Poor Barista forced to work 8 hour day

When I was 20, I worked a summer unloading box cars full of hospital gloves and bottles of saline solution for use in hospitals. (I thought it was interesting that hospitals buy this water instead of adding salt to local sourced water.

But in any event, it was hard ass work in a hot environment and I didn't whine like this character.
Water for Injection is treated with water softeners and carbon filters and put through a reverse osmosis process. Then it is run through a vapor compression chamber. The saline added to it is pharmaceutical grade, and the recipe also calls for some hydrochloric acid.
sounds like a typical dem voter.

Xiden’s gonna build back better for you…and get those rich folks to pay their fair share so you don’t work that long
The quality of young people has really plummeted in recent years. I can't imagine this youngster landing on the beaches of Iwo Jima led by John Wayne back in the day. All the whining about how mean the Japanese were wouldn't have been helpful.

OMG, I can't even imagine that twatwafffle in the military
When I was 20, I worked a summer unloading box cars full of hospital gloves and bottles of saline solution for use in hospitals. (I thought it was interesting that hospitals buy this water instead of adding salt to local sourced water.

But in any event, it was hard ass work in a hot environment and I didn't whine like this character.

Those bottles are sterile inside and so is the water. Can't just add salt to to tap water. It's also guaranteed to have a very specific ratio of water to salt to it.

Those are for everything from cleaning wounds, putting in ivs, rinsing things off during surgery, and so on. And they use a ton of it every day.

Not to mention a lot have other things in them besides salt. Like what looks like saline is really called d5 and 1/2 because it has dextrose in it also.
He should quit and get on with his life instead of crying in a closet.
He should quit and get on with his life instead of crying in a closet.

I think this young'un should reconsider their idea of transforming into a "man". Men don't cry over this kind of simple shit. And if this girl really wants to become a homo- I don't see her transition as being very successful. Real homos don't go for dames, I don't know who she thinks would be interested in a whining, crybaby homo who is actually a girl.
I think this young'un should reconsider their idea of transforming into a "man". Men don't cry over this kind of simple shit. And if this girl really wants to become a homo- I don't see her transition as being very successful. Real homos don't go for dames, I don't know who she thinks would be interested in a whining, crybaby homo who is actually a girl.
I had an abusive boss like that and recognized he was really incapable of doing his job. I questioned him until he got an ulcer. I took his job.
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