Pope Can Be Saved, If He Converts To Islam

Ok, but if that didn't work, you would say you are strait and an Allah keeper?
In the perfect world with this hypothetical situation: I wouldn't. I'd rather die than convert. In the real world with this situation: I"m not sure. I might and I might not. It's really hard to say because I've never been in this sort of position.
In the perfect world with this hypothetical situation: I wouldn't. I'd rather die than convert. In the real world with this situation: I"m not sure. I might and I might not. It's really hard to say because I've never been in this sort of position.

As honest as myself, regarding whether I'd withstand a knife or gun to the head, to denounce Christ. I think, I would. Then again, life is precious.
I share your sentiments, but in the end, we may do differently than what we say we would like to do. I'd hate to say it, but I probably would convert to avoid death. But it's a speculation thing.

Unfortunately, you are part of the problem.

As long as this war is seen as a religious one, we cannot hope to win it. It is a religious war. But it's a war against one religion called Islam that is much, much more than just a religion. Christianity has nothing to do with it. It's a war against tyranny disguised as a religion.

If the Nazi's had couched their ideas and philosophies as a religion, as Islam does, what would have become of the world? If there were message boards in the 1930's and 1940's, would we see the same kinds of defense of the Nazi's as we see today in defense of Islam?

Islam is horrible on it's own. It doesn't need to be compared to any other religion to be judged as bad. It's a horrible excuse for a religion, but as long as criticism of it is only seen as Christian versus Muslim, or Jew versus Muslim, or Hindu versus Musilm, there will always be enough people who defend Islam because they hate the other religions more.

I'm part of the problem because I stand up for what is right and just?
As honest as myself, regarding whether I'd withstand a knife or gun to the head, to denounce Christ. I think, I would. Then again, life is precious.

Honestly I think I would "convert" (wink-wink), and when let go and interviewed on Fox, make them look like fools for letting themselves be manipulated by little ol' me. "Its obvious to all Christians that Mohamed was a false prophet, child molester, thief and murderer; nothing more."

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