Pop-science courtesy of the science channel


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Even leftie union educated people have to admit that the "man-made global warming theory" and it's crisis mentality is a product of the pop-science media. The Weather channel can't even predict the three day meandering of a tropical storm much less the global climate in ten or twenty years and nobody in the pop-science world even saw the big meteorite that hit Russia like a Heroshima bomb. For all we know there is another celestial ice age headed for this planet and the geological data confirms it. My point is that man-made G.W. is all hype and what is worse it is political hype that costs America it's fiscal future. The cable "Science Channel" has a current reality show called " prepper zombie apocalypse" where people actually plan for a zombie attack. It isn't treated like a joke. It is a serious science channel reality show. My guess is that the science channel zombie prepper reality show is catering same people who believe in man-made global warming. It's the same pop-scy junk science rhetoric.
I have no time for Sci, since they turned the death of Neil Armstrong into an excuse to run 5 minutes of commercials for every 5 minutes of Apollo documentary.

They may as well be the cable access Bosnian channel, for all I care.
True enough. Weather is easy compared to climate and anyone who has taken a daily look at a 10 day forecast sees that it regularly changes (a lot) out past 3 days.

People who believe that failing computer models can predict climate at all are lacking something very important upstairs. Critical thinking skills among other things.
Soon enough, we'll see a reality show on some channel called, "Surviving the coming GW Catastrophy".....episdoe #1 will be, "How to build your own emergency ark"
I agree.

Long range predictions about highly complex systems are fraught with uncertainty.

And I say this speaking as a believer in the theory of Global Weirding, too.

So I do not think that science can predict with any certainty HOW this developing trend of overall global warming will effect climate in the long run.

I think they ONLY SURE THING we can bet on is this...

The climate is changing rapidly, and the effects this will have on the global or on any part of the globe are uncertain.

But given that our world economy (hell our very lives) DEPENDS on things staying roughly the same, and roughly certain?

We're seriously hosed.

To what extend we're seriously hosed is likewise uncertain.
Editec, that is exactly what the scientists have been trying to tell people now for over 30 years. Predictions made 30 years ago concerning events occurring in this century were seriously flawed. They were way to conservative. The Arctic melt predicted for 2080 is here now. The predicted storms for 2050 are happening now. The ice in our glaciers and continental ice caps is melting at a faster rate than predicted, particularly the Greenland cap.

These are all real time observations. What's next. That is something that we really don't know. But by present trends, it will be interesting.
30 years ago the "experts" were predicting another ice age....That's not "conservative", that's dead wrong.

There's no reason whatsoever to believe that today's scaremongers are any more credible.

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