Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week


Is that supposed to make your lie magically become true?
Your team of morons can impeach anytime. If they were not scared shitless

Dumbfuck, that's why they're holding an impeachment inquiry -- to determine if there's evidence to impeach trump.

Moron, there is no such thing as an impeachment inquiry.......they made that up because they didn't want to pull the trigger on an actual impeachment......you asshat.
Dumbfuck, the House rules say there is such a thing as an impeachment inquiry.

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives


First, an impeachment inquiry is authorized,​

Now stop lying.
Are you always so happy or do you just like us
I'm always happy.

Is that supposed to make your lie magically become true?
Your team of morons can impeach anytime. If they were not scared shitless

Dumbfuck, that's why they're holding an impeachment inquiry -- to determine if there's evidence to impeach trump.


The House impeachment process generally proceeds in three phases: (1) initiation of the impeachment process;

They need to vote....you asshat....

Committee; a resolution simply authorizing an investigation of an officer will be referred to the Rules Committee. In either case, the committee could then report a privileged resolution authorizing the investigation. I
Dumbfuck, you just said there's no such thing as an impeachment inquiry -- no you say a House vote must be taken to authorize an impeachment inquiry. :eusa_doh:

Regardless of your confusion ... no, a House vote is not required....


The impeachment process may be initiated as the result of various actions and events, including the receipt and referral of information from an outside source, investigations by congressional committees under their general authority, or the introduction of articles of impeachment in the form of a House resolution.

Regardless of what might instigate an inquiry into whether impeachment is warranted, there are normally three formal stages of congressional action. First, an impeachment inquiry is authorized, and this is most often accomplished through the adoption of a simple resolution (H.Res.___)

.... "most often" ... as in ... not always.

Now stop lying.
Yo faun did no balls Schiff impeach yet?


He's still investigating.
Your team of morons can impeach anytime. If they were not scared shitless

Dumbfuck, that's why they're holding an impeachment inquiry -- to determine if there's evidence to impeach trump.

Moron, there is no such thing as an impeachment inquiry.......they made that up because they didn't want to pull the trigger on an actual impeachment......you asshat.
Dumbfuck, the House rules say there is such a thing as an impeachment inquiry.

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives


First, an impeachment inquiry is authorized,​

Now stop lying.
Are you always so happy or do you just like us
I'm always happy.
Glad you are happy with President Trump who will never be impeached
ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal. Got that little froggy

Keep wanking

you do know that the votes were already there - exceeding the needed amount.

lol - butyou keep tryin'....
But no one has the balls


are you kidding? chess takes strategy. besides, donny is practically writing them thar articles himself. by the hour.
You can impeach anytime, I actually want to see it, and laugh at the 2000 dems who lose their clearance




lol, interesting delusion you got goin' on there.
A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal. Got that little froggy

Keep wanking

you do know that the votes were already there - exceeding the needed amount.

lol - butyou keep tryin'....
But no one has the balls


are you kidding? chess takes strategy. besides, donny is practically writing them thar articles himself. by the hour.
You can impeach anytime, I actually want to see it, and laugh at the 2000 dems who lose their clearance




lol, interesting delusion you got goin' on there.
Then impeach
Look kid I know Nancy said she opened a formal inquiry but she lied as a formal inquiry begins with a vote.

Play on

ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal. Got that little froggy

Keep wanking

you do know that the votes were already there - exceeding the needed amount.

lol - butyou keep tryin'....
They haven't even completed their investigation yet.
3 years and still useless, impeach fool
Umm, the impeachment inquiry is just a week old.
ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal. Got that little froggy

Keep wanking

you do know that the votes were already there - exceeding the needed amount.

lol - butyou keep tryin'....
They haven't even completed their investigation yet.
3 years and still useless, impeach fool
Umm, the impeachment inquiry is just a week old.
Forgot about Muller already huh

Kid you really need help
you do know that the votes were already there - exceeding the needed amount.

lol - butyou keep tryin'....
But no one has the balls


are you kidding? chess takes strategy. besides, donny is practically writing them thar articles himself. by the hour.
You can impeach anytime, I actually want to see it, and laugh at the 2000 dems who lose their clearance




lol, interesting delusion you got goin' on there.
Then impeach

you still are delusional. one has nothing to do with the other. all in due time.... let donny do all the work.
But no one has the balls


are you kidding? chess takes strategy. besides, donny is practically writing them thar articles himself. by the hour.
You can impeach anytime, I actually want to see it, and laugh at the 2000 dems who lose their clearance




lol, interesting delusion you got goin' on there.
Then impeach

you still are delusional. one has nothing to do with the other. all in due time.... let donny do all the work.
Is trump impeached yet
are you kidding? chess takes strategy. besides, donny is practically writing them thar articles himself. by the hour.
You can impeach anytime, I actually want to see it, and laugh at the 2000 dems who lose their clearance




lol, interesting delusion you got goin' on there.
Then impeach

you still are delusional. one has nothing to do with the other. all in due time.... let donny do all the work.
Is trump impeached yet

you are a whiner... it's all unfolding b4 yer eyes... but you sound like a child who wants a cookie b4 you ate all yer brussel sprouts.
You can impeach anytime, I actually want to see it, and laugh at the 2000 dems who lose their clearance




lol, interesting delusion you got goin' on there.
Then impeach

you still are delusional. one has nothing to do with the other. all in due time.... let donny do all the work.
Is trump impeached yet

you are a whiner... it's all unfolding b4 yer eyes... but you sound like a child who wants a cookie b4 you ate all yer brussel sprouts.
You bet. Impeach already
Kinda like in real estate we have house rules but that does not mandate upon the public in almost all cases.



lol, interesting delusion you got goin' on there.
Then impeach

you still are delusional. one has nothing to do with the other. all in due time.... let donny do all the work.
Is trump impeached yet

you are a whiner... it's all unfolding b4 yer eyes... but you sound like a child who wants a cookie b4 you ate all yer brussel sprouts.
You bet. Impeach already

here ya go:

Directory of Representatives | House.gov

start calling & tell 'em to chop chop - cause time's a' waistin'... :hyper:

& you can also warn 'em that their clearances are on the line! :eek-52:
So..the stonewalling begins..will it work? Or..will it just pour gas on an already burning fire?
I sense Pompeo may be panicking just a bit..after all...what harm could there be..if all was on the up and up?

Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired a broadside at House Democrats on Tuesday, saying State Department officials scheduled to appear this week before committees conducting the impeachment inquiry would not be made available until “we obtain further clarity on these matters.”
The refusal, in a letter to House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), described the demand for depositions by five officials who played a role in U.S. relations with Ukraine as “an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly, the distinguished professionals of the Department of State.”
The statements came as Pompeo’s role in the Ukraine investigation broadened with reports that he was a participant in the July 25 call by President Trump to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to the impeachment investigation.

Before that report, first published by The Wall Street Journal, Pompeo had brushed off questions about the incident, saying last week that he had not yet read the transcript of the telephone call released by the White House, or the whistleblower complaint that it sparked.
The committee, along with the House Intelligence and Oversight panels, had requested the five officials to appear for depositions this week and next, to begin Wednesday with Marie Yovanovitch, who was recalled by Pompeo as ambassador to Ukraine in May, prior to the end of her tour.
Other State Department officials scheduled for depositions include Kurt Volker, the administration’s special envoy to Ukraine, who resigned last week; Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent; U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland; and State Department Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl."
it sets precedence. that's what. fk them all.
He's not worried
He, of course, is, thus the stonewalling.
nope, he doesn't need to do anything just cause pelosi said so. sorry. He is the judicial person in this and she should be worried. she can take him to court. again, a house subpoena is a joke subpoena, has no legal authority. didn't the left stop going when subpoena'd? I think so. so precedence has been set again by the left.
Eat shit and die. That's what I'd tell them. here from the Benghazi Subpoenas.

House Republicans Issued More Than 70 Subpoenas and Letters Investigating Hillary Clinton Just Since the FBI’s Decision on Emails in July

House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer issued the following statement:

“With their barrage of unwarranted attacks through subpoenas and letters, House Republicans are engaged in a blatant and partisan campaign to discredit Secretary Clinton at the expense of American taxpayers and Congressional resources. Investigation after investigation has found no wrongdoing, and Director Comey made clear that there was no criminal activity. House Republicans’ attacks against Secretary Clinton have become an obsession, and they have been dragging the American people along with them on a political witch hunt while ignoring critical challenges that ought to be the focus of Congress’s attention instead.”
ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal. Got that little froggy

Keep wanking

you do know that the votes were already there - exceeding the needed amount.

lol - butyou keep tryin'....
They haven't completed their investigation yet.

nancy pelosi kept holding off for a 'formal' announcement until she had the support by a majority of her caucus - it makes sense because there will be the time for a real vote after it comes outa comittee.
Nope, when she holds the vote for an official inquiry it will pass and the gop will subpoena hunter booben

Oh? How are Republicans going to do that unless Democrats give them subpoena power?
A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal. Got that little froggy

Keep wanking

you do know that the votes were already there - exceeding the needed amount.

lol - butyou keep tryin'....
They haven't even completed their investigation yet.
3 years and still useless, impeach fool
Umm, the impeachment inquiry is just a week old.
Forgot about Muller already huh

Kid you really need help
What about Mueller? Democrats never began an impeachment inquiry following his investigation.
Just add Obstruction to the Articles of Impeachment....Barr...Pompeo are Stooges of the trump Mafia.

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