Polska for what?
Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic
There would be the only problem: Hungary, Austria and Czech Republic are willing to be partners with Russia and Poland hates Russia. Baron is right: West needs Poland (as well as worthless Baltic states) because they are good in only one thing: they constantly bark at Russia (and enjoy doing that) especially if somebody strong is backing them. However if that somebody stops protecting them, their barking will stop immediately.

Together with Ukraine and Baltic dwarf 'states' Polska can provoke WWIII, like it already did in WWII.

How did Poland provoke WW2?
Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic
There would be the only problem: Hungary, Austria and Czech Republic are willing to be partners with Russia and Poland hates Russia. Baron is right: West needs Poland (as well as worthless Baltic states) because they are good in only one thing: they constantly bark at Russia (and enjoy doing that) especially if somebody strong is backing them. However if that somebody stops protecting them, their barking will stop immediately.

Together with Ukraine and Baltic dwarf 'states' Polska can provoke WWIII, like it already did in WWII.

How did Poland provoke WW2?

Google 'How did Poland provoke WW2'
Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic
There would be the only problem: Hungary, Austria and Czech Republic are willing to be partners with Russia and Poland hates Russia. Baron is right: West needs Poland (as well as worthless Baltic states) because they are good in only one thing: they constantly bark at Russia (and enjoy doing that) especially if somebody strong is backing them. However if that somebody stops protecting them, their barking will stop immediately.

Russia, and Poland should actually be working together, to end the Globalist Jews, and Muslims.

You are nuts if you think Poland needs to be dealt with rather than Germany.
Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic
There would be the only problem: Hungary, Austria and Czech Republic are willing to be partners with Russia and Poland hates Russia. Baron is right: West needs Poland (as well as worthless Baltic states) because they are good in only one thing: they constantly bark at Russia (and enjoy doing that) especially if somebody strong is backing them. However if that somebody stops protecting them, their barking will stop immediately.

Together with Ukraine and Baltic dwarf 'states' Polska can provoke WWIII, like it already did in WWII.

How did Poland provoke WW2?

Google 'How did Poland provoke WW2'

There was no Bromberg Massacre until after WW2 had begun.

Germans are vile liars, and disgusting pigs.

You support them over your own Slavic relatives, why?
I think it's better if Poland stays in the European Union a little longer, like how Poland stayed in the Soviet Union and it collapsed.

Polska shall be kicked out from EU, but after it paid all EU money back.

Western Europe owes Poland money for Yalta conference, WW2, WW1, the Partitions, the Deluge etc.

No one owes Polska nothing!
Where is Polska 100 years ago?


It figures you'd support Germans over Poland your own Slavic relatives.

Germany killed more than 30 million Russians.

Germany pushed sanctions through the EU on Russia.

You think these Chimps are your friends?

Sooner Germany and Russia can became friends, but not Polska whores who betrayed Russia thousands times and Russia itself. BTW Russia has only Serbs as relatives, but not all these traitors like Polska, Chechs, Bulgarians and Ukraine.
No Russian money for them anymore

What a f*cking retard, Germans killed way more Russians, you're willing to work with Germans because you're a Globalist scum liar.
Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic

Austria, Italy and probably Hungary too need Polska for what?

You're clearly a Globalist scum agent trying to stop Poland from leaving the Globalist EU.

Almost all real Russians want Poland out of the EU, you don't because you love the Globalists.
Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic
There would be the only problem: Hungary, Austria and Czech Republic are willing to be partners with Russia and Poland hates Russia. Baron is right: West needs Poland (as well as worthless Baltic states) because they are good in only one thing: they constantly bark at Russia (and enjoy doing that) especially if somebody strong is backing them. However if that somebody stops protecting them, their barking will stop immediately.

Too many !Poles are too anti-Russian, but that's largely the fault of the Soviet Union.

Furthermore, your Russia has done no favors for yourselves by threatening Poland for taking down Soviet memorials, or for invading Ukraine.

Had it not been for that, many Poles might have seen Russia as a possible partner, over the EU but you guys made your bed.
Baron is just another Invader loving clown. Poland should form a new union with Hungary,Austria,Italy (as soon as it elects some right wing government which should be soon) and Czech Republic

Austria, Italy and probably Hungary too need Polska for what?
Set up a country first union....maybe just agreements to help each other with border patrol and taking on the EU.
$200 Trillion my ass. The entire eastern hemisphere doesn't have that much.
I would have torn the lenin statue down and shit on it.


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