Pope Francis: God made you, your WAY. And LOVES you LIKE THIS! We are ALL made in the lords Images.

I can start loving this POPE! For rational reasons.
He seems to cause his ignorant devotees MAJOR PAINS!

As to explaining the lords moves here.

POPCORN anyone?

Pope speaks for God

Yes, but only under certain conditions can he be considered infallible.

This isn't an infallible situation. He is a mortal man, and like any such imperfect vessel can have faults that mistranslate the word of God.
The Pope speaks for God

If God says being gay is OK......it is OK by me
Who am I to disagree with God

The Pope gets misquoted a lot, but in this case maybe the gay guy f*'d with the wrong guy and the wrath will come after him.
The Pope is infallible

if a priest decides to insist that Homosexual
acts are sinful-----will he be excommunicated?
Seems that would/should be 98% of this/ALL church staff.
How will/can the Catholic flocks still worship fake gods this weekend?
Yes, but only under certain conditions can he be considered infallible.

This isn't an infallible situation. He is a mortal man, and like any such imperfect vessel can have faults that mistranslate the word of God.
The Pope speaks for God

If God says being gay is OK......it is OK by me
Who am I to disagree with God

The Pope gets misquoted a lot, but in this case maybe the gay guy f*'d with the wrong guy and the wrath will come after him.
The Pope is infallible

if a priest decides to insist that Homosexual
acts are sinful-----will he be excommunicated?

Remains to be seen

Pope knows his stuff
Please. I want to know MORE!
DANG!? Lives are in the hands of the great WEAK Orange Douche here. What will IT do?


Some need to die for MAGA!
The Pope speaks for God

If God says being gay is OK......it is OK by me
Who am I to disagree with God

The Pope gets misquoted a lot, but in this case maybe the gay guy f*'d with the wrong guy and the wrath will come after him.
The Pope is infallible

if a priest decides to insist that Homosexual
acts are sinful-----will he be excommunicated?

Remains to be seen

Pope knows his stuff
Please. I want to know MORE!

me too
A gay man and victim of sexual abuse by a Chilean priest has said that Pope Francis told him that his sexuality “does not matter" and that "God loves you like this."

Juan Carlos Cruz, who recently spent three days with the pope, told CNN that the pope made the comments to him in a private conversation.

Cruz said that the pope told him: "You know Juan Carlos, that does not matter. God made you like this. God loves you like this. The pope loves you like this and you should love yourself and not worry about what people say."

Pope Francis tells gay man "God loves you like this" in major shift from Catholic teachings Gay man: Pope Francis told me ‘God loves you like this’

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Is it just me? Or is it getting Harder and Harder for the lords Bigots to go
to churches these days? Really, they rape your kids and most priests are gay.
And now the POPE is spreading love into the Gay community to expand the Flock.

Really this is all man-made BS by the churches there are gods.
BUTT.. really. How can you do sit for this, STILL!

That's not what the Pope said. It's what the gay guy said. He couldn't keep his mouth shut. Heh. One of those gay and brag about it the next day.

I feel victims of the church is/are more truthful/believable here.
Seems some 600 plus have claims against the church for rapes.
Seems the church has paid out, in the last 20 plus years some 2.5 BILLION
in restitution/shut the FUCK UP monies. Will they see you in church this Sunday
to keep paying their bills?

First, I'm just saying this was SUPPOSED to be a private conversation, but the gay guy leaked it for his own purposes.

If he was going to get paid, then there probably would've been some agreement in place to keep the conversation private.

Part of the problem with the pedophilia by pastors and higher ups is due to pedophilia prone gay men not being able to get jobs elsewhere. The church gave jobs to men who couldn't get a job elsewhere.

And I'm Christian. Not Catholic. We do not have a papacy. Not to say our clergy is holier than thou, but there are some big disagreements between the two sects over it. Papacies are fallible.

Finally, we shall see what happens to the gay guy. Maybe his inco will fall off.
Wrong. he is only infallible under certain conditions, and involving specific proclamations.

Papal infallibility - Wikipedia
Pope speaks for God

Yes, but only under certain conditions can he be considered infallible.

This isn't an infallible situation. He is a mortal man, and like any such imperfect vessel can have faults that mistranslate the word of God.
The Pope speaks for God

If God says being gay is OK......it is OK by me
Who am I to disagree with God

The Pope gets misquoted a lot, but in this case maybe the gay guy f*'d with the wrong guy and the wrath will come after him.
The Pope is infallible

Again, he only is in very limited circumstances.

Stop lying.
I seriously doubt the Pope made the statement about God creating homos.

If he did, then he needs to open the Bible and reread the verses where God says sodomites are an abomination and are to be killed. ..... :cool:
Right next to the part about not shaving and not eating shellfish and not wearing clothing of more than one fabric.

Another dunce who doesn't understand Covenants
Go ahead, Mal....tell us all about how it's ok to pay attention to some of "god's laws" and ignore the others right next them.

As I stated already, you don't understand Covenants. Eating shell fish is no longer a sin and never was for Gentiles. It was Mosaic dietary law done away with by the New Covenant. Homosexuality is a sin throughout the Bible.

A word of advise, fruit loop....you're about to get waxed to a high sheen . You're waaaaay out of your league on this one old man
So...who said that it's no longer a sin? You, Mal? :71:
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Is nobody paying attention out there?

There is NOTHING MORALLY WRONG WITH BEING GAY! No rational person ever said there was.

There is nothing morally wrong with a single man being sexually attracted to women.

There is nothing morally wrong with a married man finding a woman who is not his wife to be sexually attractive.

But to give in to those desires...to commit sodomy with another man, or to fornicate with that woman, or to commit adultery with that woman not your wife, THOSE THINGS ARE SINFUL! The Bible is clear. The Church's teachings are clear.

Nothing in this quasi-quote from Pope Frank is new or controversial. The only thing that is sort-of-new is that the Church now recognizes that the inclination itself is not an act of volition, and hence the inclination itself not sinful. The Church also appears to recognize that homosexuality is not "curable." But regardless, the inclination is not sinful, while the act of giving in to it IS SINFUL. Just like every other sin. WE ARE ALL INCLINED TO SIN...that is the result of our original forefathers eating of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. The INCLINATION is not sinful.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Is nobody paying attention out there?

There is NOTHING MORALLY WRONG WITH BEING GAY! No rational person ever said there was.

There is nothing morally wrong with a single man being sexually attracted to women.

There is nothing morally wrong with a married man finding a woman who is not his wife to be sexually attractive.

But to give in to those desires...to commit sodomy with another man, or to fornicate with that woman, or to commit adultery with that woman not your wife, THOSE THINGS ARE SINFUL! The Bible is clear. The Church's teachings are clear.

Nothing in this quasi-quote from Pope Frank is new or controversial. The only thing that is sort-of-new is that the Church now recognizes that the inclination itself is not an act of volition, and hence the inclination itself not sinful. The Church also appears to recognize that homosexuality is not "curable." But regardless, the inclination is not sinful, while the act of giving in to it IS SINFUL. Just like every other sin. WE ARE ALL INCLINED TO SIN...that is the result of our original forefathers eating of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. The INCLINATION is not sinful.


Are you a godly person? If so.
Can you tell us the moral grounds for DOPers doing live mammal pigs?
aka: Bestiality WOW? Here in America, It's still legal in some states.
Or just a misdemeanor.


Legality of bestiality in the United States - Wikipedia


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Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Is nobody paying attention out there?

There is NOTHING MORALLY WRONG WITH BEING GAY! No rational person ever said there was.

There is nothing morally wrong with a single man being sexually attracted to women.

There is nothing morally wrong with a married man finding a woman who is not his wife to be sexually attractive.

But to give in to those desires...to commit sodomy with another man, or to fornicate with that woman, or to commit adultery with that woman not your wife, THOSE THINGS ARE SINFUL! The Bible is clear. The Church's teachings are clear.

Nothing in this quasi-quote from Pope Frank is new or controversial. The only thing that is sort-of-new is that the Church now recognizes that the inclination itself is not an act of volition, and hence the inclination itself not sinful. The Church also appears to recognize that homosexuality is not "curable." But regardless, the inclination is not sinful, while the act of giving in to it IS SINFUL. Just like every other sin. WE ARE ALL INCLINED TO SIN...that is the result of our original forefathers eating of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. The INCLINATION is not sinful.

Jesus said that to think the sin is a sin whether you have the gumption to do it or not.

That presents a problem that only highlights the absurdity of the teaching that the concern of God and subjects of the moral law are diet, fashion, and the sexual behavior of bipeds.

That does not mean that it is not a sin for a man to lie with another man like a woman, it just means that the subject of the behavior under condemnation is not sex.

How many men defer to the Pope? How many have forsaken women and taken vows of obedience to the pope for life as if they were his wife? How many religious laymen go to work and take shit from another man and violate their own conscience every day of their lives no matter how much love they profess for God and Jesus and even if they are married to a woman?

Priests might never had sex in their entire life but still are guilty of this sin. Preachers may never have taken vows of subservience to the Pope but they all have lifted their skirts for a perverse false mangod.

By condemning homosexuals they all might as well be condemning themselves.
The Pope speaks for God

If God says being gay is OK......it is OK by me
Who am I to disagree with God

The Pope gets misquoted a lot, but in this case maybe the gay guy f*'d with the wrong guy and the wrath will come after him.
The Pope is infallible

if a priest decides to insist that Homosexual
acts are sinful-----will he be excommunicated?

Remains to be seen

Pope knows his stuff
Please. I want to know MORE!
But wait......There’s more!

Pope Francis will also give you women priests, drop celibacy and allow birth control
What does God say about leading His sheep astray? This Pope is a liar and a fraud.

God says if your eye offends thee pluck it out, don't indulge it: < that says the opposite of what this Pope is peddling.
Mark 9:47
And if your eye causes you to fall into sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, if your hand is causing you to fall into sin, cut it off....

Nowhere in the Bible does it say, "If it feels good do it. I condone sin.." Ask the Pope to find that passage for me.
Consider this Pope a false prophet, if not the false prophet described in end time prophecy.

Pope Francis speaks directly for God and is infallible

Your disrespect is offending God

Not only is God not offended, He is the one who disperses discernment. This Pope speaks for the UN. and is what God refers to as a dog.

Your offense is being noted. You will have to answer to God for denigrating his chosen Pope

I see a long term in Hell for you

Then you see wrong. I belong to Christ, not the Pope. But don't take my word for it, take Christ's:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Paying homage to a Pope isn't a requirement.

In fact, Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation about the churches that will join Him upon His return. The church of Rome doesn't even get honorable mention.
Last edited:
The Pope gets misquoted a lot, but in this case maybe the gay guy f*'d with the wrong guy and the wrath will come after him.
The Pope is infallible

if a priest decides to insist that Homosexual
acts are sinful-----will he be excommunicated?

Remains to be seen

Pope knows his stuff
Please. I want to know MORE!
But wait......There’s more!

Pope Francis will also give you women priests, drop celibacy and allow birth control

Gotta love the forcing by the church to bring its flocks
of Bigots forward in thinking in the last years of the first
quarter of the 21st century in such awesome painful ways.
What does God say about leading His sheep astray? This Pope is a liar and a fraud.

God says if your eye offends thee pluck it out, don't indulge it: < that says the opposite of what this Pope is peddling.
Mark 9:47
And if your eye causes you to fall into sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, if your hand is causing you to fall into sin, cut it off....

Nowhere in the Bible does it say, "If it feels good do it. I condone sin.." Ask the Pope to find that passage for me.
Consider this Pope a false prophet, if not the false prophet described in end time prophecy.

Pope Francis speaks directly for God and is infallible

Your disrespect is offending God

Not only is God not offended, He is the one who disperses discernment. This Pope speaks for the UN. and is what God refers to as a dog.

Your offense is being noted. You will have to answer to God for denigrating his chosen Pope

I see a long term in Hell for you

Then you see wrong. I belong to Christ, not the Pope. But don't take my word for it, take Christ's:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Paying homage to a Pope isn't a requirement.

In fact, Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation about the churches that will join Him upon His return. The church of Rome doesn't even get honorable mention.

"Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation...." SHEEESH-----you on mushrooms too?
What does God say about leading His sheep astray? This Pope is a liar and a fraud.

God says if your eye offends thee pluck it out, don't indulge it: < that says the opposite of what this Pope is peddling.
Mark 9:47
And if your eye causes you to fall into sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, if your hand is causing you to fall into sin, cut it off....

Nowhere in the Bible does it say, "If it feels good do it. I condone sin.." Ask the Pope to find that passage for me.
Consider this Pope a false prophet, if not the false prophet described in end time prophecy.

Pope Francis speaks directly for God and is infallible

Your disrespect is offending God

Not only is God not offended, He is the one who disperses discernment. This Pope speaks for the UN. and is what God refers to as a dog.

Your offense is being noted. You will have to answer to God for denigrating his chosen Pope

I see a long term in Hell for you

Then you see wrong. I belong to Christ, not the Pope. But don't take my word for it, take Christ's:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Paying homage to a Pope isn't a requirement.

In fact, Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation about the churches that will join Him upon His return. The church of Rome doesn't even get honorable mention.

What churches are those?
BTW. aren't real Irish people of Catholic origins?
What does God say about leading His sheep astray? This Pope is a liar and a fraud.

God says if your eye offends thee pluck it out, don't indulge it: < that says the opposite of what this Pope is peddling.
Mark 9:47
And if your eye causes you to fall into sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, if your hand is causing you to fall into sin, cut it off....

Nowhere in the Bible does it say, "If it feels good do it. I condone sin.." Ask the Pope to find that passage for me.
Consider this Pope a false prophet, if not the false prophet described in end time prophecy.

Pope Francis speaks directly for God and is infallible

Your disrespect is offending God

Not only is God not offended, He is the one who disperses discernment. This Pope speaks for the UN. and is what God refers to as a dog.

Your offense is being noted. You will have to answer to God for denigrating his chosen Pope

I see a long term in Hell for you

Then you see wrong. I belong to Christ, not the Pope. But don't take my word for it, take Christ's:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Paying homage to a Pope isn't a requirement.

In fact, Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation about the churches that will join Him upon His return. The church of Rome doesn't even get honorable mention.
Not any more I’m afraid

Jesus reads this board .......he knows what you said about his Pope
What does God say about leading His sheep astray? This Pope is a liar and a fraud.

God says if your eye offends thee pluck it out, don't indulge it: < that says the opposite of what this Pope is peddling.
Mark 9:47
And if your eye causes you to fall into sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, if your hand is causing you to fall into sin, cut it off....

Nowhere in the Bible does it say, "If it feels good do it. I condone sin.." Ask the Pope to find that passage for me.
Consider this Pope a false prophet, if not the false prophet described in end time prophecy.

Pope Francis speaks directly for God and is infallible

Your disrespect is offending God

Not only is God not offended, He is the one who disperses discernment. This Pope speaks for the UN. and is what God refers to as a dog.

Your offense is being noted. You will have to answer to God for denigrating his chosen Pope

I see a long term in Hell for you

Then you see wrong. I belong to Christ, not the Pope. But don't take my word for it, take Christ's:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Paying homage to a Pope isn't a requirement.

In fact, Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation about the churches that will join Him upon His return. The church of Rome doesn't even get honorable mention.
Not any more I’m afraid

Jesus reads this board .......he knows what you said about his Pope
LOL! Nailed it...


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