Zone1 Pope blasts usa religion as money making scheme.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
He is correct. But let him show the world inside the vatican vault then, How much trillions? All the lost art and valuables from ww1, ww2 stolen by Germany? 99% of all religion claiming to be christian belongs to satan. Does a man of faith or a man lacking faith filled with fear, surround himself with killers? Its the pot calling the kettle black.
OP had one job.

Pope Francis has criticized certain conservative factions within the US Catholic Church, stating that they’ve replaced genuine faith with rigid ideology. He emphasized that a proper interpretation of Roman Catholic doctrine permits adaptation and change as time goes on.
OP had one job.

Pope Francis has criticized certain conservative factions within the US Catholic Church, stating that they’ve replaced genuine faith with rigid ideology. He emphasized that a proper interpretation of Roman Catholic doctrine permits adaptation and change as time goes on.
The idea that everyone is welcome in a church is pretty obvious. The idea that a church should change its moral standards in order to make everyone feel welcome is not and is paganistic.
The idea that everyone is welcome in a church is pretty obvious. The idea that a church should change its moral standards in order to make everyone feel welcome is not and is paganistic.
The Catholic church as to be the richest church in the world

What am I missing?
The Catholic church as to be the richest church in the world

What am I missing?

the threads intent ...

He pointed out the existence of a “very strong, organized, reactionary attitude” within the US church, which he described as “backward.” He cautioned that adhering to such a mindset fosters a closed-off atmosphere, contrary to the essence of authentic faith. He said: “Doing this, you lose the true tradition and you turn to ideologies to have support. In other words, ideologies replace faith.”

- best votto not read the article, at least not before their afternoon nap ... "backward".
OP had one job.

Pope Francis has criticized certain conservative factions within the US Catholic Church, stating that they’ve replaced genuine faith with rigid ideology. He emphasized that a proper interpretation of Roman Catholic doctrine permits adaptation and change as time goes on.
This would depend on who is telling the Pope that doctrine has to change. If it's coming from the flock, then he's no leader of God's. He's no prophet as popes in the past have so stated. Perhaps science is His God? Administration of the Church can change. But, in order for doctrine to change, the leader of a church has to receive direct revelation from God. And, God only gives his secrets to his servants, the prophets, not popes or ministers.

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