Pope Francis Disses Obama...no longer Progs Favorite Pope?

You can't be a politician without a huge ego. The Pope knows this, which is why he said it to a roomful of politicians. He wasn't just speaking to Obama, he was speaking to Congress.
How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?
Charity isn't supposed to be a tax burden. That is what Jesus said belonged to Caesar, not the poor. Charity is supposed to be voluntary, not mandatory. The job of the federal government is to provide national defense, maintain infrastructure, facilitate interstate commerce, and protect liberty. It's not intended to punish businesses, push political - correctness, or take away our freedoms.

Don't you recall Jesus turning over the table of those who were greedy with their taxes and laws?

Matthew 19:21 Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Matthew 6:19
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

Luke 12:33
Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

Luke 16:9
I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.

Luke 18:22
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Acts 2:45
They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.

Acts 4:34
that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales


They were profiting from the Temple.

That would piss me off too.. ...

It had nothing to do with government.
You can't be a politician without a huge ego. The Pope knows this, which is why he said it to a roomful of politicians. He wasn't just speaking to Obama, he was speaking to Congress.
Did he say it again today?

If he did, then he was speaking to politicians in general.
:woohoo: This is why I love Trump, he say's it like it is.
The Pope has criticized the narcissism within the leadership of the Catholic Church. Francis is doing his best to clean up the filth which disgusted his predecessor so much that he resigned.
How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?
Charity isn't supposed to be a tax burden. That is what Jesus said belonged to Caesar, not the poor. Charity is supposed to be voluntary, not mandatory. The job of the federal government is to provide national defense, maintain infrastructure, facilitate interstate commerce, and protect liberty. It's not intended to punish businesses, push political - correctness, or take away our freedoms.

Don't you recall Jesus turning over the table of those who were greedy with their taxes and laws?

Matthew 19:21 Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Matthew 6:19
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

Luke 12:33
Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

Luke 16:9
I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.

Luke 18:22
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Acts 2:45
They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.

Acts 4:34
that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales


They were profiting from the Temple.

That would piss me off too.. ...

It had nothing to do with government.

Why does the Bible speak so negatively about tax collectors?

"There are a few reasons for the low view of tax collectors in the New Testament era. First, no one likes to pay money to the government, especially when the government is an oppressive regime like the Roman Empire of the 1st century. Those who collected the taxes for such a government bore the brunt of much public displeasure.

Second, the tax collectors in the Bible were Jews who were working for the hated Romans. These individuals were seen as turncoats, traitors to their own countrymen. Rather than fighting the Roman oppressors, the publicans were helping them—and enriching themselves at the expense of their fellow Jews.

Third, it was common knowledge that the tax collectors cheated the people they collected from. By hook or by crook, they would collect more than required and keep the extra for themselves. Everyone just understood that was how it worked. The tax collector Zacchaeus, in his confession to the Lord, mentioned his past dishonesty (Luke 19:8).

Fourth, because of their skimming off the top, the tax collectors were well-to-do. This further separated them from the lower classes, who resented the injustice of their having to support the publicans’ lavish lifestyle. The tax collectors, ostracized as they were from society, formed their own clique, further separating themselves from the rest of society. "

Looks like things haven't changed much ~

Jesus did say to pay taxes honestly, but many many scriptures point out the corruption in the tax system.

Jesus was crucified for bucking the government.

Anyway this is why the pope is talking to the congress and making an example of himself to feed the poor.

[QUOTE="CrusaderFrank, post: 12387209, member: 19448]

BS, it's a fucking ruse. Obama's a Flat Earther who believes we were created 6,000 years ago. Fuck off and take your anti-Science POTUS with you[/QUOTE]

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OMG, the president is having fun! One president liked to give his aides cute nicknames, like "Turd Blossom". BTW, I'm not allowed to tell you who it was.

Having fun and we know why.....

Moochelle looks like one of those half horse human things.... You know what I'm talking about


I win! It's a safe bet that someone on the Right will have something to say crude about the First Lady.

Can you remember any one going for Laura or Barbra Bush, the way they went for Present First Lady...

Cough cough Sarah Palin cough

Oh, go fuck yourself too

Sarah Palin was never the FLOTUS. I don't recall ever seeing Sarah's 'looks' made fun of... her intelligence, absolutely, & rightly so... but never her looks.
OMG, the president is having fun! One president liked to give his aides cute nicknames, like "Turd Blossom". BTW, I'm not allowed to tell you who it was.

Having fun and we know why.....

Moochelle looks like one of those half horse human things.... You know what I'm talking about


I win! It's a safe bet that someone on the Right will have something to say crude about the First Lady.

Can you remember any one going for Laura or Barbra Bush, the way they went for Present First Lady...

Cough cough Sarah Palin cough

Oh, go fuck yourself too

Sarah Palin was never the FLOTUS. I don't recall ever seeing Sarah's 'looks' made fun of... her intelligence, absolutely, & rightly so... but never her looks.

From Russia with Love!

When the Pope mentioned narcissism, everyone in DC - politicians, pundits and partisans - should have been meekly looking down at their shoes.

Not everyone

In all fairness, the Pope was speaking to Cardinals and Bishops.

He chastised Obama a little and encouraged him to allow more religious liberty......which isn't really up to big-ears.....even though he thinks it is.

If I just started this to annoy the fuck out of Progressive, you'd be right
OMG, the president is having fun! One president liked to give his aides cute nicknames, like "Turd Blossom". BTW, I'm not allowed to tell you who it was.

Having fun and we know why.....

Moochelle looks like one of those half horse human things.... You know what I'm talking about


I win! It's a safe bet that someone on the Right will have something to say crude about the First Lady.

Can you remember any one going for Laura or Barbra Bush, the way they went for Present First Lady...

Cough cough Sarah Palin cough

Oh, go fuck yourself too

Sarah Palin was never the FLOTUS. I don't recall ever seeing Sarah's 'looks' made fun of... her intelligence, absolutely, & rightly so... but never her looks.

Knee Grow! Please!!! You went after Palin's daughter and baby, rooted through her garbage and made up some shit about her and one of Baracks Obama's old Boyfriends
How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?
We don't tax high at all compared to other countries.
Why would we compare ourselves to other countries? Oh wait. I'm asking a simple question of someone who wears clown face because his friends wear clown face.
Having fun and we know why.....

Moochelle looks like one of those half horse human things.... You know what I'm talking about


I win! It's a safe bet that someone on the Right will have something to say crude about the First Lady.

Can you remember any one going for Laura or Barbra Bush, the way they went for Present First Lady...

Cough cough Sarah Palin cough

Oh, go fuck yourself too

Sarah Palin was never the FLOTUS. I don't recall ever seeing Sarah's 'looks' made fun of... her intelligence, absolutely, & rightly so... but never her looks.

Knee Grow! Please!!! You went after Palin's daughter and baby, rooted through her garbage and made up some shit about her and one of Baracks Obama's old Boyfriends

LOL.. it's babIES as in 2...count them TWO.... & that still ain't going after GIDGET'S looks. As for whatever the hell you are trying to say after that... it's a null & void my brutha-

you fail on all accounts.
OMG, the president is having fun! One president liked to give his aides cute nicknames, like "Turd Blossom". BTW, I'm not allowed to tell you who it was.

Having fun and we know why.....

Moochelle looks like one of those half horse human things.... You know what I'm talking about


I win! It's a safe bet that someone on the Right will have something to say crude about the First Lady.

Can you remember any one going for Laura or Barbra Bush, the way they went for Present First Lady...

Cough cough Sarah Palin cough

Oh, go fuck yourself too

Sarah Palin was never the FLOTUS. I don't recall ever seeing Sarah's 'looks' made fun of... her intelligence, absolutely, & rightly so... but never her looks.

Having fun and we know why.....

Moochelle looks like one of those half horse human things.... You know what I'm talking about


I win! It's a safe bet that someone on the Right will have something to say crude about the First Lady.

Can you remember any one going for Laura or Barbra Bush, the way they went for Present First Lady...

Cough cough Sarah Palin cough

Oh, go fuck yourself too

Sarah Palin was never the FLOTUS. I don't recall ever seeing Sarah's 'looks' made fun of... her intelligence, absolutely, & rightly so... but never her looks.


Michele Obama's 'look' was insulted... which lead to the Q. about Laura & Babs Bush...which lead to Sarah being insulted...which lead to me stating she was never a FLOTUS, so why bring her up at all? Get it?

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