Poor Trumps family , treated so unfairly.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
(The only thing I care about them is the outright nepotism, its not normal and we should not think it is. Oh his poor family, I can give 10 iotas about his family. I am so sick of him already and his complaining and his deregulation of everything. He is the "worst " thing and his family that has happened to the USA. Cry me a river Trump.)

Trump: Being president a 'big burden on the family'

President Trump in an interview published Sunday said his role as president has affected his family life.

"There is no question, it is a big burden on the family," the president told The Washington Times.

He also criticized the media for the way it has treated members of his family.

The president said his wife, Melania Trump, has been "terribly abused by the press."

"Really unfairly," he said. "She's a high-quality person. She's been amazing for the country."

He added his wife has been a "great representative."

"In fact, her polls: She went up 29 points, did you see that?" he said. "But she's been very highly abused by the press, which was very unfair. And now people are starting to know her."

Trump also talked about his son, Barron, who is living in New York with the first lady. The two are expected to move to the White House once Barron finishes up the school year.

"I have a son who's a very young boy, he just turned 11," Trump said.

"He'll be taken away from his school and be put into a brand new school. He likes playing on his soccer team in New York, they're all of his friends, and you know he'll be taken away from that team. We didn't want to do it in the middle of a season."

During the interview, the president also brushed off an incident last week in which his elder daughter, Ivanka Trump, faced a tough audience during a women's panel in Germany after calling her father a "tremendous champion of supporting families."

Trump: Being president a 'big burden on the family'
I imagine it is rough. Probably wouldn't be if we weren't so divided.
(The only thing I care about them is the outright nepotism, its not normal and we should not think it is. Oh his poor family, I can give 10 iotas about his family. I am so sick of him already and his complaining and his deregulation of everything. He is the "worst " thing and his family that has happened to the USA. Cry me a river Trump.)
Trump: Being president a 'big burden on the family'

Donald Trump invites Rodrigo Duterte to Washington.........................Any Questions ?

Ivanka Trump hawks family’s new development in Philippines as dad invites strongman to White House

President Donald Trump’s seemingly off-the-cuff White House invitation to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has raised a lot of eyebrows.
Duterte keeps admitting to killing people.
Horrors of Duterte's Drug War Exposed in New National Geographic Film
Extrajudicial Killings Prompt Suit Against Duterte at the International ...
'They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animals' -
Is Trump wrong in this instance? Of course being President is difficult on the family. I feel mostly for the children b/c they didn't ask for any of this.
Is Trump wrong in this instance? Of course being President is difficult on the family. I feel mostly for the children b/c they didn't ask for any of this.

What children? His older ones are making out like a bandit, and little Baron, it has not affected him. Trump thought this job would be easier, so he was looking for a slack job.

He is a crybaby no matter what. I feel nothing for him or his family. Just a bunch of rich spoiled people and have all lived off of Daddy, even Trump.
Last edited:
Is Trump wrong in this instance? Of course being President is difficult on the family. I feel mostly for the children b/c they didn't ask for any of this.

What children? His older ones are making out like a bandit, and little Baron, it has not affected him. Trump thought this job would be easier, so he was looking for a slack job.

He is a crybaby no matter what. I fee nothing for him or his family. Just a bunch of rick spoiled people and have all lived off of Daddy, even Trump.
trump says she was abused and treated unfairly so trumpswap sycophants will squawk and strike their victim pose accordingly.
Is Trump wrong in this instance? Of course being President is difficult on the family. I feel mostly for the children b/c they didn't ask for any of this.

What children? His older ones are making out like a bandit, and little Baron, it has not affected him. Trump thought this job would be easier, so he was looking for a slack job.

He is a crybaby no matter what. I fee nothing for him or his family. Just a bunch of rick spoiled people and have all lived off of Daddy, even Trump.

You really don't believe Baron has been affected as result of his father being Presidnet? If so...:lol:
(The only thing I care about them is the outright nepotism, its not normal and we should not think it is. Oh his poor family, I can give 10 iotas about his family. I am so sick of him already and his complaining and his deregulation of everything. He is the "worst " thing and his family that has happened to the USA. Cry me a river Trump.)

Trump: Being president a 'big burden on the family'

President Trump in an interview published Sunday said his role as president has affected his family life.

"There is no question, it is a big burden on the family," the president told The Washington Times.

He also criticized the media for the way it has treated members of his family.

The president said his wife, Melania Trump, has been "terribly abused by the press."

"Really unfairly," he said. "She's a high-quality person. She's been amazing for the country."

He added his wife has been a "great representative."

"In fact, her polls: She went up 29 points, did you see that?" he said. "But she's been very highly abused by the press, which was very unfair. And now people are starting to know her."

Trump also talked about his son, Barron, who is living in New York with the first lady. The two are expected to move to the White House once Barron finishes up the school year.

"I have a son who's a very young boy, he just turned 11," Trump said.

"He'll be taken away from his school and be put into a brand new school. He likes playing on his soccer team in New York, they're all of his friends, and you know he'll be taken away from that team. We didn't want to do it in the middle of a season."

During the interview, the president also brushed off an incident last week in which his elder daughter, Ivanka Trump, faced a tough audience during a women's panel in Germany after calling her father a "tremendous champion of supporting families."

Trump: Being president a 'big burden on the family'
"Nepotism", "deregulation", "the worst".

I got Buzzword Bingo!! Woot!
Is Trump wrong in this instance? Of course being President is difficult on the family. I feel mostly for the children b/c they didn't ask for any of this.

What children? His older ones are making out like a bandit, and little Baron, it has not affected him. Trump thought this job would be easier, so he was looking for a slack job.

He is a crybaby no matter what. I fee nothing for him or his family. Just a bunch of rick spoiled people and have all lived off of Daddy, even Trump.

You really don't believe Baron has been affected as result of his father being Presidnet? If so...:lol:

Let me think... nooo. I take that back, yes his inheritance will be larger when his Daddy dies.
now here's a few dignified public servants who have REALLY been mistreated and abused:







Many think that a Clinton win would serve as definitive proof that the election is rigged and are threatening violence against Clinton. They are doing so with Trump's tacit approval—in August he suggested that "the 2nd Amendment people" could "do" something about Clinton.

"If she's in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That's how I feel about it," Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old Trump supporter said during Trump's recent Cincinnati rally.

"We're going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that's what it takes. There's going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that's what it's going to take," he continued. "I would do whatever I can for my country."

And then there's this from Trump supporter and Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Sheriff David Clarke Jr.:

It's incredible that our institutions of gov, WH, Congress, DOJ, and big media are corrupt & all we do is bitch. Pitchforks and torches time pic.twitter.com/8G5G0daGVN

— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) October 15, 2016



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