Poor Rubio We Hardly knew You


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
As Bob Dylan said: "For me the future is already a thing of the past".
Marco can relate.
You never even had a future poor boy.
Trump is coming in for a soft landing with a 21 point lead on 'Little Marco'.
Marco doesn't even have any other 'fish to fry'. Not really.
He's never going to be anyone but a footnote in Florida politics.
The moment he listened to the fool who advised him to jump in Trump's swamp (which is very big and very beautiful by the way) Rubio pulled the trigger and murdered his campaign and his future in politics.
No one likes a loser. That's obvious. But no one especially likes a young loser who had the Presidency (long shot) or the VP at least within his grasp. He should have gone for the VP job.
Like Bye!
It does look that way for now, but the contested convention could name him as the candidate. We already know the GOP elites would prefer him over T-rump or Cruz, and it's not too late for them to over rule the will of all those right wingers.
It does look that way for now, but the contested convention could name him as the candidate. We already know the GOP elites would prefer him over T-rump or Cruz, and it's not too late for them to over rule the will of all those right wingers.
If Trump takes FL as expected then a brokered convention is unlikely. I if he wins both FL and OH, then the primaries are over. Rubio and Kasich will drop out. If anyone believes that this helps Cruz then I have a bridge to sell you. Cruz has monopolized the so called conservative vote, the votes for Rubio and Kasich will turn towards Trump.
It does look that way for now, but the contested convention could name him as the candidate. We already know the GOP elites would prefer him over T-rump or Cruz, and it's not too late for them to over rule the will of all those right wingers.
If Trump takes FL as expected then a brokered convention is unlikely. I if he wins both FL and OH, then the primaries are over. Rubio and Kasich will drop out. If anyone believes that this helps Cruz then I have a bridge to sell you. Cruz has monopolized the so called conservative vote, the votes for Rubio and Kasich will turn towards Trump.
Kasich just promised to do what the voters in his state did not want him to do.
He might as well slit his wrists now.
He handed Trump the key to the State on a gold platter.
If Rubio doesn't throw in his cards by Friday midnight he automatically becomes damaged goods and will not be taken seriously in any future bid for president or vice president. He might still be able to tread water where he is but even that is not definite.

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