Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion

Rape is not natural, and a rape victim should never be forced to bear the result of that rape. A mentally disabled woman shouldn't be forced to endure something she barely understands, you sick piece of shit.

You want to force rape victims to have their rapist babies. How do you sleep at night?

Not natural? It's very natural. You seem to have this incorrect idea that if something is natural it's good. Well lots of bad things are perfectly natural for people. Lying is natural. violence is natural. Revenge is natural. Why? Because we are in a fallen state.

The whole point of Christianity is to overcome the natural man and doing what is good instead of what is natural through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That is why we all must be born again. because if we remain in our natural state, we fall under the arm of justice and get what we deserve.

If you don't believe it's natural to do bad things, just look at your post. Acting like a b**** isnt right, but it sure is natural.
does Nancy Pelosi still go to church....? i believe she claims to be Catholic...

according to the Decree from the Vatican she should be ex-communicated. There are no exceptions according to the RCC so why isn't the RCC withholding communion and moving forward with ex-communication for all Catholics who have voted for a communist and continue to make excuses for him? When can we expect that announcement to be made?

Are the molesting priests excommunicated? Are those in the church hierarchy who covering it up and moved them from unsuspecting church to unsuspecting church excommunicated?

They sure as heck should be.
He is NOT Francis I! He is simply Francis and I think he will bring many people back to church - and not just the Catholic church.

I hope all people will come to Christ, regardless of what Church they decide to fellowship in.
Only a sick fuck would want a mentally disabled woman, or a victim of rape, to be forced to carry the fetus to term. Francis is just as sick as the insane lifers who bomb abortion clinics.

Interesting that he has a problem with politicians supporting abortion. Refuse communion to them but he will still hand out communion and blessings to pedophile priests.

I think it takes an even sicker person to what to murder such a woman's offspring.

Assuming 'what' is just a typo for 'want', certainly anyone wanting to kill any woman's offspring (as those who promote war do) is sick.

But here, the subject is abortion.
Amazing isn't it that the all powerful sky fairy has so many versions (bibles) of what he supposedly said and so many denominations too

Not surprising at all considering people are flawed and we have an Adversary trying to lead people away from God.
The logic is, if a person wishes to be a ROMAN Catholic, one needs to listen to what the leader of that church says, OR join another church. Is anyone unlearned enough to imagine that even if he/she received the sacrament, that it would mean anything other than bringing God's curse upon the head of an individual in defiance of God. Just because a Pope says this or that doesn't change the mind of God. Every Protstant knows that much. Our great great grandparents would still look at what our nation has become in absolute horror and disbelief...

Are you high?

The 1st half of your paragraph says to be Catholic you must follow the leader of our church( ie the Pope). Then you say that it doesn't matter what the Pope says.

Listen to the Pope! But who cares what he says!


Made sense to me. Didn't seem high at all. If you believe he speaks for God, you should listen to him. Then he gave his opinion that it doesnt matter what he says.

Personally, I tend to agree. If you believe something, you should follow it. I think people would be alot happier if they lived their lives according to their beliefs instead of saying they believe something and then completely ignore it in their lives.

There are lots of things the church teaches that many Catholics( especially in the United States) don't follow. If the church started booting out everyone who disagreed, the pews would be empty.

I disagree. if they upheld the standards of the Lord, first in the priests and then in the people, more people would learn the standards and apply them in their life. The Catholic Church would be must stronger.

It doesn't matter if people are in the pews if they ignore what is being taught.
Only a sick fuck would want a mentally disabled woman, or a victim of rape, to be forced to carry the fetus to term. Francis is just as sick as the insane lifers who bomb abortion clinics.

Interesting that he has a problem with politicians supporting abortion. Refuse communion to them but he will still hand out communion and blessings to pedophile priests.

I think it takes an even sicker person to what to murder such a woman's offspring.

Assuming 'what' is just a typo for 'want', certainly anyone wanting to kill any woman's offspring (as those who promote war do) is sick.

But here, the subject is abortion.

What do you think abortion is?
No what I am saying is that a god or gods are dependent on geographic location and time. If say you were born in an Arab country 200 years ago you would have been brought up Muslim. Or maybe a shintoist in China . You are what you were brought up to be. Very few people chose their religion and the ones that do it is based on emotionalism , not fact or in depth investigation . Take our christian fundys for example, they could be interchangeable with the muslim fundamentalists, same mentality, they were just brought up in different societies and traditions as children.

we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition

See, I didn't take that to mean. "Religion is a familial and geographical issue."

I agree, I could believe something else had I been born to different parents and in a different country, or had life led me down a path where I would turn to a different faith.

Not sure what that had to do with sacrificing reason though.

Religion is not based on any reasoning , it is what is drilled into a child's head

AMEN BROTHER....metaphorically speaking of course.
No what I am saying is that a god or gods are dependent on geographic location and time. If say you were born in an Arab country 200 years ago you would have been brought up Muslim. Or maybe a shintoist in China . You are what you were brought up to be. Very few people chose their religion and the ones that do it is based on emotionalism , not fact or in depth investigation . Take our christian fundys for example, they could be interchangeable with the muslim fundamentalists, same mentality, they were just brought up in different societies and traditions as children.

we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition

See, I didn't take that to mean. "Religion is a familial and geographical issue."

I agree, I could believe something else had I been born to different parents and in a different country, or had life led me down a path where I would turn to a different faith.

Not sure what that had to do with sacrificing reason though.

Religion is not based on any reasoning , it is what is drilled into a child's head

I never said religion was based on reasoning. Religion is a faith issue. You keep attempting to correlate faith with a lack of reasoning in life. Again, just because you are not capable of faith and reason doesn't mean others aren't. I listed serveral critical thinkers, that were also religious, history is full of them.

Why don't you stop whining about the Catholic faith and move along? Your stereotyping and arrogant judgements in this thread are not showing you in the best light.
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

That will learn them.
according to the Decree from the Vatican she should be ex-communicated. There are no exceptions according to the RCC so why isn't the RCC withholding communion and moving forward with ex-communication for all Catholics who have voted for a communist and continue to make excuses for him? When can we expect that announcement to be made?

Are the molesting priests excommunicated? Are those in the church hierarchy who covering it up and moved them from unsuspecting church to unsuspecting church excommunicated?

They sure as heck should be.

Who is more deserving of excommunication? Pedophile priests, or women who have abortions, and the people who support them?
Are the molesting priests excommunicated? Are those in the church hierarchy who covering it up and moved them from unsuspecting church to unsuspecting church excommunicated?

They sure as heck should be.

Who is more deserving of excommunication? Pedophile priests, or women who have abortions, and the people who support them?

Both, if the support is illegitimate.

Not everyone acused of molesting a child is guilty just as not every woman acused of having an abortion is guilty.

But they are not equivalent. One may harm a child emotionally and cause some pain, but the abortionists KILLS them.

I doubt feminazis will ever let go of abortion as their secular version of an act of communion.
If abortion is murder, why are there two different words?

They are NOT the same thing merely because radicals insist they are.

Having a child or not having a child is primarily the decision and responsibility of the woman (as if this needs to be repeated). Every month an egg passes. The decision to fertilize it or not is a decision about a potential life. Mixing it with a sperm is hardly grounds for taking the decision for the person concerned. It has nothing to do with 'murder'. That kind of name-calling is merely an attempt to engender guilt and submission to the agenda of others.
If abortion is murder, why are there two different words?

They are NOT the same thing merely because radicals insist they are.

Having a child or not having a child is primarily the decision and responsibility of the woman (as if this needs to be repeated). Every month an egg passes. The decision to fertilize it or not is a decision about a potential life. Mixing it with a sperm is hardly grounds for taking the decision for the person concerned. It has nothing to do with 'murder'. That kind of name-calling is merely an attempt to engender guilt and submission to the agenda of others.

Shucks they believe two naked teen agers in a garden with a snake determined the eternal destiny of the human race 6000 years ago. Why not believe a life begins at erection and lasts till resurrection? I see little difference in believing a 2000 year old fairy tale and the concept of anything short of a living, breathing human being alive. It occurred to me that I don't remember much before my 2nd b'day so it wouldn't have made a whole lot of difference to me if my mama had decided to abort me...I wouldn't remember it anyway. People need to get real and quit living in some imaginary dimension which exists nowhere except in their dreams.

The same clique belives that Ronald Reagan was a Saint.......ROTGDFLMGDAO!!!!!

For Sarah Palin:

CLIQUE: a group of people such as friends. Often used when discussing stereotypes. Stereotypical meaning: Group who have their own belief and exclude the beliefs of others.
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It is truly astonishing how simple minded you fucktard ignoramuses are these days.

If abortion is murder, why are there two different words?
Lol, like that is supposed to be really profound or something?

Lets apply your stupid ass logic to other similar pairings of words;
'If homicide is murder, then why are there two different words?'
I could easily provide other examples, but that should be enough for even the dumbest asshole like you to understand it.

They are NOT the same thing merely because radicals insist they are.

Disagreeing with fucking morons like you is hardly 'radical', ass-face.

Having a child or not having a child is primarily the decision and responsibility of the woman (as if this needs to be repeated).

So the woman chooses but the guys has to pay for that choice for 18 years?

What fucked up system of morality makes one adult responsible for another adults choice?

Every month an egg passes. The decision to fertilize it or not is a decision about a potential life. Mixing it with a sperm is hardly grounds for taking the decision for the person concerned.

Lol, what a bunch of bullshit babble.

It has nothing to do with 'murder'.

Yes, it does, fucktard.

That kind of name-calling is merely an attempt to engender guilt and submission to the agenda of others.

No that wasnt name calling, but what I have been doing IS name calling, but fuck you anyway.

Shucks they believe two naked teen agers in a garden with a snake determined the eternal destiny of the human race 6000 years ago.

You dumbass, Adam and Eve were not teenagers.

Why not believe a life begins at erection and lasts till resurrection?

Why not believe that you were conceived when someone flushed a toilet?

I see little difference in believing a 2000 year old fairy tale and the concept of anything short of a living, breathing human being alive.

You see little difference because you are an ignorant stupid ass.

It occurred to me that I don't remember much before my 2nd b'day so it wouldn't have made a whole lot of difference to me if my mama had decided to abort me...I wouldn't remember it anyway.

Ah, great, so now you evaluate the humanness of a living organism of the human species based on whether they will be able to remember what is happening to them at a certin point in time? So are you human when you are asleep? Is a child human at the age of ten?

Suppose I dont think you are human, in all sincerety; does that give me the right to kill you?

People need to get real and quit living in some imaginary dimension which exists nowhere except in their dreams.

No one thinks they live in that dimension while on this Earth dumbfuck. You plainly dont know the most basic things you bloviate about on this topic. So please just shut the fuck up, and go fuck yourself, OK?

The same clique belives that Ronald Reagan was a Saint.......ROTGDFLMGDAO!!!!!

Red herrings are about all you libtards can handle any more; Galbraith is rolling in his grave.
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