Poor ISIS being defeated by brutal regime not good for Europe: ZOG media


Nov 14, 2012
Here is another piece (of shit) worth having a look at. Dripping with Zionist agenda (AQ + IS = no Assad), the article reads:

Ending the War in Syria Could Be a Disaster for Europe

"The refugee-absorbing countries will suffer a concomitant upsurge in crime: violence in the public domain, sexual harassment and attacks, burglaries, car thefts, consumption of drugs and alcohol, and unofficial, untaxed work. This will be in addition to illegal building, along with a growth in public spending on social services for immigrants related to children, unemployment, aging and health. Already today, the rate of first- and second-generation immigrants in West European prisons is substantially higher than their rate in the general population.

The intensification of economic, social and security problems in Europe and North America resulting from increased immigration will further augment the rise of the right and the extreme right, which in turn will exacerbate the West’s social and political tensions. Members of parliament whose only desire is to be re-elected will attune their parliamentary activity — and particularly the laws they promote — to the expectations of electoral districts that are turning Muslim, sacrificing their people’s interests on the altar of their political careers.

Many Europeans who are aware of their politicians’ treachery will lose hope and emigrate from countries that are in social and economic decline, and this flight will further accelerate Europe’s transformation into another Islamic region.

Thus, without the world understanding what is happening, the arrangements that Russia and Iran are now imposing on Syria will spark a chain reaction entailing a larger influx of refugees — and Europe’s irreversible descent. The Atlantic Ocean is not wide enough to protect North America from this calamity. Thus do Iran’s ayatollahs plan to destroy the infidel, permissive, drunk, materialist West: by banishing additional millions of wretched Syrians to the lands of heresy, the nemeses of the ayatollahs.

On the soil of Syria, Tehran has defeated both Europe and America."

Ending the War in Syria Could Be a Disaster for Europe

With Europe´s safety in mind, ISIS and al-Qaeda may not be defeated, the article concludes.
The ZOG article does not take into consideration that the longer the war lasts, the more refugees may appear and that way over a million refugees already returned to their homes since 2015. Also, the article says the refugees in Europe and America will not return, anyway. With the "arguments" debunked, we can see the true nature of the article: Supporting cruel terrorist groups that failed to carry out the Zionist Yinon plan that aims at the devision of ME countries to ultimately take over these regions for Greater Israel. There hasn´t been a filthier plan and those who support it are indeed below cockroaches. Time to put the Zionist entity in its place and ban its propaganda as it is supportive of terrorism, which is prohibited.

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