Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion

by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

Makes sense, technically in the Catholic Church you shouldn't receive communion unless you ask for forgiveness of your sins. If you fully support the right to abortion then you're not really sorry for that sin.

Any politician who is denied communion for that reason can always give up their support of the violent and disgusting act of abortion and receive communion in the future.

Awesome, Molest kids and say you are sorry, get communion, molest more kids, say sorry, and so on and so forth.

Gotta love the Catholic Church!
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

Makes sense, technically in the Catholic Church you shouldn't receive communion unless you ask for forgiveness of your sins. If you fully support the right to abortion then you're not really sorry for that sin.

Any politician who is denied communion for that reason can always give up their support of the violent and disgusting act of abortion and receive communion in the future.

Awesome, Molest kids and say you are sorry, get communion, molest more kids, say sorry, and so on and so forth.

Gotta love the Catholic Church!

The church failed. Policy failed.

It was a policy that started well before anyone had any real understanding of pedophilia. They took the priest out of his parish, got him counciling, and moved him on when he got an Ok.

It's was horrendous, and wrong and shame on them.
Makes sense, technically in the Catholic Church you shouldn't receive communion unless you ask for forgiveness of your sins. If you fully support the right to abortion then you're not really sorry for that sin.

Any politician who is denied communion for that reason can always give up their support of the violent and disgusting act of abortion and receive communion in the future.

Awesome, Molest kids and say you are sorry, get communion, molest more kids, say sorry, and so on and so forth.

Gotta love the Catholic Church!

The church failed. Policy failed.

It was a policy that started well before anyone had any real understanding of pedophilia. They took the priest out of his parish, got him counciling, and moved him on when he got an Ok.

It's was horrendous, and wrong and shame on them.

Yet they continue to do it.

One of our worst pedophile priests, who has been in prison since the early 90's is about to be released. He molested dozens of boys over a 30 year period. As soon as accusations against him came up, the church moved him. He was moved to different parish's multiple times until his crimes caught up with him.

When he is released, he may be forced to reveal how the church covers up sex abuse, for the Royal Commission into child sex abuse within the church which is going on here.

He is being let out because he has ' said sorry'.
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

Makes sense, technically in the Catholic Church you shouldn't receive communion unless you ask for forgiveness of your sins. If you fully support the right to abortion then you're not really sorry for that sin.

Any politician who is denied communion for that reason can always give up their support of the violent and disgusting act of abortion and receive communion in the future.

Awesome, Molest kids and say you are sorry, get communion, molest more kids, say sorry, and so on and so forth.

Gotta love the Catholic Church!

They dont do that any more, bigot..

Now priests are reported to law enforcement and if they are guilty they go to jail.

You hateful liars simply cant handle the Truth, can you?
Awesome, Molest kids and say you are sorry, get communion, molest more kids, say sorry, and so on and so forth.

Gotta love the Catholic Church!

The church failed. Policy failed.

It was a policy that started well before anyone had any real understanding of pedophilia. They took the priest out of his parish, got him counciling, and moved him on when he got an Ok.

It's was horrendous, and wrong and shame on them.

Yet they continue to do it.

No, they do not you lying bitch.

One of our worst pedophile priests, who has been in prison since the early 90's is about to be released. He molested dozens of boys over a 30 year period. As soon as accusations against him came up, the church moved him. He was moved to different parish's multiple times until his crimes caught up with him.

When he is released, he may be forced to reveal how the church covers up sex abuse, for the Royal Commission into child sex abuse within the church which is going on here.

He is being let out because he has ' said sorry'.

If he is being let out of PRISON, then that is the state, not the church, stupid ass.
All we were hoping fro you clowns is they would stop the child molesting assholes in the church and do some actual good in the world with all that CASH the church hoards

Do you have any idea how child molesters were teachers in the US versus Catholic priests?

Churches certainly aren't immune to being infiltrated by closet homosexuals/child molesters. But their numbers aren't nearly as bad as school teachers.

Most of the child molesters that were in the Catholic Church are homosexual (their victims were boys).

The Church remains pretty hardline against homosexuality. If they can keep queers running away from the Church it should help keep the pedophiles out. Unless of course you think it would be a good idea for them to welcome with open arms homosexuals into their ranks, in order to bring down child molestation.

Wow. That is a whole shit load of ignorance and all in one post.

No, it is his opinion and it merely contradicts your world view.

You are the ignorant one, and a liar and a stupid fucktard.
All we were hoping fro you clowns is they would stop the child molesting assholes in the church and do some actual good in the world with all that CASH the church hoards

Do you have any idea how child molesters were teachers in the US versus Catholic priests?

Churches certainly aren't immune to being infiltrated by closet homosexuals/child molesters. But their numbers aren't nearly as bad as school teachers.

Most of the child molesters that were in the Catholic Church are homosexual (their victims were boys).

The Church remains pretty hardline against homosexuality. If they can keep queers running away from the Church it should help keep the pedophiles out. Unless of course you think it would be a good idea for them to welcome with open arms homosexuals into their ranks, in order to bring down child molestation.

Wow. That is a whole shit load of ignorance and all in one post.

There is a solution to that. Two actually. you can either stop being ignorant or stop posting.
Have they been?

To my understanding some have. The problem is that it hasnt been a universal standard.

"Universal standard"?????????

Oh, is THAT what the problem is. You actually made me laugh out loud at that. But, name one. Go ahead. Name even one. And then, name those who stood trial.

Name one what? That's been excommunicated? You want me to look through a decade of articles for who knows how many people?

And there have been plenty who have stood trial. Unless, of course, you've been completely ignoring the news for the last 10 years.
What about catholic women who practice birth control?

This new pope is against birth control so it follows that he would believe those women kill babies every day.

(Apologies if this point has already been mentioned.)

How is being anti-birth Control equivalant to believing those who use it kill babies?


I'm thinking I must not be understanding what you're saying because it really makes no sense.

To old school cath's, birth control is tantamount to abortion. Why the hell do you think it was outlawed for so long?

So, IF one says they believe the pope is the voice of the Catholic God (as opposed to any of the many other gods) and IF one uses birth control, then one is guilty of aborting at least one "baby" every time they have sex. True for both men and women.

Fact is, most are Cafeteria Catholics. They take what they like and ignore the rest. Which is okay with me but probably not okay with the pope or God.

What exactly is the Church capable of doing that is worse than excommunicating them and thus ensuring they don't recieve salvation and according to their doctrines suffer for eternity in hell?

IF one believes in "heaven" and "hell", I would guess excommunication is about as bad as it gets.

Here, on earth, in the real world, we care a lot more about protecting children from serial pedophiles so, obviously, real people with real children think that child-molesting-scum should be thrown in jail where they just might meet with very justice, prison style. Works for me.

Throwing people in prison with the intention of them getting gang raped or killed isn't justice. Justice is about balance not vengeance.
The church failed. Policy failed.

It was a policy that started well before anyone had any real understanding of pedophilia. They took the priest out of his parish, got him counciling, and moved him on when he got an Ok.

It's was horrendous, and wrong and shame on them.

Yet they continue to do it.

No, they do not you lying bitch.

How do you know this? Do you have information no one else does?
We can only hope '58 gets this out of her/his system and that this vitriol doesn't get unleashed in 'real life'. It isn't clear if even the best psychological aid would help.
To my understanding some have. The problem is that it hasnt been a universal standard.

"Universal standard"?????????

Oh, is THAT what the problem is. You actually made me laugh out loud at that. But, name one. Go ahead. Name even one. And then, name those who stood trial.

Name one what? That's been excommunicated? You want me to look through a decade of articles for who knows how many people?

And there have been plenty who have stood trial. Unless, of course, you've been completely ignoring the news for the last 10 years.

Ludite doesnt care if you present him with facts; he could not care less.

He is simply trolling and being an ass.

Kudos to you for your patience; I lost mine with cretins like him a few years ago after going through many discussions only to find out that the person I responded to thought it all a riot because he wasnt serious about any of the discussion but was only yanking my chain.

Nudlite is a proverbial swine for whom pearls should not be wasted.
We can only hope '58 gets this out of her/his system and that this vitriol doesn't get unleashed in 'real life'. It isn't clear if even the best psychological aid would help.

You are such a fucking fraud.

Why dont you go fuck yourself?
Yet they continue to do it.

No, they do not you lying bitch.

How do you know this? Do you have information no one else does?

You were the one that cited the story of the priest who got out of PRISON?

You see the evidence and even quote it but you are so stupid and/or blinded by yout bigoted hatred that you cant even see what the fuck is right in front of you.

Or you do see it but are merely engagin in more rhetorical rope-a-dope.

My bet is that you are simply another fraudulent jack ass like Nudlite and so many others here on this board.
Awesome, Molest kids and say you are sorry, get communion, molest more kids, say sorry, and so on and so forth.

Gotta love the Catholic Church!

The church failed. Policy failed.

It was a policy that started well before anyone had any real understanding of pedophilia. They took the priest out of his parish, got him counciling, and moved him on when he got an Ok.

It's was horrendous, and wrong and shame on them.

Yet they continue to do it.

One of our worst pedophile priests, who has been in prison since the early 90's is about to be released. He molested dozens of boys over a 30 year period. As soon as accusations against him came up, the church moved him. He was moved to different parish's multiple times until his crimes caught up with him.

When he is released, he may be forced to reveal how the church covers up sex abuse, for the Royal Commission into child sex abuse within the church which is going on here.

He is being let out because he has ' said sorry'.

There is no evidence the they "continue to do it."
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

Makes sense, technically in the Catholic Church you shouldn't receive communion unless you ask for forgiveness of your sins. If you fully support the right to abortion then you're not really sorry for that sin.

Any politician who is denied communion for that reason can always give up their support of the violent and disgusting act of abortion and receive communion in the future.

Awesome, Molest kids and say you are sorry, get communion, molest more kids, say sorry, and so on and so forth.

Gotta love the Catholic Church!

Pedophiles, like liberals on their abortion beliefs, don't change. Which is why they should not just be forgiven and "swept under the rug". The clergy leaders in the Catholic Church were wrong when they did that. They should kick such a person out of the priesthood if they are discovered.
All we were hoping fro you clowns is they would stop the child molesting assholes in the church and do some actual good in the world with all that CASH the church hoards

Do you have any idea how child molesters were teachers in the US versus Catholic priests?

Churches certainly aren't immune to being infiltrated by closet homosexuals/child molesters. But their numbers aren't nearly as bad as school teachers.

Most of the child molesters that were in the Catholic Church are homosexual (their victims were boys).

The Church remains pretty hardline against homosexuality. If they can keep queers running away from the Church it should help keep the pedophiles out. Unless of course you think it would be a good idea for them to welcome with open arms homosexuals into their ranks, in order to bring down child molestation.

Wow. That is a whole shit load of ignorance and all in one post.

Really, yet you can't disprove it. Teachers by far are the worst when it comes to child molestation.
The Catholic Church stopped supporting pedophile priests. The teacher's union still supports pedophile teachers. And there are way more pedophile teachers than pedophile priests.

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