Pope Francis Disses Obama...no longer Progs Favorite Pope?

When the Pope mentioned narcissism, everyone in DC - politicians, pundits and partisans - should have been meekly looking down at their shoes.

Not everyone

In all fairness, the Pope was speaking to Cardinals and Bishops.

He chastised Obama a little and encouraged him to allow more religious liberty......which isn't really up to big-ears.....even though he thinks it is.
How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?
If a repub had the pope visit they would be screaming about it.

I just wonder why liberals are ok with Obama believing the world is only 6000 years old.

How f*cking dumb are you...

The Pope backs Evolution...

I was taught Biology by a priest.

According to most liberals, being Christian means you believe that the world is only six thousand years old. Apparently you are too dumb to get the point I was making.

I am a Christian and I don't believe the earth is 6000 years old...

I also believe we should pay taxes and a fair society and should be judged on how we treat the weakest in our society.

So in conservative world I am a liberal...

What you think is conservative is highly questionable.
How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?

So that is your argument after what the pope just spent the whole day talking about, and feeding the poor...?


How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?
So that is your argument after what the pope just spent the whole day talking about, and feeding the poor...?

I don't give a fuck what the pope talked about, I wouldn't waste a minute on it. If you are implying we aren't taxed enough you and I are enemies. Nobody is stopping the Vatican from giving their shit to the poor, unabled or unwilling.
I didn't know the Pope spoke fluent Obomaese!...You say something ONE DAY, and the NEXT DAY you say something exactly opposite it! He's quite talented, this Pope...but Marxists have a way with these sort of things!

How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?
Charity isn't supposed to be a tax burden. That is what Jesus said belonged to Caesar, not the poor. Charity is supposed to be voluntary, not mandatory. The job of the federal government is to provide national defense, maintain infrastructure, facilitate interstate commerce, and protect liberty. It's not intended to punish businesses, push political - correctness, or take away our freedoms.
Can you remember any one going for Laura or Barbra Bush, the way they went for Present First Lady...
Cough cough Sarah Palin cough Oh, go fuck yourself too
First Lady? I thought she was the Queen of Russia.
But you get your news information from comedy shows, so it's understandable.
:chillpill: My post is worthy of a negative comment, but not "go fuck yourself"?!?! FYI, I don't recall any comedy show calling her the Queen of Russia. That's mine and it's copyrighted. :rolleyes:
Wasn't the Franscican Order the ones converting heretics with hot irons to the genitals?
The other away around, They were the ones being tortured, not over heresy, but over papal control of the order.
Franciscan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh a wikiwink. How cute!

Medieval Inquisition
The Waldensian and Catharist heresies led Pope Gregory IX to establish a special tribunal called the inquisition, a judicial procedure aimed at investigating and ascertaining the orthodoxy of someone accused of heresy. This tribunal or court functioned in France, Italy and parts of Germany and had pretty much ceased operation by the early fourteenth century. The Spanish Inquisition, authorized in 1478, was quite distinct from the medieval tribunal.

Staffed by Franciscans and Dominicans, the medieval inquisition imposed penances short of capital punishment. Those who refused to retract their errors were handed over to the civil authorities for execution.
How many know that there will be congress that cried during the pope's prayer this morning but vote out any aide for the poor, mentally ill, old , or sick as soon as they can?
I don't get it. We don't tax and spend enough?
Charity isn't supposed to be a tax burden. That is what Jesus said belonged to Caesar, not the poor. Charity is supposed to be voluntary, not mandatory. The job of the federal government is to provide national defense, maintain infrastructure, facilitate interstate commerce, and protect liberty. It's not intended to punish businesses, push political - correctness, or take away our freedoms.

Don't you recall Jesus turning over the table of those who were greedy with their taxes and laws?

Matthew 19:21 Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Matthew 6:19
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

Luke 12:33
Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

Luke 16:9
I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.

Luke 18:22
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Acts 2:45
They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.

Acts 4:34
that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales


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