Pop a Xanax, Bernie Bros and cons: NYT: Hillary's server "Said to Show No Evidence of Hacking"

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."

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That still doesn't change the fact she

A) Had over 2000 classified emails on her server and B) She deleted them.

Whether her server was hacked or not is irrelevant, she destroyed government property when she wiped it. This "development" in no way exonerates her.
Ironic that the OP posts this as Pagliano is spilling his guts today...............I see spilled guts!
Ironic that the OP posts this as Pagliano is spilling his guts today...............I see spilled guts!
So what if Pagliano is testifying? Did anyone tell you what Pagliano said? Pop another Xanax.
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."


I'm sure things would be neat and nicely covered so Hillary can walk.
Ironic that the OP posts this as Pagliano is spilling his guts today...............I see spilled guts!
So what if Pagliano is testifying? Did anyone tell you what Pagliano said? Pop another Xanax.

Justice Dept. does not grant immunity to an individual unless that individual can shed light on an important part of the investigation.

So, please return to repeatedly hitting two rocks together for your own weird personal amusement.............
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."


Who cares what PRAVDA is saying.

What she did was a shitty thing and she shouldn't be given the keys to the palace at the very least. She should probably be grounded at the most.
Ironic that the OP posts this as Pagliano is spilling his guts today...............I see spilled guts!
So what if Pagliano is testifying? Did anyone tell you what Pagliano said? Pop another Xanax.
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."


You post that as if Reality stood a chance against Impervious Idiocy......
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."


Who cares what PRAVDA is saying.

What she did was a shitty thing and she shouldn't be given the keys to the palace at the very least. She should probably be grounded at the most.
Clinton haters downgrade from "Illegal" to "shitty thing". Haha.
Ironic that the OP posts this as Pagliano is spilling his guts today...............I see spilled guts!
So what if Pagliano is testifying? Did anyone tell you what Pagliano said? Pop another Xanax.

He didn't take the 5th for nothing, and they don't grant immunity for nothing. One of her emails was held at the request of law enforcement, they wouldn't do that if there was nothing incriminating on it. The only question is who does it incriminate?
The guy she hired to maintain her server has just been offered and reportedly took an immunity offer to testify.

Immunity is not offered lightly, especially if only a 'security review' is being conducted - this officially a criminal investigation.

Now, according to reports, the FBI is investigating whether Hillary allowed others to use her required passwords to access and transfer classified onto her server and into her account. Hillary claims SHE did not put the classified on HER account on HER server. Since there is no signs of hacking (to put classified ON her server instead of taking it off?!), that means someone had to have access to her account / server ... which required her password.

Sharing her password to access a server containing HIGHLY classified info is ILLEGAL.

Is Hillary going to claim she never gave anyone her password and that one of her aides must have taken / used it without her permission?!

Pagliano may have proven he is / was extremely smart by taking the immunity deal...
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."


Who cares what PRAVDA is saying.

What she did was a shitty thing and she shouldn't be given the keys to the palace at the very least. She should probably be grounded at the most.
Clinton haters downgrade from "Illegal" to "shitty thing". Haha.
What I am saying is that what she did may have in fact been lawful, but in all probability it was illegal. Most Clinton dealings are lawful but illegal. That is how lawyers and the elites operate. That they MAKE the law is of no consequence, it does not matter if what they do is illegal.

Why do you think the poor get sent away for decades and the rich get out in under five years?

Legal or Lawful?
Legal v. Lawful
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."


Who cares? That doesn't get her off the hook.
The guy she hired to maintain her server has just been offered and reportedly took an immunity offer to testify.

Immunity is not offered lightly, especially if only a 'security review' is being conducted - this officially a criminal investigation.

Now, according to reports, the FBI is investigating whether Hillary allowed others to use her required passwords to access and transfer classified onto her server and into her account. Hillary claims SHE did not put the classified on HER account on HER server. Since there is no signs of hacking (to put classified ON her server instead of taking it off?!), that means someone had to have access to her account / server ... which required her password.

Sharing her password to access a server containing HIGHLY classified info is ILLEGAL.

Is Hillary going to claim she never gave anyone her password and that one of her aides must have taken / used it without her permission?!

Pagliano may have proven he is / was extremely smart by taking the immunity deal...
I doesn't matter if it is illegal if it broke no law though. Elites, those who make the law, are, ostensibly, above it.

Therefore, it would appear that the meaning of the word “legal” is “color of law,” a term which Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, defines as:

Color of law. The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under “color of law.” Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 241.
Legal v. Lawful

It's probable now that someone else will take the fall for not doing things right, but if she was in a position of power at the time things were done wrong, she will be immune from prosecution because of her position.
Be assured that Bernie Sanders supporters and right wing nuts will become deeply depressed after reading this new New York Times article:

"A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments."


Who cares what PRAVDA is saying.

What she did was a shitty thing and she shouldn't be given the keys to the palace at the very least. She should probably be grounded at the most.
Clinton haters downgrade from "Illegal" to "shitty thing". Haha.

And you're fine voting for a corrupt piece of shit?

And 'Lil A. Perez' bails outta his own thread.......:cool-45:.........., BTW, is Perez a Cuban name?

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