Poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities have much in common


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities have much in common.
The irony is both groups look at the other group as a big part of their problems.
The poor urban minorities, most commonly, affiliate with progressive Democrats. The poor midwestern whites, most commonly, affiliate with Trumpism. Two polar opposite political groups with very different answers to the problems of the poor.
The biggest problems facing, both poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities is they are under-educated and under employed. Both cultures are affected heavily by drug abuse. With both groups having so much in common why do they tend to hate each other.
If both poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities came together they would be a much more formidable political entity. They would have more power and clout to demand solutions to their mutual problems.
Those on top, in our economy, on both the left and the right, benefit by poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities blaming the other for their problems. They fight and make no gains and the rest of America moves forward.
. . . and they are both incredibly susceptible to the mental brainwashing and programing of TEE VEE and social media.

Thus, they are unable to do any critical thinking for themselves.

Most the Midwesterners I know are fairly well educated at least they can read. Also many Midwesterners go to college to preform more skilled tasks than burning, looting, and murdering, amongst themselves too. Perhaps you should go back to your lonely writers garret and reconsider you disparagement of those Midwesterners.


View attachment 482852

Most the Midwesterners I know are fairly well educated at least they can read. Also many Midwesterners go to college to preform more skilled tasks than burning, looting, and murdering, amongst themselves too. Perhaps you should go back to your lonely writers garret and reconsider you disparagement of those Midwesterners.



There are many midwestern whites that meet your description. There are many urban minorities that meet your description above. Those are not the people I am talking about. I am talking about under educated and under employed in both groups.
Both groups have those who act out and go farther than they should. The biggest concern for domestic terrorism is under educated under employed white males..
Both groups hate to admit their similarities.
Poor midwestern whites and urban blacks are under educated you say?....Who the hell has been in charge of the education system for the last 50 years?

Poor midwestern whites generally don't blame negro hooligans and the police for their lot in life.

Poor midwestern whites want to be left alone by an ever more intrusive gubmint, while urban blacks are stupid enough to believe that their gubmint plantationers are going to be the source of all that is worthy and good.
View attachment 482852

Most the Midwesterners I know are fairly well educated at least they can read. Also many Midwesterners go to college to preform more skilled tasks than burning, looting, and murdering, amongst themselves too. Perhaps you should go back to your lonely writers garret and reconsider you disparagement of those Midwesterners.



There are many midwestern whites that meet your description. There are many urban minorities that meet your description above. Those are not the people I am talking about. I am talking about under educated and under employed in both groups.
Both groups have those who act out and go farther than they should. Th
e biggest concern for domestic terrorism is under educated under employed white males..
Both groups hate to admit their similarities.


The only domestic terrorism I'm seeing has been happening for more than a year in the big cities.

So your comparison of urbanites to Midwesterners fails the smell test.


Education is a FRAUD. Please don't use the term under-education, because to me it means unindoctrinated.

The best & most capable employees I've known generally had no college degree, and I've been around a while. Didn't matter what type of job, technical, business. Course they were no doctors & such. Fuck I've worked with engineers etc. that weren't worth a fuck.
Add poor southern whites . I wrote a paper on it back in my school days. It caused a bit of a stir like its doing here. Thankyou for the thread.. It is a subject needing discussion. Poverty covers all groups. Education, Job training ,health care, access to Capital.
Add to education should include Life Skills Training. These are the Key to get out of poverty.
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"Poor midwestern [sic] whites and poor urban minorities have much in common"

Yeah. Mostly the fact that white liberals believe they need white liberals to dictate their needs and opinions.
Poor midwestern whites and urban blacks are under educated you say?....Who the hell has been in charge of the education system for the last 50 years?

Poor midwestern whites generally don't blame negro hooligans and the police for their lot in life.

Poor midwestern whites want to be left alone by an ever more intrusive gubmint, while urban blacks are stupid enough to believe that their gubmint plantationers are going to be the source of all that is worthy and good.
The midwestern whites have been conned by Donald Trump, their chief excuse maker. Trumpism is about not taking accountability for your plight in life. Blame others; immigrants, Muslims, minorities, government. Trump fired up the hate.
Dumbshits like oddball are his chief minions. Dumb as a rock and blame problems on others. Grow a couple and take responsibility for your life.
Poor midwestern whites and urban blacks are under educated you say?....Who the hell has been in charge of the education system for the last 50 years?

Poor midwestern whites generally don't blame negro hooligans and the police for their lot in life.

Poor midwestern whites want to be left alone by an ever more intrusive gubmint, while urban blacks are stupid enough to believe that their gubmint plantationers are going to be the source of all that is worthy and good.
The midwestern whites have been conned by Donald Trump, their chief excuse maker. Trumpism is about not taking accountability for your plight in life. Blame others; immigrants, Muslims, minorities, government. Trump fired up the hate.
Dumbshits like oddball are his chief minions. Dumb as a rock and blame problems on others. Grow a couple and take responsibility for your life.
None of this is about Trump, fuckwit.

Blacks have been told that gubmint is going to be their savior since at least the Great Society, and have been chumped at every turn....That's the exact opposite at how rural withes look at The State....So suck it, ignoramus.
"Poor midwestern [sic] whites and poor urban minorities have much in common"

Yeah. Mostly the fact that white liberals believe they need white liberals to dictate their needs and opinions.
No political following's thinking is more controlled than Trump supporters. Trump has turned his followers into drooling zombies.
How about poor white in big cities?

Left marketed racism is a HOAX. If they really meant well color has nothing to do with it. Sure blacks have been fucked, whites too. Blame the Demonicrats, mostly, they're the people running big cities into the ground, and they're taking everyone along with them.
"Poor midwestern [sic] whites and poor urban minorities have much in common"

Yeah. Mostly the fact that white liberals believe they need white liberals to dictate their needs and opinions.
No political following's thinking is more controlled than Trump supporters. Trump has turned his followers into drooling zombies.

In what manner, for example?
Poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities have much in common.
The irony is both groups look at the other group as a big part of their problems.
The poor urban minorities, most commonly, affiliate with progressive Democrats. The poor midwestern whites, most commonly, affiliate with Trumpism. Two polar opposite political groups with very different answers to the problems of the poor.
The biggest problems facing, both poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities is they are under-educated and under employed. Both cultures are affected heavily by drug abuse. With both groups having so much in common why do they tend to hate each other.
If both poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities came together they would be a much more formidable political entity. They would have more power and clout to demand solutions to their mutual problems.
Those on top, in our economy, on both the left and the right, benefit by poor midwestern whites and poor urban minorities blaming the other for their problems. They fight and make no gains and the rest of America moves forward.
Our "domestic terrorists" are college educated white liberals and 90% of Africans with a major chip on their shoulder.

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