Pope Francis backs ‘universal’ COVID vaccination ‘for all’, WHO thrilled


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
VATICAN CITY, August 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Pope Francis has backed global elites such as Bill Gates when it comes to a Coronavirus vaccination, saying that it should be “universal and for all.”

In his Wednesday afternoon address, the Argentinian pontiff made his comments in the context of opposing rich countries and people obtaining the vaccine.

“It would be sad if we gave priority for the COVID-19 vaccine to the richest people,” Pope Francis declared.

“It would be sad if this vaccine became the property of this or that nation and was not universal and for all,” he continued.

Some authorities, like Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology, have warned that developing a single vaccine for a virus for which the original genetic code is being withheld by the Chinese and which has already mutated into a dozen different strains is “extremely unlikely.” This has resulted in many speculating on an ulterior agenda behind the global push for a COVID vaccination.

We've been warning you.
Russian vaccine is way ahead of the pope. The first to get it will be healthcare workers, followed by low-income Russians. Duh, another opportunist-theologian attempting to confiscate the limelight while dancing the marionettes.
You are not clued up, OP: the entire COVID-19 genome has been published and is available to the public.
We know about Tritto's mutations, though Tritto hasn't the stones to mention precisely which mutations in public. The first one appeared in Feb 2020. We can see the location in the published genome.
Cashing in on the herd STUPIDITY- a "religious person", top o the heap to herd STUPIDITY- imagine that.
Is this the moment in which democrats embrace religion in government?
The Left loves this Pope. He talks about building walls sends you to hell as the church continues to ignore abortion on demand, which according to official church theology is mass genocide.

Then again, they publicly ignored the Holocaust as well, so history repeats itself..................again.

Hey Pope Francis, how's about even dealing the the pedo problem? Who knows, maybe people might start going to church again.

Na, never mind.
VATICAN CITY, August 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Pope Francis has backed global elites such as Bill Gates when it comes to a Coronavirus vaccination, saying that it should be “universal and for all.”

In his Wednesday afternoon address, the Argentinian pontiff made his comments in the context of opposing rich countries and people obtaining the vaccine.

“It would be sad if we gave priority for the COVID-19 vaccine to the richest people,” Pope Francis declared.

“It would be sad if this vaccine became the property of this or that nation and was not universal and for all,” he continued.

Some authorities, like Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology, have warned that developing a single vaccine for a virus for which the original genetic code is being withheld by the Chinese and which has already mutated into a dozen different strains is “extremely unlikely.” This has resulted in many speculating on an ulterior agenda behind the global push for a COVID vaccination.

We've been warning you.
Why don't the pope pray us up a box?
Who knows, maybe people might start going to church again.
Ah yes- the church-
Well it may surprise you that I'm not anti-church, I'm just against those who don't represent God the way he deserves to be.

In fact, religious leaders nailed Jesus to a cross, yet Christ was all about worship at the Temple.
Well it may surprise you that I'm not anti-church,
I'm anti-group think in religion and politics- I hope that doesn't surprise you, or anyone, for that matter.

Check this out-

I'm reading The Malta Exchange- I have a thread on it The Malta Exchange

The "professional" review can be found here https://www.amazon.com/Malta-Exchan...books&sprefix=the+malta,stripbooks,251&sr=1-2

As is my wont I mark pages that have interesting, sometimes profound quotes, or just notable sentences or paragraphs-

I ran across this last night, pg 466, near the end of the story and it pertains to this thread.

"A literal blueprint for religion

First, establish a consistent doctrine called the New Testament with select gospels that speak to a universal belief, which was precisely what the bishops had done at Nicaea. Then decree that all other beliefs are heretical, unworthy of consideration, and all who don't believe will be excommunicated. To further enforce dogma, create the notion of sin, adding that if it's not forgiven, the soul will be sent to eternal damnation in flames. Never mind that the Old Testament mentioned nothing of any such place. Just create one in your New Testament, then use it to cement loyalty and obedience.

The fastest way t ensure a constant laity is to proclaim every person is born with sins inherited as punishment for Adam's fall from grace. To purge that 'original sin' a person must submit to baptism, performed only by a priest ordained by the church. A failure to rid that sin dams the soul to to hell. To keep people dependent on the church for their entire lifetime, create more sacraments. Holy communion for children. Confirmation at puberty. Marriage for adults. Last rites on the dead. A womb-to-grave influence over every aspect of a person's life, each milestone dependent solely on adherence to church doctrine. Along the way the sacrament of confession allows a chance to purge oneself of sin and temporarily avoid hell--- that forgiveness, of course, coming from only one source.

The church.

This Pope is worrisome...and I'm a devout Catholic
As you should be.

Corruption runs deep.

VATICAN CITY, August 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Pope Francis has backed global elites such as Bill Gates when it comes to a Coronavirus vaccination, saying that it should be “universal and for all.”

In his Wednesday afternoon address, the Argentinian pontiff made his comments in the context of opposing rich countries and people obtaining the vaccine.

“It would be sad if we gave priority for the COVID-19 vaccine to the richest people,” Pope Francis declared.

“It would be sad if this vaccine became the property of this or that nation and was not universal and for all,” he continued.

Some authorities, like Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology, have warned that developing a single vaccine for a virus for which the original genetic code is being withheld by the Chinese and which has already mutated into a dozen different strains is “extremely unlikely.” This has resulted in many speculating on an ulterior agenda behind the global push for a COVID vaccination.

We've been warning you.
The Catholic Church is the last place I wanna go to get health advice.
Yes, we heretics can understand. The Malta exchange. This recalls CIA's James Jesus Angleton's link to Malta and as possible Russian mole, along with MI5's Roger Hollis (Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War).

The purported blueprint for religion includes a xian movement. See Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American). Vigano should be slapped vigorously across both butt-cheeks: the struggle is between selfishness (BLM-Antifa marxists) and Americans who do not want charity. The promiscuity that bases these theologians (a template for all mankind) compares to the Chinese culinary promiscuity that produced COVID-19. Nature is opposed to myth, not inventions such as vaccines, the latter being part of nature itself.
This Pope is worrisome...and I'm a devout Catholic
I'm not but I would agree. He seems as much about a socialist one world government as he does Jesus and the church. Worrisome, a pope using his authority to meddle in international affairs and reset the world.

It seems 180 degrees contrary to the teachings of the bible.

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