Pope Francis slams 'STUPID' Climate Change Deniers! The Pope has direct info. from god!

It is great to know that the Pope of the Vatican is up on the latest meteorological, climatological and environmental science. Many in the field aren't even there themselves.
Complete misrepresentation. He said we should listen to the advice of scientists. Of course, your only objection is that you a denier because of your own superstitions. I love me some irony!

It sure beats being a total illiterate jackass idiot!
Right, just like all them lyin' scientists. Those fools should crack a book once in a awhile, right?!?!?! *hee haw*

No, simpleton, some of the scientists who care about the real facts against their personal careers tell the truth; the rest are just out to protect their jobs. Just as sensationalized weather forecasting is big money for the meteorologists, climate scares is great job security and money for the climatologists--- ---both make each more important and relevant, and makes big government even more happy as they would be the biggest winners of all. And most of these climatologists work for who?
"No, simpleton, some of the scientists who care about the real facts against their personal careers tell the truth; the rest are just out to protect their jobs. "

Right... the other 95%+. Okay. How is it that you do not see how completely absurd you sound? That's the part that really fascinates me. Clearly, your statement (and its implications) is bizarre, absurd, and, frankly, mind-numbingly stupid.... the tiny percentage who agree with your superstitions are correct, while the rest are liars. You HONESTLY think this sounds reasonable and smart. And that boggles my mind. How far down the rabbit hole does one have to be to not see how f***ing stupid this is???

Just look in the mirror and you'll have your answer.
I rather bet the climate change believers don't support the Popes views on abortion info he also gets direct from God.
Pontiff calls on politicians to take scientists' advice as he raises alarm over global warming after major storms.

Pope Francis has sharply criticised climate change deniers as "stupid" in the wake of a spate of powerful hurricanes that have wreaked havoc in the US, Mexico and the Caribbean.

"Those who deny it [climate change] should go to the scientists and ask them," the pontiff said on Monday during an in-flight press conference on the return leg of a five-day Colombia trip. "They speak very clearly."

As his charter plane flew over some of the recently devastated areas en route to Rome, Francis added: "I am reminded of a phrase from the Old Testament, I think from the Psalm: 'Man is stupid, he is stubborn and he does not see.'"


'Moral responsibility'

Francis is one of the world's most high-profile campaigners on environmental issues, actively supporting efforts to combat climate change and its consequences.

He said individuals and politicians had a "moral responsibility" to act on advice from scientists, who had clearly outlined what must be done to halt the course of "catastrophic" warming.

"These aren't opinions pulled out of thin air," he said. "They are very clear. They [world leaders] decide and history will judge those decisions."
Pope Francis slams 'stupid' climate change deniers

Poor DOPer Deniers! Even the appointed representative on earth for
god, knowns it's true. The Pope, our priest rape protector, believes in
Climate Charge by man. FFS!

btw...:wtf:"moral responsibility"? FFS! People who are devotees of fake gods have NO
'morals or selfrepect for anythang' :lmao:
. This fake Pope needs to resign immediately.
Pontiff calls on politicians to take scientists' advice as he raises alarm over global warming after major storms.

Pope Francis has sharply criticised climate change deniers as "stupid" in the wake of a spate of powerful hurricanes that have wreaked havoc in the US, Mexico and the Caribbean.

"Those who deny it [climate change] should go to the scientists and ask them," the pontiff said on Monday during an in-flight press conference on the return leg of a five-day Colombia trip. "They speak very clearly."

As his charter plane flew over some of the recently devastated areas en route to Rome, Francis added: "I am reminded of a phrase from the Old Testament, I think from the Psalm: 'Man is stupid, he is stubborn and he does not see.'"


'Moral responsibility'

Francis is one of the world's most high-profile campaigners on environmental issues, actively supporting efforts to combat climate change and its consequences.

He said individuals and politicians had a "moral responsibility" to act on advice from scientists, who had clearly outlined what must be done to halt the course of "catastrophic" warming.

"These aren't opinions pulled out of thin air," he said. "They are very clear. They [world leaders] decide and history will judge those decisions."
Pope Francis slams 'stupid' climate change deniers

Poor DOPer Deniers! Even the appointed representative on earth for
god, knowns it's true. The Pope, our priest rape protector, believes in
Climate Charge by man. FFS!

btw...:wtf:"moral responsibility"? FFS! People who are devotees of fake gods have NO
'morals or selfrepect for anythang' :lmao:
The fucking Pope needs to take a manbearpig bobble head doll and shove it up his ass… fucking child molester
Pontiff calls on politicians to take scientists' advice as he raises alarm over global warming after major storms.

Pope Francis has sharply criticised climate change deniers as "stupid" in the wake of a spate of powerful hurricanes that have wreaked havoc in the US, Mexico and the Caribbean.

"Those who deny it [climate change] should go to the scientists and ask them," the pontiff said on Monday during an in-flight press conference on the return leg of a five-day Colombia trip. "They speak very clearly."

As his charter plane flew over some of the recently devastated areas en route to Rome, Francis added: "I am reminded of a phrase from the Old Testament, I think from the Psalm: 'Man is stupid, he is stubborn and he does not see.'"


'Moral responsibility'

Francis is one of the world's most high-profile campaigners on environmental issues, actively supporting efforts to combat climate change and its consequences.

He said individuals and politicians had a "moral responsibility" to act on advice from scientists, who had clearly outlined what must be done to halt the course of "catastrophic" warming.

"These aren't opinions pulled out of thin air," he said. "They are very clear. They [world leaders] decide and history will judge those decisions."
Pope Francis slams 'stupid' climate change deniers

Poor DOPer Deniers! Even the appointed representative on earth for
god, knowns it's true. The Pope, our priest rape protector, believes in
Climate Charge by man. FFS!

btw...:wtf:"moral responsibility"? FFS! People who are devotees of fake gods have NO
'morals or selfrepect for anythang' :lmao:
What do you expect? He's Catholic.

Less child raping and better family values?
Families do want Air and Habitable lands to live on. Btw.
If I walked around saying god talked to me I'd be put in a psych ward on a 72 hour hold but people believe this guy when he says he talks to god.
Hey Francis, we tried talking to these climate "Scientists" and they only thing they'll say is that they have "consensus" (not a scientific word).


Step back and take a good look at the Papacy, Vatican. What does it look most like ?

A holy pure virgin woman fit to marry the Lord of the universe ?

Or an old whore that has fornicated with all the kings of Europe for over a 1000 years ?


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